Street Woman Fighter S2 Onesh...

By cool_fancier

35.8K 650 43

This collection takes you on an exciting journey across the limitless worlds of dance and imagination. Explor... More

The Pocky Challenge
The Tutor
Love Beneath the Battle
Flames of Passion
A Day Of Rest
Unveiled Hearts
Facing Difficulty
The Finals
A Day of Laughter and Love
Challenges Together
Morning Serenade
A Dance of Rivalry and Romance
Love's Choreography
Stolen Moments
The Banter of Love
Bound by Love, Torn by Illness
A Butterfly's Embrace
A Digital Dance of Hearts
The Rhythm of Secrets
A Dance of Synergy
Playful Jealously

More Than Just Friends

2.1K 40 1
By cool_fancier

Thank you @beoum_gyuu for requesting,I hope you like it.

BEBE Tatter x Reader

Tatter and you had been incredibly close from the beginning. There was no denying that connection, that spark. It's true, you two were "just friends" when you first met, but things took an unexpected and surprising turn after that.

Your journey started in a simple dance studio where you both ended up as students. What drew you together was your passion for dance. You two practised together for many hours, improving your skills and challenging one another to do better.

"Ready to go over the choreography again?" Tatter would often ask with her trademark enthusiasm. She had this way of lighting up the room, her energy infectious. She had the greatest passion for dancing of anyone you've ever met.

You two put in endless practise, and with every routine, you got closer and closer. Your friendship grew, and it was clear to everyone around you that you had something special. "You two are so close, it's like you're soulmates," people would say, and you two would shrug it off as just friendship.

But it went outside the dance studio. You two interacted outside of the dance floor. You would talk about your aspirations, worries, and dreams. You would check out new restaurants, go to to movies, and have late-night talks.  Those were all just "friends" spending time together and having fun.

However, there were hints—tiny glimpses of something more. Similar to how Tatter would secretly glance at you, her eyes glimmering with a warmth that surpassed mere friendship or maybe when she was talking about someone else and you would become a little jealous. It was hard to ignore those tiny butterflies in your stomachs and the lingering touches that gave you chills.

Something changed one evening when you were working on a particularly difficult workout. You two were both breathing heavily, sweat dripping off your bodies, and Tatter fell on the ground laughing hysterically. Her laughter was the most wonderful sound in the world, and you couldn't help but laugh with her.

She glanced at you while you two sat there, gathering your breath. Her eyes were different—intense, almost searching. Your mind raced to try and figure out what was going on, and you began to feel your heart race. That is when it took place. She leaned in and gave you the most natural, unexpected kiss.

The world stopped for you. As your lips connected, it felt as though time had stopped. Now, there was no going back. The truth was out—there was more between you than "just friends."

Tatter pulled away, her eyes searching yours for a reaction. You could see the fear, the uncertainty, and the vulnerability in her gaze. You realised then that you couldn't ignore what had been there the entire time.

You cupped her cheek with trembling hands and said, "We were never 'just friends,' Tatter."

Her brilliant smile reappeared as her eyes brightened. "I'm glad you said that because 'just friends' don't feel like this."

In your dance studio, "just friends" blossomed into something greater and exquisite. It was a place of change.  From a friendship, your relationship grew into an everlasting love.

You both agreed to keep things under wraps. It started off as your tiny world, a love tale that you kept from the outside world. You'd steal moments together in the dance studio, share secret glances during practice, and lock lips when no one was watching.

For a while, everything went well. However, secrets tend to find their way to get exposed and yours was no different. One day, when friends Bada, Lusher, Minah, Kyma, Cheche, and Sowoen happened to walk in on the two of you having a private moment, the truth came out. It was impossible to miss the horror on their expressions, but what followed was unexpected.

They showed no signs of surprise, anger, or judgement. Rather, they smiled at you both with understanding.  With her sharp eyes, Bada laughed and said, "Well, it's about time you two."

Everybody nodded, including Lusher, Minah, Kyma, Cheche, and Sowoen. Minah said, "You two are meant to be together."

You shared a look with Tatter and couldn't help but smile. Your friends knew all along about the stolen looks, the unsaid feelings, and the hidden love you shared.

It was no longer a secret about your love story. It was praised, welcomed, and treasured. Tatter and you discovered that love, regardless of how it starts, is a beautiful and unstoppable force that overcomes all odds as you held each other in the company of friends who understood and supported our journey from "just friends" to so much more.

Over time, the hidden love story you shared with Tatter became into your most valued possession. You two had a true, strong connection, and here was a place where you could find peace, comfort, and an unbreakable love. There was more between you than "just friends," and you both knew it.

But it wasn't meant to be a story of endless joy for you. Despite how much you valued your love, life had other plans for you, and there were challenges.

When Tatter got an offer from an influential dance group in a different city, that was the first sign that anything was wrong. It was her once-in-a-lifetime chance to perform on an immense stage and showcase her ability to a global audience. It fulfilled every desire she had ever had.

You understood that you couldn't get in the way of her. Even though accepting the offer would mean asking her to move away, you encouraged her to do so. Even though it hurt, you wanted to see her succeed and felt that she should be allowed to pursue her goals in life.

You promised that even though you were far apart, you would continue to communicate, see each other whenever you could, and love each other.

Being far away was a hard companion. While video calls and messages made up the distance, nothing could ever fully replace her presence. As the months passed, you missed her more than you could have ever imagined.

"It's unbelievable—I got the offer!" Tatter says.  "My dream has come true."

"Tatter, this is incredible!" you exclaim. "I'm happy for you. You have to accept it.

Then something unexpected occurred.  Tatter's company decided to send her on an international tour, taking her to places you could only dream of visiting. She was achieving her dreams, but it meant your time together became even scarcer.

Tatter: "I'm leaving for an international tour and won't be back for a while. It's a huge opportunity, but it also means we'll be apart Lovey."

You: "I want you to take this risk, Tatter. I'll be right here waiting for you."

One fateful night, while Tatter was in a different country, you talked about the future.

Tatter: "I miss you so much. This distance is killing me."

You: "I also miss you." We knew it wouldn't be easy, but we'll get through it sweetheart, I promise."

You two made the most agonising choice while crying and exhaling deeply.

Tatter: "Maybe we need to focus on our careers and take a break. We can find our way back to one another when the moment is just right."

You:"I can understand, I don't want to lose you Tatter but we'll find a way."

It was a decision that broke your heart and left you with an everlasting pain. Tatter started on a global tour, and you gave your own job your all. Practises, performances, and a void that only she could fill occupied your days.

There was the hope and the promise that you will cross paths again at the right time.  However, the pain of being "just friends" without her was difficult to bear.

As months went by, your careers took off together. Tatter rose to fame as a dancer throughout the world, and you were well-known in the field of music.  Though it couldn't bring back the things you had lost, success offered you purpose.

And then your paths crossed again one fatal night. You couldn't help but want to watch her dance again when she returned to town for a show.

You realised that your love for her had never faded, even if you had came back to being "just friends" as you watched her perform. The memories suddenly came flooding back. It was a reminder of the love you once shared, a sadness that had been deeply ingrained in your heart.

You smiled at her as the show came to a the end, knowing that the road back to love would not be simple but would definitely be worthwhile. Though the outside world may have viewed you as "just friends," your hearts revealed a different, longer-lasting tale.

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