His Dharma-A mahabharata fict...

By krishnaamanmohanaa

7.3K 331 721

Cover credit goes to @Kanhaiyakisakhi9112 His heart beat she was She was everything for his empty world He fo... More

Character description!
not an update
A Decision.
He's sweet

"Is this Dharma, Govind?"

544 29 48
By krishnaamanmohanaa


The Pandavas were shocked that the Panchal Princess chose a Brahman as her husband.

Draupadi was smiling ear to ear knowing well that she will be Arjun's, only his!

The other Kings and princes didn't like the idea, especially Mama Sakuni and his little munchkins.
(I thought this was funny-)

They were devastated to hear that it was Arjun and his brothers, from Angraj . They were shook to their core.

Dharmini looked at Kanha, worried.
He just nodded positively throwing his signature grin at her.

Dharmini had tears in her eyes remembering her parents. They were so excited for her wedding, they had planned so much. And now, she was here facing her sudden marriage to the 'mythical' guy, she once read about in books.

She was glad that she got shuch an amazing family in a different yuga but she did miss her parents...a lot! Her nights were no less than hell, the nightmares, the screaming of her parents everything replayed in her mind.


They were now taking blessings from their elders, everyone blessed the two beautiful couples to have a good life ahead.

"You both are the happiness of my life, I bless you with all the happiness of the whole world" Dhristdyumn blessed his dear sisters smiling.

The girls hugged him, letting their tears fall.

"You are the best brother!" They said at the same time. Dhristdyumn smiled caressing their head.

"Oh Brahman devs! Please take care of these cute apples of my eyes" Dhristdyumn said joining his hands.

"We will Yuvraj!" Arjun said smiling.

"They are our responsibility now! We will make sure they are happy, always" Yudhisthir promised smiling.

The girls then went towards Krishna.

"Govind!" Draupadi exclaimed bowing down to touch his feet.

Krishna blessed her smiling.

Dharmaa looked at him with tears in her eyes and hugged him. She didn't care if anyone thought anything wrong of her, she just wanted his warm hug at this very moment.

"It's okay Dharmaa everything you did was meant to happen one way or another....but brace yourself for your upcoming life.... you will face a lot and now when you are married to the Yuvraj of Hastinapur you will have lots of responsibilities to bear" Kanha smiled, hugging her back.

"What?! Kanha I can not even take care of myself....no no no!" She exclaimed, breaking the hug.

"Your Drau is there... don't worry" Kanha smiled looking down at her distressed face.

"Urghhhhh!! We were better off at kaliyug watching Oggy" She muttered sighing.

"Oh shi-" "Let's go princess!" Before she could say something, Yudhisthir came asking for her to come along.

"Hmm" She hummed, giving a last look at Kanha.

Dharmini was walking quitely, humming her favorite song when suddenly she heard Draupadi sobbing.

Worried, she ran towards her sister.

"What happened?!" She wrapped her arms around Draupadi's shoulder.

"We....we....we got won by Rakshses!!!" She exclaimed, sobbing.

Dharmini finally connected the dots 'ohhh we are doing this now...' she mentally slapped herself, preparing for the extra dramatic behavior they were about to shower.

"WHAT?! Ahhhhh! I chose a Rakshas as my husband!" Dharmini continued with the drama, getting even more dramatic.

"What?! Do we look like horrible rakhshas to you both?!" Arjun exclaimed pointing at his face.

"Rakshas are horrible?!" Bheem glared at him, pissed off.

"No! No!!"

The girls sobbed louder, now holding each other's hand.

"What are you talking about? Don't you remember we met some time ago?" Yudhisthir spoke with utter confusion.

"We meet a lot of people everyday" Dharmini sniffled looking away.

"Yeah! And we don't remember meeting you guys..." Draupadi said.

"What to do now bhrata?!" Arjun looked at Bheem with hopeful eyes.

"Say sorry" He replied.


"Just ask for forgiveness! I am talking with personal experience"

"Heyy, please don't cry like that! You guys are correct-" Dharmini didn't let Yudhisthir finish.

"What?! You are saying you are a Rakshas?" She sobbed louder.

"No, no! You don't remember? It's me Yudhisthir... remember you crashed with me that day?" He said looking at her hopefully.

"Dharmaa I think we.....what if they are cannibal and eat us!" Draupadi gasped, dramatically putting her hands on her mouth.

" Oh no!! Hey Nayayan!!!" Dharmini sobbed looking up.

"Say sorry you guys" Bheem whispered in his brothers ears.

The grooms then got on their knees and asked for forgiveness.

The girls avoided looking at each other.

"I am sorry Princess!!!"Both of them exclaimed at the same time, joining their hands.

The girls tried hard not to laugh.

"We are no Rakshas princesses, I am Arjun and this is my brother Yudhisthir and they are Bheem, Nakul and Sahadev" Arjun said pointing at each of them.

"We are Hastinapur's princes, we abandoned the kingdom" Yudhisthir continued.

The drama queens brusted out laughing.

"We knew that already" Dharmini said.

"Yep! Just wanted to hear it from you guys" Draupadi laughed. They looked at eachother and started laughing harder.

The 5 of them looked at eachother and joined them, laughing.

"You guys are too funny" Nakul commented.

"Let's get going, mata is alone" Yudhisthir smiled, looking at his family.

The girls were still laughing.

"This is the power a wife holds....the mighty warriors came on their knees" Dharmini whispered, side hugging Draupadi who laughed harder.

"St....st...stop" She managed to blurt out in between her laughter.

"Let's get going now!!! I feel hungry" Nakul whined.

The girls nodded positively.

When they were near the small hut, Dharmini's leg twisted.

"AHH!OUCH!" She hissed in pain.

"What happened?!" Yudhisthir grabbed her and made her sit under a tree.

"I think my leg..." She spoke holding her right leg.

"Sahadev!!" Yudhisthir called.

"Yes bhratashree?"

"Look what happened to her leg" He said, worried.

"Let me check" Sahadev proceeds to touch her leg.

"S-stop!! You can't touch my feet" She said holding his hand.

"Why? You are my Bhabhishree, touching your feet gives me happiness, and I am here to treat you, so, as a vaidya I have to touch it" Sahadev smiled taking a look at her foot.

She flinched when he grabbed it, twisting it a little.

"This will be back to normal at no time" Sahadev said, cracking her foot.

"AHH! Wait! Oh! The pain is gone!" She exclaimed.

"Thank you Sahadev!!" She said happily.

"No prob-" "Draupadi!!!" Dharmaa interjected, looking at Draupadi who just ran out of the hut with tears in her eyes.

"Oh shi-no no no no it's not happening" She jerked up, running towards Draupadi.

"What? Hey! Wait!!" Yudhisthir called, utter confusion laced his voice.

"Draupadi!! What happened?!" Dharmini asked, already known to the answer.

"Ma...mata said that I should be divied to the 5 of them equally..." She sobbed, looking down.

"Heyy...."Dharmini hugged her.

"How??" Draupadi hugged her back.

"Rajkumari..." Arjun came, joining his hands.

"Rajkumari....will you please marry my elder brother" He joined his hands, not daring to look at her.

"What?! How can I marry my younger sister's husband?! And what about you?" She exclaimed.

"We 4 will be taking Sanyas" He looked down.

Pin drop silence, the only thing heard was the flowing of river and breeze.

After sometime,

"No!!!! I've decided, I will marry all of you..." She said lowly.

"I can't let mata Kunti lose her son's because of my personal happiness" She exhaled.

Dharmini stayed silent. She didn't want to say anything that could harm niyati. She just looked at Draupadi with tears in her eyes and a helpless expression.

They went to Kunti and Draupadi talked about her decision.

"NO!! IMPOSSIBLE!! I WILL NEVER LET MY DAUGHTERS ROT IN THIS HELL" Drupad yelled, jumping down from the chariot.

"My daughters are not marrying demons like you!!!" Drupad shot arrows towards the Pandavas that landed in front of their feet.

"Maharaj!" Krishna came and stood in front of Drupad who was about to shoot more arrows.

"The one's who won your daughters are not some mere Brahmins they are the princes of Hastinapur" Krishna said.

"Whatever or whoever they are they have no rights to divide my daughter and give her lifelong sorrow" He yelled.

"The reason for her division and sorrow is none other than you Maharaj Drupad" Krishna said looking at him.

"Don't you remember what you asked for your daughters?" He said making Drupad step back.

"What happened has already happened, no one can change it, it's the fate you asked for your daughter" He continued.

"But...but how can my elder daughter marry my youngest daughter's husband? And .....and I never asked for Dharmini's sorrow" Drupad said with a low voice.

"Everything  you asked were for your daughters and Dharmini is your daughter Maharaj" Krishna said.

"I don't have any objections, my sister has done a lot for me....what she is doing is for other people's happiness I can't be the selfish one here" Dharmini said.

"But this is Adharma....I can't...." Draupad zoned out.

"This is Adharma!" Everyone cocked thier head towards the source of the raspy voice.

"Bhagwan Ved Vyas?" Kunti said, joining her hands, everyone following her gesture.

"But in this context, we can't term this as Adharma" He continued, a small smile plastered in his face.

With a lot of discussion and question answers. Everyone concluded to the fact that this marriage is meant to happen.

"Let's go back to the palace then, until the wedding I shall treat you as my atithi (guests)" Drupad joined his hands, welcoming his daughters’ soon-to-be in laws and husbands.

Dharmini looked at Draupadi and smiled at her. The girls got inside thier chairot, going off to their home.

"Do you not feel bad that you have to share your husband with me?" Draupadi asked looking at her sister.

Dharmini gave her a small smile.

"To be honest, I am not in love with the guy I am marrying, in fact, I don't even know him sooooo I don't particularly feel anything right now"

Draupadi looked at her, confusion evident in her facial expression.

"Don't worry Drau! We will go through this together, as long as I am with you and you are with me, we trust each other, no one, not even our husband can come in between. Besides we can pull a lot of pranks together and and have so much fun!!" Her eyes lit up with joy.

"You know what, when we stay with uhmmm Yuvraj together, we will make him sleep in couch and sleep together" She giggled like a kid.

Draupadi chuckled at her attempt to make the mood lighter.

"That's not enough!!!" Dharmini pouted.


"The laugh!!" She said tickling her everywhere.

"H-HEY!!!" Draupadi exclaimed, laughing.

"STOPPPPPP" She whined holding her hands and fake glared at her.

"Ahh! I am so sleepy" Dharmini yawned putting her head on Draupadi's shoulder and drifting off to her dreamland.

"This girl!" Draupadi giggled at her sister's antics, patting her head a little.

Yolaaaa! I am sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo sorryyyyyyyyyyyy. I didn't figure out what to write 🤧🤧.

Please forgive me and enjoyyy~🌸.


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