A Decision.

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It's been two months since Dharmini was adopted. She grew very close to the family members especially Panchali and Sikhandini.

"Dharmaa" Panchali called.

"Yes?" Dharmini acknowledged.

"How do you want your future husband to be?" She asked.

Dharmini chuckled saying, "The one who loves me a lot and.....hmm he must be supportive, calm, composed, collected and most importantly he should not order me around and have faith in me, andddd he should never stop me from running and living freely and he must be fun to be around with, that's all."

"All in all you want to be treated like a queen" Draupadi commented.

"Yep!" Dharmini said puffing her chest out standing up like a queen.

"And you? Tomorrow is your swayambar" Dharmini asked.

"I just want Rajkumar Arjun, that's all" Panchali replied blushing.

Dharmini laughed teasing her.

"Arjun huhhhhhhhh" She teased.

"Ughh! Wait until you get your husband......You know what I really wish we could end up with the same inlaws" Draupadi said somewhat sadly.

"Seriously, me too" Dharmini yelled excited.

"Aghh don't yell" Panchali covered her ears.

"Right sorry" Dharmini said embarrassed.

"Hmm Now tell me what should I wear tomorrow?" Draupadi asked.

"Hmm this one!" Dharmini chose a red set.

"Okay" Draupadi agreed grinning widely.

They were talking about random things.

Meanwhile, Kanha was convincing Drupad to conduct the swayambar for Dharmini along with Draupadi as well.

"Maharaj trust me, I only want better for my sakhis" Krishna said.

"I know Vasudev but" Draupad tried to say.

"No buts, trust me everything is going to be fine" He said.

"Fine then Vasudev but I can't convince her. It's your work now" Draupad said agreeing.

"Finally! Leave the rest to me " Krishna said going towards his sakhis' room.

"Sakhii Dharmaaaaa" Krishna sang entering the room.

"Krishnaaaa manmohanaaaaaa...Yes?" Dharmini greeted with the same level of energy.

"Govind" Panchali acknowledged.

"Get ready!" He exclaimed.

"For what?!" Dharmini exclaimed too.

"Your marrige" Kanha cheered.

"Yayyyyy....Wait WHAT?!" Dharmini choked.

"YES!" Kanha exclaimed happily.

"No wayyyyyyyyyy" Dharmini said her eyes went wide.

"Yes wayyyyyyyyyy" Krishna said.

"I am just a little girl Nandlala. How can I marry? Its illegal" Dharmini said with a pout.

"Yes you act like a child no- a brat actually but you are a grown woman Dharmini" Kanha said getting smacked by a pillow thrown at him.

"I am no brat you are, and its not like the dharmraj is going to Marry me for me to just accept the marriage proposal" She said.

"I don't know if Dharmraj is going to marry you but you can marry anyone you want. It's your swayambar afterall" Kanha said.

"What?! Look, I am no Doll of a mela (fair) for someone to perform some task and win me" Dharmini said seriously.

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