Mha: call of the void

By Casw123

1.1K 3 25

In a universe where deku is void of many things considered important to his life and told he can't be a hero... More

Chapter 1 slipping through the cracks part 1 an unchanged fate
Chapter 1 slipping through the cracks Part 2 a changed Destiny
Chapter 1 slipping through the cracks Part 3 a disturbance in the force
Chapter 1 slipping through the cracks Part 4 an eldritch vigilante
chapter 2 an eldritch demigod Part 1 a significant upgrade
Chapter 2 an eldritch demigod Part 2 a strange dream
Chapter 2 an eldritch demigod Part 3 the light in the darkness
chapter 2 an eldritch demigod Part 4 the rewards of evolution
Chapter 2 an eldritch demigod Part 5 a supernatural battle
Chapter 3 a chain of cosmic event's Part 1 actions have consequences
Chapter 3 a chain of cosmic event's Part 2 revenge for eri
Chapter 3 a chain of cosmic event's Part 3 fear of the unknown
Chapter 3 a chain of cosmic event's Part 4 metamorphosis
Chapter 4 forbidden secrets Part 1 the price of time travel
Chapter 4 forbidden secrets Part 3 the sphere of stats
Chapter 4 forbidden secrets Part 4 the awakening

Chapter 4 forbidden secrets Part 2 a new pantheon

27 0 0
By Casw123

After Izuku was done taking with ua he went back to his pocket dimension. He could sense all for one had visited. Ironically enough. All for one left almost immediately after and went back in time. Though from his pocket dimension Izuku could see what all for one was doing in the past. He was trying to get powerful enough to kill him. He also tried taking eri's quirk. Though all for one in truth didn't get anything more than her quirk in a alternate timeline. Sure it was still rewind.

But with the existence of eri no longer being in the past or future. The rewind all for one had taken only existed as a paradox. It doesn't mean it worked differently. But it means until the paradox is resolved. All for one is effectively immortal so long as eri isn't dead. However. The only way to kill Izuku would also be able to kill eri. And assuming all for one managed to outlive the universe. He just couldn't outlive the multiverse regardless of what he did. Though Izuku eri and toga theoretically could outlive the multiverse. If in the correct circumstances.

In other words. All for one basically had to become a glorified avatar of eri just to leave the world. And all he gets out of it is a flawed form of immortality. Though All things considered. it wasn't that bad because all for one still could think for himself and had a will of his own. Though Regardless of that truth. This meant he basically had no choice but to work with Izuku toga and eri if he wanted any chance of living past the end of the multiverse. Though all for one would likely not learn about this any time soon. After all. He never was involved with Izuku.

It didn't help that all for one couldn't even comprehend the existence of a cocoon larger than galaxy's. Sure it was definitely odd from the perspective of a human. But to Izuku it felt nothing short of normal. In fact it was comforting to Izuku that such objects were near him. This was without mentioning the knowledge that they held people he cared about that were evolving. It was hard to explain why he felt this way. And the feeling was hard to put into exact words. But it definitely cemented the feeling of family. Perhaps Izuku could marry toga in a few years when they were both physically adults.

And eri would be there daughter. There little cosmic horror of time. Unfortunately inko couldn't be given power directly. Though blessings were a perfect workaround for this. It would just be a while before that could be done. But Izuku wanted his mom to get to know the new him nonetheless. And Izuku had plans to create a new pantheon using his power. He just needed 2 more people. It didn't matter if they were good or evil. They'd someday lack the concepts of good and evil after they gained there power.

They didn't even need to share his beliefs. They just needed to accept this power. And Izuku had the exact 2 people in mind. Izuku then summoned momo and shinso into his pocket dimension. Izuku "I summoned you both because I have a deal. A deal that can apply to both of you were both of you to accept it, though if one of you refuses I can always offer it to someone else". Momo and shinso "what is this deal?". Izuku "I have enough power to make 2 people gain powers similar to my own. It comes with cosmic knowledge. Your quirks being upgraded beyond what classifies them as quirks and all drawbacks of them get removed, though you also gain immortality".

Momo and shinso "are there any drawbacks or any catches to this deal?". Izuku "you will no longer be human. You will someday lack the concepts of good and evil. You will be incapable of giving powers to others by magical means. It will take at least 7 days unless you don't mind it being some amount painful in return for it being less time. You will end up staying in my pocket dimension after your evolution so you can learn to use your new powers, I'm fine with compensating for these but I can't remove those conditions unless I don't give the power at all".

Momo "from what I recall. You are going to destroy our world and recreate it in your image. By chance could my parents live in your pocket dimension or could you at least recreate there life in a way so they will have a comfortable life just like there current one". Izuku "either one could be arranged. It just depends which one you want. you have till I destroy the world to make your choice, if you don't I'll decide which of the two happen". Momo "in that case I'd prefer the pocket dimension. I don't want to live a life knowing they are perfectly fine without me, it would basically be as if I were replaceable in their life"

 Izuku "understandable. I also am going to bring my mom into the pocket dimension. Though about being replaceable. Don't take this the wrong way but unless your a universal constant there isn't much you can do about it. You could create avatars to live a life in a world you don't exist in or become a universal constant but that's about all". Momo "I understand. I guess I'll just need to get use to that". shinso "will I be required to do good or bad with this power? Or to put it another way, will I be required to be a hero or villain?".

Izuku "aside from the limits of this power. You are free to decide what you want to do. Though I'd suggest not doing stuff like destroying the universe or the multiverse, you will have godlike power but that doesn't mean there isn't beings more powerful than you or me". shinso "I think I understand. I'm fine with these conditions, I just wanted to be a hero before this all happened so I guess I just will be a godlike being instead".

 Izuku "in truth I don't know if any actual gods or a leader of the underworld exist in this universe. But in either case. I'm sure the gods wouldn't mind not having to do as much work. And the underworld is supposed to punish the bad people from each world within the universe so You'd also gain favor there, but if neither are the case then you would be in charge of that type of stuff by default"

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