BLACK ICE, jon snow

By Thiamstan

8.1K 301 17

๐๐‹๐€๐‚๐Š ๐ˆ๐‚๐„ โ ๐™ž ๐™–๐™ข ๐™ฉ๐™๐™š ๐™ฆ๐™ช๐™š๐™š๐™ฃ ๐™–๐™ฃ๐™™ ๐™ฎ๐™ค๐™ช ๐™ฌ๐™ž๐™ก๐™ก ๐™—๐™ค๐™ฌ ๐™ฉ๐™ค ๐™ข๐™š! โž IN WHI... More

๐๐‹๐€๐‚๐Š ๐ˆ๐‚๐„
๐™–๐™˜๐™ฉ ๐™ค๐™ฃ๐™š โ–ฌ winter is coming
๐™ž. the north
๐™ž๐™ž๐™ž. sworn protector
๐™ž๐™ซ. pretty girl
๐™ซ. women can't rule
๐™ซ๐™ž. we have jamie lannister
๐™ซ๐™ž๐™ž. king and queen of the north
๐™ซ๐™ž๐™ž๐™ž. under the covers
๐™–๐™˜๐™ฉ ๐™ฉ๐™ฌ๐™ค โ–ฌ until the end of my days
๐™ž๐™ญ. queen taliana
๐™ญ. another woman?

๐™ž๐™ž. falling slowly

889 27 2
By Thiamstan

❝ falling slowly ❞
act one . winter is coming

TALIANA'S FAMILY WAS GETTING READY TO LEAVE WINTERFELL, It had been the next morrow and Taliana was feeling homesick already, she knew she was going to be alone soon enough.

There had been news that Bran Stark had fallen from the tower, he was unconscious and hasn't woken up yet, some people say he won't wake up, that's what Taliana's mother wishes, but Taliana was more positive and hopeful. When Taliana had heard the new about the tragic incident she was heartbroken, the poor young boy. But he was a climber.

Taliana is standing outside, not looking at anything in particular. When she sees Robb walking towards her, "Good Morrow Robb," Taliana speaks smiling at her betrothed, "Good Morrow princess," Robb smiled back at her.

Robb suddenly put out his arm and Taliana raised her eyebrows, "Join me, i'll show you around," Taliana nodded and took his arm and wrapped it with hers, so the two of them had their arms linked as Robb made Taliana laugh and smile as he showed her around.

While walking around, Robb knew that Jon was leaving to go to the wall, "Did you know that Jon is leaving?" Robb asks his betrothed, "I was unaware of this," Taliana played it off, though it saddened her knowing that the man that intrigued her was leaving.

Taliana and Robb were walking to meet up with Jon who had a saddle on his shoulder, "My princess," Jon spoke as he was the two of them linked together, "You've said goodbye to Bran?" Robb asks his brother and he nodded, "He's not going to die. l know it," Robb spoke and Taliana smiled, "He's going to wake up, no need to worry," Taliana spoke positively and Jon smiled and looked down making sure no one saw him smile because of the princess.

      "You Starks are hard to kill," Jon cleared his throat and he putting the saddle of his horse, "My mother?" Robb asked, since Lady Stark doesn't like Jon and it's shown a lot, it's very obvious, Robb asked the question making sure his mother wasn't rude to Jon, "She was very kind," Jon lied, "Good."

Jon turned to Robb and Taliana, "Next time l see you,
you'll be all in black," Robb jester, making Taliana smile, "It was always my colour," Jon went along, "Farewell, Snow," Robb spoke and Jon shot back with, "And you, Stark," Then Taliana spoke up, "It was very nice meeting you Jon Snow," And Jon had to hid the smile that wanted to come on his face, "It's been an honour meeting you princess," Taliana give him a look and stepped back, and Jon and Robb leaned in and embrace each other.

Robb and Taliana walked back inside together as Jon watched.


TALIANA AND ROBB WERE TOGETHER AGAIN, she was walking with him and an idea popped in her head, "Robb, It would be respectful to go see your mother to give her my condolences, about Bran," Robb sighed and frowned, "I don't think that's a good idea Taliana, only because my mother is going through grieving, and I believe she isn't a big fan of your family," Taliana felt a sadness that lady Catelyn didn't like her family.

"Oh, okay," Taliana looked down and Robb felt bad, just then little Rickon walks slowly up to them, "Rickon, you remember Taliana! Right?" Robb asks Rickon who doesn't speak much, Rickon nods.

Taliana crutches down to Rickon, "Hello Rickon," Rickon put his head down shyly, Taliana takes one of Rickon's small hands into hers, "Your brother will wake up, you have to believe it for it to happen," Taliana spoke to the young boy. From behind her stood Robb mesmerized by the Baratheon girl.

"Taliana," Robb spoke which she turned her head to him, "I must talk to my mother, can you stay with Rickon?" Taliana smiles softly and nods. Robb smiles and walks off while Rickon watches him.

"Let's go on a walk?" Taliana suggests to the young boy who nods, and still hand in hands they walk around. Taliana tries to make Rickon speak. She gets him to speak a little but not much. As the hour gets late Taliana brings Rickon inside and gets him feed. Before Taliana gets one of the ladies to get Rickon off to bed.

TALIANA WAS TIRED AND NEEDED SLEEP, she entered her bed chambers and saw Cerella, "Cerella!" Taliana hasn't seen her all day and missed her, Taliana ran up to her and wrapped her arms around her to embrace her, Cerella was surprised but hugged back.

"Help me undress," Taliana spoke letting Cerella go. Cerella nods and helps take Taliana's dress of and put on her nightgown, and then Cerella helped take down her hair. They heard ruckus outside and Taliana stood up and put her robe on over to nightgown to see what's going on.

People were yelling and shouting, Taliana stepped out just enough to hear people shouting, "Fire!" And Taliana was confused because she was just out with Rickon and she didn't see no fire. Cerella went over to Taliana, "It's okay Princess, it looks like they put out the fire, we can see tomorrow," Taliana takes on last look around and closes her door and Cerella finishes and leaves to go to her own chambers.

The next day, lady Catelyn calls a meeting, talking about how she believes Bran's fall wasn't an accident. She believes the Lannister had something to do with it, "What I am about to tell you must remain between us. I don't think Bran fell from that tower. I think he was thrown," Lady Catelyn spoke up about her thoughts about Brans fall.

"The boy was always sure-footed before," Maester Luwin made known, "Someone tried to kill him twice. Why ? Why murder an innocent child ? Unless he saw something he wasn't meant to see," Catelyn was putting the peace's together, "Saw what? My lady?" Theon asked unsure of what Bran saw.

"I don't know. But I would stake my life the Lannisters are involved. Robb, I don't trust Taliana in winterfell, and I don't trust her around you," Lady Catelyn told her oldest, "Mother, Taliana has nothing to do with this, she's the most kind hearted woman, she cares to much to commit such a crime. I won't allow you to think that Taliana is behind this," Robb stands up for Taliana, while Theon smirked at his friend, "Besides she's not a Lannister, she's a Baratheon. Two different houses."

Lady Catelyn sighed and continued to speak, "We already have reason to suspect their loyalty to the crown," Lady Catelyn finished, Rodrick Cassel spoke up and was holding the weapon, "Did you notice the dagger the killer used ? It's too fine a weapon for such a man. The blade is Valyrian steel, the handle dragonbone. Someone gave it to him."

"They come into our home and try to murder my brother ? If it's war they want..." Robb gets cut off by Theon, "If it comes to that, you know I'll stand behind you."

Maester Luwin speaks up again, "What, is there going to be a battle in the Godswood ? Too easily words of war become acts of war. We don't know the truth yet. Lord Stark must be told of this," He turned to Lady Catelyn, "I don't trust a raven to carry these words," She mumbled and tried to think another way, "I'll ride to King's Landing," Robb offered but Lady Catelyn declined it, "No. There must always be a Stark in Winterfell. I will go myself."

"Mother you can't!" Robb wasn't liking the idea, "I must!" Lady Catelyn had already decided and wasn't going to back down, "I'll send Hal with a squad of guardsmen to escort you," Rodrick Cassel told her and she shook her head, "Too large a party attracts unwanted attention. I don't want the Lannisters to know I'm coming," She spoke to him, "Let me accompany you at least. The Kingsroad can be a dangerous place for a woman alone," Rodrick Cassel offers and she nods.

"What about Bran?" Robb asks his mother, " I have prayed to the Seven for more than a month. Bran's life is in their hands now."


TALIANA SAT IN HER CHAMBERS READING, when a knock was heard on the door of her chambers and Taliana called out for them to come in, Robb walked in, and Taliana smiled.

"Robb? What are you doing here?" She asked and he closed her door, "I'm sorry to interrupt you," Taliana smiles softly, "The hour is quiet late Robb," Taliana informs him, as he laughs, "My mother is leaving to go to Kings Landing," Robb informed her and Taliana frowned, "Wait why?" Robb had his arms behind his back while speaking, "My mother believes that the Lannister's have something to do with Bran's fall," Taliana squinted her eyebrows, Taliana was to shocked to speak, "She told me she didn't trust you and for me not to trust you," Robb told her and Taliana frowned again thinking Robb didn't trust her.

      "I dismissed her not trusting you, I told her that your not a Lannister," Taliana grinned a little as she realized Robb stood up for her, "You stood up for me?" Taliana asked sarcastically, "Don't mention it," Robb grinned as well, "I trust you Taliana, keep that in mind," With that Robb turned around and walked out the door leaving Taliana's feeling confused and giggly.

     Taliana smiled, "Maybe this will be okay," Taliana thought out loud. Taliana was starting to like this idea of marriage with Robb. Taliana stared at the stone wall for a couple minutes before snapping out of her thoughts and went back to reading.

𝙗𝙧𝙤𝙤𝙠𝙚 𝙨𝙥𝙚𝙖𝙠𝙞𝙣𝙜 :
hello!! this chapter
only took me so long
because i hate everything
i write on this book :( i do
hope you guys like this
book so far!

don't forget to vote or comment!!


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