By -madtings

5.4M 129K 50.2K

Preferences of some of your favourite boys! Includes Dean, Sam, Castiel, Gabriel, Balthazar, Lucifer, Michael... More

Supernatural Preferences
Stolen Kiss.
He comes back from a hunt.
He sees you sleeping, he takes a picture
You have a nightmare about him
First Kiss
Little things he loves about you
First Heated Fight
He says sorry
His reaction about your death.
You're bored
He finds out you had depression/ self harmed
Where he likes to kiss you
You're ill
He comes home from a trip when you're asleep
How you cuddle/ fall asleep
He found out your fears
You're cold
His name on your phone
You come back home beaten and broken
You get hurt because of his anger
Holding hands
He finds out you are on the FBI most wanted...
When you wear his clothes
The first present he gave you
Your most favoured text from him/ pick up lines
He left you for another
He wants your back.
You tell him you're pregnant
He has a cute sneezing fit
Cute habits that he finds adorble
He hates your boyfriend
Favourite film of his
He cheats on you
He finds out you hunt
Video Chat Moment
He's your secret boyfriend but your brother finds out
The Silent Treatment
You take the plunge for him
He get sick
His voicemail when you break up
You broke your arm and he signs your cast
His text to you when you break up.
Your reply to his text
He hurt himself around the house
His text when you wake up.
He forgets your anniversary
Your name on his phone
When he is jealous
Another guy flirts with you
TV shows
He's upset
You're upset
He needs you
Your birthday
You get kidnapped and tortured (pt 1 ish)
His Reaction (pt2Ish)
He finds you. (Pt3)
His reaction to you having cancer
His thoughts about you when first meeting you.
You see your family again
Something he always steal from you.
First time he says I Love You
The person he always talks to about you
He admits he isn't right for you because of other people
Another girl flirts with him
He rasies a child with you
Daughter's first date
Your thoughts when first meeting him
When you are on your period
He tells you the real him but you already know
His Eulogy when you die
Height differences
Habit that you picked up of him
How he tries to get you out of an AU
He messes with your phone
Your reaction to his death
Your reaction to him being actually alive
His reaction to you being a demon
He finds out you're an angel
He sacrifice himself for you
The Bathroom Problem
He says a different way to say he loves you
He comforts you in a time of loss
He sees the scars of your other hunts
Ice skating
He picks you up from school
His thoughts about you waking down the aisle at your wedding.
He's too far away.
He's being overdramatic
Well this is awkward
We're going to stay strong {IMPORTANT A/N AT THE END}
Valentines Letter
Valentines Gift From Him
How you spend your valentines with him
Meeting A Family Member
Baby Names
Yours and His Favourite Moment
First Dance Song
What he'll text you when you're upset
Daughter's first break up
Words of Hope
Food Shopping
Voicemail after a fight
The Powers Out
Anniversary of your death
Missing you
Wait, you're what now?
Last ever 'I Love You'
Lost Boy
Reason Why You Break Up
He hates it when...
When he's mad at you
Soul Mate AU
*Something you needed to know*
What you love about him
Well this is unexpected
How he comforts you after a nightmare
Food Stealing
Broken Promise
Shawn Mendes Song
Accidentally sending a wrong text message
He finds out you can sing
"I love...."
"I hate..."
A drop in the ocean
Voicemail When He Comes Back Home.
When it's raining
Holiday Trip
Did you know....?
That Smooth Motherfucker
His Nicknames
He comforts you after a nightmare(alternative)
He's insecure
When he knew he was in love with you
Meeting the ex
Oh God Why
Your Best Friend
Hearing you swear for the first time
Back to School
There for you
His first words and last words to you
Your first words and last words to him
Type of couple you are
October 3rd
Things he noticed
You get lost •1/3•
Lost •2/3•
Found •3/3•
Dating Dean would include...
Dating Sam would include...
Dating Castiel would include...
Dating Gabriel would include...
Dating Balthazar would include...
Dating Lucifer would include...
Dating Michael would include...
Dating Crowley would include...
When you can't sleep
Accidentally hurts you
Siblings AU
When he thinks you cheated
You're adorable
They forgot [1]
Halsey [2]
Feeling Worthless
Which Character Duo Describes You
They send a wrong text + Ten Facts about me
They Remember [2]
Turn Ons and Offs
Favourite thing about you
He finds you dead on a hunt
How You Hug
Father AU
Cute moments
He talks to you while you're asleep
Waking up next to him for the first time
He's not there when you wake up

High School AU

15.9K 536 185
By -madtings

High School AU// Yay another AU featuring fuckboy dean, druggie bal. ALL THE BOYS ARE HUMAN

Dean-Player AU- You rolled your eyes once more, there goes another innocent girl's mind into Dean Winchester's bed. Ugh, who am I kidding they were never innocent. You slammed your locker close and turn around to see the green eyes and cocky smile planted on a punchable face. "Hi dickhead." You said as he faked being hurt. "Ouch, that hurts." You rolled your eyes. "Tell me again when I actually care." As you walked away from Dean however he followed. You see you were one of the few that wasn't brainwashed that Dean was sex god. No he was hot and beautiful but not a sex god -well he could be STOP thinking that...- Every girl was jealous of you. They wanted him but he only wanted you. Only slept with girls to get your attention, to make you jealous. However that wasn't working. He had the hots for you. "Oh, come on! One date?" You turned around and looked at him. "So what! After a month pf dating you can dump me for another girl like you do with nearly.every.other.girl." He sighed. "No, I promise I will change! Give me a chance." You sighed but agreed. You never thought you would get married and have his children.

Sam- Nerd AU- You see Sam get shove into the locker again. It was his fourth or fifth today? He only got bullied because he was the nerd. The smartarse that everyone gets annoyed with. He always had the right answers, 100%. The student that every.single.teacher praise and tell the class that they should be more like them. Cue eye rolls and groans. Honestly, Sam Winchester wasn't that bad looking. Other that how abnormally similar he is to a moose but you can over look that. You sighed and pushed Sam's bullies away. You were the only person who stood up for him. "Piss off." You kicked them where the sun doesn't shine. They glared at Sam before failing to attempt walk away from him. You turn to Sam. "You okay?" You asked he nodded. You smiled. "H-hey I was w-wondering if y-you want to s-st-study in the library?" He asked, nervous talking to you as he was stuttering. You smiled and nodded. "It's a date!" Lets just say the bullying stopped.

Castiel-Best Friend AU- You met up with Castiel at the front of the school, it was lunch time. Cas was your best friend, you did kinda see him as more but you never told. You both sat on the stairway as you both were listening to some Elvis. "Trying to dig Elvis?" He asked as you scrunched your nose at his music taste. "I love The Beatles but Elvis is a way no-no." He laughed as you both watching people around you. "So, (y/n). You doing anything tonight?" You looked at him grinning. "Of course silly! Movies at your place. As usual!" Maybe you friendzone him hard. "Well, I was just thinking..." He started, you listened and looked at him expectingly. "I was just wondering if you want to do something else?" He finally let out. "Like what?" His blue eyes lit up. "I don't know. Maybe the beach? There's a fair so we can go to that?" You smiled. "Fair, sounds nice." He grinned wider as he ran his hand through his hair making it even more mess. "Great it's a date!" He said as he left you screaming internally, in a good way.

Gabriel- Prankster AU- You bumped into Gabriel, he had a cocky smirk and mischief in his eyes. "Hey, sweet thang." You rolled your eyes. "Hello, fuckboy." You joked. He rolled his eyes. "What have you done this time?" He started to laugh as you were confused. Of course other people thought he was weird or grinning because he did another prank. Gabriel was the class clown, sometimes you wonder how he even get alright grades. After he calmed down on his fit of laughter. "So, you know Mr Yates? History asshole? Yeah? Well his room is now full with balloons like literally. Mrs Woodly, the strict science teacher, her room is covered with the same picture of Morgan Freeman. Miss Shmuck, our lovely geo teacher. Lets say she won't be able to pick up her stuff, including her car keys." You rolled your eyes as he started to laugh again. "I am doing more pranks at break, care to join me? Call it a date?" You scoffed but nodded. "A date in school, how pleasant. Love to join." We can say that every screensaver is a disturbing picture of the headteacher.

Balthazar- Drugs and Alcohol AU- You sighed as you met Bal at his usual place. You hated it because it was literally just behind the school also you hated how often people get high behind the school. You looked at Balthazar, arms folded with a disapproving look smeared over your face. His sighed and drunkly offered you his beer. You rolled your eyes a shook your head. "You need to stop, Bal." He sighed and puffed out some smoke. "Why should I?" He questioned. "Because, you're high and drunk at school also you smell of drugs, alcohol and piss." He scoffed. "Never bothered other people." You glared at him before smashing his beer and letting the contents all over the floor. He glared back and started saying colourful words in both English and French. "Oh, come on! Balthazar, you have to give up! Please. For me?" You gave him puppy eyes, he sighed and put out his cig. "Alright, for you. Happy?" You nodded and smiled. Then kissed his cheek. Never once he regret his choice of giving up.

Lucifer-Bad Boy AU- Meanwhile you were sitting on the floor, looking up at the bad boy in front of you expectingly. He looked lonely and you both decided to skip the lesson. I mean who needs maths? You were trying to get to know him. Lucifer was a hard person to open up. No one liked him because he was rude and evil. Threatened to kill, possible has done, beaten up various people. Has been sent to jail a few times. He was bad at school and out of school. So currently you sat on the floor away from the car in front of him. "Why do you want to talk to me?" He asked as he started to keyed the car, with his own keys. You were watching him write "Asshole" on the side then little side comments surrounding it. "I want to know you Lucifer." You said shrugging as he stopped and looked at you. "Why would want to know me?" You shrugged again. "I just do! Have a problem?" He laughed before starting to batter the car up with a baseball bat. "I'm not the type of person to talk about myself." You nodded."I know, so therefore I am the person you will talk about to yourself." He sighed. "Lets make a deal, diner tonight. We talk about ourself to each other but after that you don't tell anyone else that I have open up to someone." You nodded. "Alright, and by the way. Nice job on the head teacher's car. He'll like the new surprise."

Michael- Musical AU- You watched Michael play the piano. He was amazing. He was popular because he was musical. He was able to play the piano, the guitar both electric and acoustic, and the drums. He was also a really good singer. He was truly talented. Other than he was talented he was super friendly. Every girl dream, talented, friendly, gentleman and hot damn good looking! You sneaked up on Michael. "I know you're there!" You sighed in defeat. "Damn it! What gave it away?" You asked as he turn to look at you. "Your try harding presences was too strong." He joked as your fake glared him. "So what were you playing?" He shrugged. "A song." You scoffed, "Helpful." He laughed as you sat next to him. "(Y/n), I have to do a duo but I don't have a partner and you have a good voice so I was wondering if you wanted to do a piece for me?" You smiled and nodded. "Sure! I would love to do that!" You two are such a cute couple!

Crowley- Exchanged Student- You looked at the student you were taken care of. You would expect that a boy would do it because the student was a boy. "So, you're British?" You asked as you walked down the hallway. "From Scotland." He said. "Which is part of Britain so therefore you're British." He chuckled. "True." You smiled at him as you showed him to the English department. "You sound more English than Scottish, you know?" He nodded. "Yes, I do know that. I given up correcting people." You laughed at him as he gives you a smile. "Crowley, right? Well, I think we are going to be very good friends before you leave to go back home." He nodded as he shakes your hand. "I think too, love." You rolled your eyes. "Just show me around the town will you?" He asked as you nodded. "Of course, don't want you to be lost do we now?" He chuckled. "It's a date then?" You sighed and nodded. I could now confirmed that you never lost connection after he returned back home.


Yes I know it started to go crappy at the end. I couldn't think and like it's just past half midnight. I was going to bed because I feel really really sick but thought you should have a update so here ya go!

You're welcome 😊

I'm off to bed! Good night from me!

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