Forbidden Bounce

By Wanderlustwriter1

346 47 5

It was supposed to be a night of fun with her best friend before her appointment as an athletic trainer at on... More

Author's note
chapter one
chapter two
chapter three
chapter four

chapter five

21 3 0
By Wanderlustwriter1

WHEN I SAID such a cry baby, I didn't actually know he was crying. I gape at Jamal in astonishment as he wiped his tear-filled eyes. My heart clenched at how hard this must be for him which made me promise to do my very best to help him.

I reached out for Jamal's hand holding it tight. He blinked at me with a shocked expression questioning my action. I held his his hand tighter as to tell him I'm here with him. I whisper quietly " it's going to be alright, okay." He nodded in agreement to my words as he looked at me with a deep stare despite his reddened eyes.

" I believe in you Charlotte." Jamal murmured tightening our hands and interlocking my fingers with his. I couldn't look away from his stare as my eyes roamed over his face bringing memories of that night. The dancing, smiling, laughing; every moment of that night came crashing down on me. How can I avoid acknowledging that night when just looking at him right now makes me want to say yes I remember that night and yes it was an amazing night.

I open my mouth to speak when a loud voice boomed into the cafeteria making me quickly remove my hand from Jamal's hold. I keep my hands under the table as if erasing evidence I was holding hands with Jamal. It was then I noticed how my hand was warm from Jamal's hold which made me smile unconsciously.

"I been looking for you everywhere man." Said the voice to Jamal. I observe the man who turns out to being a fellow teammate of Jamal. He walks into the cafeteria exchanging greetings with Jamal. He is tall but not as tall as Jamal because he looks more like a guard than a forward.My theory is further proven correct because he has low body fat with defined muscles which is obvious due to the tank top he is wearing. I also learn that he goes by the name Malik. He is light skinned with a chubby face and thin lips which gives him a much younger look. He also has dark curly hair with round eyes which makes him adorable.

Wow, I didn't know that being attractive is now a requirement for playing basketball.

After exchanging greetings with Jamal, he turns his attention to me extending his hand "miss Larson, how are you doing?"

"I'm alright, thank you." I replied with a smile.

"I'm pleading with you to help this man recover quickly, so he can get back on the court and help the team." Malik joked punching Jamal lightly.

It seems their relationship is beyond being teammates as they share a good natured laugh.

"Bro seriously, even for training fit, you are putting on a drip." Malik said to Jamal pointing to the chain necklace peeking under his training gear.

Hold on, I know that necklace any day, any time. That's my necklace; the one given to me by my mum. The same one I wore to that party. I've searched my entire house looking for it but turns out l left at his place.

Gosh, I can't believe this after I made sure of not leaving anything behind.

"Well you know me, drip on drip." Jamal stated calmly.

Why is he wearing my necklace, shouldn't he be returning it rather than wearing it as if it belongs to him. I huff annoyed because there's no way I can claim it's mine without acknowledging that night. This man is so infuriating, I feel like he has made it a personal task to annoy me to the point where I have to admit that night.

"and it does look good on me, right Charlotte, doesn't it?" Jamal added with a mischievous grin looking at me expectantly.

I nodded smiling. Oh, you son of a motherless goat, he knows what he is doing. He purposely toying me to admit but I wouldn't give in.

I clear my voice and add extra sweetness to my voice " yeah, it does look good on you."

My response slightly annoys Jamal so he glares at me with a lifted eyebrow questioning me and my response. Which I responded back smiling at him wildly.

Malik observed bewildered as Jamal and I stared at each other "I think it will be best if you guys turn this aggression to making Jamal fit."


The training room has been where I've spent the most hours for the past two weeks. I've been putting all my efforts towards Jamal's recovery.

Well, it's my job anyways. I am also grateful for how Jamal has been cooperating towards the treatments. He has been very positive and also adheres to all the precautions I gave him.

"You see I told you the swelling will reduce if you stick to the R.I.C.E approach." I said to Jamal who is seated up on the treatment bed as I unwrapped the bandage dressing of his ankle and knee.

The R.I.C.E approach is what I feel is the best way for him to recover properly no matter how slow the process is. Resting, icing, with compression and elevation will help the swelling, bruises and pain to reduce.

I glance up to Jamal with a nod telling him I will proceed to touch the injured area for examination.
I decided to perform the squeeze test by holding his leg just above his injured ankle and squeezing it tightly. This test is to know how high the sprain is and if the pain has decrease. While squeezing, I noticed that Jamal's ankle begins to redden. I looked up at Jamal to see his reaction. His eyes are firmly shut as he winced in pain.

Jamal's pained reaction nearly made me stop but I thought against it. It's better I do all the required tests so I can know how much he has healed.

I lifted his foot up a little bit to move it back and forth to avoid stiffness because how it has bandaged up. Once again, I peered up at Jamal and this time his reaction alarmed me. His eyes shimmered fighting back tears. Colour drained out of his face with a vein popping out of his neck.

I quickly yet gently dropped his foot on two stacked pillows for elevation as I rushed to get ice packs.

"Sorry, I'm so sorry." I said softly to Jamal putting the ice over the ankle. "Did you do any stressful activity?" I questioned wondering why the pain hasn't reduced.

His eyes still glistening with tears, Jamal replied "I didn't do any activity and I iced the ankle as much as you said I should." His mouth set in a hard line with a clenched jaw, he then added in a disappointed voice. " Charlotte, why hasn't there been any improvements. It's been two weeks and counting but yet I feel like we are still at stage one."

Changing the ice pack to the other ankle, I move closer to Jamal putting my hand on his thigh. "Jamal, you need to be calm and patient. Don't be too hard on yourself, it's a gradual process."

"Yes, it may feel like like there has been no progress but trust me, we will get there." I promised him rubbing his thigh.

Jamal bows his head downward avoiding my eyes. He is probably embarrassed at how much emotions he is letting out right before me. Honestly, that is something he shouldn't be worried about as these emotions is how much he cares about his fitness and getting back on the court.

I stated softly " you need to take things easy. Just because I said it's not a season ending injury doesn't mean it's not going to take time." I continued to rub his thigh while also patting his back slowly. "It's going to to take a long time because I want to you to heal completely. You know to avoid recurring injuries just like what is happening with your ankle."

At the mention of recurring injury, Jamal swiftly turned to look at me.

I hummed, nodding my head. "Be honest, this ankle has been bothering you for a while."

He narrowed his eyes at me and asked in a tight hoarse voice "And how do you know that?"

"You really want me to start telling you what you know. You've injured this ankle probably twice without good treatment and that has just compounded into a bigger issue."

My response silenced Jamal ability to speak. He kept quiet knowing what I had just said is the truth. His ankle injury is not new, just an untreated or ill-treated ankle coming back to haunt him.

"Well the past is in the past and we are now in the present, so let's focus on that." I told Jamal to take his mind off his thoughts. "We will have to be very patient with the process. I mean if I just want the pain to stop. I will just prescribe painkillers for you and that is all. But no, I want to you to heal properly and be at your best. Your very best."

Despite the few seconds it took before he replied, Jamal hummed in agreement to my words which made me smile.

Honestly, sometimes I wonder what jazz or special magic portion I am using that make Jamal and I understand ourselves. I expected that it's going to be really hard for him to open up to me but no that hasn't been the case.

"Charlotte, what are you thinking about?"

I heard Jamal's distant voice questioning me as I was lost in my thoughts.

I snap out of my line of thinking "hmmmm, nothing. I was thinking about how the treatment for your knee and ankle will go simultaneously."

"Really, is that so?" Jamal questioned with a raised eyebrow and an enigmatic smile.

That was when I realised how close we were. Like really close. My right hand was still on his thigh while my left was on his back. I immediately removed my hands from his body as if he was fire and I was being burnt.

I attempted to create some distance between us but Jamal quickly reached out for my hand. He held my hand tight pulling me close to him.

With fear and panic, my eyes surveyed my surroundings. Yes, we were the only ones in the room but someone might be coming. One could say I got nothing to worry about because the windows are made of frosted glass but I'm not ready to take risks.

"What are you doing?" I questioned Jamal once I was sure the coast is clear.

"You are still going to deny knowing me, char." His brows dipped together, frowning as he asked me.

"okay, fine. I know you Jamal. Friday night wearing cream short sleeve button up with dark brown pants!" I breathed out. "There, I've admitted to it. Are you happy now? Satisfied huh?" I asked Jamal with my voice raised slightly.

"Well that was pretty descriptive, don't you think." His mouth curved into a smirk; a victorious one as seeing he has finally made me admit that night.

My mind raced through different scenarios. I have definitely lost my job. I feel tears welling up in my eyes. No, I ain't going to cry. I said to myself trying to blink my tears away. Oh lord no, I don't want to cry in front of Jamal but before I could release my hand from Jamal's hold, the tears ran down my cheeks.

"Char..?" Jamal questioned alarmed "why are you crying? Did I offend you in anyways?"

I wiped my tears while shaking my head, telling Jamal he didn't do anything to offend me. I am just having an emotional breakdown which has absolutely nothing to do with him but my job that I have lost.

"Jamal, you didn't offend me. I.... I am j..just" I stammered because I don't know if or how I should tell him what's wrong.

"Talk to me char, what's the problem?" He asked worried leaning forward talking both of my hands; giving me his full attention.

"Jamal, let me ask you a question and please be completely honest with me, okay. That night, did you know that I was going to be your trainer."

"No, yes I mean I was told the team got a new trainer just to help me recover but I didn't have any clue on who it was." Jamal tilted his head with his brows furrowed; confused and hesitant about my question.

"Charlotte, just tell me what is wrong. Did I treat you wrong that night. I mean I....I don't have any memory of saying or doing anything wrong, if I did forgive me."

I clear my throat and sniffle "No, you didn't offend. It's just...what we had that night...." I paused again not knowing how to say it.

"Charlotte, talk to me. What is it? You are scaring me?"

I breathe in and out with a sniffle, "what we had that night, umm relationship between you and I can make me lose my job and this job means a lot to me." I sobbed while speaking. " I swear if I had known that night, I wouldn't have followed you home and everything. That is why I didn't want to acknowledge you because I don't want to lose my job."

My tears are really exasperating because they wouldn't stop falling. I tried to calm myself down but I couldn't as I felt embarrassed at how much emotions I let in front of Jamal.

Still holding my hands, Jamal pulled me closer to him wrapping his arms around me. I tried to break free from his hold which resulted to him hugging me tighter and whispering "stop, don't fight it."

I allowed myself calm down, enjoying his warmth and his smell. I could get used to this all day and I wouldn't complain.

Jamal hugged me for a while longer until he pulled away from our embrace. He looked at me deeply maintaining eye contact. "Charlotte, you cannot lose your job if no one finds out. I promise you no one and believe me no one shall I tell about that night. I wouldn't even pressure you about it again."

He continued adding, "I will respect your decision to forget it happened, okay. Your secret no....." He said shaking his head. "Our secret is safe with just you and I."

Jamal helps me to dry my tears as he stated further "Stop crying because I don't want to see you cry over something that can be resolved easily."

Author's note:

Finally, my girl admits and acknowledges that night. And Jamal is literally the sweetest.

Comment down how you like Jamal and Charlotte. And any other thing you feel about the story. I LOVE to see feedback, so be kind enough to leave them 💕.

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