Moonlight Lover

Od DevilsAngel232

22.3K 699 79

I've got no use for moonlight Or sappy poetry Love at first sight's for suckers At least it used to be Look... Viac

Act One
Act Two
Act Three
Act Three-- Part Two
Chapter 2
Act Four
Act Five-- Movie
Chapter 3


86 7 0
Od DevilsAngel232

Monstrous And A Promise To The Dead

Scott had no idea that Isabella had been poisoned and hopefully Isabella was going to be able to keep it that way. It was definitely a moment of weakness for the girl and Isabella was making sure that she kept it between Derek and Deaton only because everything that happened that night was still coming back to her in small pieces and to her it was the worst thing ever. Not knowing what happened, or what you said to someone, every time Isabella thought about it she just kept working herself up about it. It probably wasn't the best decision Isabella had ever made but in the moment she thought it would be the best option and being posined and nearly dying again, it probably would be better to hide it all. Including adding onto the fact that the dead pool was still surrounding them even after they found out who had created it, Meredith. Then adding that Satomi's pack were currently in hiding because they were targeted with a poison that killed most of the pack.

Following Scott into the warehouse, he promised Satomi's pack would be safe for now. What probably made it worse was a lot of the pack knew about Scott and Isabella and their way of becoming an Alpha, adding into the fact that Isabella was the last known charmer around. Their names were practically known all across the world and it wouldn't be long before Omega's would travel to Beacon Hills in search of the True Alpha and the Charmer. Getting the pack into the warehouse was the easy part, but trying not to alert Chris Argent was something they worried about, and what the two were worried about happened. Chris had sent an arrow towards Satomi causing Isabella to quickly grab the arrow before it hit Satomi and she instantly snapped it so Chris knew who was in the warehouse.

"If you bring in guests, you could have called" Chris said, practically glaring at the two Alpha's "Either one of you could have called. Or Bella you could have informed me when we had our last phone call"

"Didn't or kinda wasn't happening then" Isabella stumbled over her words, her acrylic nails tapping together making a soft sound "Plus, I needed to talk to you about something else that didn't include the dead pool"

"I didn't have anywhere else to take them" Scott admitted, trying not the question about why Isabella called Chris about something, and why she was being incredibly vague about the phone call.

Satomi watched the conversation, stepping out from behind the plastic making herself known, "I know this man. He may not remember, but we've met before."

"You can trust him" Scott said, guessing Satomi knew Chris when he was a hunter, when all the Argent's were hunters "I trust him. Izzy trusts him."

"How do we know he's not like the other's?"

"What other's?" Chris questioned.

"Last night, there was a whole team after them" Kira informed Chris, bringing light onto the whole situation as to why they were pretty much caused Satomi's pack to be hiding out in the warehouse in the first place "And they used crossbows."

Kira handed Chris one of the arrow's that they managed to obtain from Satomi. Being an ex-hunter Chris definitely had the upper hand on identifying weather this was the work of hunters or hit men.

"There hunter's aren't they?" Isabella questioned.

"Not if they're killing for profit" Chris said "Not anymore."

From behind the plastic, Brett had been listening into the conversation the whole time, whole other people from the pack were in their own little conversations. Since Brett already knew Scott and Isabella from the Lacrosse game and that they saved him from being killed, which is why he was listening to the whole conversation. He waited for the right moment, Brett moved past the plastic pushing out to where the group was talking.

"Can they find us?" Brett questioned, a slight twinge of worry laced in his voice.

"They might already know your here" Chris answered honestly "Maybe they're waiting for dark."

"So we're not safe here?" Kira asked the two Alpha's, since the two of them seemed to be calling the shots surrounding what was happening currently.

"We're not safe anywhere" Satomi said, knowing they were under the microscope to all hunters "We've been trying to get out for days. Everywhere we turn, we find someone new trying to kill us."

Chris looked at the two Alpha's seeing the worry in their own eyes. It was clear what they were trying to do, but the only question was if they were going to be able to do exactly what they were wanting.

"If they're coming, you two" Chis said, addressing Isabella and Scott "They're coming for you too. Bella's still number one on the dead pool, Scott you're falling close behind her on second"

"I know" Scott replied, speaking for both Isabella and himself "We know Lydia can get the answers from Meredith. She just needs more time"

"Then that's what she'll get" Chris said.


Walking into the Loft, Isabella rolled her eyes seeing Peter sitting on the couch almost as if he was waiting for one of them to get back. Trying not to let him bother her, Isabella started walking around the loft cleaning some things up while Peter watched. She knew that Peter was watching her, Isabella always knew that Peter was watching her because recently that's pretty much all he was doing. One of the reasons Peter was constantly watching her was because he wanted to find out the secrets Isabella and Derek were keeping.

"You just gonna constantly watch me as I clean the loft?" Isabella questioned, as she pulled the duvet from the bed, getting ready to re-make it "Cause it's getting a little creepy, I'm not gonna lie"

"You finally going to spill as to why you're stress cleaning" Peter replied back.

Isabella scoffed, grabbing the pillows and fluffing them up before placing them back down "I'm not stress cleaning" she said, but it definitely didn't sound truthful "I'm just re-making the bed, it didn't look right"

"And I really believed that, Sweetie" Peter smirked, leaning forward so his elbows were on his knees "The bed looked perfectly fine in my opinion. So I'll ask again, is they're any reason why you're stress cleaning"

"I'm not stress cleaning" Isabella snapped, as she ran her hand over the bed making sure they're wasn't any creases "I'm just fixing up the bed, it didn't look right"

"You can't lie to me, Izzy" Peter said, knowing exactly what he was doing was working, he was getting under Isabella's skin "Admit it all you want that you weren't stress cleaning, but we all know the truth. You were stress cleaning"

Ignoring what Peter just said, Isabella walked up the stairs and left Peter on the couch, as if he was waiting for Derek to come home. Isabella spent her time hiding upstairs and even sometimes in the bathroom, but mainly the girl was just curling her hair. At first, Isabella didn't really know what to do, but to pass the time she decided to tight curl her hair.

At the same time as Isabella curling her hair, Derek had finally come back to the loft, expecting it only to be Isabella at home, but was shocked to find Peter. Glazing over at his uncle, Derek tried his hardest to hide the shopping bags away from Peter and placed them in the kitchen. Opening up the kitchen drawer, Derek placed some things inside the drawer and waited for Peter to say something because it was definitely coming. Peter Hale wouldn't show up at the loft unless he was after something, it was just the way Peter was.

"You might want to check on that fiance of yours" Peter finally said, making Derek look up from what he was doing, pulling a confused glance at his uncle "She was stress cleaning, but calming quite strongly she was stress cleaning"

"Belle doesn't stress clean" Derek replied, blatantly lying but he could cover it better "She cleans and thinks, sometimes it just looks like she's stress cleaning"

"Oh, so both of you are spitting lies," Peter said, tapping his fingers against the counter in a rhythm. "Just go and check on her. Stress cleaning or not, something's going on in that pretty little head of her's"

"Yeah, yeah" Derek replied, brushing his uncle off "I'll check on her in a second"


"Stress cleaning, were we?" Derek questioned.

Isabella had finished curling her hair and walked down the stairs seeing Derek in the kitchen. She guessed he was trying to cook something since there were quite a lot of different things dotted around the kitchen, including a couple of plates. Biting her lip softly, Isabella walked towards the kitchen, specifically to where Derek was, jumping up to sit on the counter, watching Derek cooking.

"Okay, I'll admit it probably looked as if I was stress cleaning, but I swear I wasn't" Isabella said, picking up something from the side and quickly eating it "I just re-made the bed because it looked wrong and picked some random things up, just a little quick tidy around the loft"

"Quick tidy around the perfectly clean loft, and re-made the bed that was already made perfectly by you this morning" Derek recited, exaggerating his words slightly, making it incredibly obvious that he knew Isabella was lying "Yeah, Belle you definitely weren't stress cleaning."

Straight away Isabella went silent, knowing she couldn't keep anything from Derek.

"Yeah, yeah alright I was stress cleaning" Isabella admitted, as she started fiddiling with her necklace "I'm just worried about what's gonna happen next. You're not on the dead pool anymore, and what's to say even when they know who created it that people are still trying to get their money"

Everything Isabella was saying technically was right, Derek's name was no longer on the dead pool so it was an incredibly horrible waiting game. Knowing the food could be left for a second, he stood inbetween Isabella's legs placing his hands on their thighs. Feeling's Derek's hands Isabella looked up, staring straight into Derek eyes seeing that he was trying to read her without having to say anything or ask Isabella how she was feeling.

Moving his hand swiftly, Derek gently placed his hand on Isabella's cheek, letting his thumb caress her cheek softly. Isabella leaned into his hand, taking the comfort that was coming from it, knowing exactly why Derek was being incredibly soft. He was promising things without saying anything. Shutting her eyes, letting them flutter closed, Isabella let a breath leave her lips, before dropping her head down so it was now resting against Derek's chest.

"Belle, baby stressing about what is going to happen to me, isn't going to help us at all" Derek spoke softly, "Why don't we spend the night completely cut off from the world. Date night that's extremely overdue"

"I thought we said we won't do dates," Isabella laughed softly.

"I'm sure we can break it for one night" Derek said, pressing a soft kiss against Isabella's hair line "Dinner, which I'm making your favourate pasta, Joe's secret recipe. A glass of perfect wine, also known as bourbon. Then Newsies to finish off the night"

"Sounds like the perfect date"


For a second, everything was perfectly quiet. It was such a comfortable silence, perfectly quiet, something neither Derek or Isabella had ever happily felt in a while. Curled up happily in their bed, Newsies playing on the tv, the couple were having their long overdue date that they promised they were never going to have. Derek's fingers were gently running through Isabella's hair, while her head was resting against his chest. The two were happily wrapped up in each other's arms and honestly would spend the right of the night like this, watching movie after movie before the two inevitably pass out. However, things in Beacon Hills were never that easy, and there was always going to be something that would break their perfectly silent moment.

At the warehouse Satomi's pack were currently hiding in, Derek followed Isabella in but kept his hand firmly on her back. He didn't want to make it obvious that he was worried about Isabella and the fact that he definitely didn't want her fighting. Even though Derek was the one everyone should be worried about, because his name wasn't on the dead pool anymore, Isabella was worth the most money so it was a battle between the two.

"They'll be okay" Scott said, almost trying to reassure Derek and possibly Isabella.

"They've got claws and fangs, but there no fighters" Derek muttered, but loud enough that everyone could hear what he was saying.

"That's why I called you" Scott said, "Why I called you both"

"Well, try to remember that I don't have claws and fangs anymore either" Derek replied, moving his hand to rest comfortably in Isabella's.

"That's the whole reason why we called Braden, Der" Isabella said, leaning slightly up against Derek "And the whole reason why we're gonna surround you if anything happens"

Braden looked at the two seeing how the couple were having a conversation without even saying a single word. She noticed that the two seemed to do it a lot, more often than most whenever Peter was arround because they didn't want him to hear anything they were saying.

"Am I the only one still hoping this is all just a false alarm?" Kira questioned, voicing her own concerns about the whole situation "I mean, it's possible we could wait here all night and nothing happens. Right?"

"Scott, you heard anything from Stiles or Lydia yet?" Braden questioned.

Scott nodded, but hadn't actually heard from them, he knew what they were doing surrounding the dead pool.

"Lydia's still talking to Meredith" Scott explained, "Stiles and Malia are headed to the lake house. They're trying to stop it"

From behind them, yet again Brett was listening into their conversation, but also getting a feel for the pack. From what Brett could gather, Scott was the main Alpha while Isabella was the other Alpha, the help, which he knew only happened in certain packs.

"What if there is no stopping it?" Brett questioned, making Scott turn around while the others looked at him "What if it doesn't end until we're all dead?"

"Then let's send a message" Derek said suddenly, an idea already forming in his mind "Let's make something perfectly clear to anyone with a copy of that list. It doesn't matter if they're professional assassins, hunters, or an amature who just picked up a gun. Anyone who thinks they can hunt and kill us for money, is gonna be put on another list. Out list. They get to be a name on our dead pool"


"Okay, you wanna tell me what all that was about?" Isabella questioned, "I mean you saying I'm stressed, but whatever happened back there seems as if you're the one that's stressed"

At first Derek didn't say anything, he just patted the spot next to him signaling for Isabella to sit next to him. Standing up slightly, Isabella moved from where she once was sitting to be right next to Derek, draping her legs over his and being pulled into Derek's side by his arm that was wrapped around her shoulder, his fingers gently running through her hair, which was more claming to him and soft little pda for Isabella.

"This dead pool is worse than we thought" Derek admitted, talking softly because he didn't want anyone else to listen into their conversation "And whose to say how long I actually have left before I'm killed for good this time"

"Killed for good?" Isabella whispered, them same words going over and over again in Isabella's mind, taunting her "What the fuck do you mean, killed for good?"

"Belle, my name's not on the dead pool anymore, hell I was the cipher key, I'm not meant to be alive right now" Derek said, trying to think logically about the whole situation, even when he knew it was breaking Isabella for the fact that they were even talking about any of this.

"So that's it basically, you're just going to give up" Isabella asked, pulling away from Derek, instantly feeling the cold but she didn't care, she was more focused on Derek and how quickly he was giving up "Just like that, you're names not on the dead pool, you were the cipher key and now you're no longer wolf, you just gonna give up."

Derek could see the anger behind Isabella's eyes but also saw the worry that was coursing through her veins "I'm not giving up, Belle. Seriously I wouldn't ever leave you here without fighting first. It's just, we're basically sitting in a tap that I'm definitely not walking out of"

"Bullshit" Isabella snapped.

Without even another word, Isabella stood up fully, dusting herself off and walking away from Derek ignoring his calls. She didn't even look back at Derek, proving to him that she was upset and slightly angry at Derek surrounding the fact that he was deffently just wanting to give up and admit his defeat with the dead pool. Moving further through the werehouse, Isabella crouched down near some of the plastic tarp, watching as Satomi's pack looked absolutely terrified about the idea of fighting, some of them even trying to hide away so they didn't have to fight at all.

Silence was deadly, but it also served as the best mediator for smoke bombs. Four were thrown into the werehouse, the smoke instantly breaking out into the air, the wolfsbane that was mixed with it weakened the wolves. Straight away, shooters walked and ran into the room shooting up the place, trying to hit anyone they possibly could.

With a gun in his hand, Derek was shooting at any time he could, hiding behind pillars whenever he possibly could. At the same time, Isabella grabbed some of Satomi's pack, the ones who looked terrified and started pulling them away towards somewhere safe and secure they could hide. Being in full wolf form, Isabella had a better eyesight than ever and using the training from Deucalion, Isabella was pretty much unstoppable against these hunters, or assassins. Practically pushing them into a room that was covered with a bunch of plastic tarp, Isabella grabbed the closest person she could, taking a hold of their wrist and making them look at her.

Letting her eyes go a darker red than her Alpha eyes, Isabella began to charm the person.

"Nobody is allowed to leave this area until someone comes in to get you"


Moving back into the main section of the warehouse, Isabella was ducking down and watching as bullet after bullet ran over her head. Her claws were scraping against the floor trying to get their attention so it would move away from everyone else.

Kira watched in pure confusion, she saw Isabella scraping her claws against the floor, letting out a small howl. She was drawing all the attention to her, as if Isabella was making a decision on her own. Picking her claws up, she yet again scraped them across the floor, doing the exact same thing as before. At the same time, Braden and Derek were back to back shooting anywhere they could, wondering how many people were actually around them shooting. But one thought was running through Derek's head constantly.

Where the hell was Isabella?


After the whole ordeal was over, and they were finally free which meant Isabella and Derek were at the loft. The two still were letting Braden stay but she was staying on the couch after what happened before, Braden promised herself she was never going to sleep in the bed again. But the awkwardness between Derek and Isabella could definitely be cut with a knife and Braden was watching the two wondering who was going to break first.

Walking into the bathroom, Braden knew Isabella was in there since she had pretty much locked herself up in it. Braden knew why Isabella had locked herself in the bathroom, it was only to hide away from Derek. In the bathroom, Isabella was leaning up against the wall, definitely deep in thought going over everything that had happened, everyhting Derek had said, the small fight that they had. It was just one of their normal disagreements, but this time it just felt different.

"Here, I'll clean that cut for you" Braden commented, tapping the counter for Isabella to sit down so Braden could actually take a look at the cut on Isabella's temple "Healing slow recently"

"Bond's broken since Derek's no longer a wolf so I'm really weak, and have been recently" Isabella said, trying not to look at Braden while she was gathering everything to clean the cut "So yeah, healing is incredibly slow"

Braden grabbed a cotton swab and some rubbing alcohol and started gently washing away the blood "Do you maybe wanna talk about it? You're head's gonna grow with all them thoughts"

"You ever love someone so much that it actually infuriates you have unbelievably selfish they are when it comes to protecting you?" Isabella asked suddenly "Like they're fucking insane for thinking you need protecting"

"Do you wanna know the true reason why Derek's thinking and pretty much utterly and incredibly giving up" Braden said, moving to getting some tape to sort out the wound "He knows how much money you are worth, and even when the dead pool is finished, there are still people out for your head, and Derek is going to do everything in his power to stop that."

Blinking gently, Isabella felt a tear run down her cheek knowing exactly why Derek was so hell bent on being the one to die. It was all to protect Isabella. If he was the one to be killed and then everything would move onto the rest of the Hales and Isabella would finally be safe. Braden gently wiped the tear away, pulling Isabella into her arms.

"Don't stay angry at him for too long" Braden whispered, after only knowing Isabella for a small amount of time she had really gained a connection to the girl and just wanted to keep her safe and happy "Okay, get yourself to bed. Sleep is definitely a must for you"


Derek couldn't sleep. He couldn't manage to shut his eyes with everything that had been happening recently. Even with Isabella happily asleep in his arms, or more like she had rolled over in his arms without realising. Derek thought the whole night Isabella would spend the whole night on her side of the bed, but straight away Isabella moved into Derek's arms and he allowed it, finding the comfort of just having her in his arms. With Braden sleeping on the couch, Derek felt as if he was watching out for both girls, constantly checking the security system with how much his paranoia was affecting him.

But Derek had the right thought. Because only after a moment of pure silence, the alarm to the security system started running and the red light began to flash. It instantly woke Braden up, causing her to sit up pulling her gun and knife from under her pillow and blanket turning around to face Derek who also had sat up. Isabella finally woke up when the let hit her eyes, as well as the sound ringing causing her to sit up and her eyes turning red.

Both Derek and Braden stood up and started quietly looking around the loft with the guns pointed out in frotn of them. They made sure to keep Isabella on the bed, since the best way for them to get a higher jump is if Isabella jumped from the bed getting as much height as she possibly could.

"Guys" Isabella said, standing up from the bed, walking straight over to the door "It's happening."

Opening up the door, Lydia was standing in the entrance and didn't say anything amd just screamed.

A banshee scream.

Looking directly at Derek.

Bee Speaks

Presenting 10x04 and 11x04 of Teen Wolf

No talk about secrets... but Derek and Isabella did have a little bluff.

Those two never get a break.

Which is why I'm gonna love writing the movie, cause the first part is gonna be so cute and fluffy I'm gonna die of happiness. 

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