the peaceful Tennyson

By PiratePhox4

13.9K 448 211

When an elderly man and his three grandkids go on a summer road trip, they encounter mysterious, and other wo... More

S1E1: And then there were ten
S1E3: The Krakken
S1E4: Permanent Retirement
S1E5: Hunted
S1E6: Tourist Trap
S1E7: Kevin 11
S1E8: The alliance
S1E9: Last laugh
S1E10: Lucky girl
S1E11: A small problem
S1E12: Side effects
S1E13: Secrets
S2E1: Truth
S2E2: The big tick
Updates (+Q&A)

S1E2: Washington B.C.

1.1K 37 26
By PiratePhox4

People watch in the city street as a building is engulfed in flames. Sirens blare in the distance.

Inside the building, A boy and his mother run to the door, but a piece of burning debris traps them in their room. They look around as pieces fall around them; eventually, the ceiling above them starts to cave in. They both shut their eyes and brace for it. Nothing happens.

The boy slowly opens his eyes, seeing someone standing in front of them

Boy: "Who are you..?"

They see a being made of fire, holding the ceiling debris above their heads.

Heatblast: "I'm here to help"

Heatblast throws away the debris and extends his hands; all the fire in the room gets absorbed by them.

Heatblast turns around and motions to come with him. The boy is less afraid to follow than his mom. Heatblast looks to some stairs leading down.

Heatblast: "This way!"

The stairs collapse.

Heatblast: "Er, on second thought..."

A voice then called out to them. Turning around, they say a purple dragon the size of a horse with goat like horns.

Spyro: "this way!"

Unaffected by the fire, Spyro charged at a barred window, and broke open the wall. He flaps his wings, and flew out the burning building, as a tornado of fire exits the building and touches straight down to the ground. It disperses, and Heatblast, the boy, and the mother are all okay. The crowd gasps.

Heatblast: "I'm sure you all want to thank me personally, but really it's all in a day's work for-"

However, he notices the kid holding three trading cards, and gasps.

Heatblast: "No way! A gold Sumo Slammer Card! Where'd you get it? I've been looking all over for that!"

Boy: "I-It was a prize inside a box of "Sumo-Smack Cereal""

Heatblast is then smacked across the head but spyro's tail.

Heatblast: "ow! What was that for?"

Spyro looked at him unamused, as The Rust Bucket pulls up and honk, with Gwen yelling out the window.

Gwen: "Yo, Super-Doofus! The fire was just a diversion to cover up a jewelry store robbery. The bad guys are getting away!"

Heatblast looks from Gwen, to the cards, and back to Gwen.

Heatblast: "Er- I knew that"

Spyro sighed.

A car speeds through the city street, with two masked thieves inside. As Max drives the Rust Bucket behind them, he sniffs something burning and looks to the Pyronite sitting next to him.

Max: "Knew I should've bought those asbestos seat covers when I had the chance"

Heatblast: "Sorry Grandpa, I can't help it. I'm hot.."

Gwen blasts Heatblast with a fire extinguisher

Gwen: "Ugh. Ten superheroes on that stupid watch and you picked the one with the flaming butt?!"

Heatblast: "Jealous?"

Gwen huffs and sprays Heatblast again.

Meanwhile, outside, Spyro flew above the car, and was about to land on top of it, but Heatblast leans out the side window and shoots a ball of fire towards the car. It hits them and sends the car spinning out of control. Which sent spyro's plan also spinning away.

Heatblast: "Stee-rike!"

One of the Robbers screams as their car crashes into a wall. As they recover, Heatblast walks up to them and rips the car door right off.

Heatblast: "Unless you punks want a permanent sunburn, HANDS AGAINST THE WALL!"

The robbers look at each other and walk out the car, doing as he says. However, the watch starts flashing red.

Heatblast: "You punks picked the wrong day to be bad-"

Before he could finish, heatblast is forced back into Ben.

Ben: "-guys..."

Robber 1: "Huh? Wha-?"

He spins around and sees Ben, and not heatblast.

Robber 1: "Hey, it's just a kid! Get the jewels!"

Ben: "Wow. Time sure flies when you're having fun! I-I've decided to let you guys off with a warning this time!"

The robbers go to move, but a fire ball stops them. Spyro lands down on the car, and glared at the robbers. As well as a side eye glance at ben. Eventually, police cars arrive, surrounding them.

Police Officer: "Freeze!"

Spyro: "they're all yours officers. Take these jerks away"

The officer nods, only to stare up at Spyro.

Spyro: "please. Ignore the talking dragon"

The officer rubs his eyes, and saw that Spyro had disappeared. Ignoring it, he went up to arrest the robbers. What happened to Spyro was that he simply reverted back to his true form. Y/n.


The next day, Max, Gwen, Ben, and y/n shop at the MegaMart, walking down aisles. Ben strays from them and finds a "Sumo-Smacks" cereal box with cards advertised inside. By it goes unnoticed but the others.

Max: "Only canned octopus? Huh. I thought this store prided itself on wide selection"

Gwen: "Uh, Grandpa? No offense, but can we have a normal dinner for once? You know, once that doesn't involve stir-fried tentacles?"

Max: "Heh! Nonsense. Now where do you suppose they keep the sheep's bladders?"

Y/n: "ooh! Sheep's bladder"

As those two walked off, Gwen stops, and instead heard the activation of Ben's watch.

Gwen: "Ben...?"

As she turns the aisle corner, Gwen gasps as she sees the entire cereal aisle in tatters. She walks over to a shaking box.

GreyMatter: "Oh man, another red card!"

Gwen grabs the box, and pulled out a little grey alien.

Gwen: "Gotcha! What are you doing?"

GreyMatter: "Uh... Looking for the gold Sumo Slammer Card? Duh"

Gwen: "You're supposed to use your powers to help people, not find some stupid trading card"

Store Manager: "Ahem"

Gwen turns around surprised, and quickly hides GreyMatter behind her.

Gwen: "It wasn't me! It was my doofus cousin!"
Store Manager: "Well someone is gonna have to pay for all this!"

And the next thing they knew, every box of cereal that Ben opened was now inside the shopping cart.

Max: "So, uh, why are we buying all of this cereal?"

Ben: "Well, we would have only had to buy the one that I found the gold Sumo Slammer card in if Gwen hadn't butted in with her big butt!"

Gwen: "Hello? You were trashing the whole cereal aisle just to find some stupid piece of cardboard!"

Max: "Ben, now I can appreciate how much this card means to you, but don't you think you're getting a little.. obsessed?"

Ben: "Maybe you're right, Grandpa. I don't deserve a gold Sumo Slammer card. I mean, it's not like I rescued a bunch of people from a burning building or anything like that!"

Y/n crossed his arms, and glared at Ben.

Ben: "with a little help"

Y/n: "better"

They went back on the treak, but Ben spots a sumo slammer display, and immediately rushed over to them to admire them.

Ben: "Whoa. Sumo Slammer cards; a complete set!"

Max: "Let's check out the pet department"

Gwen: "Please tell me you aren't looking for our breakfast..."

Y/n eyes Ben for a moment, before walking behind max and Gwen. When they got there, Max reviews his list of items while Gwen plays with a hamster, as y/n was staring off into space. Suddenly, a man with slightly green skin, riding a giant mutant frog, lands in front of them. Animo turns the dial and red beams shoot out of his transmodulator. Max pushes himself, y/n and Gwen out of its way.

The beam mutates a hamster and a cockatiel, both of whom explode out of their cages and stare menacingly at the three tennysons.

Dr. Animo: "Ariiiiise to your full potential, my pets!"

Max: "y/n-"

He looked over at the youngest, but he was already gone.

Y/n: "another issue. I suppose I'll handle this alone"

Y/n cups his amulet in his hands, as a blue glow began to emit from it.

Y/n: "undead element, type three"

From the amulet, the glow is turned grey, as it spread all over his body. His body is then turned into a seven foot tall skeleton. Armor then formed on his feet, hands, chest, and head. Holding out his arms, two weapons are formed. A sword, and a shield. Becoming the arkeyan warrior, Chop Chop.

Meanwhile, Dr. Animo theatrically presents his mutated animals, all aligned next to him. With max, Ben, and Gwen standing before him.

Dr. Animo: "Behold the genius of Dr. Animo. Nothing can stop me from getting what I deserve. Mark my words! Today I will make history, or should I say...prehistory!"

Gwen: "If you didn't go cereal diving, one of those heroes could be saving us from becoming hamster chow"

The three gasp and scream as the hamster roars, taking a step forward.they go to run, as the hamster charged at them. But then chop chop jumped in the way, and shield bashed it into the ground.

Chop chop: "go. I'll handle them"

The hamster swipes at chop chop, but the arkeyan warrior blocks it with his shield. Then, using the back side of his sword, smacks the hamster over the head, and sent it into the next aisle. Chop chop ran after it, but was knocked into the ground by the hamster. Chop chop kicks the hamsters face, then jumps up, and shield bashed the hamster again, this time, he did it repeatedly until the hamster was unconscious.

The other three tennysons run over to him, as behind him, animo jumps back in with his frog.

Dr. Animo: "idiotic fool! You cannot stop me! I will turn Washington D.C. into "Washington B.C."!"

He jumps from his frog to the mutated parrot, who flies off with him through a sky light, the frog following after.

The store manager then rushed up to chop chop, who looked down at him.

Store Manager: "You saved the store! If there's anything I can do to repay you...anything you want!"

Chop chop: "there is none needed"

Chop chop then jumps out the same way as the mutated parrot, as max, Ben, and Gwen leave the store.


Now night, Max follows after the screeching parrot in the RV.

Max: "Ah, just like the good old days. before I retired"

Gwen: "So, exactly, what kind of plumber were you, Grandpa?"

Max: "Er- yuh- a darn good one!"

Y/n looked at max suspiciously. He's never heard max ever actually talk about his work days. But max didn't want to go any further on it. And Ben was sulking at y/n "stealing" his spotlight.

Gwen: "Bingo! Five years ago, Dr. Animo was a promising researcher in veterinary science. But it turned out he was doing all these twisted genetic experiments where he was mutating animals, and when he didn't win some big prize called "The Verities Award", he flipped out"

Chop chop: "anything else?"

Gwen: "not that I can find... why are you still alien?"

Chop chop: "chop chop is not an alien"

Ben: "did you just talk in third person?"

Chop chop glared at Ben. Meanwhile, Max watches the parrot disappear by flying between some buildings.

Max: "We've lost him. He could be going anywhere in Washington D.C."

Gwen: "Or "Washington B.C."..."

Ben: "That's it! I know where he's going! The Natural History Museum!"


They park in front of the museum. Ben finds a giant feather.

Max: "Something tells me we're on the right track. Good thinking, Ben!"

Gwen: "Guess even a doofus can surprise you once in a while"

Ben: "And you should know!"

Chop chop Leads the charge, holding up his shield. While walking inside, Ben finds a box labeled "M Mart Electronics". In front of them, next to a mammoth exhibit, is Dr. Animo, fiddling with his machine. He stops and realises they're here.

Dr. Animo: "You.. are very persistent. I HATE persistent"

Ben: "We all know about you and your 'freakazoid' experiments, Dr. Animo! It's over!"

Dr. Animo: "Oh, but it's only just begun...! See, I only needed a few components to push my work into phase two: the reanimation of dormant cells"

Ben: "Er, does this guy come with subtitles?"

Dr. Animo: "Breathing life back into that which has been long since lifeless. Observe!"

Animo turns the dial twice this time. His transmodulator shoots beams into the mammoth, bringing it to life. It lets out a trumpet as it stomps down from its pedestal.

Dr. Animo: "Behold the genius that is Dr. Animo!"

He then runs away.

Gwen: "you have anything bigger y/n?"

Chop chop: "perhaps"

Ben: "wait. You guys get animo, I'll take care of this"

Chop chop: "are you positive?"

Ben nods, and down on the watch, transforming into an enormous red being with four muscular arms, "Four Arms".

Four Arms: "Let's wrestle"

Four Arms runs toward the mammoth, grabbing it by the trunk and tipping it to the ground. Chop chop, Max and Gwen run out of the mammoth exhibit and after Animo, but come across the giant parrot.

Chop chop simply bashed his shield into its face, causing it to run scared.

The three then continued, and As they enter a new room, they see Animo, who smiles before shooting beams at a Tyrannosaurus Rex skeleton. Skin forms and wraps around its bones; an eye lights up the previously bare socket. The T-Rex takes a step and roars a mighty roar at the three Tennysons.

Chop chop bared his shield forward, ready to fight, but Dr. Animo only fled on the back of the T. Rex, which almost hits chop chop with its tail.

Dr. Animo: "I'd love to stay, but I need to claim the award I so richly deserve"

The T. Rex breaks out of the museum, as the parrot swoops in and snatches Gwen. Chop chop attempted to stop it, but was able to dodge in time. Four arms then jumps in, and leaps after the parrot. He grabs a hold of the parrot.

Four Arms: "No "bye-bye" for you"

The feathers he holds suddenly pluck, and Four Arms falls to the ground while the bird flies away with Gwen. The watch starts timing out as well, though luckily Four Arms only detransforms after impacting the ground. Ben climbs up out of the crater.

Ben "GWEN!"

The rust bucket pulls up to Ben, as the door flies open, revealing y/n.

Y/n: "Ben. Get in!"

Ben rushes inside the RV, and drives after the parrot.

Meanwhile Animo on the T. Rex crushes a building.

Dr. Animo: "Ah, I do love my work"

Up above on the Washington monument, the parrot is perched, with Gwen still hanging from its talons. Taking the chance, Gwen reached for her phone.

Gwen: "Well, my mom said only use in an emergency... I guess this qualifies"

Meanwhile, back with the other tennysons, y/n and Ben were looking around from the windows in search of the parrot, which they had lost due to its ability to fly.

Ben: "No sign of beak breath!"

Max: "There can't be that many places for the parrot the size of an elephant to roost. Here, look at what Dr. Animo left behind"

Max hands y/n a newspaper clipping, as Ben looks over his shoulder at it.

Y/n: ""Dr. Kelly accepts Verities Award""

Ben: "He's gonna finally pick up on his award! We gotta stop him!"

Max: "First thing's first. We have to find your cousin"

Suddenly, Max's phone started to ring. They all look at the caller, seeing the name of the very person they were looking for.

Max|Ben|y/n: "Gwen!"

With a few more swirves, they stopped at the Washington monument, and rush out the rust bucket, as gwens phone smashes into the ground in front of them.

Max: "Oh no. Gwen'll be next"

Ben: "not if we can help it. It's hero time!"

Ben activates his watch, as y/n cups his amulet. In a combination of green and blue, they transformed.

Ben becoming a giant, smelly, grotesque bug. And y/n becoming a large griffin like beast. Once transformed, they took flight. Just in time too, as Gwen looses her grip, and began to fall. But she was thankfully caught by Stinkfly, as Sonic boom flew above them.

Stinkfly: "Gotcha!"

Gwen: "Huh? Butterfly!"

Stinkfly: "Stinkfly!"

Gwen: "Yeah, whatever. Anyway, thanks for the save. Incoming!"

Behind them, the parrot charged at them, but the mutated animal was knocked away by Sonic boom.

Sonic boom: "go! I'll handle it"

Sonic boom is then tackled by the parrot, as Stinkfly flew off with Gwen. Sonic boom grappled the parrot, causing the two to spiral into the ground. The parrot was the first to get up, and started pecking at Sonic boom, but the Skylander swipes his wing, caused an egg to form, and smash into the parrots face. It then hatched, as a baby sonic boom started pecking back in the parrots eye.

Suddenly, the parrot is crashed into the ground by Stinkfly, who landed on it.

Stinkfly: "gwens with grandpa. Let's get animo!"

Sonic boom nods, as the two flew off.

Meanwihle, at Kelly Industries, Dr. Kelly shows his reward to the tour group of VIPs.

Dr. Kelly: "And here is my Verities Award. Of course, it was an honor just to be nominated with a distinguished group of scientists"

Suddenly, Dr. Animo and T. Rex smash through a glass wall to invade to Dr. Kelly's company.
Dr. Animo: "Kelly! I believe you have something of mine"

He jumps off the T. Rex and grabs the Verities Award.

Dr. Animo: "I'd like to thank the committee for this honor!"

The T. Rex roars, swiping it's mouth towards Kelly, before Stinkfly and sonic boo. rush in, and swoops by the T. Rex, knocking it back. But we're both swung away by its tail. Sonic boom flung through a wall, and Stinkfly into the floor. When he got up, he spotted a familiar card in the rubble.

Stinkfly: "Whoa, I struck Sumo Slammer gold!"

Dr. Kelly: "Somebody help me!"

He then looks up, and sees the T. Rex holding Kelly in its mouth, ready to bite down. Stinkfly looks between him, the card, and the hole sonic boom was flung through.

Stinkfly: "Oh, man! This hero stuff ain't easy"

Kelly was moments from being eaten, but Stinkfly saved him.

Dr. Animo: "What are you, you little pest?"

Stinkfly: "I'm Stinkfly, and I'm here to kick some tail!"

Dr. Animo shoots the beam at Stinkfly, who dodges by flying around him. Sonic boom then flew back in, and knocked into animo, causing him to drop the trophy.

Dr. Animo: "No!!"

Stinkfly then flew by, and stole the Transmodulator right off of animo's head. He then tossed into the air, where sonic boom, as per his namesake, released a Sonic roar at it, shattering the device, which sent a shockwave over the entire city. Causing the T. Rex to melt back into just a pile of bones from underneath animo.

And only a couple of hours later, now day, doctor animo was taken away into police custody.

Dr. Animo: "Let me go! I deserve that award! I've got it coming to me! I want it!"

And so, after all of that, the rust bucket was on the road again.

Ben: "I didn't get that gold Sumo Slammer card, but at least I snagged a trophy from of Animo. Plus, I guess saving the city from "Dr. Wacko" was its own reward"

Gwen: "Don't forget you saved me, too. Thanks"

Ben: "Yeah, well, that's what we heroes do best: Rescue dweebs"

Suddenly, the gold Sumo Slammer card is tossed in front of Ben. He and Gwen look up, seeing y/n avoiding eye contact.

Ben: "how did-"

Y/n: "I snagged it before we finished off Animo... thought you could use a little bit more of a reward for saving the city. With help of course"

Ben smiled, and picked up the card.

Y/n: "as long as you remember to think of us as a team.. maybe we'll make this hero stuff work..."

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