The Prisoner [ONGOING]

By Queen_Izzy02

147 18 16

I walked into the wooden cage, walking up to the vampire slowly, taunting him. I finally take a seat across... More

3-I Need To...
5-My Turn!!!
7- Let's Talk
8-Stella Rosa Peach
9- Ah Shit!
10- Ceremony
11- Deangelo
12-Water Be Crazy
14-It's Not That Difficult
15-The Calm...
16- ... The Storm


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By Queen_Izzy02

Isabella's POV:

"Love? Bella?" I heard Deangelo whisper out to me while softly shaking me. My eyes fluttered halfway open, way too tired to fully open my eyes.

"Yes?" I groaned.

"It's time for brecky. Then on our way to my castle." He reminded me with a hesitant smile. I really don't want to wake up this early but he seems so happy. I don't want to crush his spirits. I closed my eyes again and threw my head back in annoyance. I let out an exasperated grunt before sitting up and throwing the comforter off my body. Goddess that warmth, I want it back so badly.

"Okay. Let's go." I exclaimed in a chippy voice catching him off guard as his face changed from sad to confused. I stood up and walked downstairs with Deangelo following closely behind. No need to get dressed now, I'll just come up and get washed after I eat.

Deangelo soon caught up with me and grabbed my hand. I looked up at him and smiled, getting a smile in return. We made it to the dining hall and was met by a full hall. As we walked to the buffet table, everyone would bow their heads to the two of us.

"Bwella!" I heard a chorus of happy children scream. I turned to my left and saw two little male pups, Jordan and Jonah, running up to us. I kneeled down and opened my arms for them to run into.

"Hi guys! How are you?" I asked once I wrapped my arms around them and scooped them up.

"We're good! Mama's taking us to the movies tonight!" Jordan stated.

"You and Luan should come!" Jonah excitedly offered up. I chuckled at his excitement. Kids always make me smile.

"I would love to, but Luan and I are going on a vacation to his parents' home." Their faces quickly fell as I felt the excitement leave their bodies.

"Oh. Okway." Jonah mumbled out.

"But," I turned to see Deangelo had joined us. He took Jordan out of my arms before continuing. "We can come eat with you guys now and when we come back, we'll take you guys to wherever you want to go!" The boy's faces lit up as I'm sure a bunch of different ideas ran through their heads.

"Sound like a deal?" I asked.

"Yes!" They both yelled out before wiggling out of our arms and running to their seats. I giggled at their excitement and walked back in line for food. Waiting with a plate in hand, I felt Deangelo wrap his arms around my waist and kiss my head.

"You're so wonderful with kids. It really warms my heart. With any luck, we'll have our own vamping around here." I stayed quiet. This topic was something sensitive for me and I don't think I'm ready to discuss it with him just yet. The line moved up and so did I hoping to end the conversation.

After I got my food, we made our way to the table the Kandel family occupied. We talked with the family and planned our day with the boys with their parents approval. After a quick breakfast, we excused ourselves and made our way up to my room.

"Hey. Which car are we taking?" Deangelo asked me as I went to brush my teeth. I decided to mindlink since I was in the midst of cleaning the gunk from my mouth.

"I don't know. We can do a sports car, an expensive show-off car, or a reliable SUV." I listed off for him.

"Maybe a show-off car. It's the vamp kingdom, it's all about showing off." He explained. "I also didn't pack anything for me. So it's all your stuff." I spit the toothpaste out and rinsed my mouth out with my mouthwash.

"Okay. Sounds good." I responded while walking into my room to look at him.

"I'm going to take the bags into the car. I'll leave a small suitcase for any last minute stuff such as hygienic stuff." Deangelo said, walking up to me and kissed my cheek.

"Just make sure it is my car. Don't forget where the list of cars are." I reminded him. "AND DON'T FORGET TO CHECK IT OUT PROPERLY!" I quickly rushed out as he walked out of the room with five bags under his arms.

"Damn. I didn't think he could get hotter." Althea popped in my head making me roll my eyes. I walked into the bathroom and stripped out of my clothes before entering into my shower.

"Did you seriously have to say that?" I responded while turning the water and began to wash my body.

"It's not like I lied." She stated in a matter of fact tone. I shook my head and stood under the water to rinse myself off. Knowing how important this is to Deangelo, I don't take too much time in the shower. Quickly getting out before I got too comfortable, I wrapped my robe around my body and walked into my closet.

I start to rummage through my comfortable clothes. I should definitely be comfortable. So maybe a sweat outfit with sneakers.

"NO! We need to look sexy!"

"For a three to five hour trip? No. I want to be comfortable."

"There's going to be female vampires there that have been with Deangelo or at least tried to. We need to show them they have nothing on us and Deangelo upgraded!" Okay she makes a good point. I never thought of that. This will be the first time they see me when I get out of the car.

"We also don't even know if he has any flings or anything like that. We're just being jealous and possessive."

"And?! But fine, we have to look the part of the Princess. You saw what D was wearing. Not sweats."

"I will ask him. I smell him coming." I cut the link off with her and turned around to find D leaning against the doorframe with his hands in his pockets.

"Yes?" He asked

"Sooo, I was going to wear a sweatsuit but Althea said that we should wear something sexy."

"Okay?" He edged me to continue.

"Are the females there that you used to sleep with or date? Or at least would throw themselves at you?" I quickly asked to get to the point. He sighed heavily and walked up to me wrapping his arms around my waist.

"Yes, I have left a trail of heartbroken women. But I've never promised any of them your spot in my life."

"Looks like we're going with sexy." I stated, and went back to my clothes. I heard his deep hearty laugh as he walked back out to the room.

"I do not want an I-told-you-so Althea. Keep your snout shut."

"I wasn't going to." She said sarcastically. I just shook my head and went back to looking for clothes. I still need to be comfortable for the drive but now it needs a sexy appeal. I figured jeans could be comfortable, I just need a nice top to go with it. "How about that brown corset crop top?" Althea popped back in. I grabbed what she suggested and it actually wasn't bad.

"That works actually. Thanks." I grabbed the clothes and got dressed. I put half of my hair into two ponytails and did some simple makeup, keeping it as natural as I can. Grabbing some white sneakers, I threw them on and walked out to my bag shelf. I grabbed a white mini backpack and filled it up with my wallet, phone, chargers, and some makeup stuff. I looked around the room and noticed D wasn't here. Maybe he went downstairs for blood. I turned my lights off and walked downstairs.

"D?!" I screamed as I walked around. I noticed Alex and Kira in the kitchen. "Hey. Have y'all seen D?" I asked, gaining their attention.

"Yeah. He went to grab some blood for the trip and pack it into the car." Kira said, chewing on a piece of bacon.

"Okay. Thanks." I said, grabbing an apple. "Are you two ready to be in charge?" I inquired.

"Yeah. We got this. Plus, you're still handling the boring stuff." Alex joked. I groaned at his reminder.

"Don't remind me. Well gotta go. Love y'all." I said running off to the cars.

"Love you too!" They screamed behind me. I walked out of the pack house to find D waiting, leaning against one of my German sports cars. I walked up to him and he grabbed my hand and kissed the back of it.

"You look breathtaking, Bella." He breathed out.

"Thank you." He walked me over to my door and opened it, assisting me into the car before running around and getting in himself.

"Ready?" He asked, his voice sounds nervous. I reached for his hand and he turned to look at me.

"Ready. But I'm in charge of the aux!" He chuckled but agreed. He started the car and pulled off. I put some music on and we sang at the top of our lungs. At some point he pulled over to a gas station and I stopped the music.

"I'm going to get some blood and fill the car up. Go ahead and take a nap. You didn't get much sleep last night" He suggested. I nodded and got comfortable in my seat. He was right about me needing sleep because it didn't take long for my eyes to feel heavy and close.


My eyes fluttered open as I felt the car drive onto a brick. Sitting up in my seat, I looked around, it was basically abandoned. A few beings walked around and conversed.

"It's more lively at night, love. But it is NOT because we burn under the sun or something. We're just nocturnal since that's the best time to hunt. When everyone else is asleep, you know?." D explained. I nodded in acknowledgment and went back to taking in my surroundings. I see us pull up to a humongous black gate where two guards approach the car. One knocked on the window and D rolled it down. The guard bent down to look at us and his eyes widened in fear.

"Your majesty! We're so sorry. We were not made aware of your returning home."

"That's alright, but please let me into my home." D's voice was stern. The guard quickly nodded, possibly giving himself whiplash, and signaled for someone to open the gate.

"Glad to have you back Prince Deangelo." the other guard said as they both bowed to us. D just drove off up the long driveway that ended with a circle. He turned the car off and people began walking up to the car.

"This'll go swimmingly, Bella. My mum already adores you even though she never fancies anyone. So you haven't a thing to worry about." He whispered and pecked my lips. My door was then opened and someone extended their hand to help me out. I took it with Deangelo's encouragement and stepped out of the car. D was quickly by my side and we walked up the steps of the castle to be greeted by his parents.

"Darlings! How delightful of you to visit!" His mom exclaimed as she walked up to us, embracing us. She took my hand away from D and escorted me into the castle. His father walked up to him and they walked behind us.

"It's wonderful to see you again as well Melinda. Your castle looks amazing on the outside. I cannot wait to take a tour of it!" I offered in return.

"Oooh, I can take you on one now! Let the boys catch up. What do you say?" She offered looking me in the eyes hopefully.

"Of course. I would love that!" Her eyes brightened up and she dragged me off to some area of the castle.

"I'll drop her off at your room for dinner Angelo!" She called behind us to the boys. We spent the next two hours going around the castle. Thank goddess I wore sneakers. The castle is humongous! They have four gardens, hundreds of guest rooms, a ball room, a theater, a room just to hold blood and also for blood donations. She showed me everything, even the dungeons. We are currently walking to our rooms now to get ready for dinner.

"This is where we separate. Your room is down the hall. You'll be able to smell Angelo. There are maids there to help you get dressed. I picked out a gorgeous dress. I hope you love it!" She kissed my cheeks and walked away. I made my way to where the lavender and swimming pool scent was coming from.

Opening the door, I was met by a naked Deangelo. I quickly walked in and closed the door. His attention was brought to me.

"Why are you naked?" I walked up to his bed and threw my bag onto it and took a seat at the edge to take my shoes off.

"I just got out of the shower. Hence the wetness." He responded, sliding briefs on. He walked over to me and hovered over me pushing my body down onto the bed. "How was your time with my mum, love?" I wrapped my arms around his neck.

"It was good! I really like her! Definitely not what I expected from the Vampire Queen to be honest."

"And what were you expecting?"

"Obviously a beotch who thought she was better than me. The basic stereotype." He laughed at my acknowledgment.

"Anyhow, what did you think of the castle?"

"It's gorgeous. Not what I expected." He threw his down with a sigh.

"And what were you expecting?"

"Black. Lots of it. And bats. Also coffins. Not beds." He lifted his head and just stared at me before pushing himself off the bed. "Is it something I said?" He threw his head back and let out a roar of laughter.

"You're lucky I love you. Now we have guests." He opened the door and three females and two males stood there.

"Hello. We're here to help you get ready for dinner." The brunette spoke up and we got to work.

We spent the next hour just getting ready. They didn't understand how to do my hair, so I did it myself. I was dressed in a gorgeous purple strapless gown. The bottom was form fitting and sheer with a purple cape skirt. Paired with purple butterfly heels and I straightened my hair.

"Ready?" I heard D ask, walking into my dressing room. I turned to look at him and he looked at me with hungry eyes. He was wearing a purple suit with white sneakers.

"You look amazing Bella. You were destined to become a princess. You definitely look the part." I blushed and put my head down.

"Seriously girl! You couldn't keep your head up!" Althaea's voice quickly pushed my head up and I was met by a bemused Deangelo. A high smirk embodied his face. He leaned down and kissed my earlobe.

"I will deal with you later. We have a dinner to attend and it would be good that we're not late and you don't look like a mess." He whispered. I moaned out as I thought of all the things he'll do to me later. Wetness leaked out of vagina, soaking my panties. He sniffed the air and let out a deep chuckle that caused more wetness to drip out of me. "Let's go before we're held up, love."

I nodded, unable to talk. I used the twenty minutes it took us to get to the dining room to calm my body down so nobody could smell my arousal. The double doors were opened for us and Deangelo guided me to our seats. The King and Queen were on both ends of the table and we were on one side; me next to Melinda.

"I hope you don't mind Angelo darling, but we invited your best friends Carly and Nick." Melinda announced right before two vampires walked in. Nick was extremely tall, maybe 6'5, and he wore a black suit with red sneakers. Carly, was about my height. Very petite and blonde. She wore a very form fitting bright red dress that had a built-in push-up bra. Her lips matched her dress. She ran over and threw herself at D, kissing him all over his face. I just sat there in shock as he did nothing. My nails dug into the arms of the chair, most definitely cracking whatever material it was made out of. I think Melinda sensed my anger as she told them to find their seats. Carly sat exactly across from D and kept staring at him as the food was brought out. I am certain she was attempting to play footsies with him cause she would often kick me under the table.

"I am going to rip her head off if you do not stop it!" I quickly shot out of my seat.

"I do not believe I have much of an appetite, mom." I made sure to purposefully call her by mom to hurt Carly. It obviously did as she flinched but tried to hide it. "I think I am very tired from my trip and I will retire to our room. Maybe tomorrow, we could have breakfast together in one of the gardens." She smiled at me as I excused myself. I bowed slightly and ran out of there.

Attempting to find my way back to our room, I got lost. I think I ended up on the west side of the castle and we're on the east side. Ugh! I hate big ar-

My mental rant was stopped as I was hit on the back of my head with a metal bar. Most likely silver coated as it burned against my scalp with a sizzle. I clenched my teeth to ease the pain. I fell face-first onto the floor. My nose broke as I felt the nasty crunch. My eyes began to get heavy as darkness engulfed me; now the castle became black.

"Let your king and the vamp king know, we're coming for them. This is us declaring war." I heard an unknown voice whisper in my ear. I felt a knife plunged into my hip. I groaned out one last time before darkness became my new reality.
3,088 words!!!

Carly will be played by Emma Roberts and Nick is played by Calvin Harris.

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