14-It's Not That Difficult

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Isabella's POV:

"She ought to be alright, your highness. Someone clobbered the back of her head but her werewolf healing has healed her already. It won't be long before she comes to." Who is that? Why can't I see? Everything's so dark.

"Thank you Gerald. You're dismissed." I heard Deangelo's voice followed by the click of the door. Shocks soon erupt up my arm causing my eyes to fly open. I look down and see Deangelo clasped his hand with mine and laid his head on my arm. "Please wake up, Bell. I'm sorry I brought us here. I'm sorry I didn't leave with you."

"Get your big head off my arm. You're going to break it." He shot up out of his chair. His eyes soon locked with mine, the worry and fear evident within them. He quickly engulfed me in a bone crushing hug.

"You gave me quite a fright. I was scared I lost you forever." He whispered in my ear. I wrapped my arms around him. After some time, he slowly let me go.

"I'm sorry. I sh-"

"No. Don't apologize. I shouldn't have let you leave unaccompanied. Now, let's get you out of this dress and then we can discuss what happened at dinner." Deangelo helped me sit up as I threw my legs over the long bed.

"Actually, I need to see your parents. I have something I need to tell them." He looked at me with a bewildered expression but nodded. He picked me up princess style and I wrapped my arms around his neck.

"Right, just hang on." He then took off at vamp speed. I felt like Bella in twilight. Ha! We have the same name too! Don't know why it took me this long to realize the similarities. We quickly made it to his parents' suite. Despite my current condition, I still took a second to admire the all black with some gold accents. A black and gold king bed was in the middle of the room with their emblem displayed on the headboard.

"Isabella!" His mom blurted out. Once I was placed onto my feet, she wrapped her arms around my body. Pulling away to take a look at me. "You scared me half to death, darling."

"I'm sorry for that. I got lost finding my way back to my room." I chuckled at my forgetfulness.

"Understandably so. I would have to plan to depart an hour before the time of any event just to make it on time when I first met my dear Philip." Philip and Melinda laughed at the memories and I smiled at their love for each other. I hope one day Deangelo and I will be like that.

"We will. I promise." D's voice rang through my head. I looked up at him with a smile plastered on my face and he winked at me.

"Well, nevermind that, what is it that you wanted to see us about?" Melinda inquired, unknowingly bringing tension into the room. The mood in the room just shifted and no one even knew why. No one except for me.

"I have a message to bring to you from my attacker." This revelation caused everyone to stiffen up and Melinda silently urged me to continue. "'Let your king and the vamp king know, we're coming for them. This is us declaring war.'"

"Let us go to the situation room. There I will contact King Carter and we can discuss this grave matter more efficiently." King Philip gestured towards a solid wall. I looked at him skeptically, but Deangelo guided me towards the wall. Philip pushed against it and a seam suddenly appeared, marking the edge between the wall and hidden door.

'Ah, that makes sense,' I thought to myself. We all walked into the wall hole and down some flights of stairs that took us to a what looked like a conference room on steroids. A long table sat in the middle with a bank of large flat-screen TVs filling one of the walls.

"Bella?" I turned my attention to Deangelo who had a chair pulled out indicating for me to sit there. I quickly obliged while King Philip presumably was attempting to contact King Carter. After some buttons, he sat down at the head of the table. Deangelo sat to my left and his mom to my right, sitting next to King Philip.

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