A new beginning // Ninjago Dr...

By BlizzardPlays

10.7K 172 419

A new beginning is a story with Y/n and B/n meeting Arin and Sora Being with new ninja is awesome, but being... More

The Merge: Part 1
The Merge: Part 2
Crossroad Carnival
Beyond Madness
Writers of Destiny
Return to Imperium
Mindless beasts
The calm inside
The Battle of the Second Monastery
The Temple of the dragon cores
Gangs of the Sea
Wyldly Inappropriate
The Last Djinn
They call it Doom.
Land of lost things
The Administration
Absolute Power
We are all dragons: Part 1
We are all dragons: part 2
The power within
What the mech?
The mech master
A pain in the Mech!
The Blood Moon
Shattered Dreams
Beyond the Phantasm Cave

I will be the danger

238 4 19
By BlizzardPlays

Dragons rising: Season 1, Episode 8

Word count: 2,5K

Warning: mild language

This includes wyldfire's backstory

(In a flashback, Heatwave drinks lava in the Wyldness. He sees a smoking object falling from the sky and goes to investigate. He finds and opens the compartment, and a caregiver bot floats outside.)

Past Caregiver bot: Request assistance. Child protected from impact, but requires care.

(The caregiver bot opens to reveal a baby Wyldfyre to him. A short timeskip later, Wyldfyre as a toddler waddles around.)

Past Wyldfyre: Ta da! (She sees a Wyldmelon on a tree.) Ooh! Hmm. (She sneaks away to retrieve the fruit, but falls and screams. Heatwave saves her just in time and gives her the fruit to eat.)

(Another timeskip later, Wyldfyre as a young child is entranced by a campfire, and she approaches it with her hand outstretched.)

Past Caregiver bot: Halt! Fire is danger!

(Another timeskip later, Wyldfyre laughs as Heatwave carries her while running. He roars, and she does the same.)

(Yet another timeskip later, an older Wyldfyre relaxes on Heatwave's belly.)

Past Caregiver bot: My programming designates this as time for educational instruction. (Wyldfyre gets up reluctantly.) The next word is "family". Fam-il-y. Can you say "family?

Past Wyldfyre: Fam-il-y. Family! (She hugs Heatwave.)

(One day, the Merge happens in the middle of the night. The next morning, Wyldfyre discovers her new powers while picking fruits. She lights up both hands with fire and smiles.)

Past Wyldfyre: I am fire. I am danger! Roar!

Past Caregiver bot: Hmm. This is a developmental anomaly. Must adjust caregiving techniques. (It throws rocks for Wyldfyre to destroy as she laughs.)

(Another timeskip later, a now teenaged Wyldfyre is relaxing when she hears Heatwave roar.)

Past Wyldfyre: Heatwave! (She arrives to see him being taken away by Claws of Imperium.) Heatwave! (Immediately, she starts to pack.)

Past Caregiver bot: Why do you store these melons?

Past Wyldfyre: Supplies. Bad guys took Heatwave. I will get him back.

Past Caregiver bot: Warning. You should not go. It is not safe.

Past Wyldfyre: Heatwave is my family. I am going to save my family.

Past Caregiver bot: But there will be danger.

Past Wyldfyre: Yes. I will be the danger.

(She leaves determinedly amid claps of thunder.)


(At present day Imperium, Lloyd, Wyldfyre, and the dragons face off against the Imperium Guards.)

Imperium Guard: I said, get back in those cells!

Wyldfyre: Make them! I dare you!

Lloyd: Daring them? Look, we don't want to fight in these close quarters.

Wyldfyre: Who said we don't want to fight?

Lloyd: I have a fake ID as an Imperium citizen. I might be able to talk our way out of this.

Wyldfyre: Talk? Barf. Fight! (She growls and charges.)

Lloyd: Okay, so impulse control isn't her thing. (He tries to operate a control panel to open the roof, but a guard is flung onto it, breaking it.) Thank you. We got a new way out!

Wyldfyre: Heatwave, go! (She leads the dragons into flying upwards.)

Lloyd: Wait for me!

Imperium Guard: Get back here! Ugh!

(The dragons race through the streets. Some of them try flying upwards.)

Lloyd: No! The electro-barrier is still — (The dragons crash into the barrier and fall.) Uh, active. Ouch.

Wyldfyre: We're free of our cages but still trapped in the large house!

Lloyd: Large house?

Wyldfyre: The large house of many houses!

Lloyd: You mean the city?

Wyldfyre: That's the word. How do we get out of the city?

Lloyd: We snuck in through waste tunnels, but they're too small for dragons. So the only way out is through the main gates, which will not be easy.

(They head towards the gates.)


(In a different part of the city, Arin is being questioned by Percival.)

Percival: I can't believe you've been hiding a filthy dragon this whole time, Floortile. What self-respecting Imperian would be a dragon-lover?

Arin: I'm not an Imperian.

Percival: Ugh! An outlander? And we listened to your teachings. I ... I am ashamed. You have tarnished us in front of the very image of the Empress!

Imperium Teen Protection Force: All hail the Good Empress!

Arin: Hail this!

(He prepares to fight. Behind him, Lloyd and Wyldfyre's stampede of dragons rush by.)

Percival: Dragons are loose in the city? (The Beatrix banner falls on them.) Is this your doing, Floortile? (They lift up the Beatrix banner, only to find Arin gone.) Search for them! They can't have gone far!


(The dragons race through the streets.)

Lloyd: We need to get these dragons into some kind of formation!

Wyldfyre: For-ma-tion?

(Jiro knocks off part of a building. Lloyd quickly destroys it before it harms the citizens.)

Lloyd: They're causing too much damage! We need to get control of them!

Wyldfyre: No control. Dragons are free! Escape is all that matters!

Lloyd: But innocent people could get hurt. This is too dangerous!

Wyldfyre: I am danger!


(In the middle of a street, Rapton lectures his Claw Hunters.)

Rapton: The dragons trying to escape are Imperium property. A defining resource of our great kingdom! To remove them from our land is an insult to everything we believe in! And we will not be insult — (They are all sent flying by the passing dragons.) Ugh. (He is called by Ras.) Lord Ras! Hey. How are things? All good here, don't know what you might've been hearing. (He laughs and clears his throat.)

Ras: Get the Claws of Imperium to the Advanced Systems Lab. Now!

Rapton: But we have orders to stop the whole dragon thing. Which is going pretty well so far, to be honest. Heh.

Ras: I said, now! (He shuts off the communicator.)

Rapton: Claws! Lord Ras has ordered us to the Advanced Systems Lab! And he also ordered us never to mention what happened in this street. Ever. Let's go!


(At the Monastery of Spinjitzu, Kai, B/N, and Y/N was playing Lava Zombies.)

Kai: I will crush you and everything you ever believed in, B/N!

B/N: Seriously? I think it's pretty easy to play.

Kai: Oh, come on, computer! You're not supposed to go that hard! This is my chill time for stopping that MergeQuake this morning all by myself with Y/N. I deserve to relax!

Y/N: Um, is Kai just saying that cause B/N's power can't help stopping the MergeQuake?

B/N: Pretty sure that's why. (Beats Kai in the game)

Kai: Hey! Oh, that's it. You're done for, computer and I'll get you B/N! (Suddenly, the computer shuts off.) What the? No no no no, I didn't mean quit! Oh, come on, I'm sorry! Look, with everyone else gone, you're my only friend here along with Y/N and B/N, computer.

Y/N and B/N: Weirdo. (All the lights turn off.)

B/N: Are we having a power outage or something? (The three heard a whispering noise.)

Kai: Lloyd? Sora? Hello? Hey! Whoever's making those sounds, we're ninja. That's code for "we can kick your butt"! (Behind them, the elevator activates.) The elevator?

Y/N: When's that there?

B/N: I don't know, but let's check it out.

Kai: Hello? Anyone here? (He, Y/N, and B/N enters the elevator.) If you're trying to scare me, it's not working. AH!

B/N: I have a bad feeling about this. (B/N held on to the elevator bars)

Y/N: Maybe those noises were just the wind, or — ah! (Kai landed to the ceiling of the elevator while Y/N and B/N Held on tight on the elevator so they don't fly up like Kai, when they made it to the bottom floor Kai dropped down on the floor on his face)

Kai: Ow. (He looks up and the three notices that they aren't in the hangar bay, but somewhere else in the Mountains of Impossible Height.) Whoa.

Y/N: What is this place?

Kai: I don't know, but it doesn't look like the hanger bay.

(A whispering yellow light circles around them and flies off.)

Kai: Huh? Whoa! Oh, good. A ghost. Nothing horrifying about being stuck in the monastery alone with kids and a ghost.

Y/N: (sarcastic) Very funny Kai. (The light disappears through a lock.)

Kai: And a strange locked door I've never seen before. Cool. Very cool.

B/N: Let me try something. (He breaks open the door.)

Ghostly orb: Kai, Y/N, B/N.

Kai: It knows our names. I'm famous among ghosts! (Y/N and B/N looked at each other confused.) (The light leaves.) Wait up, ghost! You don't want a selfie? (He pursues the light.)

B/N: Who knew Kai was so self-loved to himself?

Y/N: If Kai can easily take thing for a change and maybe he'll be not so popular among ghost.

Kai (in the distance): I heard that! (B/N and Y/N laughed and the two siblings followed Kai with the light.)


(On the streets of Imperium, Arin searches for Riyu.)

Arin: Riyu? Where did you go, buddy? Ugh, I can't believe I lost you.

(Near him, Imperium citizens flee from the dragon stampede, screaming.)

Woman: The filthy dragons have escaped! This is mania!

Man: May the Empress save us!

Arin: Riyu! Riyu? (He is hit, and lands on Lloyd's dragon.)

Lloyd: Arin! There you are!

Arin: Lloyd! (He sees a fire blast.) Fire? Kai's here too? (He spots Wyldfyre.) Did he dye his hair? and did Y/N and B/N come with him?

Lloyd: That's ... not Kai and no Y/N and B/N aren't here.

Arin: Wow, I really missed a lot. I thought there could only be one master of each element?

Lloyd: Yeah, so did I. But here we are. Where's Riyu?

Arin: We got separated. I hope he's heading to the sewer exit where we're supposed to meet Sora. But wait. The sewer is back there! Why are we going the wrong way?

Lloyd: We're going out the main gates.

Arin: I've got to find Riyu. He could be in trouble!


(Elsewhere in the city, Percival carries a tied Riyu on his hoverboard.)

Percival: Why yes, Rapton, leader of the Claws of Imperium, I did capture this dragon all by myself. What's my name? Percival, sir. What? You want to hire me as the youngest Claw of Imperium ever? I accept. (To Riyu) Keep quiet! You don't want to embarrass yourself, or me, at the Empress's palace, do you?


(The dragons arrive at the main gates.)

Wyldfyre: There they are! The main-gates-which-will-not-be-easy!

Arin: Great! Get these dragons out of here! I'm going back ... for ...

(Rapton and the Photac Beasts block their way.)

Wyldfyre: Those are big.

Rapton: Now, let's try this again.

Arin: Did ... Sora activate more of those Photac monsters?

Lloyd: Who is she working for, us or Imperium?


(At the Advanced Systems Lab, Dr. Larow watches the commotion on a screen.)

Dr. Larow: Look at the majesty of our Photac creatures. Dreams do come true. Instilling terror in the hearts of wild dragons through unstoppable technology. Pardon my emotions. This is just so beauti —

(Sora knocks her unconscious with a Photac.)

Sora: You are so weird and pretty sure B/N will laugh at that if he's here.

Dorama: Ha ha! No one expects a swift attack from backstage. Ha! (They fight.) The last time we dueled, you had the advantage in numbers. Three ninja against one thespian. Despite my acting prowess, it was an unbalanced battle.

Sora: You had us in a whole room of traps with a monstrous puppet! It was nowhere near unbalanced!

Dorama: You only remember the negatives! But our last confrontation was just a dress rehearsal. This, is showtime!

(She manages to dodge his attacks and get him to strike the control panel for the dragon Sora's cell. He collapses.)

Sora: Wow, that worked out better than I imagined. (She hugs her namesake.) Let's go. (The two Soras leave.)

Dorama: (weakly) And ... scene.


(At the main gates, Rapton taunts the ninja.)

Rapton: Since I'm such a nice guy —

Claw Hunter: Nice? You? Ha.

Rapton: I'm being sarcastic!

Claw Hunter: Oh, that makes sense, 'cause you've never once remembered my birthday, which is what a nice guy would do.

Rapton: Ugh. As I was saying, I'm going to give you a choice. You can peacefully return the dragons to their cells, and you ninja can get a fancy new cell of your own. (He pauses to look at his Photac Beast, which lets out roar.) Or we can test out these completely indestructible fighting beasts right here, right now! Ha. I know what I'm voting for.

Claw Hunter: What are you voting for?

Rapton: Fighting! Come on, you always pick the fighting option when you can! Ugh!

Arin: We can't beat them.

Lloyd: No. We have to find another way out of this.

Wyldfyre: We heard your choices!

Arin: Is she going to surrender?

Lloyd: You obviously haven't met her yet.

Wyldfyre: And we agree with you! Always pick the fighting option! (She roars, and the dragons charge.)

Lloyd: No, wait!

Arin: This is bad, right?

Lloyd: This is terrible! (He does Spinjitzu.)

Rapton: Claws! Take down these dirty animals!

(The two sides clash.)

Wyldfyre: I ... am ... danger!

Rapton: (He laughs.) I don't think you understand the words "completely indestructible".

Wyldfyre: I don't think you understand the words "shut up"!

Arin: If you have a Plan B, now would be the time, Lloyd!

Lloyd: I barely had a Plan A!

Sora: Arin!

(The two Soras arrive. Arin and Lloyd look at her skeptically.)

Arin: Why did you do this, Sora? You activated more Photacs? What were you thinking?

Sora: Yeah, okay, uh, so I can see how this might look like I did something terrible.

Arin: Might look? Definitely looks!

Sora: They were torturing this dragon. I had to do something! But don't worry, I built in a secret way to shut the Photacs down and it's gonna be easy.

Lloyd: If it's easy, then please do it.

Sora: No problem, I just need a quick spark from Riyu. Where is he?

Arin: Uh ...

Sora: What?

Arin: Riyu is kind of ... missing?

Sora: What?

Lloyd: You two, go find Riyu. Wyldfyre and I will try to hold off the Photacs until then.

(Arin and Sora leave.)


(Underground, Kai, Y/N, and B/N explores the monastery.)

Y/N: Wow. The monastery really got weird, didn't it?

B/N: Agreed.

Kai: Hello? Whispery glowy thing? You in here? Who's there? (They see Nya and Christina.) Nya? Christina?

Nya: Kai!

Christina: Y/N! B/N!

Kai: How'd you girls get back to the monastery?

Nya: We didn't. How did you guys get to the Cloud Kingdom archives?


Finally done with another chapter and yes finally more time with Y/N and B/N in this chapter so see you in the next chapter.

If there's any mistakes, please tell me and I'll fix them.

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