Ciel et Soleil

By Readinghumansc

287 29 9

I've been in water, flown through the skies. I've touched the clouds and felt cold ice. I've seen the sun and... More

The lore of the four kingdoms.
Lune Lore Trivia
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14

Chapter 10

14 2 0
By Readinghumansc

The attempt at the young omega prince's assassination was expected to slow things down and perhaps cause issues when it came to the alliance. Instead, in the days that followed, the decisions and actions seemed to accelerate. Three days after the assassination attempt, the monarchs of the land called an open gathering of commoners and high-class officials alike and announced that, after much discussion, it had been decided that the ceremony would be held under the upcoming full moon in ten days, while the associated events would begin five days in advance. The omega prince was to receive the most extravagant care, and the people of the land could bring any offering during this time if they wished to bestow it upon the prince.

It also implied that the kingdom, at the same time, would prepare to welcome the prince of the northern lands, Jungkook's-to-be-partner. The omega had been present through all conversations and discussions regarding his future, but caught up as he was, he simply tuned out, for there was nothing that he could do to help himself out of this situation. The public announcement was where the omega had to keep himself together. The tears gathering in his eyes threatened to spill down his cheek, Joon and Jin had been present and observing the prince, but they'd been under the impression that the prince had been sentimental about leaving his home behind.

"What do you think of this marriage my prince? Or perhaps that of mates?" Jin later asked the omega upon meeting with him.

" I never saw myself as someone who would essentially be married." The omega gasped realising the slip of his tongue. He'd simply been too carried away and stated the truth, " I....I wished to dedicate my life to the service of the kingdom. I did not let myself fantasize about luxury as marriage, but I, I'm thankful that I now get to experience it and on such an extravagant scale." He added hurriedly, hoping that no one would have caught on his error. The monarch would be very dispeased if something went wrong now and in no way could he fathom his actions putting anyone he loved or their families in danger.

"What about mates, my prince? Do you believe in mates or perhaps soulmates?" Asked Joon with a small smile.

"I wish to atleast run into my mate once in my life so that I'd be able to see them and express my gratitude for their existence." replies Jungkook, the omega's eye shining with unshed tears, but it is his smile despite the sadness that wants the two elders protect him.

"Soulmate bond, on the other hand, I believe is solely for those that have been blessed by the moon herself, and I would be the luckiest if I got to witness it in person, even another blessed pairing."

Joon nods in acknowledgement, and the three chat for a little while until Jimin arrives with the omega's meal, and the Kims depart, allowing Jungkook to have a meal and wishing him well.

Nine days before the ceremony, the omega finds himself in a spacious room, with a priest and monarch, the priest drones on and on about the various arrangements hat need to be made and the monarchs nod obediently which surprises the omega significantly, they have a servant make notes and once the discussion is over, the omega is rapidly dismissed at the flick of the monarch's wrist. Jimin accompanies him from the room. The room Jungkook had noticed was quite unique, and well decorated more so than the other parts of the palace, with a lot of gold and green a recurring theme in the palace aesthetics.

"So what was it like entering the sacred chamber?" Jimin asks, excitement evident in the way his voice is low, but he speaks too fast, his hands clasping Jungkook's.

"What do you mean?" "Scared chamber"

"My my , don't you know?"

" Nope"

"The room you just visited is considered the heart of the palace, rather the kingdom. It is said that all four kingdoms have this in common, each of them have a heart, an area rich in energy around which the royal palace and the kingdoms are built. When this energy is tended to and respected, it gives and gives, helping kingdoms flourish and prosper."

Informed Jimin.

"It's considered sacred because it is one of the oldest parts of the palace, and our ancestors who had powers would come here to pray and tend to the energy present here. No one really knows how its done except those that were allowed to enter the room. Any major decisions that might impact the kingdom are now made in the room, and it is believed that the energy would guide us on the path of righteousness."

"Waah! Hyoung i did'nt know any of that! that's amazing!"

"So tell me how did it feel? Was it serene? Calming? Anything different?"

It was decorated even more than the jade hall. Other than that, I really didn't feel anything about it. It simply was a room."

"Hmm, I believe then it is all that is, tall tales with little to no reality in them." Said Jimin dejectedly.

"People do call it a silly tale, I belive that's what it is. Do you know Jungkukkie, it is said that the orginals had powers, they could do things simply at will, with a glance and the flick of their wrists?"

Jungkook was simply amazed, he'd heard short stories here and there but Jimin presented things so well, the omega simply wanted to know more, in a long time had something tickled his fancy.

Eight days before the ceremony Jungkook had been ushered out of his slumber at the wake of dawn, Jimin had taken him to a separate bathing chamber and yet again gone through with step by step care routine to ensure that the young omega would look his best. It was later that evening Jungkook understood why. He'd been dressed regally and brought to a chamber that was semi open and from what it seemed, commoners to high class officials, had been standing around the room. Upon noticing the entrance of the young omega, every one had bowed and all to soon the omega had allowed them to stand up. The young prince took his seat and everyone took chances to greet the younger omega one by one.

"Presenting you the finest silk we had brought from the southern lands my prince, please accept the offering from a petty soul. The Saya clan is thankful and always prepared to support you, my prince!" said one.

"The Toula clan presents you with this cape made from the finest feathers of the white peacock, Please accept our humble offering and best of wishes, my prince."

"The bark of the Augwood is said to keep all illnesses away my prince, thus the Chen clan humbly presents you with an Augwood sapling, wishing you health and prosperity, my prince" they said.

On and on, the presents kept coming, and Jungkook sat through it all , overwhelmed and barely able to reply beyond his practiced polite nod of acknowledgment and a shy but firm "thank you."

For someone who had mostly been overlooked for the better part of his life, the experience was quite unsettling. Jungkook tried to sort through his feelings and realized that he felt grateful, humbled, and cherished. These were people he didn't know, but they offered him nothing but kindness, and he thought that if his actions would benefit so many people, then perhaps it wasn't the worst turn of events.

Seven days before the ceremony, Jimin informed the omega that the ruler of the northern kingdom was to arrive the next day. Jimin had expected to be able to comfort his dongsaeng should he be in distress, but much to his surprise, the younger took the news well, with simple nod of his head.

That evening as the young omega sat with a veil upon his face, entertaining the commonfolks that wished to wish him well, tears spilled wetting his long lashes.

"My prince, my prince" said a young girl bowing, dressed in rags no better than Jungkook had until a couple days ago. She was accompanied by an old woman.

" My prince we are peddlars in the kingdom, please accept our meagre offering." She said holding something wrapped in a waxed cloth, in hands that had been weathered by age and time.

When Jungkook politely took the old lady's hand in his, the smile he received made his day. The young girl then shyly brought forth her fist forth as well, "This is for you, I made something too my prince."

When the young prince accepted he offering the girl's smile only widened and she beamed with joy when Jungkook added, " Such a petty charm, I will make sure that I have it on me for days to come!"

The innocence, the kindness, the compassion that hundred of strangers had shown him made Jungkook realise that if he could in any way contribute to their well being, if he could even repay a faction of the kindness he'd been receiving, he would do so.

The young omega lay awake till later hours that night, the charm clutched in his palms, as thoughts raced in his mind.

It was Jimin that brought him out of his stupor, he'd apparently wrapped up his duties for the day and about to tuck himself in for a rest, but seeing the younger awake, but so engrossed in his thoughts, he couldn't help but ask.

" Are you worried about the arrival of the northern ruler my prince?"

"I'm not a prince."

"You know that's not what I'm asking."

Jungkook had forgotten about the arrival of the northern ruler.


"No , what?"

It's not the ruler' arrival that worries me."

"Then what do you worry your pretty head about at this hour?"

"People, kindness, this situation, me."

" You will have to elaborate on that." Says Jimin .

"It's nothing hyoung, just me overthinking things, i don't even know perhaps I don't understand I'm really confused."

"Like i said, I'm all ears if you wanna share."

"You would?"

" Ah hmm." he says nodding, the older omega promptly peels his bedcovers back , moves out of his bed and seats himself on the duvet beside Jungkook's bed, smiling politely, his head resting on his plams with an elbow against the table.

It simply felt wrong, a whine threaten to escape his throat and acting on sheer instinct the young omega grabs the older one by hand, scoots to his left making space for the elder and pats the empty space beside him.

Jimin looks at the younger omega , understanding his silent plea, the younger was in some sort of anguish and seeking comfort, it was apparent in his eyes and mild scent that seemed sour, after a short while, the elder slips into the covers and covers himself with the blanket.

"Tell me Jungkookie, I'm listening." He adds, gently wrapping his hands around te younger's tense fists."

"Every thing confuses me."

"I have lived life mostly in shadows and I'd accepted that it was how thingS were gonna go."

" It perhaps wasn't what many would call ideal, but I was happy. I had work I did, I had two meals on my plate, I had a roof over my head and I had my plants and I didn't want more."

"One summon changed it all, now I have to leave it all behind and I feel bitter about it and I don't want t let any of it go, not my place, nor my plants." the younger said quiet sobs evident.

"I am sad to see my choices being taken away, I wish to go away and run to the farthest of lands but even then I'll be away from my place and plants."

" These silks and halls of gold don't bring me any comfort and offer no warmth. There is no serenity here and I can't even visit the gardens."

"It angers me to find myself unable to help my own self or the others. My helplessness angers me and I hate myself for being weak, ...i..."

"Jungkookie, do you wish to hear what I have to say? May I help you navigate things in the way I do? You don't have to say yes, I'm content to simply listen as well."the older says interrupting.

Jungkook simply nods his head in reply." I need to hear it from you my prince, I need your words."

"Please help me understand hyoungnim I feel lost!"

"Firstly Jungkookie, you are not helpless, you are strong, you hear me. You've made it this far on your own, you've made it through all hardships life has thrown at you, so you are among the strongest people out there." the older says each word patiently letting it sink in.

" Your anger is valid as is you distress, anyone would be angry to have their choices taken away. You have no option but to live through this situation, unfair as is life to you, you are strong and still fighting, thus you need to be kind to yourself, just in the way you are knid to those around you. In the short time I've known you, I've come too see that you are giving young one. You have kindness, compassion, honesty, and affection. All of these make you stong and unique. The universe might not be kind to you now but you can be kind to yourself. You are doing the best you can. You are not helpless and are rightfully angry and distressed. Does it make sense to you? Do you understand, young one?"

Instead of comfort, the mild scent of the omega sours further as he breaks into distressed, uncontrolled sobs.

"What is it tell me young one?"

"I hate all of this now, but in the past tw.. two days when everybody has been bestowing me with gifts and kind words, I have liked it a lot. The Augwood plant was to my liking. Today an old lady brought me a bracelet made of various beads, which I liked very much, a small girl brought me this charm too, I've been unable to let go of it ever since. "

Jungkook added weeping, bringing forth his hands in which lay a small charm carved out of a rough stone.

"I'm ashamed of myself for being so materialistic, these are gifts for the omega prince; I am no prince and have no right to delude the others into thinking otherwise. I'm simply an impostor who is also greedy. I am not deserving of their love, kindness and not these gifts, but these have so pulled at my heartstrings that my mind say that if I have to sacrifice my life for their happiness i probably would, and thus i should not feel bad about the situation I am in. I'm a hypocrite for saying I hate it all and falling for materialistic desire. I don't deserve their affection." he ends with his elbow covering his eyes as he shakes sobbing his heart out.

Jimin is left surprised at the depth of Jungkook' thoughts." Listen to me, Jungkook. You are sure an imposter but not by choice, you have been put into this situation where you lose all that you call your familiarity. Yes you are being showered with riches and extravagance ,but you didn't ask for it, you didn't conspire for it, you didn't harm anyone for it. Did you?"

Jungkook simply nods his head affirming that he hadn't.

"Do you find any joy in fooling people into believing that you are the prince?"

"No" comes his answer , voice low and hoarse.

"Do they seem happy when you accept their gift?"

"Yes they do, they smile big ,with eyes shining in joy, they peak excitedly and grant me more blessing and wishes."

"Did you ask them to bring gifts and bestow them upon you?"


"Then, if no one is harmed, you are trying to make the best of the situation you are in, while you accepting other's gifts brings others happiness, is it wrong if it brings you some joy?"

"But hyoung I'm an imposter, they are laying waste to their resources for an imposter!"

" An imposter who had no wish to take advantage of people, an imposter who never wanted to deceive? Aren't you being too harsh on yourself? To them you are their prince, its their resource, for them to use, for them to save or squander, why would you blame yourself, young one." The elder reasons politely, his hand now gently carding through Jungkook's dark locks, while the omega looks at him with swollen eyes and red blotched nose and cheeks.

The younger omega simply nods.

"No one has ever seen the omega prince Jungkookie, we don't even know if he was real or simply made up to facilitate the politics of the kingdom. For all we know he was nothing but made up and lie told so frequently that everyone believed it to be real." He added quietly.

"You are not taking anything from anyone, gem. For all we know, you are giving away your autonomy, your freedom, and an opportunity at a free life in exchange for the happiness of those that reside in both kingdoms. You're the last person to be called the harsh names you call yourself." he adds, gently cupping the young omega's cheeks.

"Please remember Jungkookie if you want to help others you have to help yourself first. If you wish to love others, love yourself first. If you want to bring about a change in other's lives, you have to make it through the changes that occur in yours and embrace it in a stride. Life is not bout wrigging ourselves to provide for others and making sacrifice that of otr well being, its about learning to balance it all in a way you make space for all things you love and bring others to it, so they share apart of it with you."

Jimin finishes in a hushed tone, to find the younger asleep clutching onto his hands and pillow, head snuggled deep onto the covers, with tear streaks still lingering on his supple cheeks.

The older omega drifts away to dreamland, wondering how someone who should be loved and treasured ended up befalling the cruellest hands of fate, that too so young.


Thank you for your patience, here is an extra long chapter and I will add more to it later. I simply did not want to keep you waiting anymore. Hope you enjoy reading his part. It would make me happy to hear about how you feel reading the story. 



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