Injustice: Broken Family

By TonyGarcia348

3.7K 85 12

Kevin Beaumont hasn't always had it lucky. Knowing that his father is Bruce Wayne/Batman, the boy never knew... More

An Alliance
Just Because I Understand
If You're Not With Me...
Congratulations, You're A Multi-millionaire
What's Hurting On The Inside
Thanksgiving Truce
Last Christmas
Burial For The Commissioner
Kevin Helps Babs Walk Again
Don't Fall Into The Abyss
Getting An Affair In Order
Fighting The Phantasm
Operation Superboy
Not The One You Should Be Apologizing To
Mother And Son Epilogue
Remembering Kevin Conroy A Year Later...

Leaving Bellevue

346 7 2
By TonyGarcia348

Summer, 2006

It was a nice summer day in Bellevue, and in a moderate house, a young man around 18 years old was packing up his various suitcases into his blue 1968 Roadrunner Plymouth. He had Caucasian skin with light brown hair and dark blue eyes, and he wore a long sleeve yellow shirt with a mahogany sweater vest, blue jeans, green socks, and black Chuck Taylor All-Stars. His name was Kevin Beaumont. By then he had made the finishing touches to packing all his stuff in his car. Outside the house was his mother Andrea Beaumont. Kevin inherited his light brown hair from Andrea, but unlike Kevin, Andrea had a brighter shade of blue in her eyes, and her hair was starting to gray up a little. "I'm all packed up Mom," said Kevin. Andrea looked at her son and asked, "Kevin... are you sure you want to leave Bellevue and go to Gotham City? I understand you want to meet your biological father, but take it from me, Gotham is a dangerous place. It seems every week, there's a villain with a new gimmick. I wouldn't want you to get hurt or worse..."

"Mom, you know I'll be careful around Gotham," promised Kevin. "It's not that I don't believe you when you say you'll be careful, it's just that I don't want bad people to take advantage of you," said a worried Andrea, "with your GPA, you could still afford to go to Bellevue College. And I can help with that." Kevin nodded and said, "and I appreciate that. But I've never had a father growing up and it wasn't easy trying to find a father figure. I just want to build a potential relationship with my dad and see if it goes well. I think it's better to take the risk than to not take any risks at all. I want this, Mom." Andrea shook her head and smiled at her son with her eyes closed. He could be as headstrong as Bruce. She looked at Kevin and said, "well you are an adult now, and you're allowed to make your own decisions, even if I'm not a big fan of them. Please promise me that the moment you get into Gotham you don't plan on wearing some silly gimmicky costume with a mask and cape."

"Wouldn't dream of it," chuckled Kevin, "now it might take me almost two days to get there, so I'll be sure to check into some motels so I can rest. I'll call you when I've made it to Gotham." Andrea raised her hand and said, "wait right there for a minute, I need to give you something important." She went back into the house and then came back with two rather important documents. "I understand if you want to stay in Gotham just to see what it's like," said Andrea, "so when you meet your father, give him these. They contain your birth certificate and a letter to your father that I've been wanting to write to him ever since I was pregnant with you..." She gave the two documents to Kevin and he promised, "I'll make sure he gets these. Do you think he's going to want a DNA test from me?" Andrea smirked while rolling her eyes and chuckled, "your father is considered the world's greatest detective. And certainly not for a lack of trying. I honestly wouldn't be surprised if he needed a hair or blood sample from you." Kevin laughed nervously at the idea of having to give a sample of his blood. Would it really come down to that? Hopefully not. "Anyway, if you plan on staying in Gotham or if you manage to apply for a college in Gotham, I want you to call me every Sunday, okay?" Andrea instructed. "I will," said Kevin, "thank you for letting me do this, Mom. I love you."

"I love you too son," said Andrea as she hugged Kevin and kissed his forehead. She was quite scared and worried for him, but she knew that every bird needed to leave the nest eventually. Kevin hugged his mother right back and once the hugging ceased, Kevin waved goodbye and got in his car. He then drove off and left Bellevue. Since Gotham was a city in the state of Jersey, it took Kevin around 42 hours to get there. When Kevin needed to rest, he would stop at a motel to rest for the night, and he only stopped once. By then, Kevin made it to Gotham City, wondering whether his father Bruce was in his home Manor or if he was at Wayne Enterprises. Kevin decided to check out Wayne Enterprises. He drove all the way to the building and found a parking spot. He got into the building and wandered over to a secretary. "Excuse me Miss, is Mr Wayne here?" Kevin asked. "Why yes," confirmed the secretary, "there aren't any meetings occurring right now, so Mr Wayne isn't occupied. Do you need to speak to him?"

"Basically yeah," replied Kevin. "What might your name be, young man?" The secretary asked. "Kevin Beaumont," replied Kevin. "I'll let Mr Wayne know that you'd like to speak to him," said the secretary as she dialed Bruce's office number. When Bruce picked up, the secretary said, "good morning Mr Wayne. I have a young Caucasian man with light brown hair and dark blue eyes who would like to speak to you. His name is Kevin Beaumont. Yes sir, his last name is Beaumont. Very well then, I'll let him know. Will that be all Mr Wayne? All right then, goodbye for now, Mr. Wayne." She hung up and said, "Mr. Wayne would like you to personally come to his office to speak with you Mr. Beaumont. His office is at the top building. Take the elevator straight ahead." Kevin nodded and said, "much obliged, thank you." He wandered over to the elevator and once he got inside, Kevin pressed the button to the top, and patiently waited as the elevator went up. One minute later, *Ding* the elevator opened to reveal a fancy business office. In the office was a white man with black hair in an expensive business suit. He looked to be in his mid 40's. Kevin noticed this man had the same dark blue eyes he did. This was his father, Bruce Wayne. "Hello there," said Bruce, "come on in." Kevin wandered over closer and said, "uh, hello. So you must be Bruce Wayne."

"Correct," confirmed Bruce, "and you must be Kevin Beaumont." Kevin was facing Bruce at his desk and he said, "yep. It's nice to meet you Da- I mean, Mr. Wayne." He smiled a little awkwardly. Bruce stood up from his desk and shook Kevin's hand, replying, "likewise. So tell me Mr Beaumont, you wouldn't happen to be related to Carl Beaumont or his daughter Andrea, would you?" Bruce could clearly tell that the boy might have been related to him. He almost looked like Bruce in his teenage years and there was almost a resemblance to his other son Damian. "Actually yeah," confirmed Kevin, "Andrea Beaumont's my mother. She wanted me to give this to you." He gave Bruce the two documents. Bruce took them and looked at the letter Andrea had written to him, explaining that Kevin was Bruce's son and how Andrea became pregnant after disappearing 19 years ago. Bruce then looked at the second document that contained Kevin's birth certificate which confirmed that Bruce was his legitimate biological father and that Andrea was Kevin's legitimate mother. Bruce was quite surprised and impressed that Andrea was able to keep Kevin out of the public media for so long. If some sleazy scumbag reporter found out that Kevin was Bruce's son, they would have torn the boy to pieces for being born out of wedlock. Bruce could tell that Kevin wanted to build a relationship with him, and not a superhero relationship, but a father/son relationship. If anything, Bruce owed Kevin a lot of lost time. Bruce looked at Kevin and said, "how about you come with me to Wayne Manor, we've got a lot to talk about."

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