Ice Heart / Dazai Osamu X Rea...

By Fanficwriter01

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Third BSD fanfiction. Dazai X Recarnated Reader (2023-24) Mature rated. The main protagonist faces hardships... More

Prologue (Edited)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2: The Slums
Chapter 3 Arcade (un-edited)
Chapter 4 The Informant
Chapter 5 The Contract Part 1 (un-edited)
Chapter 7: The Drug Dealer (un-edit)
Chapter 8 Dance (un-edit)
Chapter 9 Sixteenth ARC
Chapter 10 The Funeral (un-edit)
🎢 Sound Track 🎢
Chapter 11 The Station (un-edit)
Chapter 12 The Lab (un-edit)
Chapter 13 Dragon (un-edit)
Chapter 14: The Spy (un-edit)
Chapter 15: Oda (un-edit)
Chapter 16: Dragons Head Conflict
Chapter 17: Seventeen ARC Dark Era
Beast Ending (AU)
Dark Era: Good End (un-edit)
Epilogue: Entrance Exam (un-edit)
Deleted scene: Hostage
Special: Villain Reader (non-cannon. un edit)

Chapter 6 The Contract Part 2

173 7 4
By Fanficwriter01

It was really happening. You'd agree to become an informant for the Port Mafia.

But it was only in verbal.

Forming a contract with a single organisation that was becoming a rising presence in the underworld of Yokohoma.

Steps needed to be taken.

It requires incredibly thorough, detailed, and precision. There is no room for error.

One wrong move, and you'd be kicked to the kerb and be shot dead with three bullets.


After you accept the job. The mafisocs had taken you to a private location. You were able to get a change of clothes and clean up and paperwork together.

Entering a dark room. You were faced with the two teenage mafiscos. Sat down oppose to them, placing the paperwork down before you.

"Let's begin the negotiate the terms of the contract, shall we?" You said.

Your cold (e/c) looked up to meet blank brown and steel eyes of the two mafiscos before you.

"Hai." They said. The two would be representing the Port Mafia and responsible for making the contract with you.

"As you'll be be informant for the Port Mafia. I believe introductions are in order. " Dazai was straight to the point.

That it is.

You already knew their names, but for the sake of formalities, you needed to play along, and it wouldn't hurt to be finally introduced in person.

"Osamu Dazai." The dark-haired male with bandage over one eye, his arms and neck said.

He was a witness to the 'passing' of the previous mafia boss and Mori taking on the mantle.

You already knew who he was.

"Nakaya Chuuya." Was all the orange haired male said.

The former leader and King of sheep.

He has a reputation for being a strong ability user.

It was your turn. You knew they'd need a name to add to their record and secretly look into the background as per mafia protocol.

"Fake name. Fake last name. Although my clients call me Ice Queen. " You said. Earning silent, disbelieving looks on their faces.

"It doesn't sound like a legit name." Dazai observed.

Five points to Osamu.

"It's not." You admitted. "However, what my birth name used to be or why changed it doesn't matter, does it?" You questioned with a neutral poker face.

Your clients didn't care much for names. Only the job was important.

"I guess it doesn't. We'll put it under the fake name and alias. "

"Arigato." You said politely.

You'd do what you can to keep your real new name hidden from them and the mafia. Didn't want then sniffing around your personal life outside work.

It reminds you of the scumbag and how he was able to figure out where you worked. You'd have to look into who told him that information.

Word was out he had been killed by Lit. But he'd gained a lot of enemies who'd be hunting down any relatives to pay off the said debts.

You'd been one step ahead of them and pulled in a favour for someone to sneak your parents out of that place in the middle of the night and moved them to a nice town by the sea.

With a brand new bank account in their name and a years worth of paid, thereoy sessions awaited them. Hopefully, it'll help them on a healing path.

Just so happened to be the day before your ex uncle showed up at your workplace.

All the more reason to find the mole, freeze then in a block of ice and take them to the police.

You'd love to sell them in auction, but if there's one thing worse than selling traitors. It is the sort with loose lips and might tell someone else.

You weren't about to take any chances.


Chuuya turned his eyes towards the small stack of paperwork.

"What are these for?" He'd asked.

"A good question, Mr. Nakahara. " you said.

"The first one is my terms of the informant contract with growing Port mafia organisation. I've made some small adjustments. Some can be negotiated change. Some cannot."

"The second is the insurance claim. " Push it across to them. They looked over it.

"This is the same kind I use with any new clients and sources.

"A clause if you will. If anything happens to parties I have contract with. Injury, death, etc. I will not be held accountable. They'll have the pleasure of life insurance. Even if the contract is broken. As a sign of goodwill, the parties can keep their new health insurance. "

"The mafia won't need it. We have our own medical professionals, and we do ourselves." Chuuya sais.

You nodded in understanding. "Fair enough."

The third ones blank.

"It's supposed to be. Once I and your organisation representing agree on the terms of the contract. It needs to be written down and signed by myself, the informant, and the head of your organisation. "

"That's a lot."

"It's part of the job of an informant to keep a record of these sort of things. " You said.

"I'm curious. Where did Lit go wrong in trying to form a contract with you?" Dazai asked.

He didn't mess around in getting to personal question, did he. He was sharp to read between the lines.

That was a good question. You guessed there was no harm in telling them. Be working to provide your services to the mafia.

"They didn't. " You admitted. They were silent. Waiting for further explanation. You internally sighed.

"Lits mistake was to demand classified information from me. No negotiation or contract as proof beforehand. Nothing for me in return for services." You said.

"In other words. Lit were intending leech off and get rid of once they got what they wanted. It didn't end well for them and those before them."

"I'm a businesswoman before anything else. A deal goes both ways. Both parties gain something from the agreement. "

The terms of the contract.

"Mafia provides protection from the other groups and the police. In exchange I provide my services. "


"I decide on my hours."

"Huh. Is that allowed? We have a work schedule."

You internally smirked.

Please. I know the mafia do night raids on underground ground and smuggling rings. That's longer business hours.

But you didn't say anything.

"Unfortunately, it's not negotiable to change. I can either do part-time or casual as an informant. I can send through days and times of availability if that works."

You received a blank stare from osamu, and he closed his eyes.


"In terms of my personal life outside my work. I wish to keep it private and separated from the work life of possible."

Chuuya was about to argue. "The mafia needs to know where said informant is at all times. "

You added on. "If anyone from your organisation sees me outside work. Please treat me as a stranger on a street. It'd be safer for both parties. If the mafia enemies see me interact with you, they'd assume we are connected and might try to take me hostage to get at the mafia. I'd become a dead weight. "

I didn't need to explain what would happen. They'd have to restart a search for a new informant all over again.

He can't argue with that logic.

"It's an odd request. But mafia agrees to them both." Dazai agreed to it.

You had a sudden thought of angry mafisocs coming into your future workplace and venting it out because they couldn't get hold of you.

It'd cause stress on executives and their boss Mori. He might reconsider breaking the contract and order you killed.

You admit it was a problem. You got out a scap of paper and scribbled numbers on it and pushed it across to them. That caught their attention.

"Make sure to read, memorise, and destroy it before you leave this room. " you instructed.

You'd always done word of the mouth or face to face because it's easier.

This was a risky move to share it with them, but it was better to be on their good side.

Chuuya picked up the piece of paper, read it once, and waved it in the air.

"What's this? " he said. Dazai snatched the piece of paper and read with one brown eye.

"It's a phone number, baka." Dazai answered.

"Huh, who are you calling baka, bandages?!" Chuuya restored back. A visible red irk mark appears on his forehead.

You coughed into your hand. Causing them to stop and look back in your direction.

"Should your people need urgent information. Use this number to contact me with any information you need. I'll do my best to reply when possible. Business only. No tricks or prank. Won't respond. " Look in Dazais eye.

You didn't know everything about mafia Dazai but won't pass the opportunity.

Almost done with the terms.

"If I have any trouble with one of the clients or mafisco men, I might try to double cross me or try anything. I will deal with them myself."

Chuuya and Dazai were curious about what do to traitors cross the ice queen.

Private business. The ones who cross me are never seen again.

Freeze them in a block of ice and throw into the black market auction for money.

I have a question of my own. If I find information on snitches or traitors amongst the mafisco. Is there a procedure or someone I need to contact?" You asked the two/

You knew the procedure from fictional resources, but if you revealed it, it'd draw suspicion towards you. It would be wise to play the safe card. Thankfully it was an easy negotiable term.

"You are to contact and report the information to executives. It is mafia business what we do to them." Dazai told you.

"Fair enough." You said.

Discussing the possession of weapons at the new location is a negotiable.

I do possess several firearms and other weapons on my possession. Hardly use them unless absolutely necessary.

"Use to defence or in emergency on anyone tries to harm you." Chuuya said.

"Hai." You said.

Agree for informant to use for self-defense purposes is fine.

Minors aren't allowed to have them.

"I have a legal permit." You admitted.

The mafia are gaining control of firearms shipping into Yokohoma. They'd know if it was legal or illegal.


Mafia can also add their own terms to the agreement. Basic information on informants in their records.

This would be the harder questions. So certainly you'd already told them personal life outside mafia was private.

You'd worked hard to only use your ability in secret whenever trained or used on an emergency crosses you.

"Do you have any living relatives?"

"I did but don't know what they're up to anymore."

They gave you a look.

" I cut ties with them two years ago, stopped using birth name, and changed it. However. There was a recent problem with a former relation. He'd refused to accept reality and paid the price for it. He had it coming. "

It has something to do with being kidnapped and held prisoner with Lit.

It was. I saw them kill him.

"How old are you?" Dazai asked.

"Fifteen." You said.

Chuuya spat put a glass of wafer.

"Fifteen?! "

"You act older than that. "

If only you two knew. You thought with an internal smirk.

"You're the same age as us. It also means your the youngest informant in the business." Dazai noted.

"It seems to be that way. It was the only job I could get into at thirteen. Everyone else started at the older stages of life." You admitted.

Chuuya spat water our again.

"Thirteen?! What the heck!"

It was a rare sight to surprise Nakaya twice in a single day. Preserve that in your memory and use for future reference.

Dazai laughed at him.

"I'm impressed you accomplished much in a short time." Dazai compliment.

You remained poker faced.

Compliment me all you want handsome mafisco. But it's not going to work on me.

Another part didn't know what to make of it.

"What about your hair. Is it dyed or natural?"

"It's natural." Earning raised eyebrows from the two.

"It looked dyed... not lying, are you?"

"No. I was born with this hair colour." You said.

Born. You'd been reincarnated into this life with soft grey hair. It's remained the same. You thought.

Giving discount to the executives. Or anyone else if I'm feeling generous.

You said. Although it was pretty rare.

?Are you seeing anyone romanticly?" Dazai asks.

You shot freezing gaze at Osamu.

A touchy subject.

"You're single. "

In my line of work and personal life. Not I don't have time to invest in relationships. Far too much risk and chances of them getting caught into it or killed.

Just as mafians couldn't have emotional attachments. It can easily be used against them. Future character of a adopted kids and keeping them hidden. Mori used that to his advantage and he lost them.

It was dangerous for an informant to have a relationship, especially romantic kind. Not unless wanted to risk getting caught and used as blackmailed to keep informant in line.

Chuuya thought that made sense. Need to be dedicated in the job. Pretty girl.

You glare at Chuuya.

"If you're thinking of exploiting that to your advantage. I'd highly recommend you didn't. Some clients got cocky and paid for that one way or another. Some were kicked them in the discco balls."

Backed off on personal after that.

They asked basic questions and negotiations wrapped up, and the three parties left the room. Shaking hands with one another. The males had a strong grip. She didn't flinch. Used it it.

The teens took the paperwork with them to pass onto their superior pass up to the boss.

She had a sack put over her head and lead out to who knows where with paperwork in hand.

It wasn't hard to get bearings and find where you needed to go.

Just to be on the safe side. You didn't few circles wound a block to ensure you weren't followed.

You needed to preserve the record in a secret place. You had a feeling it was important to keep it there.

Not long after, you needed to drip by a clinic to properly treat the gunshot wound. Otherwise, it'd become infected.

The way you looked at him with those stone cold looks and what you'd said.

But he felt there was more to it.

Something in your past drove you being closed off to it.

He didn't know what it was about you differently. He'd become more intrigued to find out what it was you were hiding.

You were a mystery to him needed to solve.

End or chapter 6 The Contract

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