Bella Vita: a Tale of Love (C...

By real__bu

704 38 0

"People don't believe in things like destiny, until destiny hits them one day, just to prove its existence... More

Episode 01: "One-Way Ticket"
Episode 02: "The Guy from Busan"
Episode 03: "Where Do Broken Hearts Goes?"
Episode 04: "The Star That Guides Me"
Episode 06: "Spain; It takes two to tango..."
Episode 07: "That Night in Greece; I wanted you to have it..."
Episode 08: "Life Is A Bitter Pill To Swallow"
Episode 09: "This is Not a Fairytale, Or is it?"
Episode 10: "The Man Who Broke Her Heart"
Episode 11: "Truths Hurts and So As Lies"
Episode 12: "Only Heart Could Remember"
Episode 13: "The Young Master"
Episode 14: "Michaela of Amalfi Coast"
Episode 15: "Is it Faith, Or just a Coincidence?"
Episode 16/FINALE: "Bella Vita (Beautiful Life)"
Epilogue: "Claudio"
Character Index:
Author's Letter & Dedication

Episode 05: "Paris, Memories, and Everything in Between"

25 2 0
By real__bu

After some time, Mi Cha started to calm down, Yeol leads Mi Cha to the deck. The night sky above them is clear, the stars twinkling like diamonds scattered across a velvet canvas. They sit on a secluded bench, the sounds of the ocean waves providing a soothing background.

" gwaenchanh-a? Are you okay?" Yeol asks, his voice gentle as he turns to look at her. Mi Cha nods, her gaze fixed on the wooden planks of the deck, her hands clasped tightly in her lap.

"Miyane~ I'm sorry," she whispers, her voice barely audible. "I didn't mean to cause a scene."

Yeol shakes his head, a comforting smile on his lips. "You don't need to apologize," he says, his voice soft. He reaches out, gently taking her trembling hands in his.

Feeling the chill of the night sea breeze, Yeol takes off his jacket and drapes it over Mi Cha's shoulders. He then takes her hands, his warm touch a stark contrast to the cold air, warming them up.

His actions are gentle, considerate. Mi Cha looks up at him, her eyes meeting his. He doesn't ask her to talk about it, doesn't push her to reveal her what's going on. He simply sits there with her, his presence a silent promise of understanding and support.

For a moment, they just sit there, their hands entwined, the silence between them filled with understanding and empathy. "Tonight, I just want to enjoy the stars," Mi Cha says, her voice steadier than before.

And so, they sit there under the starlit sky, their hearts finding comfort in each other's presence. It's a moment of peace, a moment of understanding, a moment they both didn't know they needed.

The next day;
The night falls and came a beautiful new day after; As the Royal Mediterrania docks in Paris, France - the City of Love, the air is charged with a palpable excitement. Yeol, as a singer on the ship, is among the crew members given the day off. They have been instructed to return by 6:00-pm sharp, the ship set to sail again at 7:00-pm.

Together with the other passenger, Mi Cha steps off the ship, her eyes wide and filled with anticipation. This is her first time in France, and she's instantly captivated by the city's charm. The scent of freshly baked croissants and blooming flowers fills her senses, the city's allure pulling her in.

Yeol watches her, a soft smile playing on his lips. He's captivated not just by the city, but by her - her excitement, her wonder, her joy. "This is your first time in France, isn't it?" he asks from behind her, his tone light.

Mi Cha nods, her eyes sparkling with excitement. "Yes, it's all so beautiful," she replies, her voice filled with awe.

Together, they explore the city's heart. They visit the iconic Eiffel Tower, the stunning Louvre Museum, and stroll along the charming streets of Montmartre. Each sight they see, each place they visit, adds to their shared adventure.

Standing in front of the Eiffel Tower, Yeol turns to Mi Cha. "What do you think? Beautiful isn't it?" he asks. His question, however, isn't about the tower. It's about her. He's taken by her beauty, her radiance outshining even the city's charm.

"It's Beautiful!... It's breath-taking..," she replies, unaware of the hidden meaning of his question. Her eyes reflect the awe-inspiring view in front of them. Yeol, low-key glancing at Mi Cha, "I've never seen anything like it." as he gets deeply mesmerized by her beauty.

At a Café - in France;
After their visit to the Eiffel Tower, Yeol and Mi Cha find themselves in a quaint café nestled within a quiet street. The café exudes a cozy charm, the air rich with the aroma of freshly brewed coffee and sweet pastries. Soft jazz music plays in the background, creating a soothing atmosphere.

They settle at a small table by the window, the world outside bustling while they exist in their own quiet bubble. "Would you like some coffee?" Yeol asks, but noticing the slight fatigue in Mi Cha's eyes, he quickly adds, "Or perhaps a hot chocolate would be better?"

Mi Cha smiles, nodding appreciatively. "Hot chocolate sounds perfect, thank you."

As they sip their drinks, Mi Cha's curiosity about Yeol's life on the ship surfaces. "How did you become a singer on the cruise?" she asks, her eyes filled with genuine interest.

Yeol chuckles, a soft smile playing on his lips. "I've always loved music," he shares, his eyes lighting up with passion. "When I got this offer, and I thought it's a good opportunity to sing on the cruise, I couldn't resist."

He talks about his love for music, the joy he feels when he's on stage, the thrill of connecting with an audience through song. He leaves out details about his life back in Busan, choosing to focus on the present.

As Yeol shares his passion, Mi Cha listens, completely engrossed. She's drawn to his dedication, his enthusiasm. And Yeol, in turn, is captivated by her. Her kindness, her curiosity, her beauty - all of it pulls him in, making him fall for her a little more with each passing moment.

The cozy café, their shared conversation, the comforting hot drinks - all these elements weave together to deepen their connection. Their budding romance begins to bloom amidst the city's charm.

Their shared experiences, their shared memories, all contribute to the bond that's forming between them. As they explore the city together, they find themselves not just falling for the city, but Yeol finds himself slowly falling for Mi Cha. Their connection grows stronger with each passing moment, the City of Love serving as the perfect backdrop for their slowly unfolding love story.

At Montmartre Street Market;
Leaving the comfort of the café behind, Yeol and Mi Cha find themselves immersed in the lively atmosphere of the Montmartre street market. The market is a riot of colors and sounds, filled with artists proudly displaying their work, vendors hawking an array of charming souvenirs, and the irresistible aroma of street food tempting passers-by.

They weave through the crowd, their laughter mingling with the market's cheerful hum. Mi Cha's eyes are drawn to a vendor selling a variety of trinkets. Among them, a delicate red-string (Kabbalah) bracelet with a tiny bronze Eiffel Tower charm on it, it captivates her attention. She picks it up, her eyes lighting up as she admires the intricate detail. "This is beautiful, isn't it?" she asks, her gaze meeting Yeol's.

"Yes, it is,.." he replies, his gaze fixed on her. Her joy, her excitement - it's contagious, making him smile.

Yet, she places the bracelet back down, a hint of regret in her eyes. They continue their exploration, the joyful energy of the market keeping their spirits high. But Yeol can't forget the bracelet, or the way Mi Cha's eyes lit up when she saw it.

Finding an excuse to step away, he swiftly returns to the vendor. With a quick exchange, he secures the bracelet, tucking it safely in his pocket. He plans to wait for the perfect moment to present it, a surprise he hopes will bring that beautiful sparkle back to her eyes.

Their day in the City of Love is filled with shared laughter, new experiences, and a connection that continues to deepen. With every shared glance, every shared smile, the bond between them grows, their budding romance blooming amidst the vibrant backdrop of Montmartre.

At the Seine River;
As the afternoon fades into evening, Yeol and Mi Cha find themselves strolling along the Seine River, to think, Yeol spent almost a day with her, but yet still doesn't know her name. The Eiffel Tower stands tall in the distance, its silhouette a stunning sight against the setting sun. They walk side by side, their steps in perfect sync, a silent testament to their growing connection.

There's a moment, as they walk, when Yeol's hand hovers near Mi Cha's. He wants to take her hand, to feel her fingers intertwined with his. But he hesitates, his courage failing him at the last moment.

They find a spot at the river's edge, sitting down to rest and watch the world go by. Boats glide smoothly along the river, their passage creating gentle ripples in the water. The silence between them is comfortable, filled with unspoken words and shared understanding.

Breaking the silence, Yeol turns to her. "ireumi mwoeyo? What's your name?" that's when she realised, she never got a chance to introduce herself; "ough~ ireum?,.. ". "umnh~ ireum~" Yeol nods, "...Mi Cha, Yoo Mi Cha, " - she responded.

"My mother once told me, my name means "beautiful daughter", but, I guess my name fails her,.. There's no chance she have found beauty on me being her daughter,.. her life,.. just got ruined,.. Having me shuttered her dreams. " - she said with a bit disappointment in her eyes.

A flashback of her childhood drifts quickly on her thoughts; her mom got pregnant at the age of 20, with her then boyfriend (her father) who eventually left her mom and Mi Cha running away from his responsibility. After few years, when Mi Cha is around 3-years old, her mom met this Italian guy who promised them a good future and brought them to Italy, but later on turns out an abusive alcoholic bastard.

Her mom and Mi Cha was a victim of domestic violence. She escape her Italian step-dad at the age of 9-year old after her mom committed suicide- drowning herself on the bath tub. It is a very traumatic childhood for Yoo Mi Cha; And that affects her behavior in the present.

Having no clue on what Mi Cha meant at that moment, Yeol continues; "Why didn't you take the bracelet earlier?" he asks, his hand inching towards his pocket where the bracelet is safely tucked away.

Mi Cha looks at him, her eyes reflecting the setting sun. "I didn't want anything that would remind me of these happy moments," she confesses, her voice barely above a whisper. "I'm afraid of getting attached to the memory. If I do, it will be hard for me to move on when it's gone."

Her words hang in the air, a poignant confession that leaves Yeol speechless. He feels a pang of sadness, his heart aching for her. His hand retreats from his pocket, the bracelet remaining untouched. It was then when he realized, Mi Cha has her heart guarded with high fortress, never letting anyone in.

The moment is filled with a silent understanding, a shared sorrow. They sit there, side by side, as the sun sets and the city lights begin to twinkle. The bracelet remains a secret to Mi Cha, and seemingly a symbol of Yeol's feelings that couldn't bring themselves forward.

After a moment of shared silence, Mi Cha glances at her watch. It's almost time. They need to head back to the pier as the ship will be leaving soon. They stand up, dusting off their clothes, preparing to leave the peaceful riverside.

Before they start walking, Yeol turns to Mi Cha. "Don't you think we only live once, so we should make the most out of it?" he asks, his voice soft but firm. "Instead of pushing away new memories, why not let them in and just enjoy the moment? If one day they're gone, at least we've experienced them."

His words hang in the air, leaving Mi Cha deep in thought. It's a perspective she hadn't considered, a new way of seeing life. She looks at him, her eyes meeting his in a silent conversation.

Just then, the sky lights up as fireworks explode over the Eiffel Tower. The vibrant colors reflect in their eyes, the spectacle adding to the magic of the moment. They stand there, side by side, their eyes locked onto each other, the world around them fading into the background.

The moment is intimate, filled with unspoken emotions and shared understanding. It's a moment that belongs to them, a moment that deepens their connection. The fireworks light up the sky, mirroring the sparks flying between them, a symbol of a love story that's slowly, but surely, unfolding.

Original Fan-Fiction by BU

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