Bella Vita: a Tale of Love (C...

De real__bu

704 38 0

"People don't believe in things like destiny, until destiny hits them one day, just to prove its existence... Mais

Episode 01: "One-Way Ticket"
Episode 02: "The Guy from Busan"
Episode 03: "Where Do Broken Hearts Goes?"
Episode 05: "Paris, Memories, and Everything in Between"
Episode 06: "Spain; It takes two to tango..."
Episode 07: "That Night in Greece; I wanted you to have it..."
Episode 08: "Life Is A Bitter Pill To Swallow"
Episode 09: "This is Not a Fairytale, Or is it?"
Episode 10: "The Man Who Broke Her Heart"
Episode 11: "Truths Hurts and So As Lies"
Episode 12: "Only Heart Could Remember"
Episode 13: "The Young Master"
Episode 14: "Michaela of Amalfi Coast"
Episode 15: "Is it Faith, Or just a Coincidence?"
Episode 16/FINALE: "Bella Vita (Beautiful Life)"
Epilogue: "Claudio"
Character Index:
Author's Letter & Dedication

Episode 04: "The Star That Guides Me"

36 3 0
De real__bu

Their first encounter is brief, a fleeting moment in time. He steadies her, his hand firm on her arm. She looks up at him, her eyes wide with surprise. But before either of them can say anything, a voice cuts through the quiet of the night.

"Yeol, it's our turn,.. come on now.." calls out Minkyu, the percussionist, standing from the door leading inside. Yeol gives her a final glance, an unspoken promise in his eyes, before he leaves.

Left alone on the deck, Mi Cha watches as he disappears inside. She's still reeling from their encounter, her heart pounding in her chest. She turns her gaze back to the sky, the stars twinkling brightly above.

She's always found solace in the stars, their quiet presence a comfort during her darkest moments. She talks to them, her words a soft whisper carried by the wind.

As she continues to watch the stars, a name echoes in her mind - Yeol. It sounds like 'Byul', it means star in Korean. A soft chuckle escapes her lips as she makes the connection. "Yeol-ssi, truly like a star, isn't he?" she whispers to herself, her gaze fixed on the twinkling lights above. "He shines bright, just like a star. Maybe he's one of you who came down on earth, right?" as she continues her conversation with the stars.

Suddenly, the soft melody of a song drifts from the dining hall, Yeol's voice carrying through the night. She closes her eyes, letting the music wash over her. It's a beautiful moment, a moment of connection. She can't help but feel a sense of anticipation, a sense of hope.

At Mi Cha's Cabin;
After spending some more time on the deck, she decides to head back to her cabin. Inside, she finds her tarot cards laid out on the table. She shuffles them, her fingers tracing over the intricate designs. She draws one, and it's The Star.

She holds the card, studying the image. The Star, a symbol of hope, of inspiration, of serenity. It's a fitting card for her current situation, a reflection of her feelings. She can't help but smile, a sense of peace washing over her. The voices in her head are quiet, the world around her is calm. And for the first time in a long time, she allows herself to dream, to hope for a love that's just beginning to bloom.

As the mid-night approaches, Mi Cha don't seem to put herself to sleep, she kept on having those dreams again, those nightmares. She got up and just decided to explore the ship, she walks along the deck's railing, and starts talking to herself "...It's Okay,..Mi Cha....It's Okay,... You'll be fine..." as she tap her shoulder and arms, as if calming herself.

At the Ship's lower deck;
At the lower deck of the ship is a world unto itself, a stark contrast to the elegance and sophistication of the upper levels. It's where the economy class passengers gather, their laughter and music creating a lively, infectious atmosphere. The air is filled with the scent of beer and fried food, the lights are dim, and the sound of an acoustic guitar strumming a catchy tune fills the air.

Yoo Mi Cha, lost in the maze of the ship, finds herself descending to this lower deck. As she steps into the space, she's immediately enveloped by the warmth and energy of the place. It's casual, unpretentious, a stark contrast to the upper deck, and it feels like home.

She blends into the crowd effortlessly, her casual attire matching theirs. She spots a group of people dancing in the center, their movements full of joy and abandon. Drawn by the infectious energy, she joins in, her body swaying to the rhythm of the music.

As she dances, a woman spots the tarot cards in her see-through net bag. "Are you a tarot reader?" she asks, her eyes wide with curiosity. Mi Cha nods, a small smile on her lips. "Yes, I am," she replies.

The word spreads quickly, and soon, people are gathering around her, their curiosity piqued. She obliges, her hands shuffling the cards with practiced ease. The party continues around her, the music and laughter providing a lively backdrop to her readings.

Meanwhile, after his shift at the upper deck's classy dining hall, Lee Yeol is headed to the lower deck. This is a territory he's familiar with, a place where he regularly perform – for free. Trading his classy suit for rugged jeans and his usual plain white shirt top, he carries his acoustic guitar, ready to join the crowd. His friends, Minkyu, Lucio and Claudio, the Filipino chef, trail behind him.

Claudio, in particular, brings with him trays of leftover dishes from the upper deck, a treat for those who can't afford the food at the classy dining hall. As they step into the lively scene below, the crowd cheers, the sight of food and the promise of music adding to their excitement.

As Yeol prepares to strum his guitar on the makeshift stage, the crowd gathers around. As the crowd parts, he spots her - the woman from the upper deck. She's seated at a table, her tarot cards spread out in front of her. Their eyes meet, and for a moment, the world seems to stand still. In that moment, under the twinkling lights of the lower deck, he feels a connection, a sense of familiarity. Little does he know, their story is has just begun.

A silent connection is formed. They exchange smiles, silent acknowledgments of their shared moment. The crowd around them starts to cheer, their voices echoing through the lower deck, "Yeol, Yeol, Yeol!"

Yeol takes a deep breath, his fingers strumming the first chords on his guitar. The music fills the air, a slow, romantic melody that perfectly fits the atmosphere. His voice resonates around the deck, a warm baritone that sends shivers down Mi Cha's spine.

The crowd falls silent, captivated by his voice. Some sway to the rhythm, their eyes closed, lost in the music. Others watch him, their gazes filled with admiration. But for Mi Cha, it feels as if the song is only for her.

As Yeol sings, his eyes keep finding hers. It's as if they're in their own little world, oblivious to the crowd around them. She can't help but feel mesmerized by his voice, by his presence. It's a beautiful moment, a moment she wants to hold onto.

There's a pang in her heart, a feeling she can't quite understand. It's as if she's known him for a long time, as if they've shared a thousand moments like this one. She can't help but feel drawn to him, to his voice, to his spirit.

As the song ends, the crowd erupts into applause. But for Mi Cha, the world is still. All she can hear is his voice, all she can see is him. His eyes are still fixed on hers, an unspoken promise hanging in the air between them.

Setting his guitar aside and passing the stage to Claudio (the Filipino chef who apparently an aspiring singer), Yeol passes by them without a word, his gaze never leaving Mi Cha. He walks towards her table, as the faint voice of Claudio singing serves as a back-drop on their magnetic connection, his eyes not leaving hers, before they fall towards the tarot cards spread out in a fan. Without a word, he picks one. He flips it over, revealing The Lovers card.

The atmosphere between them shifts, the connection between them palpable. The Lovers card, a symbol of love, of connection, of partnership, resonates with the unspoken feelings between them. In that moment, under the twinkling lights of the lower deck, with the echo of his song still lingering in the air, they share a silent understanding. They don't know what the future holds, don't know where this journey will lead them. But right now, in this moment, they allow themselves to dream, to hope for a love that's just beginning to bloom.

After their moment, the world around them starts to move again. Yeol's friends, Minkyu, Lucio and Claudio, come over to the table. Claudio has a tray of cupcakes, sweets, and munchies, which he offers to Mi Cha.

As she takes a cupcake, Minkyu turns to her, a playful grin on his face. "Miss Tarot Reader, can I have a reading?"  he asks, his tone light and teasing.

She smiles, shuffling her cards before spreading them out in front of Minkyu. All this while, Yeol hasn't taken his eyes off her. He's captivated by her, his gaze unwavering.

Minkyu, looking at the cards, asks, "Will I ever be a good husband?" He says it with a laugh, knowing fully well he doesn't even have a girlfriend.

He picks a card and flips it over - the Seven of Swords. Mi Cha chuckles, looking at Minkyu with a teasing smile. "Well, the Seven of Swords usually indicates deception and betrayal," she starts, her tone light. "So, if you want to be a good husband, maybe don't keep any secrets from your future wife."

Minkyu laughs, shaking his head. "I guess I'll have to work on that then," he replies, his laughter filling the air. The moment is light, the atmosphere filled with warmth and laughter. And through it all, Yeol continues to watch Mi Cha, a sense of connection growing stronger by the minute.

Suddenly, Mi Cha stands up, her face paling. She starts muttering to herself, her hands shaking. "It's time to go back, it's time to go back," she repeats, her voice barely above a whisper.

Her sudden change in behavior is startling, her fear palpable. The crowd watches in confusion, their laughter dying down. Yeol and his friends exchange worried glances, their mirth replaced by concern.

Mi Cha's actions reveal a past filled with unimaginable trauma. Her mom and Mi Cha was a victim of domestic violence. She escape her step-dad at the age of 9-year old after her mom committed suicide- drowning herself on the bath tub.

It is a very traumatic childhood for Yoo Mi Cha; And that affects her behavior in the present, left deep scars on her psyche. The horrifying memory of her mother's death, the violence she'd been subjected to, still haunts her. The fear, the pain, the trauma - it's a part of her, a shadow that follows her everywhere.

As she rushes to leave the lower deck, she grabs her tarot cards, her hands shaking. Some of the cards fall from her grasp, scattering on the table. And there, among the fallen cards, is The Tower, The Chariot and The Lovers card - the same one Yeol had picked earlier.

Without a second thought, Yeol gets up and follows her. He doesn't know her story, doesn't know her pain. But he knows fear when he sees it, and right now, Mi Cha is terrified. He reaches out, grabbing her arm in an attempt to calm her down.

"Wait~," he says, his voice steady. But she's still shaking, her fear palpable. Tears start streaming down her face, her body trembling with the weight of her trauma. Her eyes, wide with fear, tell a story of pain and suffering. For that moment, she seems lost in her memories, trapped in her past.

Yeol can't help but feel a pang of worry, a sense of helplessness. He's just met her, but he can't shake off the feeling that he needs to help her, to protect her. As he stands there, holding her in his arms, he makes a silent promise to himself - he will do whatever it takes to keep her safe.

Original Fan-Fiction by BU

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