Bella Vita: a Tale of Love (C...

By real__bu

710 38 0

"People don't believe in things like destiny, until destiny hits them one day, just to prove its existence... More

Episode 01: "One-Way Ticket"
Episode 03: "Where Do Broken Hearts Goes?"
Episode 04: "The Star That Guides Me"
Episode 05: "Paris, Memories, and Everything in Between"
Episode 06: "Spain; It takes two to tango..."
Episode 07: "That Night in Greece; I wanted you to have it..."
Episode 08: "Life Is A Bitter Pill To Swallow"
Episode 09: "This is Not a Fairytale, Or is it?"
Episode 10: "The Man Who Broke Her Heart"
Episode 11: "Truths Hurts and So As Lies"
Episode 12: "Only Heart Could Remember"
Episode 13: "The Young Master"
Episode 14: "Michaela of Amalfi Coast"
Episode 15: "Is it Faith, Or just a Coincidence?"
Episode 16/FINALE: "Bella Vita (Beautiful Life)"
Epilogue: "Claudio"
Character Index:
Author's Letter & Dedication

Episode 02: "The Guy from Busan"

46 4 0
By real__bu

In Busan - Korea;
Back in Busan, the situation is tense. The men who had been chasing Yeol are now facing the wrath of their boss, a man in his 70s who exudes a frightening aura. The lines on his face tell tales of a life lived tough, and his eyes hold a steely determination that sends chills down the spine of even the toughest of his men.

In a dimly lit room, the old man scolds his subordinates. "Is it that hard to find one brat!?" he growls, his voice echoing off the cold, concrete walls. The men lower their heads, not daring to meet his gaze.

"We've searched everywhere, boss," one of them dares to speak up. "He disappeared..."

The old man slams his fist on the table, making everyone in the room flinch. "You better find Lee Yeol soon," he warns, his voice low and threatening. "Or else."

Just then, the door to the room opens and a man enters. It's Lee Joon, the old man's eldest son, just got back from a business trip in Italy.

"Abeoji.., (father)" he greets with respectful bow, his voice confident and assured. "I've sealed the deal with our Italian partner. We're expanding our business."

The news brings a rare smile to the old man's face. "Good," he says, nodding. Then, his expression turns serious again. "Now, let's focus on finding that brat. He can't messed up our plans, we have important plans that couldn't be delayed. We can't afford any delays from this point."

As the room empties out, the old man sits back in his chair, a picture of a young man on his desk. The handsome young man in the picture with dark hair and innocent smile, is the second son of Chairman Lee (of Lee Hotel Groups) who owns the The Crown Busan Hotels – a 7-star hotel in Busan, Korea; the young master whose now gone missing.

At the Cruise Ship - Royal Mediterrania;
Six months working on the Royal Mediterrania (the cruise ship where Yeol have been signed to be the regular singer) and after completing multiple full route of cruises within the Mediterranean Sea, it has transformed Lee Yeol.

Once a country boy from Korea, he's now a popular singer on a Mediterranean cruise ship. His hair, once black as night, is now dyed a faded blonde, the color gradually lightening towards white, matching his vibrant performances. His wardrobe has changed too, from simple, understated clothes to stylish, tailored suits that exude sophistication and class.

One evening, after a performance, he steps out onto the deck for some fresh air. Catching a glimpse of his reflection in the window of the dining hall, he can hardly believe his transformation. "Who would've thought~," he murmurs to himself, tracing his fingers over his reflection. "From a country boy to a popular cruise ship singer." – He grin while shaking his head, feeling very proud of himself.

At that moment, Minkyu, a fellow Korean who plays in the band that accompanies Yeol, approaches him, handing him a can of beer. "Yeol-ah, you've certainly made a name for yourself, huh~?" he teases, a friendly smile on his face.

Yeol laughs, taking a sip of the beer. "고마워 gomawo (Thanks) It's been quite a journey."

Life on the cruise ship is a whirlwind of performances, rehearsals, and interactions with guests. Yeol quickly becomes popular, especially among the lady guests. His voice, combined with his charming look, makes him a hit. He made all the ladies fell for him and his charm, he's even receiving several "confessions" from them.

During a rehearsal, Minkyu comments, "Yeol, the guests loves you,.. You're a natural at this!"

Yeol smiles, "It's all about connecting with the audience, Minkyu. That's the key." – And then he gave Minkyu a mischievous wink.

Despite the busy schedule, Yeol finds time to bond with the crew. He often joins them for meals and late-night chats. They share stories about their lives, their dreams, and their homes. Among the crew are Minkyu, a fellow Korean, the percussionist of the band; Lucio, an Italian who's also part of the band, he played the keyboard; and Claudio, a Filipino crew member, he works as a Chef at the ship's kitchen, thus he became friends with them due to his "other" passion aside from cooking – it's music.

One night, while sharing a meal with the crew, Yeol says, "It's strange, isn't it? We're all from different places, but here we are, sharing this journey together."

Minkyu nods, "That's the beauty of life on a cruise ship, Yeol. We're a family here."

After the dinner, Yeol stays on the deck, the cool sea breeze a welcome relief from the warmth of the dining hall. As he leans against the railing, looking out at the endless expanse of the sea, he's hit by a wave of nostalgia. He remembers the men chasing him back in Busan, the fear, the uncertainty. He shakes his head, pushing the memory away.

Claudio, who's been standing nearby, notices. "Okay ka lang Bro?~ You okay, Yeol?"  he asks, with concern in his voice.

Yeol forces a smile, "Just lost in thought, It's nothing..." he then tapped Claudio's shoulder before returning to the stage for his next set of performances.

On the Royal Mediterrania, Yeol choose to leave his past behind in Busan. He is now living in the cruise ship and sings for living. There's a certain simplicity and ease to this new life that Yeol finds liberating. He no longer carries the weight of his debts, if that's what we may call it. He's now free from life's imprisonment that is tagged to his name. Here, he's just Yeol, the singer, and he's careful not to reveal his true identity.

One evening, after a long day of performances and rehearsals, Yeol finds himself in the ship's kitchen. Claudio, the Filipino chef, is there, sneaking out some leftover food. "Para sa crew, (for the crew)" he explains, a mischievous twinkle in his eyes. Yeol can't help but laugh. It is truly the brotherhood and friendship shared over leftover food is something he wouldn't trade for the world.

As days turn into weeks, Yeol finds himself connecting with his fellow crew members in a way he never did with anyone in the past. They share stories, dreams, and laughter. They're all in the same boat, literally and figuratively, and there's a sense of unity in that.

One night, while sharing the leftover food, Yeol finds himself saying, "You know, I never thought I'd say this, but I love this life. The freedom, the simplicity, the connections... it's real. It's raw. And it's beautiful."

Claudio smiles at him, "Yan ang kagandahan ng buhay sa cruise ship, Yeol. Lahat tayo dito ay tao lamang, nagtatrabaho at nabubuhay nang magkakasama. (That's the beauty of life on a cruise ship, Yeol. We're all just people here, living and working together.)"

Claudio, the Filipino chef has his fair share of life-story back home in the Philippines, he's the eldest son in their family of seven siblings, and he's a bread-winner, the loving son who'll do everything to provide for his family, even if it means setting his dreams aside. And for the first time in a long time, Yeol feels truly free, as if he belongs. Free from expectations, free from the weight of his family name, free to just be himself, he could finally relate to everyone.

As the night deepens, Yeol finds himself on the deck, looking up at the stars. The cool sea breeze is a welcome relief from the warmth of the dining hall. He leans against the railing, looking out at the endless expanse of the sea, the ship sailing smoothly under the starlit sky. As he takes in the beauty of the night, he can't help but feel a sense of peace. This is his life now, and he wouldn't have it any other way.

In Busan;
Back in Busan, Lee Joon returns to his room (in the Lee family mansion), nestled away from the city's hustle and bustle. The room mirrors his personality - imposing, austere, and cold. The atmosphere is heavy, not from a lack of cleanliness, but from the weight of unspoken emotions and hidden secrets.

His wife, Jin Seola, greets him as he steps into the room. "? 왔어요? (eo, wasseo~?)You're back?," she says, her voice soft, careful.

"ne~," he replies, his voice devoid of warmth. He doesn't look at her, his gaze fixed on the distant horizon visible through the window.

He lies down on the bed, his back to his wife. As he closes his eyes, the face of a woman he met in Italy comes to mind. A beautiful Korean woman in her late 30s, living in Italy. She had a charm that was captivating, a beauty that was haunting. But he had no choice but to leave her, to break her heart because he was a married man.

In his mind, he replays their last conversation. "I can't be with you," he had told her, his voice steady despite the turmoil within him. "I'm a married man."

"And what about us?" she had asked, her voice breaking. He remembers the pain in her eyes, a reflection of the ache in his own heart. But he had walked away, leaving her and a part of himself behind in Italy. As sleep claims him, his thoughts are filled with regret and longing for what could have been.

In Venice - Italy;
In Italy, the woman Lee Joon left behind is grappling with heartache. Her days are filled with memories of him, each one a poignant reminder of what they had and what they lost. His laughter, his touch, his gaze - they all linger in her mind, as vivid as if he was still there with her.

Their connection had been undeniable, a magnetic pull that neither of them could resist. From that moment they met at the private room of the wine pub, there was a spark, a heated passion that quickly turned into something more. They shared whispered conversations under the Italian sky, stolen kisses in hidden corners, and moments of vulnerability that brought them closer than they ever imagined.

The passion between them was intense, a fiery dance that left them both breathless. Yet, it was their emotional connection that truly set them apart. The way they understood each other, the way they could communicate with just a look, the way they fit together like two pieces of a puzzle - it was a bond that transcended the physical.

Now, she's left with the remnants of their relationship, the echoes of their love. She clings to these memories, finding solace in the sweetness of their past even as the bitterness of the present threatens to consume her. The pain is intense, a constant reminder of the love she lost.

In the quiet of her apartment, she allows herself to feel the full weight of her heartache. She lets herself remember the passion, the connection, the love. And though it hurts, she wouldn't trade these memories for anything. For in the midst of the pain, she finds a strange kind of comfort. In the memories of their love, she finds the strength to face the heartache, to heal, and to hope for a better tomorrow. Thus, the reality is obvious, she has no choice, but to let go now.

Original Fan-Fiction by BU

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