The Demon King of Time

By Masamune

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"What would you do if you were told if you're going to be a king?" "I would try to avoid it... but in the end... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Christmas special
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17 (Season 1 End)

Chapter 7

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By Masamune

"How the hell is she here?!"

"Who's she?!"

"None of your business!"

Masamune was seen running somewhere with Geiz behind him. They suddenly stopped at an abandoned building.

"She's in there."

"Who the hell is she?!"

"Shut up and just follow me!"

Masamune went inside the building and navigated through it carefully with Geiz. Suddenly both of them stopped when they saw a girl laying on the ground.

"Thats her..."

"Who's she?"


Masamune and Geiz slowly walks to Tsukuyomi. But suddenly they were blown away by an explosion.



Masamune and Geiz fell to the ground. Masamune looks the culprit and widened his eyes.

The person who stopped them was him. An older version of Masamune wearing his usual captain outfit stood in front of them.

"You?! Why are you here?!" Younger Masamune yelled.

"Two Zi-O?!" Geiz yelled in shock.

"I'm here because I sense an anomaly in this time. And look what I found... Tsukuyomi." Masamune said as he stared at the unconscious girl.

"And to my surprise Geiz is still alive. Looks like I'll have to finish the job myself." Masamune said before opening his captain jacket and revealing his belt.

"Shit! Geiz transform now!" Younger Masamune yelled as he brought out the Grand Zi-O Ridewatch.

"Don't order me around Zi-O!" Geiz yelled but complying.




Masamune smirks seeing his younger self in that form before putting both of his hand on his belt before stepping.

"Let's see how you strong you are." Masamune said before bringing out the Kiva Ridewatch.


The Zanbat sword appeared in Masamune hand before he took a stance. Masamune brought out his left hand and taunted both of them.

Zi-O and Geiz rushed to Masamune. They tried to punch him but he blocks both of their attacks with his sword.

Masamune stared at Zi-O before pushing both of them back and slashing Zi-O. And doing a vertical slash to Geiz.

Zi-O stumbles back before trying to punch Masamune again but he was sent back by a red energy slash. Masamune turns to Geiz and grips the handle before moving it up and down and slash Geiz.

Geiz stumbles back before Masamune kicks him in the chest as the Kuuga symbol was seen before Geiz explodes.

Zi-O and Geiz armor crackles with electricity before their transformation was undone. Masamune stabs the Zanbat sword on the ground before looking at his younger self.

"And here I thought you would provide me a challenge." Masamune mocks his younger self.

"Just why are you here?! Tsukuyomi being here shouldn't affect your timeline!" Younger Masamune yelled.

"True. But I'm not here for her ...I'm here for you." Masamune said as he pointed at his younger self.

"What?" Masamune replied in confusion.

"I'll be blunt drop this thing about being a king. Doing that will bring us more good than harm." Masamune said surprising both his younger self and Geiz.


"Just stop being a king."

"Never! I ha-"

"He's dead! Even if we managed to achieve his dream... it's not our dream."

Younger Masamune was silent while older Masamune glared at him. Hearing a sound behind him Masamune turns and saw Tsukuyomi about to wake up.

"Our time has been cut short. I'll see you next time my younger self." Masamune said before leaving through a golden portal.

Masamune glared at his older self leaving figure before clenching his fist and punched the ground.

"What did he mean by that?" Geiz asked.

"It's not the time." Masamune answered coldly.



Masamune and Geiz looks to Tsukuyomi. Masamune stands up and walks to her before carrying her bridal style.

"We'll discuss this later." Masamune said before leaving with Tsukuyomi. Geiz clicked his tongue in annoyance before following Masamune.

Meanwhile Woz was looking at the three of them and sighed. He might need to inform his past self about this or just let him find out on his own.

"This could be the birth of..."

"Zi-O Trinity."


Masamune was back in his office drinking a cup of coffee. Enjoying the peace he has for now Masamune decided to watch a video.

"Blood for the blood god." Masamune muttered before opening a video.

While Masamune was busy watching the video he didn't realize that Mei had entered his office. And the sight she was seeing seems completely out of character for Masamune.

"Technoblade never dies!" Masamune yelled as he watched the video.

"Masamune?" Mei voice snaps Masamune out his focus.

Masamune stared at the girl in embarrassment before quickly pocketing his phone. Mei sheepishly smiles before giggling.

"What can I do for you Mei?" Masamune asked with a red face.

"I-I just want to talk about what happened yesterday." Mei answered with a blushing face.

Masamune realized yesterday that her Herrscher persona had kissed him yesterday. Mei didn't talk to him all day yesterday but Masamune was also embarrassed by it.

"It was your other persona who did it." Masamune said as he averted his eyes from Mei.

"That was your first kiss right?" Mei asked.


Masamune suddenly felt two hands on his cheek before his head was turned. Suddenly a pair of lips connected with his.

Masamune eyes widened in surprise before Mei separated and smiles. Masamune was stunned before Mei ran away from his office.



After having a crisis Masamune was in the ship bridge. Masamune was told by Fu Hua that she and Kiana will be going on a mission.

"We're here." Masamune said as he viewed the city below them.

"Thanks. Kiana let's go." Fu Hua said before dragging Kiana with her.

"Masamune-senpai! Save me!" Kiana yelled desperately while she was dragged by Fu Hua.

Masamune only waved his hand and had a blank look on his face. Masamune then gained a serious look on his face.

"Alright. Let's get on what we're supposed to do." Masamune said as all of his riders appeared besides him.

"Heisei protect this world while I'm gone. Dark Riders you come with me."

"Got it!"

"It's about time we get in on some action." Evol said while stretching his hand.

"It's time for our encore." Odin said.

"It's time for the Advent of Darkness." Dark Decade said.

Masamune opens a gold portal and walks through it while the dark riders enter through it.

Once through the portal they were now in another dimension. The sky was dark blue and multiple cubes were seen.

"The sea of quanta... go scout the area." Masamune commanded.

The dark riders nods before heading off. Masamune stared at the sky before walking off to find something.

"What's this strong energy that's trap here?"

The real reason why Masamune entered this dimension was because he sense a powerful energy signature.

Feeling curious Masamune decided to investigate. Masamune then suddenly stops before his belt form.

"Come out... or I'll kill you." Masamune threatens to seemingly no one but suddenly a girl appears.

"Who are you?" The girl asked.

"Masamune Kazama and you are?"


Hearing that Masamune widened his eyes. He shouldn't come here. The girl Seele was supposed to play an important part in the near future. If he brings her out now then Bronya won't obtain that power.

"I saw you enter here... can you take Seele out?" Seele asked.

Masamune was conflicted. If he brings her out then Bronya chance of obtaining that power would be lessened but he can't just leave her here.

Masamune then thought of another idea. Maybe if he hid Seele from the others that may work but that won't last long. But if it's enough time for Cocolia to not know then it could work.

"I can... but I have to do something first." Masamune answered.

"Really?! Thank you Masamune-San!" Seele thanked the man.

"Just let me do something here first."

"But... what if you decided to leave Seele?"

"That won't happen. Dark Decade!"

Suddenly a black blur appeared before Dark Decade appeared by Masamune side and kneels at him.

"Yes my lord."

"Take care of Seele until I return."

"Very well."

Masamune smiles before walking away continuing what he was supposed to do here but not before saying one more word.

"Also tell your other self I said hi!"


"He knew?!"


Masamune smirks before walking away. Walking up some stairs and walking for a couple of minutes Masamune finally found what he was looking for.

"The hero from the previous era... Kevin Kaslana."

A white haired man stood in front of Masamune. His cold blue eyes stared back at Masamune blacks ones.

"Who are you?"

"Nothing you should worry about."

"...No. something within you emits a threatening aura."

"I was hoping to settle this peacefully but I guess I have no other option."

Kevin brought out his sword and Masamune felt the place freezing up. Masamune then pressed the two buttons on his belt.


Shukufuku no toki! Saikō! Saizen! Saidai! Saikyō ō! Ohma Zi-O!

"What is this?"

"Your reckoning."

Kevin rushed to Ohma Zi-O and slash his sword at him but the king blocks it with his right hand.

Kevin then went for another slash this time trying to slash his head. Ohma Zi-O ducks and punches Kevin in the gut.

Kevin was sent flying up to the sky before recovering and floated in the sky. Ohma Zi-O brought out his hand and multiple swords appeared behind him and fired it at Kevin.

Kevin deflected the sword one by one but he was too late to notice Ohma Zi-O behind him his visor glowing.



Ohma Zi-O kicks Kevin in the back and the Kuuga symbol appeared. Kevin was sent flying before an explosion engulfed him.

Ohma Zi-O floated in the sky waiting for the Kaslana to come out because he knew... he can survive far worse than that.

And on cue Kevin emerged from the explosion bruised. Kevin slash his sword at Ohma Zi-On as fires erupted from the sword.


In return Ohma Zi-O blocks the sword with his own. The two then began clashing swords with each other.

The area around then began to be destroyed. In the sky a crack appeared due to their fight. Ohma Zi-O parried Kevin sword before kicking him away into a structure.

"I'll finish this now!"



Ohma Zi-O jumps into the sky as the clock arrow on his back began moving upwards. Ohma Zi-O delivers a kick to Kevin who widened his eyes at the sheer power of the attack.


A huge explosion occurred nearly engulfing the whole sea of quanta. The explosion vanishes and Ohma Zi-O feet was seen standing beside Kevin head.

Ohma Zi-O lowers his feet and walks away leaving the Kaslana stunned at what he just did.


"You've amused me... it's been a while since someone managed to make me serious in a fight."

"Farewell hero of the past... we shall meet again when the time comes for it."

Ohma Zi-O walks away before undoing his transformation. Masamune sighs and returns back to Seele who was safe thanks to Dark Decade.

"Masamune-San! What was that explosion! Seele was almost engulfed by it!"

"You just what are you?"

"That was just a fluke."

Masamune shrugged it off before suddenly feeling cold steel in front of him. Turning to look at Seele he noticed that her eyes were now red.

"I'm not some fool. Just what are you?"

"A passing through Kamen Rider."

"Really my lord?"

"If you can say it I can say it too!"

"Answer my question!"

"Calm down! Getting angry will ruin your cute face."


The one thing that could stop an angry Tsundere. A dense idiot who just casually says these things.

Seele? Blushes before her eyes return blue and was still blushing. Dark Decade face palm while Masamune calls the other dark riders back.

"Man that was fun!" Evol said happily.

"That was some nice warm up." Cronus said while dusting his hand.

"Agreed. Haven't killed anything in a long while." Odin said.

Behind the dark riders were multiple dead bodies of the Honkai beast. Multiple mark were seen on the ground while the Dark Riders was seen dusting their hands.

"Alright. Let's go home." Masamune said before entering a portal.

Now the plan was initiated. Hide Seele immediately when he got back so that the other won't notice.

The plan was simple and nothing could ruin it! Except he forgot one thing to account for when traveling to another dimension.

"Finally back home..." Masamune said while taking a deep breath.

"Masamune-san where are we?" Seele asked now out of her blushing stupor.

"This is Hyperion the place I work at."

"This looks cool!"

"Yep! And no-"




Turning around Masamune saw Fu Hua and Kiana behind her. Seele looks confused at the two.

"Masamune! Where have you been! It's been five hours! We were worried about you!" Fu Hua scolded like an angry wife.

"Five? It was one hour!" Masamune yelled.

"One! Look at the time!"

Masamune looks at the clock and notices that it was indeed five hours. He forgot time works differently in another dimension. So much for the King of Time.

"Where did you go- Masamune. Who's this?" Fu Hua asked after seeing Seele.

"Are you Masamune friend? I'm Seele!"

Fu Hua glared at Masamune who looks away while whistling. Of course eventually he spilled the beans.

"Hehe... our lord is getting scolded by one his future wives."

"Will he even have a wife?"

"Who knows?"



"Bronya onee-chan..."

Masamune could only stare at the heartfelt reunion between the two of them. After arriving back he immediately got scolded by everyone.

But then Bronya spotted Seele and now this was happening. Masamune tried to escape but remember that Mei was behind him with a smile on her face.

"Masamune nii-sama thank you." Brony thanked the king.

"I was just curious nothing else." Masamune said.


"I am not!"

Everyone laughed at Masamune response before Mei walks up to the pouting boy and gave him a kiss on the cheek surprising everyone.


"Don't forget our date tomorrow."


Mei giggled before walking away leaving everyone stunned at what she just did. Masamune forgot that he owed her a date.

"Masamune-senpai! What?!"



Been awhile. So the reason I haven't updated in a while just because I was damn busy with school. Might be some grammatical error I'll fix that when I get back home.

Also just today Technodad uploaded a video about the ten anniversary of Technoblade.

Technoblade will always be my favorite Minecraft YouTuber. And thanks for the memories blood god.

Anyways that's about it and as always...


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