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By theGr33dy

9.6K 335 18

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289 16 1
By theGr33dy

"Elena. It's Stefan. I know that this picture must have confused you. But I can explain. I need to explain. So, please, when you get this, call me" said Stefan leaving a voicemail to Elena while holding onto Katherine's picture.

However, Elena was driving her car but when she suddenlynoticed a man in the middle of the road out of nowhere she slammed on her brakes but still hit the man.

Her car rolled over and over. When it stopped she was frantic, unable to move as her seatbelt was stuck. Seeing the man slowly get up Elena realised it was a vampire. Looking around she felt hopeless knowing that she was stuck and there was no way of getting away. As the man got closer to the car Elena screamed, the man suddenly disappeared, and a second later Damon appeared.

"How are you doing in there?"


"You look stuck."

"It's my seat belt. I can't get it."

"Shh Shh Shh. Let me get you out of there. I want you to put your hands on the roof. Just like that. You ready? 1, 2, 3" said Damon and ejected her seat belt. "I got you."

"Thank you..."

"Are you okay? Can you stand? Is anything broken?" asked Damon picking her up from there and holding her tried to put her down.


Elena could barely stand, before she fell, Damon caught her and held onto her firmly.

"Whoa, you're fading fast, Elena. Elena, look at me" said Damon and grabbed her face. "Focus. Look at me. Okay."

"We look like them..."

"What?" asked Damon surprised but Elena fainted.

He grabbed her and slowly brushed her face with his hand, getting the hair out and looking around thought for a moment before picking her up began walking.

"Damon" came the voice of Elio who was panting and seeing Elena he began to panic. "Oh my god what happened?"

"I'll fill you in on the way... can you look after her? I need to get the car."

"Is she going to be okay?"

"She's in shock, a good sleep will do her wonders. Now give me a minute."

"Okay" responded Elio and holding onto Elena held her close while Damon pulled Elena's car off the road then disappeared from there.

Holding her close he noticed something she had in her hands and slowly pulling it out looked at the picture.

Looking at a reflection of himself he looked amazed, but seeing the writing on it he tiled his head slightly:

"Sebastian, 1864"

The picture just answered his dilemma, he truly looked like Sebastian who lived centuries before him. But how could that be?

Once Damon came around with the car he put her on the front seat and making sure she was securely there he got onto the back seat and leaning to the front spoke up.

"You sure she doesn't need the hospital?"

"I'll keep an eye on her. Vampire blood can heal her if anything happens. She has no broken bones or internal bleeding so don't worry. Now we have a long drive you might want to get some sleep on the back."

"Hmmm... okay" commented Elio and holding onto the picture laid down in the back with one of his feet down while the other was tucked under his other thigh.

Damon looked back after a while and seeing Sebastian's picture on Elio's hand he just smiled for a moment but continued to drive. They had to get to Georgia as soon as possible.

It was already daytime when Elena woke up, they were already close to their destination. Elio still slept soundly, but seeing how Elena woke up Damon looked at her.


"Where are we?"


"Georgia? No, no. No, we're not. Seriously, Damon. Where are we?"

"Seriously, we're... we're in Georgia. How are you feeling?"

"I... I..."

"There's no broken bones. I checked."

"But my car... there was a man... I hit a man. But then he got up, and... who was that?"

"That's what I would like to know."

"Where is my phone? OK. We really need to go back. Nobody knows where I am. Pull over. I mean it, Damon. Pull over! Stop the car!"

"Oh you were so much more fun when you were asleep."

Damon pulled over, Elena got out of the car, she limped weakly and seeing her state Damon rushed over to her to help.

"Hey" came the gentle voice of Damon as he crouched down by her for support.

"I'm fine. We have to go back" said Elena looking at Damon strangely.

"Oh come on. Look. We've already come this far..."

"Why are you doing this? I can't be in Georgia. I wrecked my car. I have to go home. This is kidnapping."

"That's a little melodramatic, don't you think?"

"You're not funny. You can't do this. I'm not going to Georgia."

"Well, we're in Georgia" came the sleepy voice of Elio making Elena turn over and seeing her twin leaning out of the car while scratching his head she was lost for words.

"Without your magical little necklace, I might add. I can very easily make you... agreeable" added Damon with a teasing tone.0

"What are you trying to prove?" asked Elena but helped Elio get out of the car to stretch when suddenly a phone went off and they all looked confused until Elena realised it was hers. "That's my phone."

"Mmm. It's your boyfriend" commented Damon after pulling the phone out of his pocket and handed her the phone but as she shook her head and looked away Damon lifted it to his ear. "Elena's phone...!"

"Where is she? Why do you have her phone? Is she okay?"

"Elena? She's right here. And, yes, she's fine."

"Where are you? Let me speak to her."

"He wants to talk to you" said Damon offering the phoen to the girl but seeing Elena's face he just took the phone back and addressed his brother again. "Yeah. I don't... I don't really think she wants to talk to you right now."

"Damon, I swear to God, if you touch her..."

"You have a good day. Mm-hmm. Bye-now."

"Look, no one knows where I am. Can we please just go back?"

"We're almost there" said Elio standing next to Damon.

"Where is there?!"

"A little place right outside of Atlanta. Oh, come on, Elena. You don't wanna go back right now. Do you?" tried again Elio and Damon stepped forward, put an arm around Elio and smiled at Elena.

"What's the rush? Time-out. Trust me. Your problems are still going to be there when you get home. Look. Step away from your life for five minutes. Five minutes!"

"Are we gonna be safe with you?"

"Yes" reassured Damon.

"You promise not to do that mind control thing with us?"


"Can I trust you?"

"Get in the car. Come on" said Damon letting go of Elio and walked back to his car.

Elena looked at her twin who just grinned and stepping closer held onto her hand.

"I promise you we will be safe. And Damon promised to give us answers about the whole... you know. This."

Pulling out the picture Elena held onto she gasped slightly and taking it back from him looked at her brother.

"Does this not... you know. Freak you out?"

"I cannot let this freak me out. But trust me I'm hanging by a thread. So let's go, once we get there we can call Jenna and give her an excuse. Road trip?"

"I cannot believe you're convincing me to go on a trip with Damon..."

"Come on" smiled Elio. "We have a little longer to go."

For a while the ride was quiet, Elio was looking at the picture while humming in the back, Damon drove with a small smile on his face and Elena looked outside contemplating on everything that happened.

"So, where's my car?"

"I pulled it off to the side of the road. I don't think anyone will bother it."

"What about that man in the road? Was he a...?"

"From what I could tell, yeah..."

"You didn't know him?"

"If I've never met him, I wouldn't know him. I mean, it's not like we all hang out together at the Vamp Bar & Grill."

Elena rolled her eyes and looked outside while Elio just smiled and continued to keep an eye on the picture in hopes of figuring out the truth... even if that seemed a little farfetched.

Once the car stopped they got out and looking at the place the twins seemed slightly confused reading the name "Bree's Bar" and looking at Damon spoke at the same time.

"You brought us to a bar?"

"I still need to get used to this" commented Damon pointing at them.

"Damon, we're not old enough. They're not going to let us in" said Elena however Damon just smiled and shrugged casually.

"Sure they will."

The twins shared a look but then decided to follow Damon into the bar. Looking around Elio was intrigued, he had no idea what kind of person they would meet here who could help them both.

"No. No, it can't be. Damon. My honey pie" exclaimed the woman behind the bar and climbing over the counter walked to Damon, grabbed his face and kissed him passionately.

The twins both looked flabbergasted and somewhat entertained yet remained quiet on the matter, just sat down at the bar on each side of Damon.

"Listen up everybody!" shouted Bree. "Here's to the man that broke my heart, crushed my soul, destroyed my life, and ruined any and all chances of happiness!"

Bree poured shots for everyone and looking at the people around she lifted her glass and addressed everyone excitedly.

"Drink up!"

Damon and Bree took their shot, Elena seemed hesitant while Elio just thoughts for a moment and took the shot, earning a pleased smile from Damon, but the moment the vampire noticed Elena's worry he took it and downed the shot.

"Ahh. Whoo!" exclaimed Bree. "So, how'd he rope you two in?"

"I'm not roped in. Actually, I'm dating his..."

"Honey, if you're not roped, you're whipped. Either way, just enjoy the ride" smiled Bree and poured a shot to Elio who thought for a moment but took the drink again. " What about you cutie pie? What was it that made you fall for this dark knight?"

"I'd call it a momentary mutual interest" responded Elio and while Damon smirked Elena looked at them with a curious look.

"Careful darling" smiled Bree. "If you're not careful he will turn your world upside down like a storm in July. Then you can pick up the pieces."

"Dully noted" smiled Elio and handed her the glass, but the moment their hands touched Bree's eyes widened for a moment which surprised Elio but remained silent.

"Okay. So, how did you two meet?" spoke up Elena earning their attention.


"You went to college?" asked Elena looking at Damon.

"I've been on a college campus, yes."

"About twenty years ago, when I was a sweet, young freshman, I met this beautiful man, and I fell in love. And then he told me about his little secret, made me love him more. Because, you see, I had a little secret of my own that I was dying to share with somebody."

"She's a witch" whispered Damon tot h twins who just looked impressed.

"Changed my world, you know."

"I rocked your world."

"He is good in the sack, isn't he? But mostly he's just a Walk-Away Joe" commented Bree and turning away from the twins looked at Damon. "So, what is it that you want?"

"I think we should make a call" commented Elio suddenly and getting up got Elena to go with him outside while Damon and Bree sat on the sides and began talking.

"Hi, Jenna. I'm so sorry" said Elena the moment Jenna picked up the phone.

"Where are you? Why didn't you call?"

"I was so tired last night. We fell asleep at Bonnie's. And then this morning, we just wanted to get to school."

"Are you two okay?"

"You know, Stefan and stuff. Elio wanted to stay with me through it all..."

"Can you give me Elio?"

"Sure, here..."

"Hi Jenna... sorry we should have called or texted."

"I'm just glad you two are okay. But this is the first and last, okay?"

"You got it. We will be back later on tonight, I promise."

"You better. Talk to you later."

"That went better than I thought" smiled Elio and handed Elena her phone back, but seeing how troubled she looked he tilted his head slightly. "Want to talk about it?"

"How are you so calm about this?"

" You freaking out is enough, one of us has to keep it down. I'll freak out later."

"They look like us. Both of us!"

"I know Elena... there must be an explanation but perhaps right now we need to take a moment and just ignore everything. Do you need a minute to yourself?"

"Yeah... I'll stay out here a little longer."

"Let me know if you need me" smiled Elio and hugging his sister stood there for a bit longer.

Damon kept his eyes on the twins but then returned his gaze to the witch, he was questioning Bree in hopes to find a way into that tomb.

"Come on, there's gotta be another way."

"After all these years, it's still only Katherine. How do you even know she's still alive?"

"Well, you help me get into that tomb, and we'll find out."

"I already did. Twenty years ago. Remember? Three easy steps: Comet. Crystal. Spell."

"There's a little problem with number two. I don't have the crystal."

"That's it, Damon. There is no other way. It's Emily's spell."

"What about a new spell with a new crystal that overrides Emily's spell?"

"It doesn't work that way, baby. Emily's spell is absolute. You can't get into that tomb."

Damon was about to speak but they noticed Elio walk into the bar and approach the counter. This was enough for Bree to get up and going back approached the boy while picking up a wash cloth.

"And what can I do for you?"

"Let's see" pondered Elio picking up a menu. "Perhaps it would be wise to eat... haven't had anything for a while."

"Make that three" came the voice of Damon putting his hands on Elio's shoulders.

"Coming right up" smiled Bree and walked away while Elio slowly turned around on the chair however Damon kept his hands on his shoulders, only lifted his hands while he turned.


"Hit a little snag but not to worry."

"If you say so" Elio narrowed his eyes looking at the vampire but then looked at Damon's hands how they rested on his shoulders. "I think I should get Elena... food should lift her spirit up a bit."


Damon did not move from there, when Elio slowly got up he kept his hands on his shoulder and with a smirk kept eye contact, enjoying the fact that with the close proximity he managed to make Elio's heart beat slightly faster.

"I'd appreciate if you stopped this" said Elio and quickly moving got out of Damon's grip and walked to the bathroom which made Damon turn and seeing Elena lisntened to her while she was once more on the phone.

"Elena, is that you?" came the voice of Stefan.

"I'm here."

"Where are you?"

"You lied."

"Not until I explain, please."

"So, you didn't lie?"

"Just tell me where you are, so that I can come get you."

"How am I connected to Katherine, Stefan?"

"I honestly don't know."

"And I'm supposed to believe that?"

"It's the truth. I-- Listen..." Elena did not wait for an excuse, she simply hung up the phone.

Turning around Damon was standing right behind her, but it seemed he had concern on his face.

"You okay?"

"Don't pretend to care. I know you're gloating inside" stated Elena and pushed past him, seeing Elio stand there offering a hand to her she quickly accepted it and they walked back inside.

Sitting at the bar Bree brought them the food, this time Elena sat in the middle, Elio happily enjoyed his food while his twin was talking with Damon.

"Let's just say that we're descended from Katherine and Sebastian... does that make us part vampire?"

"Vampires can't procreate. But we love to try" smirked Damon but seeing their faces he just continued. "No, if you were related, it would mean Katherine had a child before she was turned. But Katherine and Sebastian weren't blood related so it could be just a coincidence."

"Did Stefan think that he could use me to replace her?"

"Kinda creepy if you ask me. Come on, what? You don't like pickles? What's wrong with you?"

"How can you even eat? If technically you're supposed to be..."

"Dead?" whispered Damon then laughed. "It's not such a bad word. As long as I keep a healthy diet of blood in my system, my body functions pretty normally."

"This nice act. Is any of it real?"

Before Damon could have answered Bree interrupted them handing Damon a beer.

"Here you go."

"Thank you."

"I'll have one too."

"Hmm?" Damon looked at her surprised, to which Elena simply shrugged.

"Time out, remember? For five minutes? Yeah, well that five minutes is going to need a beer."

"There you go" smiled Bree and gave Elena a beer, then handed one to Elio as well.

"Well... time to relax a bit" commented Elio and clicked the beer glass with Elena and they both took a swing.

The conversation shifted from the Katherine and Sebastian questions to much more relaxed and fun games. It did not take them long to go from eating food to participate in the shots game. At the counter the trio, Bree and patrons of the bar held a shot glass int heir hands and waited for Bree to give them the signal.

"Ready... Go!"

They all shot, the twins moved simultaneously and downed their shots. Knowing full well they were faster than the others they high fived with both their hands and did a little victory dance.

"That's three!" announced Elena and looked at Damon pretending to pout. "Aw, do you need a bib?"

"Sorry I can't unhinge my jaw like a snake to consume alcohol."

"Whatever. All right. Who's next? Another round, Bree."

"Honey, you two should be on the floor!" slurred the woman next to them.

"We are not even drunk" announced Elio slurring his words.

"That's right our tolerance is... waaay up here!" agreed Elena, also sounding a little drunk and reached for the sky.

"All right. Here you go" Bree poured another round of shots.

Many of them dipped out while the twins just clicked their glasses, took the shot and happily teased Damon who just seemed to go along with it. Seeing Elena and Elio so carefree and happy got him wonder. Especially when Elio gave him a side hug but addressed his sister.

"Let's go play pool! We can settle this then and there!"

"You are on!" laughed Elena and the two of them began walking away, Damon was about to reach for his glass when Elio held onto his hand and pulled him after them surprising the vampire.

While they were playing their spirit did not waver, Damon just watched the twins play and they were having a blast, moving away from them to get another beer approached the bar while Elio prepared to hit another when Elena's phone rang.



"Jenna! Hold on, it's loud in here."

"Elena, where are you? Are you okay?"

"Huh? Yeah. No, I'm good. Everything's fine. Hold on, I can't hear you."

"No, it's not fine! I got a call..."

Elena went outside indicating Elio to stay inside. The boy just shrugged, looking at the pool he prepared another shot when a weird sensation ran through him.

Arriving outside Elena tripped and fell, but getting up picked it back up.

"Hello?" before she could have done anything someone covered her mouth from behind and disappeared from there, making Elena drop her phone on the ground.

Elio could not shake the odd feeling and putting the cue down began to look around unable to identify the sensation. Stopping next to Damon the vampire looked at Elio with a smile but seeing his impression his face turned worried and serious.

"Hey, where's your girl?" questioned Bree drawing their attention.

"She was right back there" said Damon and as they looked around Elena was gone.

Immediately both of them rushed outside and seeing Elena's phone on the ground Elio picked it up and looked at Damon.

"Stay here, go back inside" instructed Damon and sped away from the bar to search for Elena.

Elio walked back inside holding onto the phone, but as he sat down at the bar he looked up and seeing the pictures on the wall for the first time he recognised someone. His eyes widened and leaning closer he could see he was right.

"Just pictures of friends over the years" commented Bree earning Elio's attention.

"That's Lexi!"

"How do you know Lexi?" asked Bree surprised.

"She came to visit Stefan for his birthday and we had a blast..."

"Lexi was one of a kind" agreed Bree looking at the picture.

Elio looked at her and his gears began moving, soon enough he realised that the kidnapper was connected to Lexi... and they wanted Damon.

Getting up from the bar he rushed out without another word, he stopped next to Damon's car and leaning against it looked up.

Damon looked around searching for Elena and soon enough at the back of the bar he found her over to an electrical building hanging on to a tank.

"Damon, no!" screamed Elena, but before Damon could have reacted a man attacked him using a wooden plank with supernatural speed.

He realised quickly: it was a trap.

The man hit him repeatedly, which was enough for Elena to jump down from the tank and run towards Damon.

"What the hell?!" groaned Damon while the stranger poured gasoline on him.

"No!" screamed Elena making the man turn to look at Elena, revealing vampire teeth.

"Who are you?" asked Damon from the ground earning the stranger's attention.

"That's perfect! You have no idea."

"What are you talking about? What did he do?"

"He killed my girlfriend. What did she do to you, huh? What did she do to you?!"


"I don't understand" asked Elena trying to get the stranger's attention.

"My girlfriend went to visit Stefan, and Damon killed her. Got it?" stated the vampire and hit Damon with the bat.

"Lexi? Lexi was your girlfriend? She told me about you. She said that you were human."

"I was."

"Lexi turned you?"

"If you want to be with someone forever, you have to live forever."

"She loved you. She said that, "When it's real, you can't walk away." "

"Well, that's a choice you're not going to have to make."

"Don't. Don't, please, don't hurt him..." begged Elena but the man lit a match and looked at Elena.

"I'm doing you a favour."

"Lexi loved you! And she was good! And that means you're good too. Be better than him. Don't do this. I'm begging you! Please."

Elena was nervous, but the moment he threw the match away and simply picked up Damon throwing him against the building stopped attacking him.

"Thank you."

"It wasn't for you" spat the vampire and walked away from them.

Elena rushed to Damon and helped him up from the ground and soon enough Elio appeared and looking at Damon he gently cupped his face and spoke quietly.

"You've got beaten up haven't you..."

"Still devastatingly handsome" joked Damon earning a smile from the twins.

"Go and wash up" said Elio gently. "We will wait in the car."

Elena looked surprised but seeing the knowing look between them she began to look at Elio suspiciously, but waited for Damon to hand them his key and disappear from there.

"What's going on between you?"

"Nothing" deflected Elio casually. "Let's just get back to the car. But this time I'll sit at the front."

"Alright" smiled Elena and they began walking back to the front of the bar where Damon parked his car.

At the bar, inside, Bree was alone taking a shot, looking at the picture of her and Lexi, that is until she felt a presence and putting it away straightened up.

"We were just leaving, I wanted to say goodbye."

"Good to see you again, Damon" replied Bree flatly not turning around at first.

"No kiss?"

"I'm full of vervain. I put it in everything I drink" declared the witch looking at Damon.

"And you're telling me this why?"

"Lexi was my friend. How could you?" she turned away but Damon was already in front of her, scaring her. "The tomb can be opened."

"You're lying!"

"Emily's grimoire, her spell book. If you know how she closed the tomb the reversal process will be in her book. You can open that tomb."

"Where is this book?"


"You have no idea."

"No. I'm telling you the truth."

"And I believe you. My dear, sweet Bree. That's why I'm almost sorry" stated Damon with a sad smile on his face and thrusted his hand into Bree's chest ripping out her heart instantly.

Dropping her heart left Bree's body on the floor, he simply moved and wiping his hands grabbed his jacket and walked out of the bar.

Arriving to the car he got in and Elio handed him the keys without looking at him. Damon just looked at him for a moment but then glanced back at Elena who was sitting in the back looking at her phone.

"So, why did you bring me with you?" asked Elena suddenly leaning closer to the front.

"Well, you're not the worst company in the world, Elena. You should give yourself more credit!"


"You were there in the road, all damsel-in-distress-like. I could not resist your brother's pleading eyes... And, I knew it would piss off Stefan. And... you're not the worst company in the world, Elena."

"I used to be more fun."

"You did okay."

"I saved your life!"

"I know."

"And don't you forget it!" smiled Elena and noticing a smile appear on Elio's face she just laughed and squeezing his shoulder sat back. "I suppose I'll have to get my answers don't I?"

"Only Stefan can explain why he has that picture..." commented Elio and looked outside.

"And Sebastian's... where is it by the way?"

"I have it" smirked Damon. "It was mine to begin with... Stefan probably swiped it when he had a chance."

At the Salvatore Boarding House Stefan was up in his room, nervously waiting around to hear from Elena. While he was there he heard steps and turning arounds saw Elena at the door.


"Hi" greeted Stefan and he seemed relieved to see her safe.

"You could have told me."

"I wanted to tell you."

"You said no more lies. Only the truth. I can handle the truth, Stefan. As crazy as it is, I can handle the fact that you are a vampire. And that you have a vampire brother. And that my best friend is a witch. I can accept the fact that the world is a much more mysterious place than I ever thought possible. But this... this lie, I cannot take. What am I to you? Who am I to you?"

"You are not Katherine. You are the opposite of everything that she was."

"And when did you figure that out? Before you kissed me? Before we slept together?"

"Before I met you."


"The first day of school. When we met. It wasn't for the first time, Elena."

"Then when was it?"

"May 23, 2009."

"But that was..."

"That was the day your parents' car went off the bridge."

"You were there?"

"Every couple of years I come back here, to see Zach and see my home. Last spring, I was out in the woods, by old Wickery Bridge. And I heard the accident. All of it. I was fast getting there, but not fast enough. The car was already submerged. Your dad was still... he was still conscious. I was able to get to him, but he wouldn't let me help him, until I helped you."

"Oh my god" exclaimed Elena her tears falling down. "When I woke up in the hospital, nobody could figure out how I got out of the car. They said it was a miracle."

"I went back for them. But it was too late. I couldn't-- I couldn't save them. When I pulled you out, I looked at your face. You looked like Katherine. I couldn't believe the resemblance. After that, I spent months making sure that you weren't her. I watched you. I learned everything that I could about you and I saw your brother who looked just like Sebastian... but after everything I saw I knew that you were nothing like Katherine. And I wanted to leave town, but, Elena, I couldn't. I couldn't leave without knowing you. I'm so sorry that I didn't tell you. I wanted to. But you were so sad."

"Why do we look like them?"

"Elena, you've been through so much."

"Why do I look like her, Stefan? What are you not telling me?"

"It didn't make any sense to me. You two were Gilberts. She was a Pierce and he was a Monroe... even older than Katherine. But the resemblance was too similar. And then I learned the truth. You two were adopted, Elena."

"How do you know all this?"

"Your birth certificate from the city records. It says Elena and Elio Gilbert, Mystic Falls General. But there's no record of your mother ever being admitted. There's no record of her ever being pregnant."

"What else do you know?"

"For me to go any further, I would've had to look into the Pierce and Monroe family, and I couldn't do that. It's too much of a risk. If someone found out I was asking about them... Listen to me, it doesn't matter. You are the woman that I love. I love you."

Elena kissed him then Stefan cradled her in his arms as she cried, trying to comfort her. Elio was standing behind the door but as he heard her crying he began walking downstairs quietly. Arriving to the parlour he found Damon sitting by the fire with a glass of bourbon.

Damon looked up and seeing Elio's watered eyes and emotional face he got up and approached him but stopped midway seeing how his face straightened up.

"Can I interest you in a drink?"

"I suppose we can extend that 5 minutes a little longer" responded the boy and walking closer sat down on the sofa.

Damon poured him a drink and handing a glass sat on the opposite sofa. He remained silent, just watched the boy take a sip of the drink, frown slightly but then turning to the fire spoke quietly.

"Is it weird that I accepted the fact that I'm the spitting image of a vampire who lived hundreds of years ago but refused to even entertain the idea that my parents weren't my birth parents..."

"Does it make a difference? Who raised you?"

"I thought they would have told us. I would have loved them the same... hell I would have loved them even more if that's even possible. They chose to love and raise us like their own."

"If you want to talk... I suppose I'm here."

"Perhaps you can do the talking" smiled Elio and leaning forward took a sip. "Like what is it you found."

"You're good" complimented Damon. "How about I'll tell you another time... when there aren't other ears around."

Elio raised an eyebrow but as he heard someone descend the starts he mad an 'O' with his mouth and nodding at Damon downed his drink before getting up turned around only to see Elena there.

"You ready?"

"Yeah... my car is outside."

"Goodbye Damon."

"Goodbye Elena."

The drive home was quiet, none of them knew how to start talking about what they have learnt. Yet it was comfortable silence.

At the Gilbert residence Jenna agitatedly flipped the pages of a magazine on the sofa when the twins walked in. Instantly Jenna turned around and getting up approached the twins.

"I don't set a lot of rules. Not with you two. I trust you to tell me the truth. Where were you? Why would you lie to me about it? I thought that we were closer than that."

"Now is not the time you want to talk to us about lies" commented Elena coldly while they continued to walk up the stairs.

"Don't do that. Don't turn this back on me. I didn't do anything" defended Jenna when the twins suddenly stopped and turning around Elio was first to speak.

"Okay... then tell us. Are we adopted? We trust you to tell us the truth too, Jenna."

" How could you not tell us?" asked Elena. "I thought we were closer than that."

"Guys, I didn't... they asked me not to."

"We don't want to hear it!" chorused the twins and rushed up the stairs, going into Elio's room.

Closing the door they both just walked to the bed anddropping on it remained silent for a moment while inspecting the ceiling.

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