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theGr33dy รกltal

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387 23 1
theGr33dy รกltal

"I live in fear. It consumes me. In the early evening when I see the sun begin to fade, the fear comes, because I know that the night brings death." read Jeremy from the journal, he was unable to put it down. Ever since Elio gave it to him he was hooked. He continued to flip through the pages of the journal. He found a loose paper with a sketch drawn on it and became inspired.

He pulled out an box from his closet and grabbed an old sketchbook from it. He set the box down and grabbed a piece of charcoal. Flipping through the sketchbook, Jeremy saw all the old sketches he used to draw.

He smiled at the memories and finally found a blank page. He started recreating the loose sketch from the journal.

Elena walked out of her room and glanced into Jeremy's room. She walked over to the doorway and saw Jeremy sketching. She smiled and quietly closed the door. Downstairs, Jenna was getting ready to leave while Elio was reading a book. Elena came down the stairs and addressed them both with a smile.

"Jeremy's got his sketch pad out."

"You're kidding?" questioned Jenna shocked while Elio looked up and a knowing smile appeared on his face butt hen returned to his book without a comment.

"Nope. But don't say a word. The minute we encourage him, he'll put it away."

"Psychology major. Check that!"

Elena pulled out her phone and looking at it her expression changed seeing that there wasn't a message she was hoping for. Seeing that Jenna gave a sympathetic look but then addressed her niece.

"You and Stefan? Update?"

"He knows how I feel and where I stand, and I know where he stands but it doesn't matter. He's leaving, moving away. You ready Elio?"

"Yeah just need to get my jacket" smiled the boy and getting up walked to the entrance to get his jacket.

"Where is he going?"

"I've stopped asking questions. The answers get scary" responded Elena and once Elio was ready as well the trio opened the front door and they walked out of the house.

"Yours leaves, mine returns."

"Logan?" questioned Elio surprise and linked his arm with Jenna's.

"He's back. I didn't let him pass the front door."

"I hope you slammed it in his face" spoke Elena looking at her to which Jenna thought for a moment before answering.

"Ah, medium slam."

"Three-strike rule, Jenna. You're not even allowed to watch the news" stated Elio immediately to which their aunt just smiled and nodded agreeingly.

"Exactly. No more Logan "Scum" Fell."

Arriving to the school Elio, Elena and Bonnie were walking together when they suddenly noticed Matt at Caroline walking together and talking, both of them smiling and looking cozy. Elio got the messages before from Caroline all the deeds of him being around, two of them cuddling and watching movies. Matt felt comfortable while Caroline had some kind sof feeling towards him and seeing them Elio felt happy.

Matt seemed like someone god for her.

"And then the ballet dancer and the Krumper did the salsa."

"Well, I was awake for that part."

"Well, I don't know when you fell asleep. Umm, did you see the Celine Dion waltz about cancer?"

"Those always make me cry!"

"Yeah, and then the loud judge kept screaming and I couldn't take it, so I turned it off."

They stopped walking and stand face to face with each other.

"I sat through Family Guy" responded Caroline poking Matt in the chest. "So, you owe me."

"Did I miss something?" asked Elena noticing them as well, Elio just put an arm around both Elena and Bonnie and spoke with a smile.

"They've been hanging out."

"Kind of weird, don't you think?" asked Elena to which Elio turned to him and raised an eyebrow.

"No, I think it's adorable and she deserves someone sweet and... well... human."

"Agreed" spoke Bonnie as they began to walk again. "She needs someone nice like him, as opposed to a homicidal vampire like Damon."

"Yeah, how are you doing with all that?" asked Elena looking at her with a concerned look.

"I'm freaked out. Damon attacked me. I could be dead right now. But I'm also grateful."


"To Stefan. He saved my life and... Have you seen him?"

Elena removed her scarf and went over to her locker. Once she opened it she threw it in there then looked at Bonnie with a slightly annoyed face.

"Not since he told me he was leaving. For all I know, he's already gone."

"He wouldn't leave without saying goodbye."

"Yes, he would. He thinks he's protecting me. Clean break and all that."

"So, what are you gonna do?"

"What am I supposed to do? I've already begged him not to go. If I ask again, I'm being selfish. It is what it is" sighed Elena and after retrieving her books they started to walk down the hallway again.

"Maybe it's for the best" blurted out Bonie which mad Elena stop but Elio had a smile on his face.

He always enjoyed it when Bonnie challenged Elena and her ideologies. This was just another opportunity for Bonnie to shake Elena's stubborn ways.

"What? Why?"

"I mean, what kind of future could you have had with him, even if he stayed?" questioned Bonnie when suddenly, a banner fell down on them that said "The Promise of your Future".

"Did you just...?"

"No, I swear" defended Bonnie however Elena just let out a sigh and hit the banner out of her way, storming off to her class.

"I do love coincidences" commended Elio looking at Bonnie who just smiled and the two of them walked after Elena.

During the day Elena seemed distracted and for all the efforts she did to tell her friends it wasn't because of Stefan , they all knew it was that very reason.

After the classes were over the twins walked towards the carpark but stopped abruptly when seeing Stefan sitting on a bench just looking at them. Elena took a deep breath and letting out a sigh held onto Elio's shirt. They slowly walked closer which made Stefan get up and approach the twins.

"Hi. We need to talk."

Elena grabbed onto Elio's shirt a bit tighter but once Stefan began talking and caught them al up on the newest mystery and a new vampire in town Elena seemed to relax a bit, this allowed Elio on trying to question Stefan further.

"So, you have no idea who it could be?"

"None. But it must be somebody new because leaving a body like that, they're either sloppy or they're trying to send a message."

"And you're sure it's not Damon?"

"Well, I'm never sure about Damon, but he's been trying to keep a low profile lately, so it's just doesn't make any sense to me."

"So what are you gonna do?" asked Elena looking at Stefan.

"Damon is tracking them right now" Stefan got up from the table and turned to the twins. "Look, I promised you the truth so I wanted to tell you. I want you to be careful."

Elena nodded and got up as well while Elio remained seated, thinking about the new information.

"When I saw you, I... thought you were coming to say goodbye."

"Not yet."

"So what do I do now?"

"Just wait. I'll be there in minute."

"Can you hurry? I have things to do" said Caroline when suddenly, Damon appeared behind Caroline startling the girl by his appearance.

"You can give me that" stated the vampire calmly, to which the blond held out the compass allowing Damon to take it.

"So, why did you need me to do this?"

"Because I interfere with the signal."

"Can I go now? This has blown, like, half of my day."

"You do that" responded Damon and looking into her eyes began compelling her. "Get in your car. Go home. Forget I asked you to do this."

"Ok. Bye now."


[Caroline leaves. Damon turns to face the entrance of the warehouse. He walks up the steps and opens the door, entering the warehouse. Damon looks around as he walks deeper into the warehouse. Suddenly, Logan Fell shoots Damon multiple times. Damon groans in pain and falls on his knees to the floor. Logan approaches him.]

"I have tons of these wood bullets, so nothing funky" warned Logan and began circling around Damon holding out the gun.

"You don't wanna do this, trust me" said Damon only to have Logan shoot him in the shoulder earning a scream from the Salvatore.

"That's what you get."

"For what?" questioned Damon still in pain and looked at Logan as he crouched in front of him.

"You made me like this."

"I killed you. I didn't turn you."

Damon pried a bullet out from his chest and throwing it away annoyed let out a sigh. Logan held up one of the wooden bullets and examined it.

"See I know what you and your brother are. I've been watching the two of you. I knew you'd show up here and I'm glad you did, because I have some questions."

"Me first" groaned Damon prying another bullet out. "Who turned you?"

"How should I know? Last thing I remember is, I'm about to stake your brother and then you grabbed me. That's it! Until I wake up in the ground behind a used car dealership on highway 4. Somebody buried me."

"It happens" shrugged Damon dismissively while prying a bullet out of his leg. "Ow."

"You bit me. It had to be you."

"You have to have vampire blood in your system when you die" countered Damon immediately. "I didn't do that. Some other vampire found you, gave you their blood."

"Who?" demanded Logan.

"That's what I wanna know" groaned Damon and fell back onto the floor.

"Dude, it's not like the welcome wagon was waiting with a bundt cake and a handbook. It's been a learn as you go process. You know, one minute, I'm a small town on the rise news guy and next thing I know, I can't get into my house, because my foot won't go through the door."

"You have to be invited in" offered Damon sitting up and prying another bullet out.

"I know. I live alone."

"Ah, that sucks" Damon chuckled softly.

"So now, I am at the Ramada, watching pay per view all day, eating everything in sight, including housekeeping."

"It could be worse."

"All I can think about is blood and killing people. I can't stop killing people. I keep killing" explained Logan and let out a maniacal laugh. "and I like it. I'm conflicted."

"Welcome to the club" sassed Damon and kept his eyes on Logan as he got up and realised something. "Wait a minute. Cops only found one body."

"I left one. I was tired. But I've been hiding the rest of bodies. They're right back there" said Logan and pointed to the bodies with his gun, making Damon look over.

"You're kidding."

"They're just piling up!"

At the school the career fair was in full swing. Liz walked into the main room and soon enough the mayor approached him and addressed her carefully.

"So what do we know?"

"Nothing new to report yet. My highly reliable deputies are all on alert, but if you feel the need to be more proactive, by all means, grab a stake and have at it."

"What extra precautions can we take?" asked the mayor grabbing a coffee cup.

"For right now, there is nowhere safer than a crowded public place, and for once, Mayor, we actually know where our kids are."

Elio walked through the halls but as his eyes noticed one of the stands he walked there and looking through the different documents and pictures he got lost in his thoughts until he heard a familiar voice behind him.

"Still wanna be a doctor?"

"I think so" replied Elio and turning to the side saw Daniel stand there with a smile. "For a long time it was kind of expected of me since my dad was one. Haven't thought about it for a while."

"I get that" said Daniel and looking at a few things his face frowned slightly.

"What about you? Still want to be a firefighter?"

"Can't believe you still remember that" chuckled Dan and looked at Elio again.

"I can remember the tinfoil hat that you wore on your head."

"I was eight. And besides... I prefer to be rescued by one then be one."

"I see" smirked Elio knowingly but then let out a small sigh and his face turned slightly serious. "How are you doing? With the whole moving away..."

"I've had it easier. You? I heard some things... that your sister and Stefan..."

"Yeah, it is. But I'm not getting involved" shrugged Elio. "I don't need their drama..."

"How about this... I heard that Caroline and Matt were seen getting a little too cozy."

"No!" gasped Elio excitedly and an excited smile appeared on his face. "For real?"

"I know!" laughed Dan. "Couldn't get a word out of her however. You're her bestie, come on!"

"That's true" responded the boy and his face changed, making Dan shake his head.

"I see you got your plotting face on."

"I do not!" denied the brunette and his face looked innocent. "Now wish me luck."

Elio walked around looking to find Caroline, but instead he managed to find Elena and Stefan, leaning against the wall facing each other.

For a couple who has broken up apparently they were a little too cozy. Walking closer he slowly approached them but he knew full well Stefan probably detected his presence already.

"I'm guessing you're not here to plan the path for your future" commented Elena and paused as she noticed Elio approach, then looked back at Stefan. "You're looking out for us."

"Hope that's ok."

Elena did not respond, since Elio stopped not far from them and began looking at one of the tables she walked to him and looking at the same thing just exchanged a smile and a look with her twin. While she lifted up a pamphlet when Stefan walked over to them.

"You know I wanted to be a doctor before everything happened, but, uh, then I couldn't, 'cause..."

"The blood" chorused the twins quietly.

"Yeah. I've dabbled in a bunch of different things, though."

"Didn't love anything enough to stick to it?" questioned Elena and moved ontot he next table, Elio gave Stefan a sympathetic look but followed his sister with Stefan right behind him.

"No, I... I loved it all. I just... I had to move on before anybody could notice that I wasn't getting any older."

"How long before that would happen?" asked Elio suddenly and turned to Stefan.

"Few years, usually. Sometimes shorter."

"And you always left?"

"I didn't have a choice" shrugged Stefan but Elena looked away with hurt in her eyes while Elio kept his eyes on the pamphlet, even if it was clear to everyone he had no interest of its content. "So, what about... what about you? What are your, uh, plans for the future?"

"I don't wanna talk about my future, Stefan" said Elena frustrated. "Because everything you're saying is making it perfectly clear that you're not gonna be in."

"Elena, it's not that I don't wanna be in it."

"You can't, I get it. I heard you the first time and the second time, and I appreciate you looking out for me but, please, if you're gonna leave, then just go."

Their conversation was interrupted when Jenna walked in and seeing her face Elio stepped to her immediately.

"You okay Jenna?"

"Hide me."

"What's going on?"

"The scum Fell has landed."

"Logan's here?" asked Elena approaching Jenna not realising the shock and surprise that ran through Stefan's face until he spoke up.

"Wait, Logan Fell?"

Jenna nodded, Stefan immediately walked out of there into the hall which made Elio realise one thing: either Logan Fell should not be alive or he knows about vampires and is a threat to them. But if Logan fell knows how come he is still alive? Damon would not let a liability slide.

"Stefan, what's going on?" asked Elio after he caught up with the vampire at the hall and noticing Logan the moment their eyes met he automatically held onto Stefan's shirt.

Logan approached the pair as well as Jenna and Elena who comes out of the classroom after Elio.

"Jenna, are you dodging me?"

"It's a form of self-preservation."

"Um, Elio, why don't you take Elena and Jenna go somewhere else?"

Stefan looked at Elio significantly, who immediately nodded and turning to Elena she understood immediately. Holding onto Jenna the twins took Jenna away from Stefan and Logan.

"Let's go."

Logan watched them leave for a moment before he turned to face Stefan with a fake, polite smile.

"What are you doing here?"

"You know, your brother asked me the same thing. In fact, why don't we just skip past all that who turned me stuff and get the answer that I want? How can I turn into a day walker?"

"Damon and I are the only two that I know of."

"But you're both very cagey on the how, which tells me that there is a way. You know, in case you hadn't noticed, I'm quite the celebrity in this town. It would be very, very easy for me to expose you."

"You wanna know how you can walk around in the sun?"

"I do."

"You can't. Don't ever threaten me again" stated Stefan coldly and walked past Logan, not looking at him again.

The twins and Jenna stopped in another part of the school where they faced their aunt and began questioning her.

"When Logan came to the house, what did he say?"

"Fake flattery. Stupid, dimpled grin. Puppy dog eyes."

"We're serious, Jenna. How did he act? What did he say?"

"He was the usual Logan, was charming, a little more manic than usual. He kept trying to convince me to let him in" said Jenna making the twins immediately look at each other then back at her. "What?"

"Ok, listen to me very carefully" stated Elio and holding onto her hands kept eye contact. "Do not, under any circumstances, talk to him again. I'm serious, Jenna, like ever! Not allowed in the house, not allowed to be in the same building as you. Got it?"

"Hey Elio, Elena. I see you have Jenna with you."

"Hi Mr. Saltzman" chorused the twins.

"I was hoping to see you tonight" said Alaric looking at Jenna, who smiled and seemed to slightly melt.

"Career night is the new bowling."

"Mr Saltzman! Could I ask you to kind of... keep Jenna occupied? There is something I want to check out with my twin but kinda want it secret."

"Is this about your future plan?" asked Jenna immediately her eyes beaming with excitement.

"Maybe, or I could just be planning world domination" Elio gave a goofy grin and pushed Elena away while the two adults began laughing and talking.

Once they were out of earshot Elena turned to Elio with a surprised face.

"I had no idea you could lie like that..."

My adrenalin level is sky high" panted Elio and pulled his shirt repeatedly tog et cold air under his shirt. "I dunno what is it but when I locked eyes with Logan I had this feeling..."

"Like what?"

"That he is dangerous" explained Elio. "I think he might be a vampire."

"That's not possible" said Elena shaking her head. "We know him..."

"And we thought that about many people recently and they aren't who they say they are. Logan could have been turned into a vampire recently."

"I see your point."

"Let's find Stefan, I'm sure he can shed light on the truth."

They looked all over the school, frantically looking for the younger Salvatore vampire until they finally found him outside the school talking to Damon on the phone.

"Logan Fell is a vampire and when I find him again, I'm gonna destroy him limb by limb."

"What happened? Are you ok?" Stefan asked his brother over the phone not acknowledging the twins even though he could see them exit on the back door.

"No, I'm not ok. I was ambushed. I was shot. Now, I'm vengeful. Just got to find him."

"Well, there's no need. He's here at the school."

"You're kidding me. Why the hell is he there?"

"He's working the crowd."

"Well, I'll be right there."

Stefan hung up the phone just when the twins have approached him, but before he could have put on a smile Elena crossed her arms over her chest and gave him a questioning look.

"So... anything you'd like to share?"

Caroline led her mother to a booth at the Career Fair excitedly once she realised Liz was at the event and pointing at it she looked both happy and expectant.

"What are you doing?" asked Liz curiously.

"Following my future" explained Caroline and pointed at the banner. "There it is."

"Broadcast journalism?"

"Yes. Broadcast journalism" smiled Caroline but seeing her mum's sceptical look her smile dropped. "Why are you looking at me like that?"

"You don't even read the paper."

Caroline scoffed and walked out angrily without a word. Liz tried to pursue her, but Logan came up from behind her.


"Logan" exclaimed the sheriff surprised and instantly reached for her gun, but realised where she was...

"What are you gonna do stake me? Bury me in another shallow grave? What would the email say this time?"

"I didn't have a choice."

"You bitch!" exclaimed Logan and moved threateningly towards Liz. "I died for you, for this town. You've known me since I was six and you swept me under the rug like dirt."

"You knew what you were getting into."

"I was one of you."

"And now you're one of them."

Logan started to leave, but turned around the last minute and whispered into Liz's ear:

"Watch your back, Sheriff."

Logan smiled and finally left, that was the moment when Liz finally relaxed enough to pick up her phone and call her deputies for assistance:

"Get a backup team to the school immediately. Keep it within the circle. It's a V5."

What she didn't realise was Logan's true intentions.

Caroline was outside of the school, leaving a message for Bonnie on her phone, hoping to get a ride home, she was fed up with the events and one glance at her best friend she knew Elio wanted answers about her and Matt, but even she wasn't sure what to say.

"Bonnie, where are you? I'm ready to go. I'll be outside" the moment she hug up an SUV pulled up next to her and a familiar voice spoke.

"Hey, damsel in distress, need a ride?"

"Oh my God. Logan Fell, channel 9, is that you?" exclaimed Caroline sarcastically and fake gasped seeing the man.

"I used to baby sit you, Caroline Forbes. Don't mock me."

"Well, I was supposed to go home with Bonnie, but I can't find her."

"It's not a problem, really. It's on my way."

"Okay" smiled Caroline and got in the car. "You know, this is fate."

"And why is that?"

"Because I'm interested in broadcast journalism. So can I ask you a couple questions?"

"Anything you want. But first, buckle up."

"Ok" smiled Caroline and reached for her seatbelt when Logan slammed her head against the window, leaving a blood smear on the glass and knocking her unconscious.

Stefan and Elena were walking down the hallway until they ran into Matt. They had to find Logan and while Elena wasn't happy that Elio took off on his own, there was nothing she could do. Stefan could only protect on of them at a time and her twin insisted on being alone.

"Hey, have you seen Logan Fell, the news guy?" Elena stopped Matt hoping to get some answers.

"Yeah. He just gave Caroline a ride home" said Matt and walked away.

Elena looked at Stefan who nodded and started to walk away. He seemed concerned and as he failed to hide it, Elena watched him leave with a look of anguish on her face.

"Any luck" came the voice of Elio from behind her making her spin around immediately.

"Not really" admitted Elena. "Matt saw Caroline leave with Logan... he is going there now to stop him."

"I hate this..." whispered Elio and looked down on his hands. "We are just bystanders watching our loved ones in danger yet cannot do anything to save them."

"Look, Stefan will save her! But what more can we do?"

"Exactly" sighed Elio and stepping closer placed his forehead on Elena's shoulder. "Like I said... I hate this."

Sheriff Forbes was driving in her car worried about the town and the fact Logan was threatening everyone. While she kept her eyes on the road her phone began to ring. Looking at the caller she saw Caroline calling, allowing her to relax a little.

"Where are you?"

"Your daughter has expressed an interest in journalism. I think it's important to foster young minds" came the voice of Logan, sending chills down her spine and the worry that took over was something she hasn't felt in a while.

"What do you want?"

"The satisfaction of turning your daughter into a vampire."

Unbeknownst to Liz, the moment Logan stopped at an intersection, Stefan vamp sped to the car and pulled Logan out of the car, throwing him to the pavement. Logan got up ready to fight when Damon came out of the woods, shooting a gun at Logan. Being pierced by the wooden bullets he groaned in pain and fell down once more, but this time he could not get up, he felt too weak from the bullets.

"Payback's a bitch, isn't it?" taunted Damon then turned to his brother. "Get her out of here."

Damon kept his eyes on Logan while Stefan went around to the passenger's side to retrieve Caroline. Damon only moved his gaze away from Logan when he heard Liz's voice on the phone.

"Logan, what happened?! Logan?"

Damon jogged over to the car and picked up Logan's phone addressing the sheriff immediately.

"Sheriff, yeah, it's Damon."

"Where is Caroline?"

"She's ok. I'm on Elm Street" was the only thing Damon said the moment Stefan sped away from there with Caroline and hung up the phone.

Going around the car opened up the trunk, noticing a tire iron his eyes lit up for a moment and picking it up walked over to logan, but this time a smirk sat on his face.

"Gonna try this one more time. Who turned you?"

"I told you I don't know."

"This tire iron here could take your head clean off" commented Damon causally while inspecting the iron, then held it in a swinging position. "Is that your final answer?"

"How can you side with them?"

"I don't side with anyone. You pissed me off. I want you dead. Who turned you?"

"I don't know!"

"Oh, well. You're screwed."

Damon started to swing the tire iron towards Logan's head, realising that Damon was not joking Logan panicked and holding up a hand called out desperately.

"Wait, wait! I do know."

"You're lying."

"You think you're the only one who wants to get in that tomb underneath the old church?"

"If you're lying to me, I will end you."

"I am not lying. There is another way to break the spell. We can help you. Meet me at the old church."

Damon began thinking but the moment they could hear the sirens he looked towards it then back to Logan.

"Take me down. Make it look real. Make it look real!"

Without hesitation Logan threw Damon against his car and vamp sped off just a moment before Sheriff Forbes got out of her car.

"Where is she?" asked Liz her voice full of worry.

"She's ok. My brother's taken her home. I'm sorry, Sheriff. I just wasn't strong enough."

Elio and Elena were walking around the halls of the school, wondering about everything that happened. Elena noticed that Elio was unusually quiet and serious. Even when she tried to smile at him, she only got back a hint of a smile, not even a hint of genuine sensation behind it. His eyes were cold and felt empty.

That is until they spotted Stefan at the hallway, making the sparks of hope appear in Elio's eyes. Rushing to Stefan he immediately blurted out:


"She's ok. I took her home. She was shaken up. But all she knows is Logan attacked her. Nothing else."

"Where's Logan?"

"Damon's dealing with him."

"As in...?" asked Elena to which Stefan just nodded.

"Thank god" sighed Elio and a relieved smile appeared on his face. "Thank you Stefan... I'm gonna go now. I'll see you two later."

Stefan watched Elio leave and it intrigued him what happened. However he realised Elena was still standing there so he turned towards her.

"You saw what happened tonight, right?" Elena touched Stefan's arm to soothe him, but he crossed his arms over his chest making her retract her hand. "I mean, you understand why we can't be together? You see it?"

"Yeah, I'm starting to see a lot of things, Stefan. Come on. I'll, uh, I'll give you a ride."

"Uh, I can get home."

"I know."

"All right. That'd be nice."

Elena and Stefan left together while Elio walked to one of the rooms and seeing Alaric standing there looking through his drawers the boy knocked on the door. Alarming the man he closed the drawer and gave him a smile.

"Elio, what are you doing here?"

"Just wanted to thank you for looking after my aunt. I dunno what I'd do if something happened to her because of someone like Logan."

"I see not a fan?"

"Not a fan of his kind" responded Elio and as his eyes turned slightly dark the man looked intrigued. "Anyway, I don't want to keep you up. I'll see you later Mr Saltzman."

Walking out of there Elio began thinking about the recent events. Just when they thought everything was alright and things would go back to normal something else happened. If only he had the answers.

Then a thought came into his mind. A stupid one, but the only thing that could help him give some help.

Leaving the school he got into his car and drove towards the forest. Arriving there he pulled out a torch and began walking through it to the spot where Emily destroyed the necklace. It was then when he felt that piercing pain in his head and felt that there was something whispering, but not loud enough for him to hear anything.

The moment he arrived there he could still see the marks left behind by Emily's spell, walking closer he stopped in the middle of the markings and crouching down noticed some sparks on the ground, no doubt it was the remaining of the destroyed crystal.

"What does it all mean Emily? Why did you call me Seb?"

At the Salvatore Boarding house Elena and Stefan pulled up to the driveway. Elena turned the car off, but they remained in the car.

"What I said before about you leaving. It was harsh."

"No, no. You had every right."

"You asked me what I wanted my future to be. I wanted to be a writer. My mom sort of push me into that direction from the time I was able to read. She supported me, encouraged me, bought me my first journal, and then she died. And I can't see myself being a writer anymore. That was something that we shared. I know that you think you put all of this bad stuff into my life, but my life already had it. I was buried in it."

"This is different."

"It doesn't make it any less painful."

"I know that it's... that's it's hard to understand, but I'm doing this for you."

Stefan got out of the car and while Elena remained in the car for a moment, eventually she got

Out and marched after Stefan who was walking up the driveway towards the house.

"No" said Elena making Stefan stop. "You don't get to make that decision for me. If you walk away, it's for you, because I know what I want. Stefan, I love you."

Stefan still had his back towards Elena. She waited for a moment, tears sparkling in her eyes, afraid that Stefan will walk away.

To her surprise and joy Stefan finally turned around with tears in his eyes. He quickly walked over towards Elena, grabbed her face in his hands and kissed her with passion.

As they continued kissing Stefan had Elena against the wall for a second as they made their way into the front room of the Salvatore house. Elena removed her scarf and tossed it to the floor.

She ran her hands through his hair and Stefan held her face to his as they continued to kiss.

Suddenly, Stefan felt his eyes changing and he stopped kissing her. Elena breathed heavily as he rested his head on her shoulder. Stefan, also breathing heavily, finally pulled away and turned around so Elena couldn't see his vampire face.

"Don't" said Elena attempting to pull him back.

"Elena, I can't..."

"Yes, you can" reassured Elena and touched his face. "Don't hide from me."

Stefan turned his face towards hers. Elena still has her hand on his cheek and while Stefan's eyes were red and the veins still crawled towards his eyes Elena looked at him with no fear.

She gently touched the veins around his eyes, her gentle touch reassuring him allowing him to gain control over his urge to feed on her, leaning into the kiss once more.

When she pulled away, he pulled her back for anotherkiss before Stefan's face had become normal again. Elena smiled and tookStefan's hand, leading him up to his bedroom.

Damon was pacing around, waiting for Logan. What he said gave him hope, things were not lost yet, and it seemed he found another way to get in there to save Katherine and get Sebastian back.

Suddenly his phone rang, reaching into his pocket pulled it out and answered it immediately.


"I just wanted to say thank you. I don't know how you did it" came the voice of Liz over the phone confusing Damon.

"Um, not following."

"We found Logan's body up by the old Fell warehouse. He has been disposed of. He was hoarding victims, innocent victims."


"This town owes you so much. So do I" said Liz and quickly hung up, leaving Damon completely and utterly shocked.

He looked around and began to feel hopeless when he heard sudden rustling, he turned towards there ready to rip them apart when the torch got in his eyes and a voice accompanied it.


"Elio?" asked Damon and the moment the boy pointed his torch elsewhere he was able to see him.

"What are you doing here?"

"I could ask you the same. Just because Logan is gone you should not wonder around the woods."

"I know" agreed Elio and turning off the torch walked closer. "But you're here so I'll be fine."

"What makes you I won't eat you?" smirked Damon and to his delight Elio just smiled back at him.

"Come on Damon. If you wanted to eat me... you would have done it ages ago. No, you have bigger plans but I wonder if your goals have anything to do with what I'm searching for."

"Which is?"

"When Emily destroyed that crystal... the pain I felt was intense like something I have never felt before. But I feel like something change in me since."

"Like what/" asked Damon curiously and walked closer, the two of them sat down on the remains of the church.

"I'm not sure how to describe it... like a little feeling whispering to me... but the more important question I have tonight is something I'm not sure you will answer honestly.

"You shared this with me so I suppose I can maybe be honest with you. Go on."

"When Emily possessed Bonnie, I tried to stop her but then she looked at me and said: "I won't let him have it. It must be destroyed. I'm sorry Seb... but this is the only way." then hurried off. "

"I see" smirked Damon and looked up. "You already know your answer but still want me to confirm."

"The only reason a dead 150 years old witch would call me Sebastian would be that I look like him. Is that the case?"

"Yes" answered Damon and turned to him not breaking eye contact. "I don't know why, but you do."

"Which is probably the reason you never hurt me or my sister" commented Elio l0ooking at his hands.

"Maybe" teased Damon. "So? What will you do with this knowledge?"

"I don't know... there is so much I don't know and it makes me feel like I'm playing a losing game... you believe Katherine is in there?"

"That was the deal with Emily" nodded Damon.

"But Sebastian is dead..."

"Katherine knew how to get him back" shrugged Damon. "But I'm starting to think it's impossible."

"Let's make a deal" said Elio and got up, looking at Damon he held a hand out. "If you promise to not keep secrets from me, I will do what I can to help you get into that tomb."

"What makes you think there is a way?"

"You wouldn't be her otherwise" grinned Elio. "Do we have a deal?"

Damon looked at him and seeing his bright smile and excitement filled eyes he felt nostalgic and getting up nodded and held onto his hand.

"You got a deal. I believe we have a long way ahead of us... I think I know someone who can help us."

Stefan was holding Elena in his arms and stroking her hair. She was wearing Stefan's shirt and looking around the room from the comfort of his arms.

"I've never been in your room before."

"Hm, well, it hasn't changed much over the years."

"Do you leave everything here when you come and go?"

"It's the only place that... that has remained constant. This room holds every memory that I've ever thought was important enough to hold on to."

"A lot of memories" commented Elena with a smile and snuggled into Stefan's chest.

"Yep. Are you thirsty or anything?"

"A little. You? Uh... " realising what she said Elena felt awkward however Stefan only laughed.

"I'm fine. Let me get you something to drink, ok?"


After a kiss Stefan got up and left the room.

Elena snuggled up against a pillow and smiled brightly but soon enough her curiosity took over and getting up from the bed began exploring Stefan's room. Walking to the bookshelf she ran her fingers across the many old books and diaries, approaching the table smelled the candle3s happily, but as she looked at the things on it her smile faltered.

Coming the picture of Katherine and Sebastian she looked at them both, seeing the resemblance her eyes filled with tears and anger, she quickly took of Stefan shirt and changing into her own ripped the necklace from her neck and leaving it on top of Katherine's picture rushed out of the Boarding house.

By the time Stefan came back with a glass of water he looked confused not seeing Elena in there.


Walking into the room he looked around and soon enough noticed Katherine's picture and Elena's necklace on it, however he realised that Sebastian's picture wasn't there anymore. He picked up the necklace and the picture, looking around worried began to think.

Elena was driving frantically, she kept calling Elio while she had the picture in her lap. It was one thing that she looked like Katherine but the resemblance between Sebastian and Elio... she knew he had to see it.

Elena kept crying and looked down on the picture, but as she looked up she saw someone in the middle of the road. She slammed her brakes, but the person hit her windshield.

Her car flipped a few times and smashed the car, ending up upside down. Elena was stuck in her seat with her seatbelt stuck in place, she began to frantically look around but as she glanced out the window she noticed the person she hit... began to slowly get up.

The realisation hit in immediately and seeing him approach her Elena screamed out in fear.

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