Wolfgang x reader

By SleepyPluto2

514 13 1

Please note this is my very first time making a story from my imagination so please don't hate on it also i w... More

✨Chapter 1✨
✨Chapter 2✨
✨Chapter 3✨
✨Chapter 4✨
✨Chapter 5✨
✨Chapter 7✨
✨Chapter 8✨

✨Chapter 6✨

36 1 0
By SleepyPluto2

As y/n and wolfgang arrived at the base (kaos guest castle), they were out of breath "Ha! i win" wolfgang said proudly but was exhausted, "Fine, fine! you win!" y/n replies while out of breath, they both chuckled slightly.

As y/n and wolfgang entered the guest castle, the rest of the doom raiders looked over with there eyes widened and with a huge smile, "Y/N!" they all yelled while tackling y/n to the ground for a hug, y/n giggles slightly, "Ok, ok, i am here, now can you guys please get off before my life flashes before my eyes, please?" y/n asks jokingly, as everyone got off wolfgang walks beside y/n and offers to help her up, "Need a hand?" wolfgang asks while putting his hand out, y/n decides to grab wolfgangs hand, "Thanks wolfgang" y/n replies with a slight smile.

As wolfgang helped y/n up everyone of the doom raiders looked at them with awe, "ooo, looks like someone has a crush" dream catcher replies with a grin, wolfgang blushes slightly, y/n looks up at wolfgang and noticed him blushing and looks back at the others, "Well we are together actually" y/n replies, everyones eyes widened, "For Real?!!" they asks, y/n giggles slightly and wolfgang looks away while blushing slightly and decides to look back at them, "Yeah, so what? y/n is my girlfriend now." wolfgang replies while putting his arms around y/n in a protective way.

While everyone cheered for them, wolfgang decides to sit down on the stair case and play his guitar and y/n decides to sit right next to him and vibe with him and his music, After a while of chilling kaos suddenly walks in and wolfgang looks over and growls slightly and y/n noticed kaos and puts her hand on wolfgangs arm, "Don't worry wolfgang, he isn't worth it" y/n whispers loudly into wolfgangs ear, wolfgang let out a small sigh, "I guess your right" wolfgang replies giving y/n a slight smile, y/n gives wolfgang a slight smile back, as they continued to chat wolfgang then noticed kaos doesn't have any hair and quickly nudged y/n, "Yeah? whats up?" y/n asks, wolfgang pointed towards kaos, "look he doesn't have any hair now, doesn't that seem off to you?" wolfgang asks, y/n decides to look over, "Well, does look like karma hit him pretty hard" y/n replies, wolfgang chuckles slightly, "yeah, well at least golden queen isn't around, cause i have someone way better" wolfgang replies while putting his arms around y/n.

Y/n blushed slightly, "You cheeky little wolf, you are just precious" y/n replies with a slight chuckle, wolfgang chuckles back slightly, "Ok, ok, enough with the cheesiness, lets have some fun now" wolfgang replies while leading y/n to the stair case.

-Time passes-

After a while of having fun, wolfgang decides to grab a bat and hit some stuff with it while dream catcher launches stuff at wolfgang, y/n decides to sit down and chill next to wolfgang, but y/n noticed that kaos was walking towards wolfgang, "Yo, wolfgang! what up, dawg!" kaos said while 'trying' to sound cool, y/n quickly sits up while raising a eye brow, "dawg?" wolfgang asks while jumps down in front of kaos, "I'm a werewolf, Don't you ever get the two confused" wolfgang said while putting his hands on his sides, y/n decides to get up and walk next to wolfgang, "Sorry! y-you know, i just thought, you know, now that we're, uh, we're gonna be roommates that, uh, we were, you know, homies, too!" kaos replies while putting his hand out but quickly pulls back when wolfgang took a step closer, "We ain't homies... And we definitely ain't roommates! [points at kaos] This is our place now." wolfgang replies while howling and laughing and walks towards y/n.

As wolfgang walked towards y/n he noticed y/n was holding something, "What you got there?" wolfgang asks, y/n decides to turn around, "Is this my sketch book? i have been wondering where it was for a while now." y/n asks, wolfgang looks at y/n for a moment and started to blush slightly, "well, i-i, uhm, you see... i-i" wolfgang said but was interrupted, "wolfgang, if you just said that you had it this whole time, you should have just said so, my silly wolf" y/n said while scratching him, wolfgang started to tap his foot on the floor but pulls away from y/n, "Ok, ok quiet it, i ain't a puppy!" wolfgang said with a pout, y/n looks at wolfgang "Aww, how cute that you thought that" y/n replies, wolfgang looks away blushing slightly, "W-whatever" wolfgang replies, y/n decides to walk up to wolfgang, "You know that your not a pup, and that i don't think of you like one either, i just rather give the one i love the attention and love he needs." y/n replies with a smile and wagging her tail slightly, wolfgang decides to look back at y/n, "Alright, alright, lets continue having fun, huh?" wolfgang replies, y/n chuckles slightly, "Yea, sure thing wolfgang." y/n replies while giving wolfgang a kiss on his forehead.

As y/n gave wolfgang a kiss on his forehead, they both saw a flash in the corner of there eyes and as they looked over they saw broccoli guy and dream catcher with a camera, "Why you little!-" wolfgang yells while chasing them trying to get the camera, y/n sits down on the stairs and chuckling slightly at how wolfgang was chasing them, "Y/n! help us! get your boyfriend to stop chasing us!" dream catcher yells, "Well you guys should have thought about that before taking our picture." y/n replies while giggling slightly, "Please! we will give it back!" broccoli guy yells, y/n decides to stand up and walk in front of wolfgang, "Ok wolfgang, i think that you should leave them alone now." y/n said with a slight chuckle, "Why? i was just getting started!" wolfgang replies while glaring at broccoli guy and dream catcher, they both gulped and decided to hid behind y/n, "seriously you guy? you know that isn't gonna help right?" y/n asks, broccoli guy quickly gives y/n the picture, "there just take it and leave us alone please" broccoli guy replies, as y/n takes the picture she decides to give it to wolfgang, "There you go big guy, now don't chase them... for now at least." y/n said with a slight chuckle, wolfgang chuckles back, "fine, fine, but you guys are lucky y/n is here." wolfgang said while glaring at dream catcher and broccoli guy.

They both quickly nodded and runs away, y/n and wolfgang chuckles slightly, then y/n noticed that kaos was busy meditating, "Hey, guys! looks kaos is meditating!" y/n whispers loudly, wolfgang and everyone looked at y/n confused, "Yea so what?" pepper jack asks, y/n quickly walks over and grabs crossbows and quickly walks back to the others.

As the doom raiders looked at y/n with confusion they quickly realised what she means, "Oooh! awesome idea y/n!" wolfgang whispers loudly, y/n chuckles slightly and gives everyone a crossbow, "Come on glumshanks join us!" y/n yells, glumshanks walks over and decides to grab one from y/n, as they all were shooting kaos with the plastic arrow, they all started to laugh and as kaos was about to wake up from his meditation wolfgang quickly shot kaos in the head and chuckles, "Bull's-eye!" wolfgang said, "Hey now, i got next." pepper jack said, and all of the doom raiders shot kaos at once, dream catcher quickly goes behind kaos and laughs, she quickly grabs a marker and draws on the back of his head, as he turns around to dream catcher everyone could see what she drew on his head and everyone started to laugh.

Kaos decides to walk up to his tiny throne, "Fine, laugh it up! i don't care. Because i destroyed a skylander today!" kaos said proudly, "A real skylander?" broccoli guy asks, "Which one?" pepper jack asks, y/n decides to get and and raise her eye brow, "That one, who does the thing. Eh, with the blades. You know, she's got a mask? I mean, I think she's a she. I never really got a name." kaos replies but was shot in the head by glumshanks, he gave a nervous chuckle "Lucky shot, sir. Uh, definitely not something I've done hundreds of times before during your astral walkabouts." glumshanks replies while hiding behind a wall.

Kaos quickly takes off the plastic arrow and decides to walk to the mirror but noticed that wolfgang was chuckling and looked at wolfgang, "Okay, tough guy. If you blew up a skylander, then prove it." wolfgang replies, kaos turns around to the mirror and noticed another plastic arrow on his head and decides to pull it out, y/n crosses her arms and looks at kaos confused, "There is no ways you can blow up a skylander, his just a kid." y/n said with a slight chuckle.

kaos grunts and shrieks when he hit his head in the mirror, "What the hell?" y/n said confused, kaos then landed on his side and decided to get up and looks up at wolfgang, Wolfgang growls slightly, kaos then winked and laughed with a weird smile and and started to do weird faces, wolfgang growls again, kaos then made a fist and punched wolfgang in the face, everyone gasped and wolfgang walks in front of kaos and grabs him and decides to throw kaos to the next room, making kaos scream and land on the table, which golden queen and kaossandra was playing there card game, kaos was groaning, "I fold." koassandra said while throwing a card.

Y/n noticed that wolfgang was a getting annoyed and upset and walks to the other side of the room, y/n decides to walk up to wolfgang, "Hey, big guy, you feeling alright?" y/n asks, wolfgang looks at y/n, "Yeah, i'm fine, just annoyed." wolfgang replies slightly annoyed, "Well, i don't know, what just happened with kaos, but i'm starting to think his starting to loose his mind." y/n replies jokingly, wolfgang chuckles slightly, "Yeah, maybe your right." wolfgang replies, "You feeling a bit better?" y/n asks, "Yeah, i feel better, since your here." wolfgang replies with a slight smile, y/n gives wolfgang a slight smile back, "Well, i am glad that your ok, wolfgang" y/n replies while hugging him, wolfgang hugs back, "Oh, come on! just kiss each other already!" dream catcher yells from across the room, wolfgang and y/n looks over at dream catcher, "May i?" wolfgang asks, "Yeah, why not just don't break your chew toy, i don't think we can get you another one." y/n replies jokingly, wolfgang chuckles, dream catcher eyes widened, "How dare you y/n!" dream catcher yells while floating away, y/n chuckles and decides to sit down next to a table.

-Time passes-

After a while y/n notice kaos was walking up to wolfgang, "Yo, wolfgang. What up... dawg?" kaos replies, y/n quickly got up and slowly walks towards kaos and wolfgang, wolfgang turns around to face kaos, "Did you just call me dawg? Again?" wolfgang asks while growling, kaos started to laugh like a maniac "Oh, silly me. It's just that I saw you in the corner sniffing your butt earlier. I mean, is that not something big, bad werewolf's do?" kaos asks while laughing, the doom raiders started to laugh and wolfgang looks over at everyone and noticed y/n wasn't laughing but looked a bit embarrassed cause of what kaos said, "I will end you!" wolfgang said while taking his claws out, y/n noticed wolfgang's claws and decides to walk a little closer to wolfgang, "Wolfgang his just a kid, don't do it." y/n said, wolfgang couldn't hear y/n, because he was to focused on kaos, "Yeah? Well not before I smack your nose with a rolled-up magazine. By which i mean my fists!" kaos replies while petting wolfgang's nose, wolfgang growls "Come on." wolfgang replies while standing up straight, y/n crosses her arms "This kid has a death wish, i tried to help him." y/n said while taking a few steps back.

As y/n sat down next to a table she heard kaos talking, "Sibilance, sibilance." kaos said, y/n looked at kaos confused and looks over at wolfgang, "Oh, it's a sound check you want? Ha! Well, here's a sound you can check... every one of your bone's breaking. Any final words before i wipe the floor with your face?" wolfgang replies, y/n chuckles slightly and wolfgang looks over at y/n and chuckles back slightly and looks back at kaos, "Here are some final words. I'm gonna wipe the floor with you, you mop with fangs" kaos replies, wolfgang growls, "Really? that's the best you can do kid?" y/n asks while she raised her eye brow, wolfgang tries to attack kaos but he dodged him and slapped wolfgang's face, "Ok, so you got lucky ain't gonna happen twice." wolfgang said with a slight laugh and then howled.

Wolfgang tried to attack kaos again, but kaos dodged wolfgang and grabs his nose, "Got your nose!" kaos yells, kaos then did a ninja twist and hit wolfgang's nose, y/n looked at wolfgang with slight worry, wolfgang howled and covered his nose, wolfgang growls and tried to attack kaos from behind, but kaos dodged him and finished him off, "Bad wolf! Now go lay down" kaos said while snapping his fingers, wolfgang got up and groaned and quickly hid behind the chalkboard and whimpers, kaos looks at the rest of the doom raiders and they all decided to walk out, kaos noticed y/n, "Well, aren't you gonna bow or do anything of the sorts?" kaos asks, y/n growls loudly, "Did you seriously hurt my boyfriend?" y/n asks while crossing her arms, kaos laughs, "really you consider him your boyfriend?" kaos asks, y/n eyes widened because of kaos comment, "Yes i do! even tho he didn't defeat you, i still love and care for him for who he is!" y/n yells, "Oh, isn't that adorable, no wonder your parents and the skylanders abandoned you." kaos replies, wolfgang looks over and looks at y/n confused, y/n growls "Why you little!-" y/n yells while tries to attack kaos, kaos squeaked and tried to dodged but failed, as y/n got kaos pinned to the ground, y/n growls "Any last words?" y/n asks while growling, kaos whimpered and tries to break free, y/n then felt someone grabbing her from behind and pulls her from kaos, kaos quickly runs away, "Ugh! let me go!" y/n yells, "No, you need to calm down." wolfgang replies, y/n sighed and decided to calm down, "Fine wolfgang, i'll calm down" y/n replies, wolfgang lets y/n go, "Is it true?" wolfgang asks, y/n looks up at wolfgang slightly confused, "true about what?" y/n asks, "about your family and the skylanders" wolfgang replies, y/n sighed "Yes, they all abandoned me, cause i wouldn't listen to them about stopping with the things i love to do." y/n replies.

Wolfgang decides to wrap his arms around y/n and give her a hug, "It's ok y/n, you have a new family now, and we will never abandon you. I promise." wolfgang replies, y/n hugs wolfgang back, "Thanks wolfgang." y/n replies, wolfgang breaks the hug and decides to hold y/n's hand and lead her to the other side of the room, wolfgang then sits down "Come on, sit down with me." wolfgang said, y/n stood there for a moment and then decides to sit next to wolfgang, "Hey wolfgang, how is your nose? does it hurt? i noticed kaos hit it a few times." y/n asks while trying to move a bit closer, wolfgang moves away "Yeah it still hurts." wolfgang replies while touching his nose but flinches and whimpers slightly, "Hm... i may help with that, i'll be right back ok?" y/n replies while getting up and leaving the room to get some supplies, as wolfgang watches y/n walk out of the room he sighs and looks at the floor.

-Time passes-

As y/n got the stuff she needed she then heard wolfgang talking to himself, "Why am i such a idiot? y/n probably thinks i'm a weak werewolf, she will most likely find someone else." wolfgang said from the distance, y/n's ears went down and decides to walk towards wolfgang "Well you are completely wrong wolfgang." y/n replies, wolfgang jumped "Gah! where did you come from!?" wolfgang asks, y/n giggles slightly "Well i did get in from the same door i walked in and out of." y/n replies, wolfgang looks down in slight embarrassment, y/n decides to sit down in front of wolfgang "Here, let me see your nose." y/n replies, wolfgang looks up at y/n "Careful it's sensitive." wolfgang replies slightly whimpering, "Ok wolfgang, i'll try to be gentle ok?" y/n replies, wolfgang nodded and as y/n was helping wolfgang she noticed that wolfgang looked upset, "You feeling ok?" y/n asks, wolfgang sighed "Yeah, i'm fine." wolfgang replies with his ears down, y/n raised her eye brow "Don't lie to me, i can see your ears are down" y/n replies, wolfgang looks down at the floor, "Why do you even bother putting up with a weak werewolf like me?" wolfgang asks, y/n's eyes widened "How dare you call yourself weak?" y/n asks in slight anger, "Because of what kaos said, i mean that kid even beat me." wolfgang replies, y/n decides to move closer to wolfgang, "Listen, just because a wrecking ball maniac defeated you, doesn't make you weak, ok? he just got lucky, you will see, don't ever talk like that about yourself, ok?" y/n replies, wolfgang looks up at y/n "Ok, maybe you are right, but still how-" wolfgang replies but was interrupted, "No! i won't accept a single word that come's out of your mouth! not until you realise that you are important, and learn to love yourself!" y/n said while hugging wolfgang, wolfgang chuckles slightly and hugs y/n back, "Ok, ok, fine i'll try to, ok?" wolfgang replies, y/n gives wolfgang a smile and a kiss on his nose.

Wolfgang blushes slightly, "How dare you! Now i'm all flustered!" wolfgang yells in embarrassment, y/n giggles "Well i can't help it, your an amazing werewolf." y/n replies with a smile, wolfgang gives y/n a smile back, "We should probably get up, since the other's are gonna come back soon." wolfgang said, "Ok wolfgang, just take it easy on your nose ok? it might take a while for you to get your nose to heal." y/n replies, wolfgang nodded.

-Time passes-

As kaos walked into the guest castle while talking to glumshanks kaos accidentally bumps into wolfgang, "Wolfgang!" kaos squeaked, "Kaos, on behalf of the Doom raiders, I'm sorry we didn't believe you destroyed a skylander. 'Cause it's now painfully clear that anyone who can take down someone like me is totally capable of putting a serious hurt on anyone." wolfgang said, y/n pets wolfgang on his head trying to comfort him, "Ooh! well, uh... [clears throat] Yes, now you know, don't you? You... silly mutt!" kaos replies, y/n raised her eye brow, "that was a pretty lousy insult" pepper jack replies, "so lame." dream catcher replies, "I thought it was good." broccoli guy replies, kaos stood still for a moment "Well... [stutters] you can just... choke on a carrot, floret boy!" kaos replies, wolfgang stands up while growling, glumshanks steps back "And he's lost them." glumshanks said, "I thought you were a bad dude. I was gonna advise the Golden Queen to not only let you into our gang, but that you should be our new leader!" wolfgang said while walking towards kaos, "Well, um, is there a talent portion of the competition? I can tap dance with a flaming baton. Or a flaming glumshanks!" kaos replies but then was punched in the face by wolfgang.

After wolfgang was done with kaos he decides to walk up to y/n, "Did that kid seriously say 'floret boy'?" y/n asks while laughing, wolfgang chuckles "Yea, who comes up with that kind of come backs?" wolfgang asks, they both chuckled for a while but y/n noticed the time, "i should probably get back home to my house" y/n said, "Really? now?" wolfgang asks with his ears down, "Yea, i'm sorry, but you and your friend are more then welcome to come by any time, here is my key." y/n replies and put a key in wolfgang's hand, "fine, but don't expect me to not come in uninvited." wolfgang replies teasingly, "Oh boy, you better not scare me! i swear wolfgang!" y/n replies, wolfgang chuckles, "can't promise you that." wolfgang replies, y/n rolls her eyes and smiles, "Fine wolfgang, i'll see you tomorrow, ok?" y/n replies, "Alright y/n, goodnight." wolfgang replies, "goodnight wolfgang." y/n replies while giving wolfgang a kiss on his forehead goodnight, wolfgang decided to pull y/n, "Hey! wolfgang!" y/n yells, wolfgang chuckles "You should never trust me when it comes to you leaving." wolfgang replies while wrapping y/n in his arms, y/n tries to get out of his arms but failed, "Fine wolfgang, i'll stay for tonight." y/n replies, wolfgang chuckles "goodnight, superstar" wolfgang replies, "goodnight rockstar." y/n replies while giving wolfgang a kiss on his cheek, wolfgang gave y/n a kiss on her forehead, and then they both drifted off to sleep.

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