The Ministry Child: Phantomime

By IStoleTime

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After the death of her Father Albany is struggling with her grief, she had lost every single member family in... More

Take Your Time
Lockdown At The Ministry
Romantic Gestures Never Go To Plan
That Ghoul!
Ghostly Encounters
Mystery Solved
Halloween With The Ghouls
Cluedo At The Ministry
A New Year, A New Routine
A Change Of Scene
Copia, What Did You Do?!
Times Of Change
Back To Business
Papa Nihil
Revisiting The Past
Our Old Getaway
I Missed You
Breakfast At The Ministry
The European Tour
Another City, Another Country
An Outing With Two Papas.
Near The End
Los Angeles
Returning From Hellfest
Let's Play Ball!
A Day At The Beach
Training At The Beach
A Nightmare Revisited.
Jesus Is Coming
Glass Caskets
Father Jim DeFroque
Rude Awakening
Calling From A Land Down Under

He's Back

119 7 14
By IStoleTime

Chapter Fifteen!

He's Back 

31st Of December 2021- The Los Angeles Ministry 

The Los Angeles Ministry was decorated in golden paper chains and silver balloons, the hallway they used for all celebrations had been laid out for a New Year Eve's party. Sister Imperator had kept her word, there was a reunion of many Clergy employees who hadn't been seen in this unholy place since before the deadly outbreak had began.

Mr Saltarian had attended the party, his conversation had been minimal but he had spoken more than once with the newest Papa Emeritus. Copia had to meet and greet most of the guests, his new role came with responsibilities. He was the representative of the Ministry, he needed to be seen and known throughout the higher ranking members of the Clergy. Sister Imperator shadowed him throughout the night, she made sure he met the right people since his future was important not just to the Clergy but to herself. She had molded the newest frontman since his childhood years, she had guided him until he had reached his chosen career path. 

Albany had spent most of the night by herself, she had stayed away from Copia and allowed him to mingle with the guests. It was important that their relationship was kept causal in front of her betters, she didn't want to distract him. But she found herself watching him now and again, he looked magnificent in his Papa attired. His presence oozed authority, he was showing his superiors that he was serious about his position. Approaching the buffet table Albany took a plate and helped herself to a tray of deviled eggs, there was many food choices at this New Year's Eve event. Meat filled sandwiches and different flavoured dips, there was even pickled gherkins. She ate one of the deviled eggs, but her attentions was soon caught by someone touching her arm. Her gaze was met by a familiar face, it was Copia. Albany smiled at him before she eyed up the rest of the appetizers, her gaze remainded on the table while she took a pineapple and cheese cocktail stick from a plate. They remained silent within each others company until Copia disturbed the silence between them, his voice was soon heard.

" Hello, Albany." He said.

" Hello, Papa." She said.

" You can call me Copia, it's okay." He said.

" I know, but tonight isn't the right place for causal name calling." She said before she took a bite of her party snack. " You're Papa Emeritus in front the Clergy, not Copia. I have to call you Papa, it's the order of things since you're my superior too."

" That's fine, it's okay." He said.

" I'm happy you understand that, Papa." She said.

" You know I wish I could spend more time with you at this party, but Sister says I have Clergy responsibilities tonight." He said, he glanced at his superior before his gaze returned to his lover. " But if I could I wouldn't leave your side, it would be chips and dips just like last year in your dorm room."

" Soft candlelight and some old movie playing on the television set, hot coffee with leftover Krampus cookies." She said with a smile. " Falling asleep in your arms, then finding out there was cheese dip all over the blankets. It took me ages to get rid of that cheese smell from my hair..."

" Don't forget about the little somethin' somethin' with the marshmallows and chocolate moose, it was the highlight of 2021 for me." He said.

 " Last New Year's Eve was fun..." She sighed.

" I wish I could kiss you at midnight, this party is very boring." He said.

" I understand, but it's important that you remain professional at all times in front of Sister's guests and the Clergy." She said with a reassuring smile. " We still have our own New Year party, it's business until then."

" I can't wait to see you in that new lacey number you brought a few days ago from the mall, it's definitely floating my boat..." He said.

" Behaviour yourself, sir." She giggled.

" And what if I don't want to behave myself?" He asked.

" Then you'll get into trouble with Sister." She replied.

Copia began to speak quietly to his lover while the back of his hand seductively ran down her arm, his words remained hidden from his party guests. Albany's gaze wandered now and again, her lover had forgotten that he was in front of his betters. His body language was flirtatious and his speaking tone was affectionate, he had gotten carried away with his desired plans for the night ahead for him and his lover when the party ended. Albany soon noticed a few members of the Clergy glancing in their direction, she immediately offered him her party snack which startled him. He wasn't expecting his lover to be spontaneous in his company, but he soon noticed that he was being watched by Sister Imperator. He stepped away from his lover and brought his finger tips together, his gaze focused on the party snack while Albany broke the silence between them.

" Would you like some pineapple and cheese, Papa?" She asked, her speaking tone was cautious. " They're very delicious, if not there's plently of chicken pesto pinwheels."

" Do we have any chex mix?" He asked.

" There's some chex mix by the punch bowl." She replied while she glanced over at the bowl. " I'll get you a small plate and a napkin, would you like any punch?"

" That would be very nice." He replied.

" I'll bring it over to you." She said.

" Thank you, Albany." He said.

Copia bowed his head at his lover before he rejoined Sister Imperator and Mr Saltarian, she watched him leave. Her hand trembled slightly while she placed the cockstick back on her plate, she felt nervous after what her lover had just done. He sometimes forgot what he was doing when he was desiring sins of the flesh. Albany got a bowl of chex mix and a glass of punch for Copia, she then went to join him with her superiors. Sister Imperator had already left before she had arrived, her company was needed elsewhere. Albany soon got Copia's attention when she cleared her throat, he took the punch glass from her hand and smiled at his lover. 

" Thank you, Albany." He said, he then motioned his hand towards his superior. " You remember Mr Saltarian, yes?"

" Of course." She said, her gaze lowered for a couple of seconds before she smiled at him. " It's nice to see you again, sir. I hope you're doing well."

" Likewise." Saltarian said.

Mr Saltarian eyed them both up curiously, he already knew about their relationship. He had seen them more than once in Malibu, but he never said anything about it. Albany awkwardly stood next to Copia, their superior's conversation skills were lacking has always. The lover's shared the chex mix until Sister Imperator's voice was heard over the chatting crowd of people, it was almost midnight. Sister made a speech about how next year was going to be the start of something sinister, there would be renions and new beginnings for some members of the Clergy. The chimes of midnight soon echoed throughout the Ministry, the sounds of celebratory cheers erupted from the guests. Copia's gaze met with his lover's dark eyes, they shared a loving smile since they couldn't celebrate the New Year in any other way. Sister Imperator soon approached them, she lightly embraced her little Cardi and wished him a Happy New Year.

" Happy New Year, Cardi." Sister said before she cupped his face. " This year will be our year, it's going to be very exciting."

" Thank you, Sister." He said.

" And Happy New Year to you too, Albany." Sister said while she took hold of the woman's hand. " This year will be good to you too, it's going to be the start of something great. Mark my words, the happy times will return again."

" Thank you, Sister." She smiled.

Sister Imperator lightly squeezed Albany's hand, but the lights flickering in the hallway caught both of their attention. An unexpected rumble of thunder was soon heard from outside of the unholy church, it was followed by a bone chilling groan and a flash of lightning. A shiver ran down Albany's spine when the music of the hallway altered, the atmosphere didn't feel quite right. The normal homely feeling had been replaced by a feeling of dread, there was an unknown presence amongst the guests. A cold breeze wooshed down the hallway and blew out the candles on the buffet table. The punch bubbled and poured over the bowl's edge, the scent of rotten eggs filled the air. Albany covered up her nose, her stomach turned over the vile oder. The candelabra lamps soon bounced back to life and the music found it's rhythm again, the hallway returned to it's normal state. Chatter filled the hallway while the guests tried to figure out what had just happened. Sister's voice caught Albany's attention, her speaking tone was filled with concern.

" If you would excuse me, something has come to my attention." Sister said.

Sister excused herself and joined a group of Clergy members, they had gathered alongside Mr Saltarian at the other end of the hallway. Albany watched them for a moment, she was curious about what they were discussing. Her gaze soon turned towards her lover, he looked spooked by what had just happened. Their gaze met when she touched his forearm, she gave him reassuring smile and offered him some more chex mix. Copia wavered his hand at her in dismissal, he told his lover that he would visit her later. He gave his punch glass to Albany before he exited the hallway, she had no idea what was going on within the unholy church.


1st Of January 2023 - The Los Angeles Ministry  

The Los Angeles Ministry was silent this morning, the peculiar shenanigans from last night were still being questioned throughout the unholy church. The Clergy had dicussed the New Year's events for most of the night, they were unsure what the unknown presence was that haunted the Ministry's hallways after midnight.

Albany's eyes slowly open while she stretched out in her bed, her hand reaching for her alarm clock she noticed that it was only 6am. It was still early, the Ministry was closed until tomorrow. Sitting up in her bed she rubbed her hands over her face, but she soon noticed black face paint on her hands. Her gaze explored her bedding and chest, she was covered in her lover's face paint. Copia had visited her room a few hours after midnight, he was lusting for a tickle and a little peep at his lover's new undergarments after his spook in the hallway. They had spent most of the night fooling around beneath the sheets, her lover had smothered her with kisses and affection for most of the night. Copia had left her halfway through the night, but he had left her a single red rose in a glass of water. His romantic gestures always made her smile, he was the perfect gentleman when it came to wooing. A smile graced her features while her gaze lingered on the rose, she felt relaxed and fully rested for once. She planned to get up and change the bedding, she wanted to make Copia his morning coffee before he began his paperwork. He still had duties to fulfil even if the Ministry was closed for the day.

Sighing deeply to herself Albany pulled back the blankets and got out bed, she stripped her bedding before threw them into her laundry basket. Since she didn't have work today Albany planned to do her laundry and tidy her room, it was time for a little winter clean. Showering and getting changed into some fresh clothes she was ready to start her day, it wasn't long until she was getting the elevator to the ground floor with her washing basket in her arms. The elevator pinged and the doors slid open, she entered the hallway. The unholy church was silent, but there was still some traces of party decorations lingering in some parts of the hallways from last night. Albany kicked a balloon out of her way while she walked, but a light coming from her Father's old office caught her attention. She slowly opened the door and peered into the room, she was surprised to see her lover. 

Copia was sitting at Papa Nihil's desk, he was going through some paperwork and eating a bowl of cereal. It looked like he had been working for a couple hours, there was empty coffee cups and half eaten toast on a plate. Albany watched him silently from the doorway, she was curious about why he was in her Father's office. He had his own office and department on the second floor, it felt strange seeing him sitting where her Father once sat. Knocking on the door frame her lover jumped up in the seat and spilt some of his cereal on the desk, she had startled him. Albany whinced at his little accident, she soon broken the silence between them.

" Sorry..." She said.

" It's okay, baby." He said, his gaze met with her own. " What are you doing here?"

" I'm going to make some coffee and do my laundry." She replied before she glanced at her basket. " Would you like some more coffee? Maybe some kitchen towels?"

" Coffee sounds good, but kitchen towels sound even better." He said.

" I'll get right on it." She said.

Albany smiled at him before she continued walking down the hallway, the kitchen wasnt too far from her Father's old office. Entering the kitchen she placed her laundry basket on the dining table and took two cups from the cupboard, she then turned on the coffee maker. Placing one cup until the nozzle Albany pushed a button and left the cup to fill, she wanted to make herself some breakfast. She was hungry after her night with Copia, he knew how to ware her out with his sexual desires. The liquid pouring into the coffee cup she happily hummed to herself while she laid out a tray with fruit and a plate with two breakfast pasties on it, but a familar voice from her past was soon heard in the kitchen.

" Hello, little one."

" Good morning, Papa." She said.

Albany continued making the coffee, but she soon stopped what she was doing. The voice she had heard belonged to her Father, but it couldn't be him since he was dead. Her grip tightened around the teaspoon, the hairs on the back of her neck stood on end. She must be hearing things, it had to be someone else. Slowly turning around her gaze was met by a ghostly figure, her eyes grew wide at the sight that greeted her. It was Papa Nihil, he was dressed in his papal robe and his face was painted. Albany rested her hand on the counterside, the teaspoon slipped from her other hand. The clinking of the teaspoon against the tiled floor disturbed the silence of the kitchen, but the ghostly voice was soon heard.

" It's very good to see you again, little one." Papa said with a smile. " I've missed your company."

Albany opened her mouth to say something to him, but no words came out. Her brain was trying to register what she was seeing in the kitchen. Her Father was sitting at the table, she could see straight through him. Papa Nihil's gaze was upon her, he was patiently waiting for his only living child to speak with him. He got to his feet and approached her, she immediately backed away from him. Nihil looked confused and hurt by Albany's actions, he asked her if he was happy to see him. His ghostly hand reached for her cheek, her dark eyes grew even wider at the sight of his see-through hand near her face. An unexpected horrified scream erupted from Albany, her sudden outburst startled the deceased Papa. The ghostly figure looked alarmed, she had frightened him even more than he had frightened herself. She hurried out of the kitchen, but her Father's voice soon called after her.

" Albany, wait!" 

Albany didn't look back, she kept on running. A million thoughts raced through her mind, she felt like she was in strange dream. She begged herself to wake up, but when she turned into another hallway she collided with someone. The person grasped at her arms, she couldn't help but panic. A familar voice said her name more than once, she soon settled down when her gaze was met by a face she adored. Copia looked startled, his hands were trembling. His gaze was firmly set upon her, his speaking tone was full of concern.

" Albany, what's wrong?!" He asked, his voice was shaky. " I heard you scream, did that spider come back?"

" No, I saw Papa!" She replied.

" You saw me?" He asked.

" Not you, my Father!" She said, her gaze wandered back alone the hallway. " He's in the kitchen..."

" Okay, how much did you have drink last night?" He asked.

" I'm not drunk!" She said.

" You're trembling, baby." He said, his words were sincere. " I will go and check the kitchen, it's probably the kids playing tricks again. They locked me in pantry last week, I was stuck in there for two hours until Sister found me..."

" Don't go, stay with me!" She begged.

" Albany, it's okay." He said before he took her hand in his own. " I will get to the bottom of this prank, it's okay. You can come with me, we can both check it out together."

" Okay." She nodded.

Copia affectionately kissed her hand and reassured her that everything would be okay, he told her he would be speaking with Sister Imperator if the kids had been playing tricks again. Albany smiled at her lover when his free hand cupped her cheek, she knew she had frightened him. He was trying to act brave for her, she adored even him more for his chivalrous behaviour. An angry voice echoing down the hallway disturbed their loving moment, they weren't alone.

" Get your hands off her!"

Copia froze when he heard the familar voice, his gaze was soon met by a ghostly figure. His gasp on his lover's hand immediately slipped away, he was petrified. Albany looked along the hallway and moved away from Copia, her ghostly Father didn't look too impressed at their affectionate display. A scrowl graced Papa Nihil's features, he began walking towards them with his fists clasped at his sides. Albany and Copia shared a glance, they were both unsure what was happening. The clicking of heals against the tiled floor was soon heard, they saw Sister Imperator not far behind the phantasm. It wasn't long until Sister joined her prodigy and his lover, the elderly deceased Papa's gaze was fixed on Copia. Sister's voice broke the silence of the hallway, her words were not very sympathetic towards Papa Nihil.

" Oh, Papa!" Sister sighed, she looked annoyed with her former deceased lover. " What did I tell you about leaving my office?"

" Don't leave your office until you informed them of my summoning." Papa replied.

" And clearly you didn't listen!" Sister said, her gaze focused on the deceased Papa's youngest child. " Are you okay, my dear? I didn't want you to find out this way. We were meant to sit down and discuss your Father's summoning, but has always his stubbornness got in the way of his common sense!"

" I don't think the old guy has ever had any common sense..." Copia said.

Sister Imperator gave her prodigy a thoughtful look, she couldn't agree more with his statement. Albany played with her fingers while her gaze focused on her Father, she was still trying to process what see was seeing. His appearance was the same from the last time she had seen him before he had left for Mexico, but his once pale eyes were different. They had reverted back to their normal colour, but that didn't stop her wondering why he had been summoned back to the Ministry.

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