She's Special

By SarahGalaxy2

161K 4.8K 1.8K

What if Ciel didn't made a deal with one demon, but instead he made a deal with two demons? Expect this one d... More

Love Interest
His Butler, Able
His Butler, Strongest
His Butler, Omnipotent
His Butler, Capricious
His Butler, Chance Encounter
His Butler, At The Funeral
His Butler, Merrymaking
His Butler, Training
His Butler, Phantom Image
His Butler, On Ice
His Butler, However You Please
His Butler, Forlorn
His Butler, Freeloader
His Butler, Supremely Talented
His Butler, Competing
Black Butler, The Book Of Circus
His Butler, Taking The Stage
His Butler, Colleague
His Butler, Taking Flight
His Butler, Liaison
His Butler, Careful Tending
His Butler, Sneering
His Butler, Serene
His Butler, Fulfilling His Duty
Black Butler, The Book Of Murder
A Suspect Murder
Two Murders At One Night
Finding The Earl's Bedroom Key
Examining The Bodies
Catching The Culprit
The Real Truth Of The Murder Case
The End Of The Murder Case
Black Butler, The Book Of The Atlantic
The Aurora Society

His Butler, Employed

3.4K 114 47
By SarahGalaxy2

Y/n and sebastian gazed over at Snake, who has his hands in his pockets. His gaze turned away from the two demons to the brown snake that's around him "is what wilde just said."

The brown snake hissed towards them then there was one snake behind them as it started to climb on y/n leg and reach to her shoulders, y/n looked at the snake and smiled, stroking it's head gently causing it to have a delightful feeling as it wrapped around her shoulder.

Snake is quite shocked to see this since the snakes are comfortable being around him and not other people. It seems y/n has something that has these snakes, not seeing her as a threat.

Y/n and sebastian could somehow peak through the tent and sees bunch of snakes inside even in cages as well, a snake stretched itself out towards the two demons, hissing at them as they stared at it, not bothered by it.

"The exit is that way." The snake used its tail to point where the exit is,"says goethe."

Y/n and sebastian give a polite smile towards the silver haired man. "Thank you for your assistance." They give him a small bow.

Y/n walked towards snake who glance at her and y/n give a smile, grabbing the snake from her shoulder and handing it to snake gently who took it "You're snakes are lovely, they're very sweet." She used her finger to stroke goethe head who had a happy expression on her face, the silver haired man blushes lightly and nodded as a thank you.

The (h/c) haired woman gave a sweet smile and walked away with sebastian by her side, his hand on her lower back as they headed towards the exit.

"Goodbye, beautiful lady!" Says goethe." Snake said in a high pitch tone as y/n chuckled softly, smiling of what goethe said.


Y/n and sebastian had left the circus and head back towards the carriage as they arrived, the butler open the door, helping y/n in the carriage which she thanked him for as sebastian entered inside after her and closed the door behind them.

Y/n and sebastian sat down on their seats as ciel used his cane, tapping the roof of the carriage, letting the driver know that they could head back to the manor that they are staying in while they are in London for the task.

"Did you two succeed?" Ciel asked his butler and maid as they glanced over at him."Unfortunately, someone got in our way before we could have a good look around." Sebastian told his master causing ciel to let out a sigh of disappointment of not being able to get any information of the case.

"Therefore, we think it is wise we do some more research. And for that, we have but one thing to ask of you, young master." Y/n said towards ciel with a smile, having the young man to glance over at his maid with softness in his blue eye.

"What is it y/n?" He asked softly towards her as sebastian grinned, his eyes narrowed a bit.


They had finally arrived at the manor as the carriage has stopped in front of the manor and ciel exit the carriage with y/n and sebastian following behind him, heading towards the entrance door of the manor, entering inside.

"Why did it end up going in that direction?" Ciel asked with annoyance in his tone, glaring at his butler as y/n gently took off his coat and hat, which he softly thanked her for before glaring angrily at the raven haired man.

"When did I give you that order?"

Y/n knew that ciel wouldn't be happy by that as sebastian grinned. "Is it a problem?" He mocked, causing ciel to turn his head, scoffing as he glared at him, but he inhaled, letting out a deep sigh as he closed his eyes "its all the same now." He opened his eyes."Let's save this for later." He told his maid and butler.

"What i want to do now is rest. I'm tired." He said as he started to head to the stairs."y/n." He called for y/n who nodded, smiling as she followed after him to help him get ready for bed."Certainty. However..." Sebastian trailed off.

The two double doors to the left are heard opening and came out soma which had ciel shocked "ciel! Ciel, y/n you two are finally here!" The prince exclaimed happily."I couldn't wait to see you both!" He smiled happily.

Agni came up behind soma with a smile. "Welcome home, Lord ciel, master sebastian, mistress y/n." He greeted them as y/n smiled "its good to see you two again." Agni smiled."Likewise, my lady." He took her hand and gave it a kiss, which her her smile while Sebastian narrows his eyes.

"That's right." Ciel sighed out, irriated."I had forgotten you were living here too." Soma runs to the maid and young man."It's been too long, ciel, y/n!" He wrapped his arms around them, hugging y/n and ciel close.

Soma rubbed his cheek against y/n who smiled, giggling as ciel struggle, glaring at the prince with an irk mark on his head.

Ciel managed to push Soma off him and y/n having Agni to catch him and smile, y/n giggle, looking at them.

Soma chuckled. "I didn't think you'd come to the townhouse so soon! Could it be that you were missing me? You lonely little lad!" He smiled as ciel huffed lightly."Sorry, but I'm tired. Im not in the mood to spar with you and have my maid deal with you as well." He grabbed y/n's hand, and they headed towards the stairs.

"What?" Soma whined out,"but I've been waiting all this time to play that chess game with you! Even spend time with y/n! What about what i want?" He placed his hands on ciel and y/n's shoulder, causing it to irritate ciel, who had a couple of irk marks on his head as y/n sweatdropped. She smiled a bit.

Ciel growls lowly and pushes his hands off his and y/n's shoulder, holding her hand still and heading upstairs with her by his side. "Who cares!"

"I apologize, Soma." Y/n said gently with an apologize smile."What's up, ciel? That's a really sour look! Even it's mean, you won't let me spend time with y/n! We haven't seen each other in awhile, so at least greet me with a smile!" Soma pouted with an upset expression on his face.

Ciel and his maid halted on the stairs as ciel held her hand, giving it a light squeeze as he turned his head, glaring at Soma with an annoyed expression on his face "shut up! I'm busy right now, so shut up! Also, I need y/n for something, so don't bother her!" He angrily told him.

Y/n give an apology smile to him. "Very sorry, Soma, but ciel needs some rest now. Maybe we'll spend time together next time." She said softly as she and ciel heads upstairs towards his bedroom to get ready for bed.

The prince flinch, frowning. "Without a smile, good fortune flees." He pooked his fingers together as Agni came up to his master, placing a hand on his shoulder,"Prince..."


Ciel, y/n, and sebastian were in ciel's bedroom as sebastian closed the door behind him, y/n helped remove ciel's coat, which he thanked her for.

"He's as lively as always." The demon butler said as ciel sat down on the bed."i can't do anything, but let them be. You, on the other hand..." ciel looked over at his butler, narrowing his eyes as y/n untied the small bow."Why did it end up that I was signed up for the circus?"

"You were not sighed up for the circus. You were signed up for the entrance test. Master." Y/n told ciel who glanced over at his maid with a gentle look as she removed his shoes off.

"Just you both infiltrating is it enough, isn't it?" He gently asked, "living in a tent, what a joke." He huffed.

"Are you certain?" Sebastian voice out as y/n has removed both of his shoes."Have you forgotten? This is your game. Is it all right if a pawn such as myself and someone special like y/n moves around the board freely?

Ciel scoffed, looking away. "I suppose you're right." Y/n give the shoes and coat to sebastian where he started to walk away to put away the clothes and shoes as she started to unbutton ciel's vest "but you need to perform in the circus, right? I can't do that sort of thing."

"Oh? But it seems you're very good at uttering commands like "wait!" And "fetch!" Sebastian teased, smirking, holding the queen's envelope. This caused ciel to look at his butler with a death glare in his eyes."Huh?"

Y/n sweatdropped "now, now, sebastian. You know our master doesn't like being teased." She told the raven haired man who glanced at the beautiful maid with a gentle look,"just saying the truth, my dear." He smirked.

Sebastian bowed down a bit to his master "I beg your pardon."

Y/n shook her head and looked at her master as she removed his vest. "Well, as much as you can, please do your best on the entrance test. As your maid and butler. We will be rooting for you from the bottom of our hearts." Y/n smiled sweetly at ciel, which had him blush and smiled lightly at her.

Ciel sighed, frowning. "It can't be helped. I'll do it."

"Master." Y/n and sebastian give their master a small bow.


It was already morning as ciel, y/n and sebastian were at the circus to do the entrance test as the whole circus people were surrounding ciel, looking at him as he is wearing old clothes that a servant boy would wear as joker looked at ciel.

"So you brought a really cute kid, huh?" The ginger asked y/n and sebastian who had a smile on their lips."Are you a boy?"

"Yes. I was a page boy at the manor. Um... my name is finnian." Ciel told him as Joker walked up to him."What a grand name. But if you join, we'll have to give you a stage name." He lean his face close to ciel."Are you really a boy?"


"But cuteness isn't enough to join the circus. You must have an act."

The circus ladies were surrounding sebastian, checking him out as they blushed of how handsome he is as he give them a polite smile but he looked over to y/n, he sees multiple men's of the circus around her, flirting to her as they give her smirks as y/n just give them a blank look with a tiny friendly smile as the men had blushes in their face of how beautiful she is.

Sebastian eyebrow twitch, he growls lowly, narrowing his eyes as he walked passed the ladies and towards to y/n and grabbed her hand, taking her away from the group of men and wrapped his arm around her waist, holding her close, glaring at the men with a threatening look in his dark eyes which had the men's flinch.

Y/n sweatdropped but she smiled and gently stroke sebastian chest to calm him down which it did as he had a light blush on his cheeks, gazing down on the lovely maid who give him a gentle look that he return.

"What's yer strong point?" Joker asked ciel who thought for a moment,"darts, I guess." Joker hummed."In that case, let's do knife throwing." The ginger man looked over at the blonde man "Dagger, lend him a knife."

Dagger walked over to ciel and gave him multiple daggers. "Here you go." He smiled."Thank you." Ciel thanked.

"Hit that target over there." Joker pointed at the boarded wood that had the design of the target on it, ciel frown, narrowing his eyes as he faces the board, pointing the dagger at it.

"Boss, you're so mean. With those skinny arms, he won't reach that." Dagger chuckled as y/n glanced over at them, secretly smirking.

"It's not mean. It can't be any closer for the show."

Ciel threw the Dagger towards the target. "Yeah... I knew it." But to everyone surprised the Dagger was stabbed into the middle of the target.

"No way!"

The young boy chuckled, smirking and threw another dagger and y/n flicked a small rock to the dagger that will have it stabbed through the target without anyone noticing that it was y/n helping ciel throw the daggers at the target and managed to land on the target.

Ciel continues to throw more daggers where y/n will keep flicking the small rocks to the daggers and is secretly having it land on the target.

After that was finished, ciel smirked. "Is this all right?" Dagger had a surprise expression as Joker grinned, holding his chin as sebastian and y/n clapped their hands for their master with a grin on theirs lips.

Sebastian winked at y/n, motioning her that she did a fantastic job that had her smile at him softly.

"Seems like you've got control over it. Much better than I thought." Ciel starts to walk away,"but the test isn't over yet." This had ciel to halt and looked over at joker "all right, next up is..."


Y/n, ciel, and sebastian, even others, were in the tent where ciel is on the tall building that is used for the tightrope walking.

"Tightrope walking!"

A young girl is behind ciel, tying a robe around his waist so he doesn't fall to his death if he doesn't do well on the robe walking as y/n glance up with a concerning look on her for ciel's safety as she held her hands together tightly, sebastian sees this and he took her hand, holding it, whispering to her "don't worry, y/n. I'm sure he will be fine, okay?"

Y/n glance over at the butler and nodded, her worry easing down a bit as ciel had a nervous look on his face, he grunt of the tightness on the robe as he glance over at her "that's tight."

"Put up with it. Do you want to die?" She told him as she adjusted the robe."Doll! Make sure that lifelines secure! It'd be dangerous if a beginner falls!" Joker shouted out for doll to hear him, ciel looked at the ginger man."Can't I do some sort of music test instead?"

"What was that? D'you wanna retire already?"

"N-no!" He stuttered out,"but if there's something else-" ciel was interrupted."If you're serious, just do it fast and without dawdling!"

Y/n looked at ciel who gazed at his maid as she give him a smile, mouthing to him that she knows that he could this as she is here to save him and keep him safe, ciel feels his nervous ease down a bit and he clenched his fists, trembling a bit as he had a serious expression on his face "given up?" Doll asked.

"No, I'll go." Which surprised doll and she give one final adjustment to the robe and ciel began to walk on the robe, trying to balance himself and not try to fall, he gulped nervously as he took shakey steps on the robe.

Ciel continues slowly walk on the robe then he lost his footing causing y/n to gasped, her eyes widened in worried as the others had worried expression but then a small rock hit his side then another hit him again having him to stand back on the robe, properly, wincing in pain.

"He's back. He recovered."

Ciel growls and glares at sebastian. "Damn it. I thought so..." Sebastian smirked, holding small rocks in his hands as y/n let out a sigh of relief, but she narrows her eyes a bit at the butler demon."Don't hit him too hard, sebastian."

"I'll try not to, my dear." He snickered a bit, grinning as he started to send more small rocks to ciel to make sure, he doesn't fall off the robe but it has ciel wincing and hissing in agony from the rocks hitting his sides as he has arrived on the other side of the robe which brought relief to y/n.


Joker clapped his hands with a proud smile. "That was great!" Ciel had come down. He was rubbing the sore spots from the small rocks as sebastian was holding back his laughter, his hand over his mouth as he looked away.

Y/n glared at sebastian and gently smack his chest, sebastian give her a shrugged with a grin as y/n shake her head, sighing as she went to ciel, stroking his head "you okay, my lord?" She whispered as ciel gazed up at her and gave her a light smile."I'm alright, sorta." He glared at his butler who was trying to hold his laughter back.

"I didn't really think you'd be able to do it!"

"Thanks." Ciel thanked him as dagger came over, his hand on his head having his hand to lightly touch y/n's fingers which had him blush faintly "then don't demote this cute Lil kid, boss.

"Not yet! This boy hasn't done something really important." Joker walked up to ciel, pointing his finger at him as y/n pulled her hand away, looking at joker "a big ol'..." Joker smiled."Smile!"

Y/n eyes widened a bit, looking nervous a bit since ciel doesn't smile to anyone but her cause of how comfortable ciel was with her, ciel gasped, flinching.

"Cmon, smile! Huh? What's wrong? Don't look so vexed."

Y/n could still see sebastian trying not to burst out laughing, his shoulders shaking from how hard he is holding back, having her to deadpanned

"Come on, a big smile! Just like the Chesire cat! From ear to ear!"

Ciel gritted his teeth as he clenched clenched fists, looking down then his blue eye looked at y/n who gave him a warming smile and she mouthed him 'just one smile, ciel. Smile for me.' She give him a warm look.

This has ciel heart to warmed up and he then had a wide smile on his lips, his eyes closed without joker realizing it that it wasn't directed at him but to y/n who had a proud look on her face.


"Everyone! From today on, we have some new friends!" Joker announced and pointed towards sebastian."Newcomers black and..."

"I'm black. It's a pleasure." Sebastian introduced his circus name and had a smile. He had a purple line across his eye and a bow on his neck with a skull on it along with a hat in his hands.

"And little one over here is... smile!" The ginger man pointed at ciel who has a strain smile on his lips, he had a different outfit on him with a small paint on his cheek under his eye as ciel had a surprise look of hearing his circus name "sm-"

"And this lovely lady here is (circus/name)!" He pointed at the beautiful (h/c) haired woman who had a smile on her lips as she has a small paint on her face that is (paint face/choice) even wearing a (hair piece/choice).

Sebastian is holding back his laughter of hearing ciel's circus name as he smirks, but he glances over at y/n, grinning. "You look lovely, my dear." He whispered."Why, thank you, Sebastian." She smiled as ciel looked at y/n, blushing lightly of how pretty she is.

"Let's get along well, everyone!"

"Okay!" The crowd agreed."Come, smile, greet your elders." Sebastian grinned, pointing at the crowd as ciel flinch, gulping with a nervous look on his face.

Y/n place a hand on ciels shoulder causing him to glance over at her, she give him a comfort smile which made him ease down a bit as he then gazed over at the crowd with a nervous smile "i-i-im looking forward to working with you."

"Come on, smile, smile!"


Y/n, ciel, and sebastian were following Joker behind, walking through the backstage of the circus. "I'll give you a quick tour of the backstage area, so stick with me." Joker told them as y/n is between ciel and sebastian as they stopped in front of the tents.

"First of all, these're the tents you guys'll sleep in. It's where the backstage workers and newcomers, the second tier members, live. 'Bout two or three people share a tent. An' That's the mess hall and the storeroom. S'an important job of the new recruits to provide the grub, so good luck! Back there's the first-aid tent, which black and (c/n) visited last night. An' here's the main casts private tent." Joker explained to them of each tent held and what it is for.

Y/n frown, narrowing her eyes even this caught sebastian attention as he glanced at Joker "private tents?" Ciel asked.

"S'a private tent you get if you're real good. Ah, an'..." The ginger man pointed at the first tent "that's snakes tent, so stay away from it for yew own good. There're a buncha snakes roaming free, so if you get bit even once, you're off to the underworld."

Y/n, ciel, and sebastian glance at each other's with a look in their eyes.

"Snakes an' his friends're still shy, y'know? Careful of their poison, you three. By the way, what happened to your right eye, smile?" Joker asked, looking at his eye patch eye, causing ciel to flinch as y/n narrows her eyes, staying close to her master side.

"This? There was an accident." Ciel lied to him as he had his finger gently on his eyepatch.

"Is that so?" Joker place his skeleton hand on his cheek "so young, but you've been through a lot." Ciel looked at him."Yeah..."

"Well, everyone here's been through something, so you'll get along well with 'em." He placed his hand on ciel's shoulder then had his arm over y/n's shoulder."Yes?"

Y/n didn't seem fazed by it as she glanced over at him with a blank look on her face.

Sebastian glared at Joker as he dragged ciel and y/n away, having the demon butler to follow them behind. "Did everyone join during the tour like we did?" He asked.

"S'true for most everyone, but first-tier members're all from the same hometown. We're all childhood friends." The ginger man told him, still holding y/n and ciel close to him.

"Childhood friends?" Y/n asked, gazing at Joker."Yeah." He nodded with a smile, they continued walking through the backstage and walked past the man that fire-breathes the fire is playing music into the harmonica having ciel and y/n to glance over at him.

"Tom, Tom, the pipers son." From mother goose?" Ciel guessed of the music having Joker to pulled away from y/n and ciel, looking at the young boy "you know yer stuff, smile! Even though that's a minor ditty."

"It's just that my former master really liked that song." Ciel told him having joker hummed as he gets a bit suspicious."Still, how unusual for all the first tiers to be childhood friends." Sebastian said, changing the subject, and y/n nodded, agreeing with sebastian words.

"Is it? But now that you mention it, snakes still a new face. His snake charming's not too shabby. An' since we didn't have a snake handler, he quickly became first tier. The perks are much sweeter if you're a first tier, an' you don't gotta worry about survival of the fittest." Joker led the trio inside the circus tent of where they continued to follow him."You even get a private tent. That's why everyone's working so hard to become one."

Inside the tent shows people doing some tricks and practicing them. "Just look at them. The show won't be starting anytime soon, but they still spend their free time practicing, aiming to make their debut in a real public performance. Work in the basics first. Warm up carefully an'-" Joker was interrupted by beast who came inside the tent, calling to him "Joker! Can I talk to you?"

Joker looked over at beast, having the trio to glance over at her. "What is it?" Beast looked over at y/n and sebastian, y/n smirks at her as she give her a wink causing beast to blush and huffed, looking away "go ahead an' go all out, you three." Joker waved at them as he followed beast.

Y/n hummed, staring at them as they left. Her eyes glowed red a bit for a second.


"The poisonous snake tent is that the entrance of the first-tier members, huh? A "watchsnake" instead of a watchdog." Ciel said, grunting."Indeed, but young master- I mean, smile... your body is really inflexible." Sebastian said as he was helping ciel strength and flex his body.

"Mind your own business!"

Y/n sweatdropped "Give him a break sebastian, you know he isn't used to doing this a lot." She smiled as sebastian glanced over at her "true but still." He smirked.

"So to enter the private tent, we have to become first-tier members? If it's you and y/n, poisonous snakes shouldn't be an issue, right? You both can see if the children are there or not."

"They're not." Y/n said in a serious tone, having ciel confused and surprised of hearing this."Me and sebastian couldn't feel any sign of the children's presence either last night or during today's tour."

Sebastian bending down with ciel laying on his back as y/n practice some tricks that is easy for her to do as she looked at her two boys "even so, there's no evidence the circus isn't connected with the children disappearance. We can't give up until we have thoroughly searched every nook and cranny."

Sebastian stood up straight then ciel bended down, carrying sebastian on his back but is struggling, grunting of how heavy he is having y/n to use some of her magic to help ciel carry sebastian a bit more better, so he doesn't accidentally fall to the ground with sebastian crashing him.

"That's true. There's always the possibility that their current condition is such that we're unable to sense their presence." The raven man told his master as they stood up straight again."Don't say such unlucky things. She wishes for the children's safe return." The demon butler bends down again, holding ciel on his back once again.

"Understood. By the way, instead of sensing the children's presence, we..." y/n trailed off."What is it y/n?" Ciel asked, glancing at his maid, but dagger came over, looking at them."Hey, you three! Don't stretch so sluggishly, and you shouldn't be doing the tricks for too long (c/n)."

"Sir dagger." Ciel gets put down by sebastian."Right, sorry." He apologize as y/n stopped doing her tricks as she looked over at at blonde man."It's your first day, so I'll watch you practice. You should first decide on your act. What're you hoping for?" Dagger asked as y/n came over to ciel and sebastian.

"An act that doesn't involve using my body for something like tightrope walking would be good." The young boy said, having dagger laugh."You do seem weak, yeah. Then I'll give you lessons in the ways of knife throwing." He held up three daggers in between his fingers as he glanced over at sebastian and y/n."What about you, black and (c/n)?"

"I don't have any particular preference." He told him,"Me too, I'm okay with anything." Y/n said with a smile."You two got great reflexes, don't you? If there's something you two see and look like you both can do it, give it a try."

"Very well." Sebastian rans off as he shows off the tricks and preference that he could do which impressed everyone of seeing sebastian could do and sebastian went to swallow a sword, y/n stopped him since dagger didn't want to see him do it as y/n shook her head, smiling at him which he return and put away the sword.

"How about you, y/n?" Dagger asked as y/n smiled."Well..." she grinned."may, I have some knives from you, please." Dagger nodded, giving her the knifes which she thanked him for and she goes to a far distance of the target and she smirks, she leaped off, flipping the air and throw the knives, stabbing the target perfectly.

She then twirled herself around in mid-air while upside down and threw more of the knifes, hitting in the bullseye and she went to the pole, grabbing it and twirled herself around very fast, throwing few more knifes causing it to hit the target which impressed the circus people then she threw one last knife to different direction instead of the target and had it bounce to some area of the circus before aiming to y/n having dagger and others worried but she smirked and used her finger to quickly flipped the dagger and flicked it to the target, stabbing through it.

"Amazing! You have to teach me, I never knew. You were amazing at throwing knives." Dagger said, impress as y/n smiled."Why thank you." The crowd surrounded y/n and sebastian in awe and surprised of what they could do as ciel sneaked up to them behind.

"Hey, you are getting too carried away. And be careful y/n, you don't need to carry away too much, act a little more like a new-" ciel was interrupted "C'mon, honestly! Two new super newcomers appeared? I won't lose, y'know!" Dagger smiled, crossing his arms.


"There's this amazing guy who just joined. Look over there." He pointed up having y/n, ciel and sebastian looked up at the tightrope to see someone on it."He was some sorta government worker. And he's totally serious, see." Y/n smirks of seeing who it is.

"Hey, come down for a sec! Suit!" There on the tightrope is willian who is wearing maroon pants and a golden, green suit with a red pookiedot tie.

"He's a..."

"Grim reaper." Sebastian narrows his eyes of seeing him as William glances over to see ciel, sebastian, and y/n. His green, yellowish eyes lingers on y/n who had a smirk on her lips.

William let out a sigh. "I thought I sensed something nasty, and it turned out to be you, huh? Honest..." He said towards the demon butler,"but I thought that I sense something different that hopefully is that lovely maid there, and I was right." He stared at y/n's red and (e/c) eyes then he flipped around his extendable pruner then pointed to sebastian, stretching out the metal, almost stabbing his head but missed by sebastian moving his head just in time.

"I did not think we would meet again, but it is nice to see her again." He jumped off the robe, shortening the metal of their death scythe as he landed on the ground and sebastian goes in front of ciel and y/n, putting his arms in front of them to keep them safe "what did you come to fish around for this time?" William landed in front of sebastian, pointing his extendable pruner to sebastian face,"you demonic fiend."


"What's going on?"

Ciel had a nervous expression on his face as y/n had an unreadable expression on her face, watching this as ciel grabbed her hand, holding it having y/n to look at her master, she give his hand a squeeze 'this is bad! Sebastian's true nature has been..." he looked at the crowd, then he took a few steps forward, still holding his maids hand.

"Hey! What are you talking about?"

"Even under the best of circumstances, in this time of grin reaper shortages, with a demon appearing like this, I suppose my schedule will be thrown off." Williams narrows his eyes as sebastian kept a blank look on his face, but he sees Willam gazing at y/n, causing him to grit his teeth, glaring at him.

"Grim reaper..." Dagger trailed off "no, this is-" ciel tried to say something but dagger came up to William, playfully smacking his head to the side which didn't fazed him "give it up, forehead! You said it with such a straight face, I couldn't tell you were joking." He laughs as the crowd let out a laugh as ciel let out a sigh of relief but blushed in embarrassment as y/n smiled at ciel, rubbing his head with her free hand gently which had him smile softly to her only.

"Since the first day he came here, this guy's been telling jokes. Stuff like "How about this soul?" He's a real hard-core occult fan!"

Y/n sweatdropped as she had pulled her hand away from ciel's head, which had him frown.

"Though they're not actually jokes." William adjusted his glasses."I'll introduce you! These guys just joined today. The small one over here is smile. The big one is black. The pretty lady is (c/n)." Dagger patted William and sebastian shoulders."Well, bond over your hopes and get along well!" He smiled, but William started to walk away."Sorry, but there's no way I'll get a long with a savage beast." He halted,"but..." he looked over at y/n, walking to her as he took her hand, giving it a kiss as he gazed up to her.

"I wouldn't mind getting along with you, my lady." He gently said to her as his thumb stroked her knuckles as y/n grinned."I wouldn't mind either." A arm is wrapped around y/n waist, pulling her away from William, holding her against a hard chest as she looked up to see sebastian with a scowl on his face, glaring the reaper who glared back.

The reaper turned around, walking away again. "No way"? The circus is about teamwork!" Dagger told him.

"Why is a grin reaper in a place like this?" Ciel asked his maid and butler.

"A grim reaper personally infiltrating a place is rare. Now we know one thing for sure." Sebastian said, his eyes narrow as he held y/n close.

'There's something in this circus, after all!' Y/n had a suspicious expression on her face but had a small grin on her lips.


[Hey everybody, I'm very sorry for not updating in awhile. I wanted to take a break for this week, but for the other weeks, I guess I wanted to focus on updating on some of my books. Still I Apologize and I do hope, you enjoy this chapter, I had made sure to finished it in time, sorry if it seems to be in a rush but I do hope you like it also thank you so much for 42k views, I appreciate you all very much for reading this book. I'm happy you all love it and enjoy reading it. You're all amazing, thank you again, and I hope you have a fantastic day/night!]

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