Onika's Anatomy

By ___MelaninQueen

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And they are back...Welcome to chapter 2 you guys. For my new readers please read BEY'S ANATOMY FIRST ! Warni... More

Harper Avery
Confessions I
Nยฐ5 II
The Hangover
I Just Quit my Job
I Do's and Don't's (part one)
I Do's and Don'ts (part two)
Russian Roulette
The End of an Era...
Pound Town
I Want You Back
Beautiful Nightmare
The Motions
Turning me on
Broken Vases
Death Wish
'Twas the Night Before Christmas
Pull Up On Meh (I)
Pull Up On Meh (II)
Salon Gossip
Bumble Bee ๐Ÿ

Family Matters

2.8K 202 624
By ___MelaninQueen

Beyonce POV

3 months later

Endurance, Faith and Discipline were my hardships for the last 90 days. I was camped out in my hideaway condo in Santa Monica relearning how to walk, having intense physical therapy to learn how to speak, enduring endless doctor visits regain myself back.

I fell into a loophole of despair darkened with depression. Despite having so much to be grateful for I felt at disadvantage. I should have been so indebted for the opportunity at life again, but I felt at my lowest. I knew what I needed; I knew who I needed. But I couldn't bear to burden her with my misery.

I felt terrible pushing her away—but I had to think selfishly. Putting her in the position to have her take care of me broke my pride. Giving her the responsibility to mother my kids made me feel more than burden. She never asked for this, and I never once blamed her. I loved her too much for that.

But I will say, I would have pushed her out of the way a million times again before letting a single bullet hit her. I would endure the physical and mental trauma again— to spare her.

I knew she hated me— I could feel her anger even though we were miles apart. With even feeling it, Julius always reminded of how angry she had become, how cold and disconnected she was becoming. I had her waiting for too long— I needed to get back to her. I needed her to know that I do love her.

Ninety days was more than enough and within those ninety days I worked hard to regain my physical health back. Somedays I had pushed my body beyond it limits, putting me back into that God-forbidden bed. But I never gave up because I knew she needed me —my kids needed me.

I had just gotten back into the condo after meeting with my trainer. My heart was beating out of chest. Pushing a car up a hill was something I needed to accomplish, and I did just that— my work here was done.

I was grabbing a bottle of water out of the refrigerator when a text message from Lauren came through.

Lauren: We've landed, she's not suspicious or anything. Heading to the villa now. You better make this right, I put my neck on the chopping block for you. Safe travels...

I sighed giving the message a thumbs up before retrieving to the shower. I never wanted to get Lauren involved with the reunion of my family. But she was the closest person to making the woman I love listen sometimes. Having Julius coordinate things on that side would have been too obvious.

Lauren most definitely gave me harsh earful of what I needed to hear. I can't count how many bitches and whores I was until she eventually calmed down. A free trip to island had her ass on mute. She only requested that her and Solange have their own accommodations which piqued my interest. But I kept it cute, I was at her mercy, and I understood her frustrations.

After getting out of the shower Julius met me at the front door with my bags already in hand. We got into the awaiting SUV and made our way to the private airstrip. My nerves were doing a compete 360. I popped a Xanax to calm my anxiety and hopefully catch up on sleep. It was about to be a long 10-hour journey....

Onika POV

St. Maarten

February 2021

We had been in St. Maarten for 24 hours. The kids were enjoying the beach and everything the small island had to offer. I was bit skeptical taking Lauren up on this offer but watching the kids have so much fun made me happy.

I felt like a bad mom. I was snapping at them for the smallest things and becoming annoyed by the situation their fucked-up coward of a mother left me in. She disappeared without a trace and not even a word. I was still her POA but everyone at the hospital became tight lipped when I showed up the following day demanding to see her. Well, I had packed up the kids to go live with her at the hospital because bitch two can play that fucking game.

When I got there the room was empty and no one had a clue where she was. March was rolling in and it's like she fell off the face off the earth. The kids had gotten to the point where they even stopped asking about her— which I was glad except Blue. She had become so distance with me, acting as if in knew something. She had an entire attitude since Christmas Day and even insinuated that this was all my fault at one point. That statement broke me, and I felt like our dynamic was never the same since then. I felt like was beefing with a 13-year-old.

Last night she had made a comment to Rumi that her mom was never coming back because I sent her away. I stormed off in complete tears because now I was starting to think that it was true myself. It had gotten to the point where I made up my mind to ask Solange to take her for a while. But after her comment last night, my decision was set in stone that I was going to ask her tonight after dinner.

The kids played around on the beach while Solange and Lauren failed immensely trying to control their jet ski. Blue sat a good distance away from me on her phone— like she's been doing the entire trip.

I sighed digging my toes in the sand as I sipped on my second Miami vice. I really wanted to sneak off to go smoke but Solo and Lauren were already too tipsy. After a good four hours watching the kids play, we gathered everyone to a nearby restaurant on the beach so they could have lunch.

Rumi began throwing her regular tantrum because they had no ice cream. Papa, Sir and Kross were running around chasing each other. While Blue sat rolling her eyes which was starting to aggravate me.

"Can you control your kids??" She finally said.

"You know Blue, they're your brothers and sister too. It would be nice if you helped sometimes." I said trying not to make my brashness evident.

Solo and Lauren appeared from somewhere adjusting their clothes, which further aggravated me even more.

"Well, that's interesting because if you hadn't sent my mom away maybe you'd have help trying to control the herd you inherited." Blue shot back.

The entire table went on mute. Even the boys stopped running around to look at who the hell Blue thought she was talking to.

"Inherited????" I asked. "You think that I uprooted my life and my child's life to inherit this?"

Lauren put her hands up to intervene "Nicki wait-"

"No Lauren cause the princess here wants answers so I'm going to give it to her. I did this out of love, but now it's obvious that it's being taken for granted! And you think this is something that I fucking inherited? I did this shit out of love for someone who obviously doesn't care, and right now I wished that I didn't. Good luck finding Dory cause I'm done!" I pushed past Solange and Lauren and grabbed Papa up.

My vision was so hazy, I could feel tears and snot running down my face how hard I was crying . I held onto papa as I maneuvered through the thick crowd of people. Papa was wiggling to get out my arms saying something, but I ignored him.

I felt an electrifying touch to my arm which made me move faster.

"MOMMYYY!!!" Papa screamed trying to jump over my shoulder. I tried to pull him back, but he was so strong. I eventually held him down and he started crying wish made me turn around.

Beyoncé stood there looking completely different than I had seen her last time. She looked even better than the woman she was before the shooting, which scared me.

I gave her deathly glare before holding papa tighter and storming out of the restaurant. When I got on the pavement there were a few people waiting to ask if I needed transportation before I could even ask. I spotted a female driver and walked up to her bus. I could hear Julius calling my name, but I ignored his calls as I got into the small transit. After getting papa strapped in, I gave the woman the address to the villa.

Papa cried the entire way there asking me to take him back to his mom. My phone was blowing up from calls from Lauren, Solange and Julius. I ignored all placing my phone on DND. I was literally trembling with emotions, never had I thought I would have to explode on Blue like that. But more shockingly lay eyes on Beyoncé looking back at me in the flesh.

As soon as we got to the villa, I asked the driver if she could have waited a few minutes so I could get my things. She politely agreed and said she would get us to the airport as quick as she can. I ran inside placing Papa down and allowed him to cry himself a river of while I maneuvered through the villa packing our things. Once our bags were packed, I grabbed our passports and a few snacks for Papa before making our way to the door.

I got papa settled in the car while the lady was so kind enough to help me load our luggage's into the back. We were closing the trunk when another car pulled up behind us. Before the car could even stop Solange and Lauren jumped out. A blackout sprinter pulled up behind them and it didn't take a rocket scientist to guess who was inside.

"Nika... Don't leave please." Lauren begged. "I'm not giving Blue leverage for disrespecting but we both know she's been through a lot and she's looking for someone to blame. That's what anyone at her age would do. Nika please she is very apologetic about what she said, and she wants to tell you face to face. But don't leave."

I brushed Lauren off walking around her. "Lauren I'm done, I'm guessing you know her mom is back let her take over from here. I'm done I can't do this anymore."

Lauren hesitated for a bit before she came to stand in front of me. "Listen... I know she fucked up and I'm not taking her side or anything. But I understood where she is coming from, and I think you would too. She wasn't in a good condition and yes, her pride is fucked up. But mentally and physically she needed to get better to be there for you and the kids... Just give her the chance to prove that-"

I shook my head in disbelief. "We're not talking about Blue, are we?"

The dots started connecting in my head. I knew Lauren came from money but not the type to book not one but two villas for 10k a night each, airfare and paid dinners.

I was hurt. "You knew about this?" My voice almost cracked. "You knew where she was all this time."

Lauren held her head down with a disappointing nod.

"No Lauren look up at me."

As soon as she raised her head the palm of my hand connected with her cheek. Solange was about to jump in when Julius held her back.

"You're supposed to be my best friend, Lauren!!! I knew you were a fake bitch, but I steady kept ignoring the signs!!! You were the main person always throwing your jabs about me not messing with her! But you turn around and do this shit! You knew what I was going through! You've seen me struggle with her kids' day in and day out!! But yet you did this shit to me!! I fucking hate you! And tell that bitch I hate her too!"

I got inside the car and told the driver to pull off. The lady was so confused she pulled off like she was in a high-speed chase. When we got to the airport, I was bummed to find out that all the flights going anywhere in the U.S were booked.

Hours had gone by and Papa was becoming increasingly cranky and tired. I soothed him into another nap while we waited on standby to the last flight going out to Miami. After waiting an additional two hours we were turned down. I tried booking another flight leaving that morning but since it was carnival weekend, they were all booked.

My frustrations even got worst when I realized there were no hotels available, not even a damn Airbnb. The island was booked out for the oncoming weekend festivities, and I was left with no options.

I called Thembi on the verge of tears. I told her everything that had transpired, and she even tried on her end to find last minute accommodations for Papa and me.

"I found a place, but it doesn't look safe." Thembi sighed. "Nika, I know you're not going to like this but you're going to have to go back to the villa. I don't feel comfortable with you and Papa camping out at the airport like that."

I sighed. "I know, I'm going to get a taxi in a few. I just feel like if I run into Lauren, I'll choke her ass or something."

"That slap was well deserved, and you have every right to feel the way that you do."

"I know I just hate the fact that our relationship got to the point where it is. And it's all because she's been moving on that snake shit, and I've failed to check her ass."

"Well, she got a dose of her own medicine today. Look, you know I'm moving ATL next week. I'll be moving into a house alone. I don't mind you and Papa staying with me. I know with you know who it's going to be a lot for you."

I debated for a second, but I had to humbly decline. "Thank you Thembi, but you know Nasir is probably still out there. I can't imagine him hurting you to get to me."

"Baby I am licensed to carry now. But I understand but what are you going to do? Y'all gonna have to talk at some point, you guys have a whole human. Actually 4 of them— they yo' kids now."

I laughed a bit. "I know right. I've only been away from them for six hours, but I miss them. Shit I even miss Blue, even though she's disrespectful as fuck."

"She's confused Nic... She probably feels terrible. I hope that her mom sat her ass down and spoke to her about that."

"Even if she did, I still feel like our relationship would be the same. What she said hurt me deeply."

"I can imagine, you've worked hard with them kids. But now you got to get back to you babe. Go ahead and go get a taxi back to the villa and call me when you guys arrive safely."

"Alright talk you in a few."

"I love you, Nicki. Kiss Papa for me."

"I love you too." I said hanging up the phone.

I got papa and our things and went outside the airport to find a taxi . It wasn't hard to do because it was one cab left sitting on the curb. He must have been waiting on me because he taxed the hell out my ass to take me back to the villa. He was helpful enough to grab our bags while I punched the access code in.

The house was partially dark. I got papa and sat him on the couch and found a light switch. My baby looked beyond exhausted and aggravated with the day's events.

I started taking off his clothes to give him a bath because I noticed he had peed on himself by accident. He was being fussy all the way up until I got him in the bathtub. He was crying to the point he was coughing repeatedly. I was trying to calm him down to no avail. I gave him a quick bath and noticed he was running a fever.

I had placed him back on the couch while I went to search through his suitcase for some Motrin. Wherever I went I always traveled with medicine being that Sir would get sick so easily.

When I returned to the living room, I could see Beyoncé from the back holding Papa on the couch trying to soothe him, but he still cried. I sighed coming around them with his clothes and the medicine. She looked up at me and grabbed the stuff laying him back down. I was grabbing up his wet clothes while she got him in his pull-ups and fought with him to put his pajamas on.

"Papa it's okay..." She cooed but he kept crying.

I felt terrible because he had probably been sitting in those wet clothes, but I was too frustrated and focused on getting us a flight I hadn't noticed. My baby was probably in those wet clothes for hours. I felt it was my fault he was sick.

Beyoncé took the Motrin and pulled up the purplish looking medicine. He started screaming and trying to run away, she gave him one look and he calmed down. He began slowly sucking the medication down before she got up along with him.

"I'm going to put him down for bed so we could talk." Her voice was deeper than usual and raspy like.

I ignored her taking the wet clothes to the washer and dryer I had found in the garage the day prior. After getting the washer started, I decided to go and take a shower myself— a very long one may I add.

I had no interest in talking to Beyoncé and silently wished that the airline would call me with an available flight first thing in the morning. Once I was done with my shower, I retreated to the room I was originally staying in. I dried off applying some champagne toast body butter from bath and body works.

I got into my boy shorts and oversized crop top, letting my natural hair down. I had rolled up a blunt the night before which I had forgotten. I pushed my hands between the mattress and felt around until I found it. Being around kids they would find a penny if you tried to hide it. Therefore, I had to become strategic with my hiding spots.

I locked the room door turn off all the lights and proceeded to the balcony. The villa sat on a hill right above the beach. I sat on the mini-beach outdoor couch and started lightening up.

The first tug of smoke I could feel my body relaxing immediately. I closed my eyes listening to the waves clash so soothingly. My mind felt at ease— something I haven't felt in a long time. The second pull was even better, my eyes landed on the ocean and the moon illuminated its calm surface above. I pulled my legs to my chest intaking the beauty of the island. I thought Trinidad was stunning, but St. Maarten was in a league of its own.

I reflected on the day's occurrences, contemplating if I should have handled the conversation with Blue and Lauren better. But no fuck both of them.

The only person I felt a slight pinch of remorse for was Blue. For the past three months I could feel her buildup of hatred for me . I could tell she wanted to say more, but after my explosion she bit her tongue. She was the greatest depiction of her mom, and I came to learn that realization today.

I pulled out my AirPods and scrolled through my Apple Music. My high was too sweet not have Jhené Aiko singing in my ear right now. Living Room started playing which automatically placed me in exact vibe I needed to be in.

Before my favorite verse could even start my phone started ringing with an unknown L.A area code. I groaned but was happy to answer since it could have been the airline.


"Papa wants to sleep with you. I can't get him to stop crying." I could hear Papa being fussy in the background.

I kissed my teeth hanging up getting up off the couch. I was more annoyed that she knew exactly how to calm him down, she decided not to because she knew I'd open the door for my child.

I got up and opened the door and she was standing there with Papa on her hip. I automatically felt bad his entire face was red and he was rubbing his eyes a lot.

"Come here baby boy." I said taking him out her arms. As soon as I turned around, I slammed the door hard in her face and took Papa to the bed with me.

He was fussy as hell ruining my high. I tried everything from rocking him, to walking up and down rubbing his back and nothing worked. I finally made my way downstairs to get his sippy cup. When I walked past the living room her ass was sitting up in there looking into space at almost 3 in the damn morning.

I walked past her and went straight into the kitchen. I found his favorite sippy and filled it up with fruit punch. Usually, I would never give him that much, but I knew he liked it and I just wanted to calm him down enough to get some sleep.

Before I could even spin around, he had already downed the hold thing which was odd. I made another one for him and took him back to the room. We got in bed together and he automatically cuddled under me, his crying had ceased as I rubbed his back.

His head popped up as he wiped the last little bit of tears away.

"I wanna go back to my mommy."

This nigga.

I kissed my teeth. "Go find her then."

He got and carefully slid down the bed, but he couldn't reach for the lock. I got up and opened it for him, he went searching up and down the house. He eventually found her wherever because I heard them laughing for a second.

I closed the door back and went back on the balcony to get in my mood but my high was depleted into a roach. I sighed with frustration and made my way back into the room. At this point I had no choice but to get some sleep. I was torn in between leaving the sound of waves to go back inside the quiet room.

I came up with the bright idea to bring the queen-sized mattress on the balcony, since there was enough space, and it was cool outside. After much struggling, I made it happen, I just wished I had another blunt to really enjoy this moment.

When I looked at my phone it was almost 5 in the morning. I sighed getting comfortable underneath the covers allowing the waves to welcome me into the calmest state of sleep...

Not even thirty minutes in my sleep I felt the bed shifted.

When I turned around Beyoncé was sitting on the opposite side fully dressed in a two-piece silk pajama set.

"What the hell are you doing?"

"I just want to talk."

"Well I don't— can you please leave me the fuck alone. And stop being so damn creepy."

"I'm sorry..."

"You're always fucking sorry— Beyoncé leave alone before I jump off this damn balcony. And I'm serious between you and your damn kids I feel like I'm losing my mind."

I pushed the covers aside to stand up when she pulled me back down holding me by arm.

"Beyoncé let go of me right now." I said trying to pry from her strong grip.

"Onika..." She warned pulling something from behind her ear. She let my arm go throwing something in my lap. "Light up so we could talk and hurry up my joints starting to hurt."

"You could take that blunt and get the fuck up out my face! You really have some fucking nerve. You wake up from the dead to be same annoying ass bitch that you were before! When I get back to Atlanta you don't worry about me or my child anymore."

She shook her head. "All you do is talk Onika... You ain't doing shit and you ain't taking my child either. So, let's just make that clear."

I pulled away from her and she grabbed me again this time pulling my by face close to hers.

"I love you too... I heard your voice everyday...I heard your cries...I heard your prayers...I heard everything. And you rode for me, you didn't have to, but you did. Yes, you could have pulled that plug at any time, you could have beat my ass like Helen did Charles. For God's sake you could have turned me every which way but loose, but you stayed. So, I know that you love me...You could talk that shit but you and I both know you're not going anywhere and I'm not either...You held me down unimaginably and to that I owe you, my life. I always knew you were a real one and I'm sorry for shutting you out. I need you mama I do..."

"Then why did you leave me— I mean us... Why did you leave us."

"I needed to get better... I didn't want to you seeing me like that. Learning how to walk and talk and shit."

"I've seen you at worst...."

"That's the point— Sometimes I wished you pulled the plug"

I stopped her. "Don't say that! Stop saying that!"

She turned her back to me to wipe her tears away.

"I can't help how I feel sometimes... Your life probably would have been better without me. That's why I set up everything in that event you and the kids wouldn't have worry about anything. And it still remains the same."

I came up behind her resting my hand on her back. I tried to formulate my words to say something, but I couldn't. She kept her head down which made me change positions so I could sit closer to her.

"I forgave you... All these years I thought I did but I hadn't. I do love you and care for you immensely. I love your kids like they're my own and I won't trade that type of love for the world. But you have a lot of trauma you need to work before we could even think about us..."

She looked up at me. "What trauma are you talking about?" She sounded a bit aggressive.

I bit on my thoughts not wanting to get Solange's ass whopped on this island.

"If you don't know I don't know." I spoke.

She stared at me for second before grabbing the blunt off the bed.

"You got close with sister since I've been dead. How's that going?" She said pulling on the blunt.

Shit— she knew I knew something.

"Uhhh well her and Lauren are fucking— so there's that. But she's an awesome aunt she's helped me tremendously."

She laid back in the bed not taking her eyes off of me. "Interesting..." was all she said handing me the blunt.

We laid silently next to each other taking turns smoking. I had to give her credit; her shit was good. I was bursting out laughing for no reason which made her look at me crazy for second.

"You good? Don't start tripping on me."

I was giggling like crazy—damn that shit was good.

"I'm straight." I said sliding over to look at her.

She looked even more beautiful; her skin was glowing, and her face was nice and full.

"Stop staring at me like that." She said flicking the roach over the balcony.

"Mhmm whatever." I said intertwining my fingers through on of her golden curls.

"Don't get frisky now Onika. This is the longest I went without fucking." She bluntly said.

"It had to take you resurrecting for that to happen. Interesting..."

"What you trying to say?"

"You're a whore Beyoncé."

She shrugged. "Tell me something I don't know."

That made me hit her chest. "Don't play with me!"

She laughed. "You need to keep your hands to yourself. Matter of fact you need to talk to Lauren. That was my fault, I don't want to come between you too. I know she means a lot to you."

I shook my head. "She had it coming to her... Lauren been on that snake shit."

She turned her body fully to me. "Let me guess the NDA shit with Robyn and I? That's where it started?"

I looked at her and rolled my eyes. "She knew everything..."

"And now you do too...Yet you're here with me, with your arms around the person who caused it all."

I looked down and noticed that I had my hand resting on her arm and moved it immediately. She pulled it back and kissed the back of it.

"Talk to her..."

"I'll talk to her when you talk to your disrespectful daughter."

She intertwined her fingers in mine. "I did...And she is remorseful about it. She loves the ground you walk on Onika. Again, that is all me. And apology should be waiting for you as soon as she gets up. Rumi as well, I know my princess could me handful."

I rolled my eyes again. "Ms. Rumi and her tantrums."

"Yea, I'm going to handle that promptly."

I sighed snuggling into her chest listening to my favorite thing her heart. The sun was about to rise. We watched the sunrise above the ocean in silence. Her arm caressed my back slowly. When the sun started beaming, we decided to bring the bed back inside. Well Beyoncé did, she lifted that bed up like it was nothing. I was the next thing she lifted to the bed.

We got comfortable in each other's arms. Sleep welcomed both of us within seconds.

About three hours later I felt like I was being pushed to the edge of the bed. When I tried turning over, I felt something heavy on back. Sir was sprawled over me, Papa was next to him, Blue slept in the middle and of course the star of the show laid right on top of her mom's chest.

Everyone was peacefully asleep, so I decided to pull Sir closer. I had no clue how all six of us was comfortable in this queen-sized bed. But we made it work and that's all that mattered. It didn't take long before I welcomed sleep again....

Some hours later the ringing my phone was driving me insane. I reached over to the nightstand and noticed it was going on 3 o' clock in the afternoon.

"Hello..." I tirelessly answered.

"Hey, did you make it back to Atlanta?" Solange asked.

"No, I'm at the villa."

"Ohhh....Is B there I've been trying to reach her all morning. I thought we were going the yacht today."

"Hold on... B??? B???"

Both her and Rumi's eyes shot opened.

"Wassup mama?"

"Solo wants talk to you." I said handing her the phone.

Rumi head popped up. "Tell Aunt Soso call back it to early." She said sleepily.

Beyoncé popped her before taking the phone.

I was tired to comprehend their conversation. It didn't last long before Bey got up and Rumi started her annual dramatics. I was so happy she followed Bey out the room with all that crying. Sir, Papa, Blue and I had the bed to ourselves that allotted more space for us to sleep.

About thirty minutes later Rumi busted back in the room. "MOMMY SAID WAKE UP! WAKE UP! WERE GOING ON THE BIG BOAT!!!"

Blue sat up with her aggravation matching mines. "Get out Rumi! You're so loud with your big mouth." Blue fussed throwing a pillow at her.

Now why did she do that? Rumi climbed up on the bed in rage throwing punches and Blue didn't hold back either. This was every morning routine with them and the way my headache was going I let them fight for a quick second.

"Okay let's pause!!!" I said getting up.

Before I could get between them Beyoncé busted in the room. "We ain't doing this shit today. Rumi get off of her NOW!" The way she growled at them made me hot.

I never witnessed anyone putting the little diva in check like that before.

"Go to my room before I give you the sweet ass whooping, you're looking for! Sir and Papa get up and follow me now." The boys got up and marched out behind their mom.

I got up off the bed to go start my routine not before Blues voice stopped me.

"Nika, can I talk to you please?"

I spun around to see her standing behind me already.

"Are you sure? Cause I'm pretty sure you hated me yesterday." I couldn't pass up the chance to be petty. Come on now I'm a Sagg.

"I am so sorry." She said looking down.

"Did your mom tell you to say that?" I asked folding my arms.

"No because if I didn't want to apologize I wouldn't it's a Capricorn thing. But I really am sorry— I appreciate for everything, and I was wrong. You're the best thing to a mom that I could ever ask for. You never had to love us the way that you did. You weren't obligated to love me, and you don't owe me and explanation. But I do love you and I appreciate you so much. I'm so sorry."

I sighed pulling her into a hug. "I love you too Blueberry. I will always love you." I said kissing the top of her head.

We hugged for what felt like forever until Rumi busted into the room tears.


"RUMI COME HERE!!" Beyoncé shouted from somewhere in the house.

Blue let me go to go tend to her sister.

"Come here I'm sorry." she cooed at her picking up a very angry Rumi.

"No, you're not you made mommy whoop me. You're a big meanie Blue. You should get whooped too!" She stressed.

Blue and Rumi went about their business while I went to take a shower. I felt so relieved since Beyoncé was back. For once I could get ready in peace without having to stop every 10 seconds to stop fights or rush anyone who tried to crawl back in bed to go to sleep.

I straightened my hair and decided to go with my white Dior two-piece bikini and a white denim wash booty short. I topped the look off with my white and blue Dior bucket hat with the sandals to match.

My makeup was light since I was expecting us to be in the sun. With a touch of lip-gloss I felt like the prettiest girl in the world.

I headed downstairs where the kids were having sandwiches. Beyoncé maneuvered around the kitchen in beautiful yellow summer dress that hugged her curves and exposed her chiseled muscular arms.

"You look nice." she said coming around to wipe Papa's face.

"Thanks, you too." I said taking a seat next to papa.

"Mommy made us turkey sandwiches." He smiled holding the sandwich up.

I smiled at him.

"The sprinter is outside, we'll be leaving a few." Beyoncé said disappearing up the stairs.

After the kids finished eating, I helped them clean before we went to the sprinter. Once we were all packed in, we made a stop to pick up Lauren and Solange. I sat all the way in the back with the kids, so I was glad she sat up front.

I wasn't ready to talk to her and preferred that we stayed distant for now.

When we arrived at the dock it was pretty busy. A lot of party goers were drunk out of their minds getting on their respective boats. We pulled up to a huge yacht that almost looked like a mini cruise ship.

As soon as the kids got on, they found the pool. I was comfortable leaving them since a lifeguard was on board. There were three bedrooms one occupying the master. The deck had a huge marble dinner table. There were waiters bringing more than enough for 9 people. There were fruit platters, chicken wings, freshly squeezed fruit juices, snacks for the kids, nachos, tacos, bottles of champagne, everything you could have imagined sat on that table.

After one round in the pool the kids got tired and opted to eat. They were so full and tired by the time we got out to sea I had changed them and put them down for a much-needed nap. While they slept, I made back out to the deck where both sisters were sitting sipping on champagne.

"Where Lauren at?" I asked sitting down next to Bey.

"She's taking a nap, which I'm about to go wake her up." Solange said with a sneaky grin.

"Don't wake up my kids with all that moaning." Beyoncé warned.

"Whatever Juju ain't like you be waking them up with that shit too." She said waving her off.

Beyoncé gave her finger before turning to me.

"You want something to drink?"

"Yea sure."

She called a waiter over who was happy to bring me a drink menu. I settled for the rum punch and a shot of Henny.

"Let's go up top and watch the sunset." Beyoncé suggested.

I agreed as she took my hand, she had whispered something to waiter. He nodded with a smiled and walked away.

We went to the very top of the yacht where there was comfortable sectional. I took a seat next to her in taking the beauty that the island had to offer. I snuggled under Beyoncé watching the sunset. The waiter appeared again with a bottle of Ace of Spades chilling on ice and small blue bag.

He popped the champagne open pouring us both glasses. Beyoncé dug into the bag and turnt to me. It was a small ring box, she handed it me which made me look at her very confused.

"Open it." She pressured.

I opened it and my eyes lit up at the rose-pink heart shaped diamond cut ring. It was literally a big ass pink rock.

"Oh my God B this is beautiful...Wait what is it? I'm not marrying you."

She laughed. "You're not marrying yet- correction. It's a promise ring Onika, that's my promise to you that I'm going to do better. Not only for you but myself and my kids."

She took the ring and slipped it on my left ring finger followed by a kiss on the back of hand. I pulled her into a warm hug. Our lips were about to meet when...


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