100 girlfriends X COTE

Por YukiMichi_

542 44 41

One day Atsoumi got a visit from a god, that bore good new for some, and bad news for him. The next day Kiyot... Más

Chap 1


359 30 34
Por YukiMichi_

100 Girlfriends!

Saturday 2012/04/14

Kiyopon POV…

Love, what is so special about it?

Love is a profound and universal emotion that has captivated humanity throughout history.

It encompasses a range of feelings, from deep affection and care, to passion and devotion.

Love has the power to bring people together, fostering connections and inspiring acts of kindness and selflessness.

It transcends boundaries, be it cultural, social, or personal, and has the ability to bridge differences and unite individuals in a shared experience of empathy and understanding.

At its core, love is a transformative force that enriches others lives and gives people a sense of purpose and fulfillment.

It fuels others desire to connect with others on a deeper level and forms the foundation of meaningful relationships.

Love can also manifest in various forms, including romantic love, familial love, and platonic love, each with its own unique dynamics and expressions.

It can bring joy, happiness, and a sense of belonging, but it can also be accompanied by vulnerability and the potential for heartache.

And some would say that it's the feelings you get from love that makes everything worth it, while others say it's the person you feel love for that makes everything better.

While others dislike love, saying that it leads to nothing except delusions, heartbreak, and despair.

Nobody can really say that love is something easy, love is hard for some people, and confusing for others.

Some don't understand love, they don't understand why they feel a certain way around certain people.

They don't understand why their heart aches when the person they love is with another.

They don't understand anything at all about love.

But me…

…I understand love yet I can't feel it, ever since I was younger I was incapable of feeling emotions.

Whether it be joy, too rage, I felt nothing.

I could understand everything about others emotions yet I never had my own.

It never mattered what happened.

It never mattered who it happened to.

I would never feel a thing, not once, not ever.

And in the end, all emotions became hindrances to me.

And love just became a potential tool or strategy to achieve certain goals or manipulate situations.

It's incredibly easy to use someone when they've fallen in love, especially with all the vulnerabilities it exposes and the potential for manipulation or exploitation.

Someone who is in love becomes blind to what the person they love does.

They don't care, it doesn't matter to them, all they cared about was the person they love, that's all.

So I would rather use someone who is in love, then fall in love and be used.

But even so.

I could never imagine myself pretending to love, it has no use, other emotions are much easier to manipulate than love.

So even when I grow old and senile I could never imagine myself loving someone.

But then how did I get in this situation?

"Hey! You done with your emo monologue, cause it's rude to ignore a god."

"Ahh readers, you must be confused about what's happening right now, so instead of me having to explain I'll just show you how we got here."

Air-chans POV…


Atsoumi was in his office going over the data from the generations.

When suddenly there was an earthquake.

'It's just an earthquake, nothing to concern myself over.' Atsoumi thought as he continued reviewing the data.

But then everything went dark.

Everything was gone, the shelves, desk, computer, chair, Atsoumi was just floating in an endless darkness.

"Ayanokoji Atsoumi I'll make this short since you're a busy man." A voice said.

"And who are you exactly?" Atsoumi asked, the sternness in his voice still there.

"I am what humans would call a god, to be more precise a god of love."

"And what would a god of love need with me? I have never loved before so you're wasting your time." Atsoumi said glaring at the god.

"It's not that I need something from you,bi need something from your son, what was his name again… oh yes Kiyotaka." The god said.

"And what would you need with him exactly?" Atsoumi asked.

"Well you see something incredibly urgent came up that caused me to make a mistake." The god said, fidgeting his fingers.

"And what is so urgent that it causes a god to make a mistake, and how does it involve Kiyotaka?" Atsoumi asked glaring at the god

"The truth is… originally, each human should only have one "soulmate." " The god said.

"Continue." Atsoumi said in a demanding tone.

"And you see, they were playing "laputa" on kinyo roadshow, and I may have or may have not accidentally put two extra digits for Kiyotaka." The god said, shutting his eyes.

"Is that all?" Atsoumi said.

"Y-yes." the god said, slightly downhearted.

"I don't see how that's a problem, Kiyotaka is never going to leave, so there is no point in worrying about soulmates." Atsoumi said.

The god was slightly taken aback before regaining his composure.

"I see…I have to apologize, but I knew this would happen so I had to add a special condition before coming here…" The god said.

"Excuse me." Atsoumi said, his eyebrow raising.

"You see, I am perfectly fine with a human not meeting their soulmate, it takes a lot of luck to due so, but as the god of love I am not okay with that being taken away, you son is merely a child and my mistakes have caused him to have 100 soulmates, usually I'd be fine with that, the chances of him meeting even one is very slim, but being forced here forever and never even getting the chance is what I'm against, so I added a rule that if Kiyotaka isn't taken out of this place in a day after my arrival, he will die." The god said.

"Huh, and why would I care? I have many others that could replace him, and besides you're a god it's none of your business to get involved." Atsoumi said.

"I know you Atsoumi, I know how you think, and I know that Kiyotaka is too valuable to you for you to throw away, I know that even after centuries no body will be as good as him, and you may be correct I am a god and this is none of my business… Usually, but this is my mistake, and so I plan to help him, even if it means killing him, freedom isn't limited to not being chained down to someone, death is also a type of freedom, and if he will never get the freedom to meet his soulmates, I will gladly give him death." The god said.

Atsoumi glared at the god, visible anger all over his face.

Atsoumi sighed.

"Fine, I will have him out of the White room before the end of the day." Atsoumi said.

'I can still have him train, I'll just have to find out how.' Atsoumi thought.

'And besides, he requires social training anyways.' Atsoumi thought as his surroundings began going back to normal.

"Glad we could come to an agreement, Atsoumi." The god said.

Atsoumi's surroundings went back to normal as he looked at the time to see how long had passed.

'The time is the same, guess that really was a god.' Atsoumi thought as he let out a long sigh.

Atsoumi held a button down as it turned on the speakers.

"SEND 4-0-1 TO MY OFFICE, NOW." Atsoumi let go of the button, causing the speakers to turn off.

Two of the guards hurriedly went to get Kiyotaka.

Once they got there one of them used their key card to open the door.

"4-0-1 come with us, the professor wants you." Guard 1 said.

Kiyotaka looked at them with blank eyes as he walked towards them.

Even though was walking so slowly and had no signs of attacking the guards were still scared.

Kiyotaka stopped in front of them.

"What are you waiting for, we have to go." Kiyotaka said.

The guards shook off their thoughts as one walked behind Kiyotaka as they led him to Atsoumi's office.

Kiyotaka with blank eyes looked around the white halls staring at other generations.

After a short while of walking they made it to Atsoumi's office.

One of the guards knocked on the door.

"Come in." a voice from inside said.

One of the guards opened the door and pushed Kiyotaka inside.

The guard closed the door as they took their stance on both sides of the door.

"Kiyotaka I'll make this short, you're being taken out of the white room." Atsoumi said.

Kiyotaka was surprised, though not really.

"May I ask why." Kiyotaka said.

"Some unexpected external forces got involved, causing me to have to take you out of the white room." Atsoumi said.

"I see, and where will I go?" Kiyotaka asked.

"You'll be taken to one of my mansions, you will go to a normal school, and you will learn to interact with others." Atsoumi said.

"Understood." Kiyotaka replied.

"I will have Tsukishiro observe you to make sure you do nothing unexpected." Atsoumi said.

"Understood." Kiyotaka said once again.

"That is all, as soon as you walk out of this room Tsukishiro will be waiting for you." Atsoumi said.

Kiyotaka merely nodded as he turned around and walked out of the room.

As soon as he walked out he saw Tsukishiro looking at him with a bone chilling smile.

"Let's get going, we don't want any accidents to happen." Tsukishiro said as he guided Kiyotaka out of the white room.

Kiyotaka looked around to see the same sights he first saw.

White, everything around him was white, but something felt different about this white.

"Let us hurry before the snow thickens." Tsukishiro said, opening a card door.

Kiyotaka got into the car as Tsukishiro opened the driver's door.

Tsukishiro turned on the engine as the car began going forward.

"This will take a while, so sleep if you'd like." Tsukishiro said.

After a while Kiyotaka feels the car stop as he wakes up.

Kiyotaka looked around to see a completely different place.

A place vibrant in colors.

Tsukishiro got out of the car as he opened the door for Kiyotaka.

Kiyotaka got out of the car as he looked towards the mansion.

'So this is where I'll be staying for now, it's quite a nice place.' Kiyotaka thought as he walked towards the mansion.

Tsukishiro was right behind him, as he went in front of him to open the door.

Once the door was opened Kiyotaka saw an old man making a meal.

"Ah! I apologize for not being able to greet you Ayanokoji-sama." The old man apologized.

"It's fine." Kiyotaka said.

"I am your butler for as long as you stay here, my name is Matsuo." Matsuo said, giving a polite bow to Kiyotaka.

"It's very nice to meet you, Ayanokoji-sama." Matsuo said.

"Likewise." Kiyotaka said.

"Would you like to eat now, or would you prefer I show you to your room?" Matsuo asked.

"I'll eat." Kiyotaka replied.

"Understood." Matsuo said.

"Would you also like to eat Tsukishiro?" Matsuo asked.

"I'll pass, I still have some business to take care of." Tsukishiro replied.

"Alright." Matsuo said.

Matsuo gathered some plates and served kiyotaka and himself.

After the food was served they said grace and began eating.

Once they finished the food Matsuo offered to show Kiyotaka his room.

Kiyotaka accepted as they began walking up the stairs.

"And this will be your room Ayanokoji-sama." Matsuo said, opening a door.

"Alright, thank you." Kiyotaka said, walking into his room.

"It's no problem at all." Matsuo said, closing the door.

Kiyotaka laid down, putting his arm over his eyes.

Kiyotaka let out a sigh as he thought about the actions that have taken place.

Suddenly there was a knock on his door and the door opened, revealing Tsukishiro.

"Do you need something?" Kiyotaka asked.

"Ah, I'm just here to tell you that you have school in 2 days." Tsukishiro said.

"Alright." Kiyotaka said.

Tsukishiro closed the door.

Kiyotaka stayed in his bed as he began drifting off to sleep.

'School… I wonder what it's like.' Kiyotaka thought as he fell asleep.


A couple hours passed and Kiyotaka woke up.

Kiyotaka got up from his bed and headed towards the restroom to take a shower.

After Kiyotaka's shower he got dressed and decided to head downstairs.

'hmm, no one is up, well that to be expected it's quite early.' Kiyotaka thought.

'I might as well look around.' Kiyotaka thought as he opened the front door.

Kiyotaka walked outside, and was hit by a gentle breeze.

Kiyotaka looked up towards the sky.

"Pretty…" Kiyotaka said in a quiet voice.

Kiyotaka walked around the yard and stopped when he reached a big gate.

'Well this puts a stump in my adventure.' Kiyotaka thought.

'Doesn't matter.' Kiyotaka thought, as he hopped over the gate.

Kiyotaka walked down the sidewalk until he reached a shrine.

'A shrine, this is where people offer stuff to gods and ring that bell.' Kiyotaka thought.

'I wanna try but I have nothing to offer, hmmmm, I can just come back and give an offering later, I'm sure nobody will mind if I ring this bell.' Kiyotaka thought as he walked towards the shrine and began swinging the big rope.

'Well that was anticlimactic.' Kiyotaka thought.

'Who am I kidding, gods don't exist.' Kiyotaka thought as he was about to walk away.

"Wait!" A voice said.

Kiyotaka turned around and saw a male face coming out of the offering box

Usually people would be freaking out by this sight, believing they've gone insane, but not Kiyotaka.

He merely slightly tilted his head but still had his blank face.

'I appear to be seeing things, but I don't remember having any problems with my head.' Kiyotaka thought.

"No you're not seeing things." The man said.

'Great, now I'm hearing and seeing things, am I going through epileptic shock?' Kiyotaka wondered.

"No you're not, I'm 101% real." The man said.

"That's hard to believe since 1, you're phasing through a solid object, 2, you're reading my mind, and 3, you just look weird." Kiyotaka said.

"Are you a ghost by chance? If so, I know the perfect person for you to haunt." Kiyotaka said.

"No! I am not a ghost, I am a god, and to be frank you're just plain rude." The god said.

"You, a god, that's hard to believe." Kiyotaka said.

"And why's that? As you said I'm phasing through objects, and I can read your mind." The god said.

"Well if you are a god, why haven't you cured world hunger, racism, abuse, murder, crimes in general, wars, fighting, and those terrible prank videos on YouTube." Kiyotaka said.

"Simple, those belong to different gods, but I am the god of love." The god proudly proclaimed.

"Then why appear in front of me, if you are a god you should know I am incapable of loving." Kiyotaka said.

"Well you see, I may have made an itsy bitsy mistake." The god said.

"A god making a mistake, how wonderful." Kiyotaka said.

"For someone who doesn't have emotions you are rather sarcastic." The god said.

"Sure, anyways what is the mistake you made and why does it involve me." Kiyotaka said.

"I may have accidentally given you 100 soulmates." The god said.

End of Flashback…

"Welcome back to the original timeline my strange readers." The god said.

"Hey! You done with your emo monologue, cause it's rude to ignore a god." The god said, crossing his arms and pouting.

"Ew, and yes I am done." Kiyotaka said.

"Rude, and good, now as I was saying I accidentally gave you 100 soulmates." The god said.

"And how do you "accidentally" give someone 100 soulmates?" Kiyotaka asked.

"You see… they were playing "laputa" on kinyo roadshow, and it was getting good, but I accidentally put two extra digits on the amount of soulmates you get." The god said.

"I see." Kiyotaka said, rubbing his chin.

"And why are you telling me about this in the first place?" Kiyotaka asked.

"Simple, tomorrow you will meet your soulmate." The god said.

"And how many exactly, you said I have 100, so just saying,"soulmate" isn't much help." Kiyotaka said.

"I can not tell you, it would ruin the plot." The god said.

"Plot?" Kiyotaka said in a curious tone while tilting his head.

"But besides that, why should I care if I meet my soulmate, I can't feel love so it won't matter." Kiyotaka said.

"You see, once two soulmates meet the girl will fall in love instantly, but the boy will fall in love gradually, and if they are unable to live a happy life together, the girl will die of strange causes." The god said.

"And how is that my problem?" Kiyotaka asked.

"Eh, the girl will die, that isn't a good thing, so you should make her happy so she doesn't die." The god said.

"That still isn't my problem, and like you said I have 100, losing one won't do much." Kiyotaka said.

'I almost forgot, he isn't like other humans, he doesn't feel emotions, he won't care about what happens to anyone as long as it doesn't involve him.' The god thought.

'IDEA.' The god thought.

"Fine, since you want to be that way, I'll change it slightly, if you guys are unable to live a happy life, the girl won't die, you will." The god said.

"Then I'll just snap my neck right now, problem solved." Kiyotaka said as he placed his hands on the side of his head.

"Waaaaaait, if you manage to make all 100 of them happy forever, I'll give you whatever you want." The god said.

"Too much work, no thanks." Kiyotaka said as he continued with what he was doing.

'This generation is so greedy.' The god thought.

"Fine, if you manage to make all 100 of them happy, I will give you whatever you want, and I can give you everything you never had." The god said.

"Oh?" Kiyotaka moved his hands away from his head as he paid attention to the god.

"Yes I can give you anything you want and everything you've never had, whether it be emotions, a loving family, freedom, or even a normal life, I can make it all happen." The god said.

"And how can I know you'll stay by your word." Kiyotaka said.

"A god can never break their vow, and if they do they will face heavenly punishment." The god said.

"Alright, then I accept." Kiyotaka said.

The god sighed in relief.

"And if you're lying about the heavenly punishment, I'll just burn down every one of your shrines to a crisp." Kiyotaka said as he began walking away.

The god rubbed his temple as he sighed again.

"Kids these days." The god said in exasperation.

"And one more question." Kiyotaka said stopping.

"And what would that be." The god said.

"How will I know when I meet my soulmate?" Kiyotaka asked.

"You'll feel a zap- no it's more like a zing." The god explained.

"Good to know." Kiyotaka said as he continued walking home.

'That was surprisingly easy.' Kiyotaka thought.


words: 3231


anyways I made this story for fun so don't expect many long chaps or serious scenes.

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