Hard love (Sharky x y/n)

By Betasquads09xx

56.7K 472 257

Aj's sister moves in and someone starts to have eyes for her but does anything happen? do they stay together... More

Part 1
Part 2
part 3
part 4
part 5
Part 6
Part 7
part 8
Part 9
Part 11
Part 12
part 13
part 14
Part 15
Part 16
part 17
part 18
part 19
part 20!
part 21
part 22
Part 23
part 24
part 25
part 26
part 27
part 28
part 29
part 30!
part 31
part 32
part 33

part 10

1.6K 16 8
By Betasquads09xx

*you wake up because of sharky moving and you being laid on top of him meant he was moving to*
"stop moving and let me sleep." *you mumble tired*
"sorry love" *he says in his morning voice*
Fuck why is his morning voice so hot. Especially when he calls me love
*you yawn and slowly sit up and move of him*
"hey hey hey you didnt have to do that"-sharky
*he then pulls you back onto him*
"sorry" *you say and giggle, you then grab my phone checking the groupchat* "oh my god sharky."
"check the groupchat"
"okay..?"-sharky *you then see him grab his phone and look at the groupchat* "fucks sake"
*you start typing on the groupchat*

The best squad

what the fuck guys?
leave us to sleep in peace
Not when your
all cuddly n cute like that

You guys are weird

And you two
need to get together

Fuck of

*you then turn you phone of tired of their shit*
*the rest of the boys come downstairs*
"morning love birds"-kenny
"shut the fuck up ill scrap all of you"
"no thanks"-aj
"exactly now shush"
"whats the plan for today boys?"-sharky
"match the child to the parent"-chunkz
"and get ready we leave in 20 minutes y/n your joining us today"-aj
"and ive only got 20 minutes to get ready?!" *you instantly get up running upstairs and getting dressed*

*you decide on this outfit and straighten you put on some air forces and go downstairs with your make up bag in your hand*
"ill have to do my make up on the way lets go" *you and chunkz go in sharkys car and you sit in the front so you can use the mirror in the bit that comes down (idk what its called)*
"you dont need make up"-sharky
"but i want it" *you say opening your bag and putting some primer on first*
"whats that?"-chunkz
"what does it do"-chunkz
"helps make up stay on longer"
*you then start doing foundation wincing when blending in by the bruise*
"and whats that?"-chunkz
"what does it do"-chunkz
"covers any spots and makes your face look better"
*you then get concealer putting it under your eyes and then blend that*
"whats that?"-chunkz
"this is concealer n before you ask it gives some colour to face and highlights it a bit"
*you then get some bronzer out and put that on your jaw bone*
"whats thattt?"-chunkz
"bronzer. colours your face"
*you then get blush out putting it on your cheeks and tip of your nose*
"i know that its blush!"-chunkz
"well done"
*you then fill in your eyebrows*
"this makes your eyebrows look better"
*you say as you see from the corner of you eye he opened his mouth to ask*
*you then curl your eyelashes and put mascara on*
"thats to make your eyelashes longer aint it?"-chunkz
*you get your highlighter and sharky places his hand on your thigh quite high up*
"shut up."
*you put the highlighter in the corner of your eyes and tip of your nose*
"whats that"
"highlighter it makes your face shiny"
*your finally done and just as you finish you arrive at the place, you get out going into the building kenny aj and niko just behind you*
*you all get ready to film and sit at the table*

A/n:i started writing them shooting in this chapter but it wouldve been so long if i did so ill copy n paste it to the next chapter and finish it! also i keep forgetting to put this but all the outfits i put in these storys you can obviously imagine something else! This is just my style and not everyone has that style so imagine what you would like! and let me know if you want anything in this story x

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