
By sleepingatlast66

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When Masters Harry and Zayn find their marriage and life as they knew it poisoned by the very thing they had... More



383 21 6
By sleepingatlast66

"I'd love to have you come for dinner," Harry offers switching the phone to speaker placing it next to him on the rug.

He sat on his knees in Liam's room sorting through his clothes attempting to find the old smaller ones he originally had planned to donate. While Harry couldn't wait to take the new one out shopping in full, his original trip ending short and only meant for a few outfits to last them until Zayn got back, Harry knew he needed to bide his time when bringing his newest out into the public eye.

He's reminded of Niall's homecoming in the media, the haunting images floating around of Zayn's skirting about with the new Skip, the rumor of divorce dripping in the background on a non-stop loop in Harry's brain.

He refused to live through that again, and he wouldn't stoop low enough to put Zayn through that.

"What would I do with Charlie?"

"Bring him," Harry encourages only half listening to his sister's protests on the very idea of bringing her new submissive to dinner, his eyes are fixated on a shirt he'd pulled from the bottom of Liam's dresser stuffed in the back under a pile of sheets, he feels tears pool in his eyes seeing the worn printed words on the fabric, Big Brother, swallowing past the burning lump in his throat he sighs, "Did I do the right thing?"

Gemma's one-sided argument with herself is cut short, she hums on the other line in question, "Having second thoughts?"

"No," Harry mutters lowering the shirt to his lap, the darkening fabric revealing the tears that coursed down his cheeks from the memory of giving Liam the shirt.

"God," he sniffles using the fabric to dab at his eyes, "I-I just don't understand where it all went wrong," 

"No one can handle a skip that refuses to submit," Gemma assures knowing from experience, Charlie had been signed for three months ago, and the woman had originally planned on getting a skip, however, seeing Niall and how he tormented her brother changed her mind entirely.

"I'll come for dinner," she adds, "I'll get Collin to watch Charlie," 

Pulling open the bedroom door, Louis shuffles into the hallway checking to see if Harry was standing there. He swallows past the burning lump in his throat stepping closer to the stairs, pausing once more to scan his surroundings. He expected the master to pop up at any second.

Reaching the stairs, Louis takes a shaky inhale glancing at the foyer below, coast was clear.

Taking the steps one at a time, Louis freezes when the silence is interrupted by a voice he'd heard all morning, a voice that he thought belonged to a man that wanted to sign him to fuck him, not to fuck with him and make him a fucking toddler.

Hardening his glare, Louis mentally prepared the argument he planned to have with said man, he cleared his throat following the man's voice until he stood in a room lined with bookcases, Harry sitting on a chair facing the windows, he was on the phone, his look flickering from outside to the boy that had just stormed in.

The emerald eyes meet the oceanic orbs, "Hi baby,"

"I'm not your baby,"

"Gem, I'll see you at dinner," ending his conversation, Harry stands from the chair offering Louis a smile, "Did you have a good nap?"

"W-where is my file? You-you said-"


"Don't say, Daddy," Louis whines closing the gap between the pair in the room once he spots his file on an end table next to the sofa, Harry retrieves it before the boy can, he keeps it to his chest motioning for Louis to appease him first by having a look around the room, "This is our sitting room," the man announces, "Mostly where we read," he gestures toward the bookcases lining the walls, "Do not stack Daddy's books, they're just for reading," he muses, "You'll have blocks-"

"I-I do-don't need fucking blocks-" Louis' rant is cut short when Harry grabs his bicep turning him sideways and landing three punishing smacks in quick succession, "You don't need what?"

Ripping from his new owner's hold, Louis stands glaring at him, "T-toys, b-blocks, naps, baths!-" Louis begins to list, tears forming in his eyes from frustration, he wants to think back to his life six hours ago how his only concern was how not to get a paddling that day and what he and Ashton would do to kill time until they went to the rec room for free time.

Now he stands ready to wage war against a man he threw a fit over thinking he wasn't adopting him, wishing he'd been smarter and not even opened his fucking mouth to him in the first place. Clearly the handsome man he felt confident enough to flirt with was fucking insane and wanted a toddler, something Louis was not.

Something educated skips wasn't. That was a submissive role at best. 

Louis gasps at his own thought, he lifts his hands in surrender, "My-my file," he whimpers his eyebrows knitting together in concern, "Please, p-please c-can we read it?" Harry's face softens at the beg, he nods taking a seat on the sofa patting the seat next to him for the boy, "We can, baby,"

The skip feels a bit of ease seeing the man not patting his lap as a seat option, he exhales taking the seat with a gulp, instinctively pulling his knees to his chest he brings his bottom lip between his teeth suppressing comments of his worry.

Harry opens the file extending his hand across the back of the sofa incidentally causing Louis to fall into his side, the boy takes no notice his breath hitching as he scans the papers from his view, "Your name, Louis Malik-"

"T-Tomlinson," Louis whispers the tears already slipping from his cheeks, he reaches shaky hands toward the file, Harry pulling him closer as he brings the file to the smaller one's lap, "Louis Malik," he repeats tapping where the name had been printed, Louis sniffles using his finger to trace the name, "You were signed for sweets, that changes your name," Louis knew it didn't, only it certain cases did that apply as it meant all rights had been signed away, and as a registered educated skip that couldn't happen unless Louis revoked his rights himself.

"Tag, skip-"

"I-I'm a skip," Louis confirms, he remembers his original argument and wants to make it when his eyes drift further along the document, Harry smirks knowing he'd caught on by now, "Registered as-"

"Uneducated," Louis' breathless whisper of the word ends with a sob, he lets the document slide off his lap returning his knees to his chest as he buries his head in his arms wailing. He had been told the horror stories of agencies allowing skips to be marked uneducated because they were unruly.

Ashton had warned him.

Luke had warned him.

His mother had warned him. If his behavior didn't change, didn't lessen, it could become his reality.

It finally fucking happened.

Pushing the dominant that attempted to console him off him, Louis begs to be left alone, the older one cooing, "Baby we did exactly as you wanted, we read your file," Harry reminded, "Now we have to get ready, aunt Gemma is coming over for dinner,"

Louis howls at the name leaping from the sofa, "Take-take me back!" he begs, "Ta-take me-me back, pl-please, please ta-take me back!"

Harry rises retrieving the folder from the floor, he tucks all the paper back in setting it on the end table once more, "The only place you'll be going back to is Daddy's bed for another nap if you don't stop this fit," Harry warns extending his hand for the boy to take, "This is a big change for you, I understand, but you're not making this any easier on yourself,"

"I don't want to be a baby!" Louis shrieks his sobs increasing in volume as he crumples to his knees admitting his worst fear, he was petrified of being stuck in a locked headspace, he'd seen it on field trips to parks where submissive's acted like children or younger, at one point Louis might've envied them but only because they had a caring owner definitely not because he wanted to be them!

Harry can only smile as he bends down lifting the boy to his hip, he sways with him pressing countless kisses to his cheeks until they have a rosy tint to them, "that's not a decision you get to make sweetheart,"

He leaves the room returning upstairs with the boy still bawling in his arms about his new life, Harry shushes him laying him on the bed he'd napped in, "I think you still have some fussiness to sort out," tugging Louis' pants off, the boy thrashes, "No-no, no no no no!" Kicking at the man, the daddy works around the struggle removing Louis' nappy and securing a new one, he leaves his pants off him for the time being, returning him to his arms and bringing him toward the window in the room continuing to sway with him, "There we go," he hums seeing the skip start to calm down, "Submission is always the best way to go."

Stepping away from the window, Harry laid Louis back down on the bed pulling the blankets to his chin, "You were so wanted," he adds tapping the end of Louis' nose, using the back of his hand to dry the rest of the oncoming tears that slipped down his rosy cheeks, "You-you c-can take me back," Louis croaks wincing at his voice cracking, "I would never take you back." Harry bends down pressing a final kiss to Louis' forehead, "You're mine forever, baby boy,"


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