
By sleepingatlast66

10.9K 545 236

When Masters Harry and Zayn find their marriage and life as they knew it poisoned by the very thing they had... More



484 19 16
By sleepingatlast66

"Who's the pretentious prick?"

"I'm surprised you know what pretentious means," Ashton mutters glancing at his friend, "That's a buyer," Louis raises an eyebrow at the information, "He wants a skip?"

"Yep," Popping the P, Ashton clears his throat motioning for his owner Luke, he hides his smile seeing the master stroll over with a grin, "You know we're not allowed to-"

"Who's richy over there?" Ashton asks to the point, the coy smirk on his owner fading as he glances over his shoulder toward the new Master in the room, "Harry Malik," Louis steps between the owner and skip, "What's he want?"

"A skip obviously," Luke retorts, he had worked at the agency for five years before buying his skip three months ago. The agency had great benefits for their members and often encouraged buying from within the firm, it wasn't truly allowed but part of Luke's buying agreement had a clause that allowed him to bring his skip Ashton into work with him.

He wasn't truly ready to be a stay-at-home skip, and Luke respected that enough by allowing the boy to come to work with him and help around the agency, the master knew it also allowed him to see his best friend who likely wouldn't ever be bought and eventually would be reassigned to a submissive when he had his skip DNA beat out of him.

Luke's eyes flicker from Louis to Harry, "You might be his type," he muses, he had the clerk Shanna bring all the new masters into the not-so-publicly categorized "unruly" skip room hoping to deplete his stock, and figuring seeing the masters his "unruly" skips were missing out on might encourage them to correct their behavior before he had to paddle them.

Louis grimaces, his eyebrows furrowed in judgment, "I'm sure," he snorts turning from the pair and directing his attention to the tower of books he'd spent the morning stacking. He was quite proud to see how far he'd gotten and had all intentions of continuing knowing it was Ashton's job to keep them sorted.

"Lou," the boy groans seeing what his friend had done, the younger one smirking devilishly, "Did I do something wrong Mr.Ashy?" he coos jutting his bottom lip out in mock sympathy, Ashton rolls his eyes, "I know where Luke keeps the paddle," Louis sucks his bottom lip back in glaring, "You're supposed to be my friend-" his argument is cut short when his eyes snap to the body that appeared at his side, "Books are usually meant for reading, not building," the man jokes, his honey-silk voice capturing both skips that gulp backing away from his unannounced entrance into their space.

Louis bends down grabbing another book from the case, "I-I gave it a new meaning," he inquires placing it on top of the growing tower, "That actually makes me smarter t-than the books," he adds handing Harry one, "Try it,"

The master chuckles setting the book on the pile, "I feel smarter already,"

"What are you looking for?" Louis asks suddenly, he pauses from grabbing books, his eyebrows knitted together in a mixture of genuine curiosity and fear the man would describe something Louis wasn't.

"A skip,"

Louis brightens at the two words, he was a skip, "Why a skip?" Harry pats the top of the tower silently requesting another book, "I hear they're smarter,"

The skip blushes pulling his bottom lip between his teeth, he inhales softly stacking another book on top, "I've heard that."

Harry hums in reply stepping away from the tower, "I'm Harry,"

"Louis," the skip replies frowning at the loss of attention when their eyes drift apart, he feels Ashton's hands squeeze his arms supportively, the pair watches the man continue strolling through the room not speaking to the other skips besides a small hi before he makes his way to the door.

Louis' chest tightens, he freezes with a book trapped tightly in his hand silently begging for the man to call for him, he was deathly intrigued - he needs to know more about this Harry character. Was he worth submitting for?

Harry's hand rests on the doorknob, he speaks words Louis can't hear to the front desk clerk next to him, the skip gasps seeing the man turn once more to him, he offers a smile, "Goodbye Louis,"

Louis remains mute feeling his heart sink, tears prick his eyes, he sniffles letting himself be pulled into a hug by Ashton, "He seemed like a prick anyway," Luke even rubs the skips back soothingly, "Not every dominant can decide in one day," he reminds knowing personally it took him five months before he picked Ashton.

Although honestly, Luke knew he wanted the boy the second he laid eyes on him.

Deflating, Louis kicks at his tower watching the books tumble off each other, "Louis," he hears one of the attendants warn, "Fuck off," he mutters crouching down to grab the books through his blurry vision, he sniffles again to mask the sound, "Did he just say-?" Before Bethany can scold him further, Louis stands tossing the books in had collected in his hands toward her, "I did! I said fuck you, Bethany," he snarls glaring at her, Luke steps between them, "Louis you know better-"

"Lukie he's ups-"

"Ashton stay out of this, Louis come with me," Luke barks turning on his heel storming to the door, Louis rolls his eyes adjusting his clothes, he plasters a smirk nodding toward Ashton, "Be right back-"

"Lewis, now!" Luke bellows, "Fuck off I'm coming," he returns, Bethany smacking his backside when he passes her, "Did you really think he would want a skip like you?"

Louis' mask crumbles, he asks himself the question daily of why he hadn't been adopted yet, but hearing it come from someone he despised hurt him more than he expected.

"Aw, did I hurt the skips feelings?"

"Beth, enough," Luke growls, he's moved from his spot at the door to Louis' side grabbing his wrist, he tugs him getting him to walk, pulling him from the room.

"L-Luke I'm sorry-" Louis starts, the master shaking his head, "You know the rules," Louis nods letting his chin touch his chest, he keeps his eyes focused on the floor as the two pass through the hallway into the main lobby, each Master had to get permission before punishing a Skip past a paddling, Louis knew the process all too well of what happened when you cursed.

Shifting on his feet in the lobby, Louis is close to tears again when he sees a body appear in the lobby looking concerned, "What are you doing out here?"

"H-Harry?" Louis choked out, "It's Master, but yes, why are you out here?" he repeated his question extending his hand toward the boy, "I-I," Louis stuttered shuffling anxiously on his feet, he didn't want to admit to the man he'd thrown nothing short of a tantrum when he left the room and didn't proclaim that he wanted him.

Luke returns to the room with a bar of soap and belt doubled over in his hand, he freezes furrowing his eyebrows seeing Harry standing in front of the boy, "Mr.Malik can I help-"

"I'm signing for him in the other room, what's happened?" Harry announces, Louis gasping hearing the words, his heartbeat quickens as he smiles, "Y-you adopted me?" Louis asks his hands extending toward the man, "Yo-you wanted me?" Harry can't help but coo at the small question, he pulls the skip into his arms pressing his lips to his forehead, "Every bit of you baby," Harry assures, he meets Luke's awaiting eyes, "Was that for him?"

"He cursed, and threw books at a member of our staff," Luke reports narrowing his stare at the boy who blushes at his actions hanging his head, Harry chuckles, "Sounds like he's just ready for nap time,"

Louis' blush floods from his face, he pales meeting the man's warm smile, he feels an eerie chill fill his body as his blood runs cold, his oceanic eyes meet Luke's that brighten at the words, "Most likely, good luck Lou, we'll miss you."

Harry's hand snakes tighter around the boy, he kisses his crown again, "I just have to finish signing, and then we can go," 


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