A New Masterpiece (COTE x OC)

By kinato_

121K 5.5K 1.9K

Kiyotaka Ayanokouji, the masterpiece of the Whiteroom, an unchallenged existence in this world, with unfathom... More

Chapter 1 - The Opening
Chapter 2 - First Introductions
Chapter 3 - The Student Council President
Chapter 4 - An Unusual Outing
Chapter 5 - Class Leaders
Chapter 6 - Revelations
Chapter 7 - Study Group
Chapter 8 - A New Goal
Chapter 9 - Midterms
Chapter 10 - Bad News
Chapter 11 - The Trial
Chapter 12 - Silver Lining
SS.1 - Growth (Horikita)
Chapter 13 - A Break
Chapter 14 - Deserted Island Exam (1)
Chapter 15 - Deserted Island Exam (2)
Chapter 16 - Deserted Island Exam (3)
Chapter 17 - Deserted Island Exam (4)
Chapter 18 - Deserted Island Exam (5)
Chapter 19 - Deserted Island Exam (6)
Chapter 20 - Deserted Island Exam (Finale)
Chapter 21 - A Day Off
Chapter 22 - Zodiac Exam (1)
Chapter 23 - Zodiac Exam (2)
Chapter 24 - Zodiac Exam (3)
Chapter 25 - Zodiac Exam (Finale)
Chapter 26 - Sazae-san Syndrome
Chapter 27 - The Beginning
Chapter 28 - A Leader
Chapter 29 - Ability
SS.2 - Behind a Mask (Kushida)
Chapter 30 - Investigation
Chapter 31 - The Renegade
Chapter 32 - The Show Begins
Chapter 33 - Challenges
Chapter 34 - Dirty Tricks
Chapter 35 - Breakpoint
Chapter 36 - Farce
Chapter 36.5 - Small Talk
Chapter 37 - Collapse
Chapter 38 - Negotiations
Chapter 39 - Elites
Chapter 40 - Resolve (1)
Chapter 41 - Resolve (2)
Chapter 42 - Paper Shuffle
Chapter 43 - The Changing Class D
Chapter 44 - Proposition
Chapter 45 - A Warning
Chapter 46 - Indignity
Chapter 47 - Vengeance
Chapter 48 - The Cunning
SS.3 - A New Goal (Sakayanagi)
Chapter 49 - Pursuer
Chapter 50 - Unexpected Coincidence
Chapter 51 - A Club Members Duties
Chapter 52 - A Senior's Wish
Chapter 53 - Setting A Stage
Chapter 54 - The Final Act Begins
Chapter 55 - The Pain of Hope
Chapter 57 - The Fear of the Unknown
Chapter 58 - Dread
Chapter 59 - Bloom
Chapter 60 - Preparation
Chapter 61 - Initiation
Chapter 62 - A Good Gift
Chapter 63 - A Christmas Date? Pt.1
Chapter 64 - A Christmas Date? Pt.2

Chapter 56 - The Beginning of the End

1K 62 27
By kinato_

(Karuizawa Kei, POV)

"I know what you're thinking," Ryuuen sneered as he poured more ice-cold water over me. "If you give up 'X', you'll lose their protection. Your only hope will be lost."

My teeth were chattering loudly as the cold continued to seep into my body. I had promised myself I would be stoic no matter what happened. But as my mind wandered, memories of the past started to overlap with the present.

I don't know how much longer I could hold out for.

How much of this could I endure.

The physical pain my body was feeling was immense, but the pain within my heart hurt far more.

My brain was beginning to abandon me as the torment continued.

"Are you going to die here, Karuizawa? Without hope, accepting that your past is now your present?" Ryuuen's words cut deep into me. "'X' isn't coming for you. They can't save you now... but I can, Karuizawa."


"Cooperating is your best option. If you don't, this pain will only continue."

Please, someone.

Help me.

"What do you think will happen to your position in your class if people start to learn more about you?"

Anyone, please. I'm scared.

"You'll go back to your old life. The real you! The pathetic, scared girl who was always bullied!"

"No, no, no, no! Please! Forgive me! Please!" I wailed back.

"Spit it out then, Karuizawa. Make it easier, protect yourself."

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry!"

My mind and pride were broken. Well, they were already broken before. I had pieced them back together as carefully as possible, but it was too fragile. A gust of wind could have easily shattered it. And now, it's been completely broken.

The proud and headstrong Karuizawa Kei that had entered this school was beginning to die. Fading into dust.

"No matter what happens here. We know your secret. I know your secret! And I'll make sure everyone else does too."

Despite myself, the memories came flooding back.

The memories of the hell I had gone through in junior high. I was competitive and stubborn, which made me a lot of enemies.

I'd be kicked, punched, dumped water on, and they'd steal my uniform and make me do horrible things.

At some point, I had accepted it.

Accepted that Ryuuen was bullying me. Accepted that the people who were kind to me now would eventually change.

This school was my only lifeline, and it was vanishing before my eyes.

I couldn't hold back the stream of tears as I looked up at the sky. I didn't want to go back.

I'll save you.

Those were the words Kiyotaka promised to me. That he would be there for me.

Was I too naive or foolish to believe in him? I know he saw me, saw in my eyes how I was begging for his aid.

He cut me off abruptly without confirmation of keeping his promise.

Did I become an afterthought for him?

Did he abandon me?

"Still holding out to hope, are you?" said Ryuuen. "You must trust 'X' a lot. Too bad they tricked you from the beginning."

"That's wrong," I managed to reply back.

"Wrong? Well, let me enlighten you then. About the cruise ship exam."


Ryuuen's devilish smile disappeared.

"Manabe and her gang wanted to get back at you, right? But there was no time or place for them to do so on a boat that was teeming with students. So why would you go to the lowest floor alone?"

"B-because..." Yousuke-kun had asked me to. I was depending on him at that time. That's the only reason why I went.

But suddenly, Manabe and her friends showed up...

"Do you really think it was a coincidence? It's not like Manabe could follow you around all the time. Them showing up was inevitable."

So.. I was tricked? Yousuke-kun tricked me into that...


That wouldn't happen...

"Ah, you see it now, don't you? 'X' contacted Manabe and set you up. He tricked Manabe by using her hate for you against her."

Looking back. It was strange how Yousuke-kun never showed up, but Kiyotaka did.

"'X' set you up and let Manabe bully you so he could use it as blackmail against her. You weren't saved by 'X', you were used."

I was used?

"Is 'X' here right now? Do you think they ever truly cared about you? Or that they'd keep their promise to you? You were merely a tool for them, nothing more."

Had I been caught in Kiyotaka's trap from day one? He made me believe he saved me. That I was his partner and that he would protect me.

"There's still one way to save yourself," Ryuuen crouched to my level.

His name.

Kiyotaka's name.

"That's right, just their name. And it will all be over," Ryuuen said as if he could read my mind.

It was simple, saying "Ayanokouji Kiyotaka," and all my pain, anger, and suffering would go away.

My lips started to part, but no sound emerged. It was too cold to speak.

"Take your time. Just give me the name."


"K...?" Ryuuen repeated.

"K... ta..." Slowly, more sounds were squeezed out of my mouth.

"A little more," Ryuuen inched closer to my face.

"C-cut it out. I'll never say it," the words flowed from my mouth now. "No matter how many times you ask... I'll never tell you."

Ryuuen's smile instantly vanished from his face. With those words, I had made my choice.

"Even if I lose everything... No matter how much you put me through," these words weren't Ryuuen's or Kiyotaka's. But my own. "I'll never give you the name."

"Are you sure? Even though 'X' is using you, you're deciding to protect them?" Ryuuen asked once more.

My once blurred mind and vision had sharpened back to reality.

"I'll never give it to you!" I don't know why I was doing this. But I was proud of myself.

"Fine. I don't want to do this, but I have no choice. You have my respect. Despite all you've been through and the one person you trusted betraying you and not selling them out. I'm honestly impressed."

I didn't care.

Yousuke-kun and Kiyotaka had protected me. Even though I was betrayed, I didn't betray him. I was broken but proud.

My life was very dull before I met Kiyotaka. I had fun working with him. I felt like I was the lead supporting role in some exciting story.

Truthfully, I was still hoping he would save me. But I was being too naive.

In some weird way, though, I was glad.

This was the end.

Goodbye, fake me. Welcome to the real, cold, empty Karuizawa.


(Ayanokouji Kiyotaka, POV)

"Kiyopon, stop spacing out Keyaki mall awaits us!" Karuka's voice snapped me back to reality as the Ayanokouji group advanced toward the beloved campus mall.

"I'm sorry everyone," I said. "But I'm heading back."

"It's only two," Akito replied as he checked the time on his phone.

"Truthfully, I pulled an all-nighter to study, and I'm beat. We can hang out sometime over winter break."

Airi looked rather disappointed at my sudden departure. But I trusted Haruka to make sure she had a good time, even if I wasn't there. I quickly said all my goodbyes and left, pulling out my phone to call Chabashira-sensei once I was at a safe distance.

"Hello. Do you have time to meet with me?" I asked.

"Didn't you say you were done with me?" replied Chabashira-sensei with a cold tone.

"Yes, but there's some loose ends that I need to tie up. Can we discuss this in person, preferably at the school?"

"That's fine."

"I'll send you the location to meet then."


"Why did you want to meet here, of all places?" Chabahsira-sensei asked as she approached me.

"It's part of the loose ends," I replied.

Chabahsira-sensei took a glance to check our surroundings. Her eyes lingered on small pools of water near a staircase.

"Why do you want to make it to Class A?" I asked.

Chabashira-sensei looked stunned at the question but replied. "The school is designed to make students and teachers compete with one another."

"If you were really aiming for Class A, I'd doubt you'd put Class D at such a disadvantage as you did at the start."

"That's personal, I don't need to explain."

"You were hesitant. You wanted to make sure this class had what it takes to ascend to Class A."

"This is ridiculous. I'm going back to work," Chabashira-sensei turned to leave.

"If you leave now, you can give up on trying to use me and give up on Class D's chance to reach Class A, even reaching Class C would become unlikely."

"What are you talking about?"

I checked a clock on the wall. "It's two p.m. Ryuuen is putting on an interesting show now after calling Karuizawa to the roof."

"Ryuuen called Karuizawa?"

"You must not know, sensei. Karuizawa was horribly pulled in the past."

"I've never heard of it."

"That information will probably be all over the school tomorrow. Karuizawa will retreat into her shell and maybe even drop out. Even if you can prove Class C responsible, the damage will have already been done," I said.

It wasn't clear as to what the penalty might be for someone dropping out, but you could tell it was bad from Chabashira-sensei's face.

However, she regained her composure quickly. "I see. You want the aid of a teacher as they have powers you don't, correct?"

"You'll help then?"

"Don't get carried away, Ayanokouji. The school doesn't look fondly upon teachers who intervene in problems between students."

"Turning me down would be the same as turning down Class D's future. Is that something you want?"

"A student threatening a teacher. How the tables have turned."

"If you do this for me, I promise I'll do nothing to hinder or sabotage Class D. That's significant, don't you think?"

"If refusing to help you means that we never make it to Class A, then so be it."

"Let's observe the show for a little while then, shall we?"

"What do you mean?"

It had been some time since Karuizawa made contact with Ryuuen on the rooftop.

Chabashira-sensei and I stood a safe distance from the stairwell that led to the roof.

Moments after the conversation finished, a slightly exhausted Ishizaki came down the stairs looking panicked and went back up with two buckets of water.

As seen from the water spilled on the floor, he had probably been doing this multiple times.

"What's your plan? How long do you intend to wait?" asked Chabashira-sensei.

"I have one more thing to discuss with you," I replied.

"Right now?"

"Back in the beginning of the year, you sold Horikita and me one point for Sudo's test."

"I remember clearly. You split the hundred thousand cost for that point."

"There's nothing you can't buy with Private Points, right?"

"Correct. Sudo didn't get expelled."

"When you assigned that value to the point, was that something you came up with on the spot? If points were so easily acquired, then no students would be expelled."

"What are you asking, Ayanokouji."

"This school goes to great lengths to legislate all matters related to points. It wouldn't be far-fetched to think that it might've anticipated someone trying to purchase test scores."

"You asking whether the price I named that day was decided by the school in advance?"

"If you can answer, please do."

Chabashira-sensei had gone quiet now. She had a reply for each query thus far, but now she was silent.

"Can I interpret your silence as an answer?"

"Speculate as you wish, but I don't see how this conversation helps Karuizawa in any way-."

"As a teacher, you're obligated to answer my questions, right? If you don't, I'll ask another teacher. How many points would I need to buy one test point on the next midterm, right now?"

"Are you trying to find a gap in the rules?" Chabashira-sensei questioned me.

"A few students have already exposed that gap, haven't they? Look at how Ichinose and Ryuuen are accumulating Private Points."

Chabashira-sensei drew a long and heavy breath before replying. "It's true that the key to understanding the system lies in the rules surrounding Private Point use. Students from other years have approached this topic from varying perspectives like you are now. The school has established thousands of rules to cover every possible scenario. Buying and selling points, sweeping violent incidents under the rug, preventing expulsion; there's a point value assigned to everything. However, the teachers are prohibited from revealing too much information. There might even be rules teachers are unaware of."

"So, you truly cannot answer?"


That was one mystery solved. Teachers could reveal these assigned point values but only when certain conditions were met. Now that I know that, I can proceed with my plan.

"I don't understand how this conversation has anything to do with what's happening now?" Chabashira-sensei asked.

"It was a friendly chat," I replied. "I suppose it is time, though."

I pulled out my phone and saw that it was 2:40 p.m. I sent a few messages before continuing.

"I don't fully understand the situation. But if you don't intend to help Karuizawa, who is suffering right now, you should call someone else."

"I'm heading to the roof," I curtly replied.

"Are you insane? I thought you wanted to hide your identity? If you do this, you expose yourself to the entire school," Chabashira-sensei replied in a surprised tone.

"It won't matter in the end. If Ryuuen learns everything I've done, he gains nothing from it."

"Chairman Sakayanagai told me about you. How you were an extraordinary student. That you were raised in an environment far from loving. We wanted you to feel attached to this school and have a goal while you were here. In a way, I used that information to help achieve my own pipe dream of reaching Class A."

"It is easier for people to become attached if they have a goal to strive for. But I'll choose what I want to do, as long as I stay in this school. As far as your dream is concerned, it's not a pipe dream. Fukumoto and others will unite our class and rise above the others. I'm sure of it."

"Is that what you truly believe?"

"Skepticism is unbecoming of a teacher. Fukumoto is a strong leader. Horikita is starting to mature. If you guide them well, our position as Class C will be secure."

"Then do you plan to step back?"

"I do."

As I said that, the person I had messaged joined us.

"Sorry to have kept you waiting, Ayanokouji," said Horikita Manabu.

Chabashira-sensei once again looked shocked at the change of events.

"He's here as a witness. Ryuuen will want to win by any means necessary, and I'd like to avoid any violence," I turned my attention to the former president. "I'd like you to stop halfway up the stairs. You don't need to address the students who come down. Just make sure you make your presence known."

"That's fine. But do not forget our agreement," he replied.

"If I go back on my word, feel free to forget what happens here today."

"As long as you understand."

"I'll finish this quickly."

I started to ascend the stairs to the rooftop. At the entrance to the roof, a shadow loomed in front of me, blocking my path.

Yamada Albert.

He seemed to be sizing me up.

"May I pass?" I asked.

He made no motion to open the door. He continued to stand at the door, blocking my entrance. His large hands swiftly withdrew his phone from his pocket.

"Don't worry. I'm the one you're looking for," I said in English.

He stopped moving.

"I'm ending this today."

Albert considered my words and stood aside, signaling me to pass by. But if my plan were to work, I needed him to be on the roof as well.

"I plan to thoroughly crush Ryuuen. If he wants to stand a chance, he'll need your help," I told him in Japanese.

Albert looked at the stairwell for a moment, assuring himself that no one was following us. He walked through the door first, and I followed closely behind.

As the door began to close, a quick sound of footsteps was heard following behind me.


(Karuizawa Kei, POV)

I was too numb from the pain and cold now to notice anything.

The water pouring onto me had become normal to me now. As I continued to wait for something to change.

Ryuuen seemed to be getting only more aggravated by my silence. But I honestly couldn't care about him. This wasn't the worst treatment I've gone through.

But suddenly, the doors to the roof opened.

"Ayano... kouji?" Ibuki said rather surprised.

"Sorry I'm late," Kiyotaka said directly to me.

I lifted my eyes towards him as he stood beside the looming Albert. "Why... why did you come?"

"I made a promise, didn't I? I promised I'd save you."

"Wait?! Does this mean 'x' is Ayanokouji?" Ishizaki panicked.

"'X' is using Ayanokouji," Ibuki insisted. "No, how could a guy like him be 'X'. Don't be fooled, Ryuuen. 'X' sent Ayanokouji to save Karuizawa."

"Shut up, Ibuki." Ryuuen seemed rather delighted in his tone. But that changed quickly. "Albert, I thought I told you to keep watch."

Albert pointed toward Ayanokouji and roughly replied. "But this is the guy, boss," in Japanese.

Without anyone noticing, a hand grabbed onto Albert's broad shoulder. And a person walked out from behind him.

"Mind if I join the show?" he replied in a nonchalant voice.

Almost everyone on the roof was thrown into shock once again.



What was Akio doing here too?



hey hey everyone!

wow another post in under a month lets go big W

too bad school seems to want to give me more midterms now tho :(

anyways hope you all are enjoying the book and this chapter, can't wait for what's to come now!


did you know it takes the energy of 50 leaves to produce one apple?

until next time, legends

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