Memory Film

By WhenWeMeet1D

452 18 14

We had it all. But we let it fall. You were my everything and I was your world. Now I'm just a picture that... More

Chapter 2
Not Working
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Uh, Chapter 7 part 2
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10

Chapter 1

64 2 4
By WhenWeMeet1D

For what seemed like the millionth time I was drawn to that battered cardboard box in the small dark corner in the back of my garage. I walked over to it. It wasn't marked but i knew damn well what was in it. Piles upon piles of pictures and videos dating all the way back to the summer of 2000, when I first moved to England from Ireland. And in every pucture or video was me and the same curly-haired-green-eyed-Cheshire boy that I had known since I was 5.


I jumped out of the car and ran around to the back of the new house. Sun danced off my shoulders as I looked at the medium sized yard that would become my place to play. I noticed a young boy at the house next door bouncing a football (an American soccer ball) off of his knee, throwing it back up with his foot and bouncing it again off of his knee. His mouth was screwed in concentration and his bright green eyes shone with energy. The boy kicked the ball a little to hard and it flew away from him and rolled into the ditch that sepersted his yard from mine. The boy ran after it. His head snapped up as he ran and our eyes met. He smiled warmly and bent down to get the ball. Then he jogged over to where I was still standing in the same spot. "Hi!" He called happily. Small dimples appeared on his face when he smiled. "I'm Harry." he announced. I giggled and he frowned.

"What?" he asked a little hurt.

"You said you're hairy." I laughed pointing at him. The grin reappeared on his face. He giggled a little too.

"Harry is my name silly." Harry explained. "What's your's?"

"Kialyn!" I almost shouted jumping up a bit.

"Wanna play?" Harry asked holding out the ball to me. I nodded giddly.

"Yup! I bet I can beat you." I challenged and Harry chuckled.

"You're on!"

*end of flashback*

And as you all can guess we were instant best friends. I sighed and turned away from the box, walking across the garage and up the wooden steps to the back door to my house. I always kept it unlocked because the garage door was always closed. I pushed the door open and stepped into the kitchen. I kicked the door shut behind me. I dragged myself over to the sofa and plopped myself down, letting all the flashbacks play like movies before my eyes.


"Hey Kie." Harry called from the ground. I walked over to the open bedroom window in my room and smiled at him standing there football (again an American soccer ball) tucked under his arm and a sideways grin on his childish face. It was four years after I had moved to England and I was now 9 years old. Harry was 10. "Ready?" He questioned. I nodded quickly as I jumped out of the window, falling a couple feet before landing softly on the lush green grass. Harry grabbed for my hand with his free hand and dragged me away from the house and into the thin layer of trees in my backyard. We ran until we came to a small circular clearing about 6 feet around. A large tree stood tall in the middle of the clearing. It's thick branches hung low to the ground. Low enough for us to jump onto from the ground. I was ontop if the branch before Harry. I skillfully clung to the higher branch above me and, bracing my feet aginst the trunk of the tree, I wall climbed up to the higher branch. I leaned smugly aginst the trunk of the tree and pulled my feet up on the branch. Harry climbed onto the branch next to mine and puffed out his breath. He smiled as he pulled a small Ipod out of his pocket. I snatched it out of his hand an began scrolling through his playlists. I played one of my favourites. Jail House Rock by Elvis Presely. My branch shook as I danced to the music. Harry rolled his eyes and watched me with a smirk on his pink lips. The song ended and a slower song came on. Harry's smile widened. This song had been the first song he ever sung to me on our daily visits to this tree in the woods.

"Isn't she lovely

Isn't she wonderful

Isn't precious

Less than one minuete old

And I never thought through love we'd be

Making one as lovely as she

Isn't she lovely made from love."

*end of flashback*

*new flashback*

"Kia, can I ask you somthing?" Harry's questioned looking seriuosly into my deep brown eyes.

"Yea." I said raising my eyebrows. Harry stood up from the bench we had been sitting at. The bench infront of our school.

"C'mon." He said, motioning for me to follow him. I stood too and followed him over to a small neat looking little bakery, cleverly named "The Holmes Chapel Bakery". I walked inside and was met by the mouthwatering smell of baking bread. I looked at Harry questionatly. He just smiled and walked up to the counter. he ordered two muffins and then paied for them. He took the bag that the lady behind the counter gave him then he turned and walked out of the small store with me trailing behind him. I saw his hand remove somthing from his pocket and slip it into the sleve of his jacket. I acted like I hadn't noticed as we both sat down under the shade of a big oak. The wind picked up making my hair fly around my head. Harry lay down on his side and opned the bag of muffins, handing me one and taking a bite of the other. Harry was the first to speak.

"Kialyn look at me." he commanded gently. I looked up from my muffin, wiping crumbs off of my mouth. Harry's eyes softened and thoer was somthing hidden behind them, admiration?

"I love you." He blurted, his cheeks instantly turning a burning red. His eyes dropped to the grass blades bending sideways from the winds. I focused on my muffin, my mind trying to prosses this. Did he really love me?!

"I love you too." I confessed truthfully. Harry's green orbs shot back to my face, a sudden giddy happiness lit up his features. He sat bolt upright as if he had been shocked, then threw his arms around me in a tight embrace. Our foreheads touched as we both stared down at our now interlocked hands. I felt somthing papery spring inbetween me and Harry's hands. I pulled back my own hand to see two tickets to an amusement park laying in the palm of his hand.

*end of flashback*

*new flashback*

Why is prom always so stressful! I screamed in my mind as I ran my hands through my newly curled blonde hair. I spun around, watching my knee high dress fluttered around me. The top was black and ruffled and the skirt was a light baby pink.There was a light knock on my door.

"Ready babe?" Harry asked.

"NO! I'm not even close!" I shouted through the closed door. I was sure I heard him chickle under his breath.

"Babe you're fine. Will you alteast let me in?" He asked a little impatience showing in his voice. I shook my head, then remembered that he couldn't see it.

"No." I said firmly, taking out my make-up bag and applying some foundation.

"Fine then I'll just come in through the window." Harry said.

"You can't come through the window it's locked." I lied. Harry laughed loudly.

"Ha! Nice try but there is no lock." Then he went silent and I Knew he was making his way over to the window. I groaned and bagan dabbing at my lips with dark red lipstick. I heard the distinked clicking sounds of the window being slid open. A minuete later Harry appeared behind me in the mirror. Just as I was getting ready to put on my eyeliner I felt strong arms wrap around my waist. Harry picked me up and Threw me over his shoulders. I dropped my make-up in my haste to make sure my dress stayed pulled down. Harry chuckled making me bounce on his shoulder.

"Harry! Put me down now!" I demanded but he ignored me As he carried me down the stairs. We were alone in the house because my mom was usually at work. Harry set me down on the couch and I was on my feet in a heartbeat. All the anger left me as I gawked at Harry's crisp tux. He cleared his throat and stood a little straighter when he saw me staring. A cheeky smile exposed his beautiful dimples. I noticed the delicate red rose producing from the pocket of his perfect black tuxedo and his light pink tie tucked tucked under the top button of his tux like a real gentleman. He giggled at my expression and reached out to ruffle my hair but I ducked under his arm and ran over to the door screming "No! My hair!"

Harry rolled his eyes and, just like a fairytail, opened the door for me and escorted me out to the limo parked infront of my driveway. Harry helped me into the limo and it drove us off to prom. A fee minuets later and we were walking hand in hand through the hallway that led to the ballroom. Above us was a balcony of color coded bolloons. We walked into the ballroom and eyes turned curiously in our direction. Harry tilted my chin toward him with his finger and smiled cheekily at me. The same smile that had been glued on his face when we met. I followed Harry over to a small corner at the edge of the dancefloor and that's when i realised what song was playing. it was Isn't She Lovely. The rest of te couples on the dancefloor were slow dancing so Harry laid his hands on my waist and I laced mine around his neck and we began swaying to the music. As the song began to draw to a close I felt warm lips aginst my forehead. Harry's finger gently pushed my head up so that his plump lips crashed into mine for the perfect kiss.

*end of flashback*

My mind suddenly reeled with the worst memory of all. The on that had took place only last week. The memory that sent my heart to the deepest hole it had ever been in.


I heard the fimiliar knock on the door and my feet flew down the stairs as huge grin pulled at my lips. I flung the door open wide to see a miserable looking Harry. "Haz, what's wrong?" I asked. Harry's eyes stayed fixed on the ground and his hands dug deeper into his pockets.

"Kia I-" He stopped, not being able to get the words out. He looked up at me and I saw the tears rushing down his face.

"Harry are you ok?" I asked, thinking I knew what this was about. Harry shook his head in response.

"Kia we have to break up." Harry mumbled softly. I felt the stinging itch of tears in my own eyes and felt the pain in my heart worse. It was burning like fire.

"Kie I'm sorry. But I'm leaving, and I just can't handle a long distance relationship." Harry put his arm around me trying to comfort me but it didn't work. I knew him leaving was just an excuse for him to break up with me. The real reason he was doing this was because he was over me. I had noticed the lack of admiration the last few times he had come over. I knew he was done when he didn't even give me a goodbye kiss before walking out, but that didn't make it hurt any less. I looked up one last time into those swimming green eyes of his. My tears trailed down my cheeks just like his kisses used to. I couldn't speak. I wanted to but the words were stuck. I had one last thing I wanted to say to him but I never got the chance. At that moment Harry muttered a depressed goodbyes and turned away and walked right back to his car. He ran a hand through his matted curls as he stepped into the car and drove off. I was left standing on my front porch as the beautiful summer day bloomed around me. Everything was lively and full of energetic but i felt the exact oppisite.

*end of flashback*

I bit my lip and held back the tears that threatened to fall. Instead I lay down on the sofa and closed my eyes letting sleep take over.

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