The Rescuer's MC Bk 7

By Teresa35810

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When Ace & Dot stopped at the diner for lunch, they had no idea that they would be rescuing a young woman who... More

Chapter 1 - Some individual conflicts
Chapter 2 - Jasmine & Snoop
Chapter 3 - Crank appointed team 2's leader
Chapter 4 - Bullet's woman?
Chapter 5 - Mara's story
Chapter 6 - Learning about Hank's Hangout
Chapter 7 - More about Hank's Hangout
Chapter 8 - Thor and Wolf return
Chapter 9 - Planning the take down of Hank's Hangout
Chapter 10 - Confusion for Mara & Bullet
Chapter 11 - Plans get changed
Chapter 13 - Bullet & Mara work it out.
Chapter 14 - The day after Hank's
Chapter 15 - Welcome to new members
Chapter 16 - Another rescue
Chapter 17 - Tank's out!
Chapter 18 - Tank meets Nicole & Margie gives birth
Chapter 19 - Tank and Nicole's first date
Chapter 20 - Discoveries & Decisions for Tank & Nicole
Chapter 21 - Tank & Nicole move in together
Chapter 22 - Tank proposes and new prospects
Chapter 23 - Jason and Clay
Chapter 24 - Prez & Amanda's new addition

Chapter 12 - Hank's Hangout is no more

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By Teresa35810

A/N: This is an extra long chapter.

Dinner was rather subdued and seemed to go by too fast for the men going on the mission and even more so for their women. The men were quiet as they got their minds straight about what they were going to face tonight while the women just tried their best not to show how worried they were.

Snoop talked to Jasmine who told him that usually by 9 pm, the bar would be packed. She also confirmed that normally very few locals would come around, that it was usually just truckers, but the few that did come around were disgusting pigs like Larry. Snoop relayed the message and Prez ordered everyone to be ready to go by 8:30 pm.

As soon as they finished eating, the men who would be going, left the dining room with their women to go get ready. They made love to their wives, showered and got dressed to go out. All of them made comments of feeling naked without their cuts.

Snoop and Bullet took Jasmine and Mara back to their rooms so that they could talk to them privately, both men deciding that they were going to talk to their women about how they are feeling and just prayed that their feelings were being returned.

For Snoop it was easier since Jasmine wasn't on her cycle and they had already kind of let each other know but still, Snoop needed for her to know how much he was coming to care about her.

"Jasmine, I don't have long because we are going on a mission tonight but before I go, I need to know what the women of the club have told you about being involved with me is going to mean and to find out if it's something you will even consider?" Snoop said nervously.

"Well, they've all told me what it's like for them and have sung your praises for being someone they trust and who has always been loyal to the club and it's members." Jasmine told him and Snoop felt honored to know that the women thought that about him.

"But they also told me that injured women make you nervous and kind of neglectful. I understand that you kind of got scolded for leaving me alone in the laundry room when you guys found me? But they weren't there, they don't know what happened.

I want you to know that I didn't feel dizzy when you were standing right there. I was sore because of what they did to me but I wasn't dizzy. It came on real suddenly. I took a step back to lean against the wall and the next thing I knew I woke up here. I don't blame you for that. You didn't hurt me. Those two men are the ones I blame." Jasmine said honestly.

"Thank you for saying that. But as a rescuer, we are supposed to protect our charges from all harm and that means keeping them from getting hurt more than they already are. To keep them from wandering off, or falling over if they pass out or about a hundred other things.

I've just never felt comfortable about putting my hands on them. I'm afraid of making the damage even worse. Doc has started triage classes and I for one am very thankful because I want to help people, and save the hurting for the bad guys." Snoop said.

"That's good. Can I ask a question?" Jasmine asked.

"Sure." Snoop smiled at her.

"Why do the women sit on their men's laps? Do they have to service their men in front of everyone?" Jasmine asked.

"Oh God No! It's more of a statement of "this woman is mine" thing, and to make her feel safe and protected." Snoop said.

Jasmine nodded and then asked "The women said there used to be clubwhores here but that they all got kicked out for making trouble."

Snoop explained about the whores and told her about how they had been kicked out of the club.

"Were you with any of them?" Jasmine wasn't sure she wanted to know but wanted everything to be out in the open.

"I won't lie to you, Jasmine. Yes, I was with all of them but for a while before they were kicked out, I kind of lost interest in being with them because I was hoping to find you. I thought I never would but now I'm so very happy that I did.

When I first saw you in that laundry room, I felt so confused at first. I felt like someone had just hit me in the head and I wasn't sure what to do. It was like there was a magnet in my chest, pulling me to you but you were hurt and I didn't know how to handle it. I'm sorry about that but I wasn't prepared for it." Snoop said.

Jasmine knew he was telling her the truth, how she didn't know but something was telling her that she could believe him and she wanted him to hold her before he had to go. She was afraid he wouldn't come back and she would be alone again. "Snoop?"

"Yes?" Snoop over at her.

"Will you hold me, please?" Jasmine asked softly.

Without saying anything at first, Snoop wrapped his arms around her and pulled her onto his lap, holding her close. "Anytime, baby. Gladly." he whispered.

"I'm sorry we can't be together yet but Doc told me I need to give myself time to heal inside. I just hope that I don't disappoint you. I've never made love with anyone before. I used to just lay there and pray for it to be over soon." Jasmine said as tears filled her eyes.

She wanted so much to be a good woman for Snoop. A good wife. She just prayed that he would not change his mind once they had been together if it wasn't what he had been hoping for.

"We'll take it slow and only when you are ready. I'm not going to push or rush you. Just please know that I am not them. I will never hurt you. Can I ask you if you are on birth control?" Snoop asked.

"Yes. That was one thing that Hank provided was the shot. He kept a calendar to make sure that none of us missed it." Jasmine said.

They sat and just cuddled until someone knocked on the door and said "Time to go."

Snoop and Jasmine looked at each other and they could both tell that she didn't want him to go and he didn't want to leave her. Snoop kissed her, pouring all that he was feeling for her into the kiss and felt it returned.

When the need for air became overpowering, Snoop leaned his head against hers, took a deep breath and asked "Jasmine, when I get back, can I please come stay with you tonight? We don't have to do anything but I just want to cuddle with you. I've never wanted to cuddle with anyone else but I do with you."

Jasmine felt her cheeks get hot but she nodded. "Is it safe for me to leave my door unlocked if I fall asleep?" she asked.

"Yeah. I've already announced that you are mine. No one will bother you." Snoop said.

"Then yes. What time do you think you guys will be back?" Jasmine asked.

"I don't think we'll be gone more than a couple of hours. We're just going to do reconnaissance. To see what the layout of the place is, what the women and employees look like." Snoop said.

"Just promise me you will be careful. With the exception of Bubba, those guys are all assholes." Jasmine said.

"I promise. Walk out with me?" Snoop asked as he stood up and let her slide down and had to bite back the moan of feeling her body against his.

Jasmine felt a strange warmth low in her belly and instinctively knew that it was her own desire to be with Snoop as her body slid down his. She couldn't speak so she just nodded and slipped her hand into his. They left her room and walked down the hall hand in hand.

Snoop gave her one more quick kiss and then climbed into one of the armored SUVs that they were taking for this mission. Jasmine couldn't stop the tears that poured down her cheeks as the men left the yard. Amanda saw her standing in the yard, looking so bereft and walked over to put her arm around her.

"Chin up. He's got the strongest members of our club with him and this is not his first go round on one of these missions. He'll be back." Amanda told her.

"I've never believed in love at first sight before but is this what it feels like?" Jasmine choked out, trying desperately hard not to cry.

"A burning fear in your heart that you might never see him again?" Amanda guessed accurately and Jasmine could only nod at the description to exactly what she was feeling. "Sounds like it. Come on inside. It's too cold to be waiting for him to come back out here. Come sit with the rest of us while we wait."

Jasmine let Amanda lead her back inside but as they walked to the living room, Jasmine asked Amanda, "Do you think Doc would be okay with me going to talk to him?"

"Do you feel sick?" Amanda asked.

"No. I'm hoping he can answer some questions for me." Jasmine said.

"It's still early so I don't think he would mind." Amanda said. She was curious to know what Jasmine wanted to talk to Doc about but didn't want to be overly nosy.

They walked together down the hall and Amanda went into the living room while Jasmine continued on to the clinic. Not sure if she should just enter or not, Jasmin knocked on the door and a minute later, Melinda came to the door.

"Hey Jasmine. It's not really necessary for you to knock. What can I do for you?" Melinda asked.

"Is Doc around? I have some questions I'm hoping he can answer for me." Jasmine said.

Neither one of them were really surprised when suddenly Mara appeared behind Jasmine. "Me too?" She asked, having overheard Jasmine.

"Sure. Come on in." Melinda said, pushing the door open wide. "Hon, Jasmine and Mara want to talk to you." Melinda called out to Doc and then went to gather gowns.

"I had a feeling that you two might be coming to see me tonight. You want to know if you can be intimate with your men now, right?" Doc said and both women blushed then nodded.

"It should be alright but, if you don't mind, I'll do pelvic exams just to be sure. Grab a gown and go change then come back and I'll make sure. Okay?" Doc said.

They took turns in the bathroom to change into the hospital gowns and then one by one they went for the examination. Jasmine went first and Doc said "You have healed up just fine but I want you to finish the antibiotics and to do a plain water douche for at least the next three days after every time you have sex just to keep you clean inside. You've only got one tiny little place left to heal but it shouldn't cause you any pain or cause any problems. If it does hurt at any time, make Snoop stop. Understand?" Doc said.

"Yes. Doc, when I'm due for my next shot, will you be able to give it to me?" Jasmine asked.

"Yes but you should also get set up with the OBGYN in town for regular check ups and all of your other lady issues. I just don't have the equipment they do." Doc told her.

"Thanks Doc." Jasmine said as she slid off of the exam table and then walked back over to the bathroom to find Mara waiting. "Your turn." She smiled at her.

Mara nervously walked over to the exam table just as Melinda wiped down the table with an antiseptic wipe and changed the paper. "Jump up here, scoot your bottom to the edge, lay down and put your feet in the stirrups and just relax." Melinda told her.

Doc washed his hands again then put on fresh gloves. "Are you still having your cycle?" He asked.

"Yeah, but it's already started to slow down to almost nothing. I'm surprised. I thought this one was going to last for a full week at least. It's only been three days." Mara said.

"Well, sometimes when a woman is under a lot of stress like this, the body will cause the menstrual cycle to be shorter than normal so don't let it stress you out and just count your blessings." Doc assured her that it wasn't unusual as he began his exam. "Well, you weren't really torn or anything inside but it looks like you are still rather bruised on your bum but it's not as dark as it was the first time I saw it. Try to keep soaking in the tub with epsom salts and it will go away faster." A few minutes later, he was done with his exam and assured her that everything looked fine.

"I was wondering if you can give me the birth control shot? Or tell me when I need to start it?" Mara asked with red cheeks.

"Yes, I can because we are still within the first seven days of your cycle. But you have to come back and get them during your cycle every three months." Doc said and quickly got the shot ready.

After he gave it to her, she asked, "Do you have anything for nerves?" She might not be visibly shaking but her stomach seemed to have a million butterflies just thinking about having sex with Bullet.

"Well, I could give you a sedative but it's going to make you sleep. Me, personally I drink a beer or when I'm really nervous, I'll take a shot of Jack Daniels but I can't even remember the last time I drank any kind of alcohol. Deep breathing works too." Doc smiled kindly at her.

"Thanks Doc. I've never been much of a drinker but anything to settle these butterflies in my stomach." Mara said.

"Try peppermint. It works wonders on upset or nervous stomachs. Hang on. I've got some in our apartment." Melinda said as Mara sat up so that Doc could administer the shot that Melinda had just passed him. Then Mara slid down off the table and went back to the bathroom to change back into her clothes. As she came out of the bathroom, Melinda was there with a small handful of peppermint discs. "Thanks, Melinda."

Jasmine was waiting for her outside of the clinic doors and Jasmine asked "Are you going back to the living room?"

"Yeah, I guess. At least there will be someone to talk to. These rooms are really nice but I'm going stir crazy staring at the four walls. Aren't you?" Mara said.

"Maybe afterwards, if Snoop is not back by the time I'm done. I haven't shaved my legs in a week and I want to soak in that big jacuzzi. Hopefully it will ease my nerves a bit." Jasmine said.

"Good idea. I soaked in the one in my room with epsom salt last night and it really helped the bruising that SOB Larry did to my bum. I could barely sit down for the day after he sodomized me the night before Bullet and the others rescued me. I'm still bruised and it hurts to sit on hard surfaces if I sit down too fast from where he spanked me." Mara said.

"Yeah, he did that to me once. I couldn't even sit down on soft surfaces for days afterwards and it took over two weeks for the bruising to fade." Jasmine admitted.

Mara shared the peppermints Melinda had given her and then both women went to their rooms and climbed into the jacuzzi's. They both shaved their legs as the water started to cool. Then got out and into the shower. They washed their hair and scrubbed really clean.

Both women wished they had something other than the shift dresses they had been given when they first got here to sleep in but so far they had not been taken shopping and the things they had ordered online wouldn't be here for a couple of days at the earliest.

So they pulled the shift dresses on and returned to the living room. Some of the women had already gone to bed but the ones with men on the mission were still there. Apparently being nervous didn't stop just because you have been here for a while.

"Oh, we thought you two went to bed. Come on in and have a seat." Hope said.

As soon as they were settled, Jasmine asked Nat, "Natalie, Snoop told me you are a second degree black belt in karate?" She asked and when Nat nodded, she added "Could you teach me some self defense moves?"

"Sure. In fact, all of the women should learn at least basic moves. Even the pregnant women. Most men think that just because you are pregnant, that you can't flip them over your shoulder or get out of their hold, even if they have a knife to your throat but you can and without getting hurt. Now flipping a full grown man when you are 8 or 9 months pregnant is not recommended, but it's better than dying." Nat said.

The women sat and visited while they waited until Stella's phone rang. It was Hammer letting her know that they were headed back.

"All of the other wives are waiting to hear. Is everyone okay?" Stella texted back to ask.

"Yeah. We had to leave because Snoop was having a hard time controlling himself and Fist and Crusher are acting kind of strange but I think I know why.

My God, Stella. What poor Jasmine must have been made to endure is unbelievable. Those men are animals. They made Cobra's and Viper's look like choir boys. In fact, I was surprised there weren't some Cobra's or Vipers in there tonight." Hammer told his wife.

"Well, be safe but hurry home. All of the wives are up and waiting on you guys." Stella said before she hung up. "They are on their way back." That was all she would say but she looked over at Brigett, who seemed to just know that what the men found wasn't good. If Jasmine and Mara weren't so new, she would have relayed what Hammer had said but didn't feel right about upsetting them.

All of the women stood up to go to the main living room just a minute or two before the men pulled up. As instructed, Edmond ran upstairs to let Prez know they were back. He wanted to know what had gone down.

As the men came into the house, they all looked angry at first until they saw Jasmine and then looks of pity crossed their faces. Snoop had been the first one through the door and he rushed over to her and pulled her close.

"Oh baby, I'm so sorry! It must have been hell being there. Don't you worry. We are going to get your friends out first thing, even if we have to wake that bastard up in the morning." Snoop said, holding her close.

Fist and Crusher looked at each other and without saying a word, they stomped off to the bar. They needed to calm down.

When Prez came downstairs he saw Fist and Crusher acting strange and after one look at everyone's faces, he said "Maybe we should take this in the meeting room. Please excuse us ladies."

"Baby, please wait for me. Hopefully this won't take long and then I'll come get you. Okay?" Snoop said.

Jasmine couldn't look at the other men but nodded her head and Snoop walked her down to the living room to wait with the other women again.

The men entered the meeting room and as soon as everyone was seated, Prez said "Wolf, report."

"Prez, we have seen some sick shit in the past but that SOB takes the cake. The women were all bruised up and were naked. All of them. Men were pinching their boobs and butts and anywhere they could reach. There was one girl that looked like she was drugged that was being lined up with at least 6 men waiting to fuck her. The women didn't dare move away and you should have seen the look of pure terror on their faces when they saw Thor.

The place was full and it seemed like there were no holds barred on what men were allowed to do to the women but they were making money hand over fist. One woman was dancing on a small little stage in the center of the room and men were allowed to reach up and touch her and you could tell she was scared out of her mind."

Prez noticed that Fist was becoming very agitated at what Wolf had to say and suspected that the table dancer was his woman. Prez tried to remember what Jasmine had said her name was but right now it was escaping him.

"We saw the man with the scarred head and face and I saw him stop one man from slapping a woman with huge boobs but then the man we confirmed was Hank pulled a gun on him and I couldn't hear what he said to him but he made him go back upstairs.

I thought for a minute that he was going to refuse and he finally went but it was like his feet weighed a hundred pounds each." Wolf reported and had to stop and swallow repeatedly to keep from throwing up at the memory of it all.

Thor took over the report and said "I asked the bartender if it was like that every night and he said no but that one of the girls had run away and the one being gang raped had tried so they were being taught what would happen to them if they tried it again."

Snoop slammed his hands on the table and said "I don't want that repeated outside of this room. I don't want Jasmine thinking that she was the cause of that. She will feel so guilty for causing her friends to suffer extra abuse."

"Don't worry brother. None of us will ever tell her but we can't stop her friends from saying something. Hopefully they will not blame her or say anything to her." Prez reassured him at the same time preparing him for what might happen in the future.

"Snoop, if you and Bullet want to be excused, I want to see whatever footage you managed to record with Wizard's glasses." Prez said as he pulled out his phone and texted Wizard to come to the meeting room and to bring his laptop. Thor had been selected to wear the glasses because he was so tall, he would be able to get clear shots of anything that happened since someone stepping in front of him wouldn't even register unless he looked down at them.

Wizard had been expecting it so he came into the meeting room within a minute. He quickly hooked up the glasses and as the video began to play, both Bullet and Snoop stood up and left, saying "I saw it live. I don't want to see it again." What surprised everyone was when Fist and Crusher also left.

Prez watched about 15 minutes of the video and then told Wizard, "Shut that shit off. My God! IF I thought we had any chance of getting the women out of there tonight, I'd say let's go and we'd take out not only Hank but everyone else in there. They are all just as guilty as he is. In fact, the men who participated are even worse. They are the true animals. Hank is just providing them with a safe place to act like that." Prez said.

"Prez, you know we could. We are already planning on going in completely covered. We just need to alter our original plan a bit. We go in, get a brother next to every guard and Hank and get our hands on the women.

We act like it's a hold up first by pulling our guns, maybe the last ones through the door come in with some serious hardware. We remove the women and Bubba, bar the doors and blow the place with everyone of them inside.

But if we are going to do this, we need to move right now. We also need to check the trucks and make sure no one is in them that might see us leave. We also need vehicles that we can abandon that can't be traced back to us." Thor said. It didn't need to be said that they would cover the license plates on their own vehicles so that no one would be able to get the information on them and report them to anyone. The only thing anyone would see would be black SUVs with dark tinted windows.

"Sounds like you've really thought this through." Prez said thoughtfully.

"Thought of nothing else all the way back here." Thor said with a hard look on his face. "If you have any more reservations, watch another 10 minutes of the video." Thor said as he pushed away from the table. "I'm going to get ready to go."

As Thor left the room, Prez nodded at Wizard to continue the video. Prez watched what he could only say was a video of hell as one by one, the men stood up and left the room. After 15 more minutes, he told Wizard, "Turn it off, Wizard. I've seen enough. Are you going to come with us?"

"I would like to but someone has to stay and watch the house." Wizard said, feeling like he wanted to puke.

"I almost wish that the cop shows up and is in there when we blow this joint. He deserves to die just like the rest of them because I'd bet the club's accounts that he knows what goes on in there. Hell, he actually participates!" Prez said as he pushed away from the table.

Prez walked up to Thor's room and knocked on his door. Thor was almost ready to go and Natalie was pacing back and forth by the end of the bed.

"Thor. I'm going, not you. If anyone that was there earlier has already left, then they will be able to ID all of you, not just you but it's you they will remember. I want Spokes to stay here too. If something happens to me, you two are the ones most qualified to run the club. Just promise me that if something does happen that you will take care of Amanda and my son for me?" Prez said. He knew they would without being asked but needed Thor's confirmation.

"That goes without saying, John. I hate this! I wanted to be there. Even Devlin or Samara weren't this evil. This needs to be stopped NOW! Park those vehicles close to the doors so that no one gets out of there." Thor said, struggling against arguing with Prez. He knew he was right but it still didn't stop him from wanting to be included in taking down this devil called Hank.

They bro hugged and Prez left their room to go get ready to leave. He entered his room and was glad that Amanda had not come upstairs yet. He pulled on his kevlar and then pulled a black long sleeved t-shirt over the top of it. He already had on black jeans but changed his more comfortable sneakers to his black combat boots.

He was looking for his ski mask when Amanda came into the room. "John? What's going on? Where are you going?" She wanted to know.

"Amanda, you know I can't tell you beforehand. All I can say is that this evil needs to be stopped tonight. The guys got a video of it earlier. They are not just being mistreated, Amanda, they are being tortured and I can't live with myself if I don't do something to stop it from happening for even a minute longer. I promise, I will tell you everything when we come back and the smoke settles but for now, I need to go. Please don't make this any harder for me than it already is." Prez said, in a choked voice. He found his ski mask and tucked it into the plain down jacket that he pulled on, finding his gloves in the pocket.

Amanda stepped up to him and put her hands on both sides of his face. "I love you, John Lincoln. Please be safe and hurry back to me and our son. We'll be waiting up for you. How many rooms do we need to get ready?" Amanda said, trying to be strong and brave and not cause him any more stress. He did not need to be distracted because he was worried about them.

Prez wrapped his arms around her and held her close "I love you to the moon and back, Amanda. We're just going to take care of this and we'll be back as soon as we can. Have the boys prepare 4 rooms. Hopefully we'll be back in a couple of hours but definitely before sunrise." He said, then kissed her, trying to put all the love he felt for her in one kiss, which was impossible.

When he pulled back, he went down on one knee and put both hands on her belly. "Now, you be a good boy for mommy and let her get some rest. I love you, son." Prez said then kissed her belly and got a gentle kick on his lips.

Together they walked back down to the main living room. The men who had them, kissed their women goodbye and climbed into the vans. Snoop drove the truck of the men that had snatched Jasmine.

They were going to use it and Larry's truck to block the doors of the bar once they had the women and Bubba out.

Half an hour later, after a quick stop at Larry's house to get his truck, the two trucks were parked so that they would be easy to maneuver into position later while their own vehicles were parked in the woods on the opposite side from where all of the big rigs were parked. They would be able to just walk into the trees and drive out through a dirt road that ran through the trees about fifty yards. No one would see them coming or going.

Wolf and team 1 looked inside of each rig to make sure that no one was inside of them and when they found them all clear, they gathered with the rest of the men near the back door of the bar.

Prez split them in half. Half went in the front, the other half in the back. The door guards were disabled and disarmed fairly quietly. They got lucky that Hank was standing at the end of the bar just inside the front door when they entered. Hammer grabbed him and disarmed him right away. It was an added bonus that his cousin Bradley was standing right next to him and Crusher grabbed him and disarmed him.

Brothers carrying AK rifles went in and told everyone to sit down and put their hands up. The women screamed, except for one woman who was laying spread eagle on a table near the stage unconscious.

"You, guard upstairs. Put your weapons down and come down here, please." Prez ordered after Wolf yanked the plug on the stereo system. Bubba did as he was ordered and came down the stairs with his hands in the air and looked for Julia who was watching him like a hawk.

As soon as he hit the bottom step, Prez said "Please come here."

Bubba was confused but with one more glance at Julia, he did as Prez asked. Then Prez said "Ladies, if you will please join us?"

The women all looked at each other and slowly made their way over to stand next to Bubba. Men who had been carrying blankets, handed them to each of the women so that they could cover themselves. Bubba helped Julia and then drew her close to him.

Prez motioned for Wolf and Chain to go check upstairs to make sure there were no women in any of the rooms. They quickly ran upstairs and looked in each room, including Bubba's while others went to check Hank's office, the bathrooms and the liquor storage rooms. All reported back that the rooms were clear via their coms before they returned to the main bar.

Fist turned on the gas on the stove and opened the oven door and blew out all of the pilot lights and hurried out of the kitchen. He nodded to Prez to let him know that was ready.

Prez nodded and then signaled him to collect the woman who was unconscious but when Fist reached her, he first felt for the pulse at her neck then turned to look at Prez and shook his head. She was already dead, having been raped to death.

Fist turned and saw a man with his dick still hanging out of his pants with a wet condom on. He balled up his fist and punched the man right in his dick, causing the man to scream and drop to the ground as he held onto his cock. Then he turned and picked Deliah up and carried her out the back door. She deserved to have a decent burial and not be blown up with her torturers.

Bradley suddenly found his voice and said "What the hell is going on? Who the fuck are you guys and what do you want?"

"We are the Justice Brotherhood and we are here to deliver retribution for your sins. If you did nothing to stop what was happening to these women, then you are just as guilty as this man. Say your prayers that God has mercy on your souls because you will get none from us."

Prez motioned for his men to start leaving, taking Bubba and the women with them. Prez took an AK rifle from Quiver and waited until he got word over his com that the truck was in place by the back door. Then he turned to Snoop and Bullet and just nodded his head.

Both men stepped up and began to beat Hank and Bradley while Crusher and Hammer held them. It was Bullet who took out a knife and stabbed Bradley in the crotch, cutting his tiny little dick in half from his asshole to his belly button. The man screamed and Crusher let him fall and he curled into a ball on the floor.

Several men started to puke, while others were braver and started to yell, "You are not doing that to me." Prez didn't even hesitate as he shot the man who had spoken first right between the eyes, effectively stopping any more protests or movement around the room.

Snoop hadn't even slowed down in beating Hank but when Prez fired that shot, Snoop punched Hank in the balls and then as he began to drop to the floor, he punched him in the throat, crushing his windpipe. Hank didn't seem to be able to decide on whether to hold his dick or his throat as he began to choke to death.

Prez motioned for the rest of them to begin backing out of the room. Wolf was the only one left with Prez. Prez made one final statement. "You all deserve what they got and more for what you have done. You knew it was wrong but you did it anyway. Say your prayers." Prez said as he and Wolf backed out of the bar. He held the door closed while Guardian pulled Larry's truck forward until it would be impossible for anyone to get out.

Guardian hopped out of the truck and they hurried around the building to where the others were waiting in the SUVs. They got in and the drivers pulled away. When they were a safe distance away, Blaster flipped the switch on the remote device and they all heard and felt the explosion as the sky lit up for a few seconds then pieces of the building began to rain down behind them as they drove down the highway.

Prez was in the van with the rescued victims and he handed them NDA forms. "These forms are non disclosure agreements. I need each of you to print your name on the top and to sign them on the bottom before we take you any further.

You are never to communicate in any form anything that happened tonight concerning us or anything you are going to see or hear while you are with us. Is that understood? I need your verbal responses please." Prez said, handing them each a form on a clipboard with a pen attached.

All four of them took the clipboards, filled out their names and signed and returned them to Prez saying "Yes, sir."

"I don't know who you are or why you did that but thank you!" Julia said.

All of them said "Thank you!"

"You will be seeing someone soon that alerted us to your situation that you can thank." Prez said as he removed his ski mask and then turned in his seat to face the front.

"Sir? Can I ask what your man did with Delilah?" The one called Silk asked.

"I'm sorry but she was dead before we got there. He removed her and she's in another one of our vehicles. We will make sure she receives a proper burial." Prez replied then asked "Why did they do that to her?"

"There was another young woman who managed to escape a little over a week ago. We don't know how or where she went, we're just glad that she got away. But Delilah tried to sneak away and got caught. Hank said she had to fuck everyone who came into the bar tonight. There were some other guys who came earlier but they left without partaking. There was one guy that was huge!" Julia said.

"At least Delilah was too high to know what was happening to her. I think she took 3 or 4 times her normal pain meds dosage and she was drinking on top of it. I don't think she felt anything." Candace said.

"Still that's a sad way to die!" Prez said.   

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