Chapter 14 - The day after Hank's

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Jasmine had moved into Snoops room too and they had made love for the first time, several times. Jasmine had been surprised by her own reactions with Snoop. She had been so worried that she wouldn't know what to do but it had been as if her body, especially her hands, had taken on a life of their own and she had enjoyed touching Snoop as much as she enjoyed having him touch her.

The next morning, most of the club trickled down to breakfast slowly and a bit later than usual since they had all been out late last night. Even Andy was a bit late putting breakfast out because he had had to make something to eat for the rescue's who had not come in until after midnight.

It had only been soup and sandwiches but still, he had learned from Butcher to never leave the kitchen dirty. "It makes making the next meal that much harder when you have to stop and clean up the mess from the previous use before you can start cooking." Was the mantra that Butcher had often drilled into Andy when he had first started working in the kitchen.

This morning it was going to be his breakfast casserole since it was easy to make and he had prepped all the ingredients last night while he had been waiting for everyone to come back.

Since the coffee pot worked on a timer, it had come on at 4:30 so at least people could get that for themselves but as usual, there was no one in the kitchen when Andy stumbled in at 5:20 am. He was still tired but quickly got the casserole put together and in the ovens to cook. He had pre-made the pans of bacon and sausage and he slipped them into the ovens too.

If Prez would agree, the kitchen could easily use at least two more ovens. As it was, the four of them ran almost constantly during the day and Andy had become quite good at making sure he allowed enough time for everything to cook.

When Nat and Thor showed up at 5:30 am from their daily workout, they found Andy nursing a cup of coffee and looking like death warmed over.

"Wow, kid. What's wrong with you? You look like hell." Thor said.

"Just tired. It's a lot of work to cook 3 meals a day for so many and last night I had to stay up late to make food for the rescue's that came in after midnight. I'm not used to being up so late anymore." Andy admitted.

"Go back to bed, Andy. We'll make sure breakfast gets finished up. What more do you have to do?" Nat said.

"Everything is in the oven already. I usually just sprinkle some cheese over the casserole's about 5 minutes before they are done cooking. The bacon and sausage just needs to be put in those pans and put on the stands." Andy told her, pointing to the pans that were lined with paper towels to soak up the grease.

"Everything is set on a timer so when they go off, everything will be ready to go in the warmers. The warmers need to be lit for the casseroles and the fruit in the fridge needs to be put in a pan with a pan of ice underneath it. Put the condiments out at the end of the table and then make sure the kitchen is returned to order." Andy said, running all the things that needed to be done before everyone started filing into the dining room for breakfast.

"Geez, Andy. Is it like this every morning?" Nat asked.

"No, it's usually a lot more work. It's easy this morning because I prepped everything for the casserole before I went to bed last night, so all I had to do was get up to mix it all together and put them in the oven. If I had the freezer space, I'd prepare for several meals of stuff like this. It would sure make it easier on mornings like this." Andy said.

"Well, the prospects are supposed to handle the clean up but we'll take care of getting the food out. You go get some sleep before you make yourself sick. Lord, help us if you get sick!" Nat said.

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