Two lovers

By Natashas_chair

555 20 4

Rebecca Toussaint Known information: Ex military, super soldier, ex hydra. Born- 01/05/1916 Death- unknown ... More

Brief background info
About the characters


39 2 0
By Natashas_chair

Rebecca's POV

We are now at Kates apartment so she can grab her bow and arrows. It's spacious, little furniture but it's enough, a small kitchen. Not too bad.

"You ready to go" Kate asked with her equipment in her hand

"I think I'm the one who should be asking you that question" I say with a smirk and she rolls her eyes

"Whatever, let's go" she leads us out of her apartment and back to my car

"So where to?" I say once we're in the car

"Ummm I'll direct you from here, it should only be about a 10 min drive" she says and I start the car

We arrive to this park? If you can call it that. It's just an field with a bunch of trees scattered around. It is a beautiful area though, it's nice and relaxing.

We get out the car and I follow her to this specific tree, it's the biggest one here, it has a target on in that looks like it's been used a few times.

"Let's see what you got bishop" I say and watch her carefully as she puts her bag down and grabs an arrow along with her bow

"Oh I'll show you what I got alright" she says and stand a good distance away from the tree and readys her bow and takes a deep breath before letting go of the string, I watch the arrow fly through the air and stick in the dead center of the target

"Well done Kate Bishop" her name rolls off my tongue effortlessly

"Thank you" she says with a bow. She shoots a few more arrows all landing next to the one in the middle of the target.

We stay at the park for a while just chatting and taking turns shooting the target. We had a little competition going, seeing who could make the most impressive bullseye. I let Kate win of course, key word 'let'. She's not too bad, she's hot, skilled, funny, and kind. So I suppose I won't dog Lance when I get back to our apartment.

"So what do we do now?" I ask kinda bored of the whole archery and park

"Well I guess we could call it a day, it's already 3pm" she shrugs and starts to pack up her bow and arrows

"Alright sure, today was fun, you're not too bad I guess" I say standing up and stretching

"Aww that's the nicest thing you've said to me all day" Kate says with a smile

"I can take it back you know" I cross my arms and we start walking back to my car

"Nope, too late. If I didn't know any better I would say you don't hate me" she teases

"Oh whatever, don't push it, I can easily have you walk home" I threaten and get in the driver seat as she gets in the passenger side

"Im already in the car, so might as well" she shuts the door and throws her stuff in the back

I sigh and start driving back to her apartment. Yes I remember where it is. Im just that good.

"Today was fun, we should do it again sometime" she suggested out of the blue catching me off guard

"Uhh... yeah for sure, next time I choose what we do" I agree with a soft faint smile

"Just don't choose something boring" Kate pleads and I scoff

"Me and boring don't get along, so no need to worry" I assure her

"Good, I don't want to have to pull a fake phone call from my mom"

"Oh whatever" I say ending our conversation. The rest of the ride back was silent, but it wasn't awkward, thankfully.

I pull up to her apartment and park, she gets out and grabs her stuff from the back, once the doors shut I roll down the passenger window.

"You know, for someone as clumsy and bright as you, I don't mind you around" I say to her making her lean in the window

"Oh yeah? Well for someone as badass and sarcastic as you I don't mind your company either" she says with a smirk

"Well in that case I'll see you around Bishop" I smirk and send her a wink

"Hopefully" she says and leaves the window and heads inside, I watch her until I can't anymore and drive back to my apartment.

I finally found a spot in the parking garage and make my way inside and up to my apartment. I unlocked the door and walk in to find Lance having a drink with Natasha Romanoff in our living room . What is she doing here?

"Hello my older sister" He says with a smile, he never greets me like that. I close the door behind me and walk in further

"What's up. Who's the girl?" I ask even though I know who she is

"Ahh, this is Natalie Rushman, we bumped into each other on the way up" he explained

I just nod and walk to the kitchen

"How was your date?" He asked

"It wasn't a date" I corrected and grabbed a water

"Yeah yeah, Natasha was just telling me about the job opportunities around here" Lance added the spy's real name in his words and like in slow motion she stands up and pulls out her gun, but before she can blink I'm behind her with my own gun pointed at her head and Lance is in front of her with his knife to her neck

"Well this is fun, wanna go ahead and call your buddies in and we can handle this like adults" Lance offers, she thinks for a second but nonetheless puts her gun down and calls in back up

"Fury was right about you two" she says and I can hear the smirk in her voice, a few seconds later two men enter the apartment, one being Clint Barton and the other being Captain America

"Look who we have here, good old Steve Rogers" I say removing my gun from the Widows head and aiming it at the man himself

"Beca now's not the time" Lance says and I scoff but put my gun down

"So what does Fury want" He adds and removes his knife from Natasha's neck

"We need you two to come in, he wants to speak to you personally" Bird man says and I roll my eyes

"I'm not going anywhere with that asshole" I say referring to Steve

"Listen Rebeca, I can explain-

Before he could finish his sentence I rush towards him and punch him in the face, he stumbles back but recovers quickly, I go to punch him again but he blocks it with his shield, he then kicks me in the stomach but I hold my ground, I notice Hawkeye is helping Black Widow with my brother so I focus on Steve. We exchange hits through out the living room making it around to the huge window, I run and tackle him through it, we descend down and before we hit the ground I get my wings out and fly us up high, I make sure the height is enough that from a fall not even Captain America could get up from.

"You know Captain, I don't see why people consider you a hero, you only save who you want" I say holding him by the neck

"If I could go back and save you I would have, I was scared, I didn't know if I could trust you, you were in a HYDRA base after all" he say's struggling to get his words out

"I would have expected a better response from you Steve, you know what did to us in there, you had a chance to help us and you didn't, now's it's time for you to pay for it" I say and let go of him.

I watch as he falls to his death, it feels good to get revenge for my brother and I after all these years. Captain America finally got what he deserved.

Or that's what I thought, I watch as a red blur catches him, Iron man. Dammit, these stupid Avengers.

"Are those vibranium?" I hear a voice ask, but before I can turn around I'm knocked out and everything goes black.

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