Academic lovers

By winterxeve

191K 4.1K 786

Crest view academy. This was no ordinary high school; it was known for its academic excellence and fierce riv... More

01 | I'm better than you in every way possible
02 | Just the beginning
03 | Kill me now
04 | Wrong number
05 | I win
06 | Planning
07 | night
08 | Awful day
09 | Miller's sanctuary
10 | Total bust
11 | Poison
12 | Care
13 | Dinner
15 | Game day
16 | Final round
17 | Library
18 | Change
19 | Ideas
20 | Contact
21 | Question
22 | Homecoming
23 | Strange
24 | Night
25 | Thoughts
26 | Internal
27 | Interest
28 | Dumbfounded
29 | Talk
30 | Interrupted feelings
31 | Perspectives
32 | Morning madness
33 | New York
34 | Winter night
35 | Moment
36 | Future
37 | One touch
38 | The truth
39 | Late night
40 | Rumours
41 | Resolution
42 | Mrs.Miller
43 | Aiden's interior
44 | Holidays
45 | Whispers of trust
46 | Deja vû
47 | From rivals to lovers

14 | Preparations

4K 82 0
By winterxeve

"Man, I can't wait for the football game!" Khelani exclaimed with a huge grin on her face.

"Totally! It feels like forever since we had one at school," Ciara replied, sharing Khelani's excitement.

I closed my locker with a tired sigh and rubbed my eyes. "Wait, you guys are actually going to the game?"

"Of course! And you're coming with us, Zhe," they both chimed in.

I groaned. "Should I? I mean, it's not really my thing."

Ciara playfully squished my cheeks, declaring , "We're going to make it your thing, trust me!"

I grinned, "Alright, alright. Let's just hit up the washroom before class.I seriously need to fix this hot mess of a look."

As we strolled towards the washroom, I caught sight of the mirror and hurriedly made my way over.

"Leigha, are you going to go for it?" I overheard someone ask.

"Yeah, I hope Aiden digs it" a soft voice replied.

My curiosity piqued. I looked up and realized it was Leigha Windsor, one of the cheerleaders. She's known all over the school for her looks and most importantly because her family funds this school.

"I'm planning to give it to him during the football game tomorrow. Fingers crossed, he's into it," she whispered shyly.

"Leigha, he's going to be all over it. You're drop-dead gorgeous and super sweet," her friend reassured, giving her a comforting rub on the back.

"I'm just so nervous, you know? There are tons of girls asking him out. What makes me stand out?"

Her friend let out a sigh and said, "Aiden's a good guy, so don't expect the worst. Just go for it, alright?"

Just as the bell rang, they hurried off.

Both Ciara and Khelani exchanged a knowing glance before letting out a scoff. I furrowed my brows in confusion.

"What's going on?" I asked

Khelani raised both eyebrows and smirked. "Good luck with that" she said, her tone filled with amusement.

I looked at her, still puzzled. "What do you mean?"

Ciara jumped in to clarify. "What we're trying to say is that Aiden has turned down every single girl who has ever asked him out. It's like a known fact."

I tilted my head, genuinely surprised. "Really? I had no idea."

Thinking about it I never saw that cocky bastard with a girl, or like a girlfriend. He did sometimes talk about how girls are all over him but never said he had a girlfriend.

They exchanged another look, and Ciara shook her head with a playful smile. "And that's why we say you live under a rock."

I shrugged. "I just don't pay much attention to that kind of stuff. Besides, why would I care about Aiden's love life?"

They both nodded, giving me a look.

"Alright, class," the teacher announced. "Today, we will be continuing our work from yesterday. Please pair up with the person sitting beside you and continue where you left off."

I turned my gaze to my right, meeting the blue eyes of Michael. We both stared at each other awkwardly. I mean, how awkward is it to talk to the boy your friend is seeing?

"Uh, so I wasn't here yesterday; could you tell me what you guys did?"

A faint smile appeared on his face as he responded, "Sure, no problem. We started working on this paper, but now we have to finish it." He handed me a sheet of paper. "Here, use this."

"Thanks," I replied, accepting the paper from him. "So, I'll start working on it, and when I reach the part where you left off, we can continue together. Does that sound alright?"

He nodded in agreement and focused his attention on his own paper. I followed suit and began working on my assignment.

I suddenly felt someone look at me and turn to my right, catching Michael staring. I raised an eyebrow, then he quickly looked away.

Um, what was that? I hate when people stare, and him of all people makes it very awkward.

Michael cleared his throat, initiating a conversation. "So, Zhera, right?" he asked.

I nod, briefly taking my eyes off my paper.

"I noticed you weren't here for the past couple of days. Are you feeling better now?"

I smile and say, "I was just sick."

As I continued working on my paper, he suddenly asked, "Hey, I heard you're really smart. Do you think you could help me with math after school?"

I paused for a moment, scratching my head. "Hmm, I'm not sure. I have a lot on my plate with student council responsibilities. But I'll see."

His expression shifted briefly, a mix of disappointment and maybe even a hint of frustration. But he quickly masked it with a smile. "No worries, just let me know."

The bell rang, and I quickly got up, feeling annoyed with Michael for talking too much and not taking the hint that I wanted to focus on my work.

He started with small talk that didn't make sense, and I tried to subtly indicate that I wasn't interested in the conversation.

But despite my efforts, he took it as a sign to keep talking. Now I'm frustrated and have made no progress on my work.

I usually prefer to complete my assignments at school, so I don't have a lot of homework to do at home. However, today's interruption has left me with nothing done and a sour mood.

I sighed and slammed my locker shut, waiting for Ciara and Khelani to arrive. As part of our usual routine, we meet up at my locker after each class.

"Zhera, guess what?" Kehlani exclaimed, catching me off guard with her sudden appearance.

I couldn't help but wonder how she managed to get here so quickly, considering her class is on the other side of the school. But then again, it's Kehlani we're talking about—what kind of answer am I expecting? Maybe she teleported or something.

"What happened?"

She caught her breath. "So, there's this hot guy in my class. I never really noticed him before because he always sat at the back. But today, he spoke up, and let me tell you, he's smoking hot. I'm pretty sure his name is Alejandro."

Ah, Alejandro. That name rang a bell. He's one of Aiden's friends.

I couldn't help but tease Kehlani. "So, he's your new crush now, huh?" I already knew the answer but wanted to hear it from her.

Kehlani nodded enthusiastically. "Yeah, duh! I have to find a way to get closer to him; thankfully, he's in my class next period."

I chuckled, wishing her good luck. "Well, Khe, I wish you all the best of luck. May the forces of attraction be in your favour."

As I glanced at the time, I frowned. "shit. Sorry, Khe, but I have a student meeting right now. Please let Ciara know that I won't be in class with her today."


I opened the door, out of breath. "Sorry guys, the hallways were so crowded."

"It's fine; we're just getting started."

With a smile, I made my way to my seat "So should we start planning for the homecoming dance?"

"Yes, but before we dive into that, we need to ensure that the preparations for the football game tomorrow are going well." Roman explained, perching his thick-rimmed rectangular glasses up properly.

Roman is the student council's secretary; he takes care of organizing events and distributing information to members.

I turned to Myvy, a girl standing beside Roman's chair. "Alright, so what do we have for now Myvy?"

She swiftly took out her note book. "Well, the tickets are finished, and we will be distributing them tomorrow. We have the numbers of students that will be attending and have planned everything for the parking."

I hummed, "So it looks like we have everything done for now. Good job."

A soft smile graced Myvy's face as she tucked her blonde hair behind her ear. As the event coordinator, she took care of brainstorming ideas and ensuring the smooth running of events.

A few moments later, the sound of the door opening interrupted our conversation.
"Sorry. I was busy."Nora explained making her way through the door

I rolled my eyes. Nora was the vice president, but it didn't seem like she took her role seriously.

"Like always," I muttered quietly under my breath. She caught my comment and shot me a dirty look, mocking me in return.

It was clear that ever since I had won the election for president, against her, she had developed a dislike for me and consistently attempted to undermine my position.

"Let's just get this over with." Nora declared with a fake smile plastered across her face. She forcefully slammed her bag onto the table.

Myvy and Roman gave each other a look. But decided to keep quiet. I wasn't going to

"Look, if you don't want to be here, you're free to leave. You're seriously ruining the mood."

She scoffed, "Calm the fuck down, Miss President."

"Language," Roman interjected firmly.

"Relax, I'm just in a bad mood."

"Yes, we all have bad days," I said calmly. "But that doesn't mean you should make everyone else's day bad too. We have so much work to do, and if you're going to show up late and just mope around, perhaps it's best if you find the exit."

"Whatever, I never wanted to be in this boring ass club anyway."she grabbed her bag and stormed towards the door, forcefully slamming the door behind her.

I sighed, rubbing my head.

"I never liked her, anyway." Myvy shrugged

Football game coming soon! I'm exited

wordcount: 1613

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