The power of ten

By naijah_leylani2209

304 26 3

Naomi is a sophomore in high school and is trying to figure out life as a teenager. What will happen when her... More

Character Descriptions
Chapter 1: The night before
Chapter 3:Lunchtime
Chapter 4:The Field Trip
Chapter 5:The Day that changed our lives
Chapter 6: More Than Weird
Chapter 7: We Got Powers
Chapter 8: When in need

Chapter 2: The big day

22 3 0
By naijah_leylani2209

Aiyaary POV

     Of course, on the very first day of Sophomore year, I woke up 30 minutes late. I hit my alarm and lay in my bed for a little longer. When I open my eyes the bright light from the sun is shining right through and towards my bed, nearly blinding me, and it makes me a little angry. I let my eyes adjust to the bright light and scan my room.

My room is painted all purple with black and white accessories. I look over to my alarm and see that it's 8:30. I  jumped out of my comfortable bed and, damn I thought. I threw my covers over my bed where I was laying.

My sheets were purple and white, like the rest of my room. When I adjusted to finally waking up, I ran to the dresser and grabbed this half-black half-white crop top with black shorts. I went to put on my air force ones, but they were nowhere to be found. I grabbed my book bag and ran downstairs without shoes and gave my feet carpet burn. I walked into the kitchen and saw my mom at the stove cooking. She was wearing my dads shirt and it nearly made me barf. They liked pretending they were happy. I walked over to her and grabbed a piece of toast. She smiled and pointed to the living room. I turned my head to see a pair of socks on the table with my shoes on the floor next to them. I smile at her and run to get them.

Our house looked different on the inside from Nai's. Our kitchen had an island in the middle with a stone counter. The fridge was next to the back door. We had a little pantry and across from where my mom was standing was a clear view of our small living room. There was a decent sized wooden table in the middle with my dads lazy boy chair and a long couch for guests which they rarely let me have and a flat screen which only I would watch with my friends, mostly Nai and the others.

I got all my stuff and ran outside, I hoped my friends hadn't left me behind. When I got outside I saw Naomi and Maelyn sitting on the curve waiting for me.

"Sorry y'all, I slept through my alarm" I said all out of breath "It's fine, your parents brought us breakfast," Naomi said.

They got all their stuff and we walked down the street to where Hikari and Katsu's house's were. We've all lived in the same neighborhood since we were very young, and that's how we became friends. Naomi and Mae shared a front yard, and so did Hikari and Katsu, and I lived at the end of the street. As we started approaching their driveways we could see Katsu and Hikari waiting on us. Katsu spotted us first and ran over to give Nai a hug.

"So we ready for the first day?" he asked us. "I'm kinda nervous not gonna lie," Mae said while looking at her shoes. "No worries, new year, same people" Nai said and we started walking.

No worries, new year, same people" Nai said and we started walking.

Maelyn POV
We all started walking and talking, trying to catch Katsu up from over the summer.

"Did you run into our favorite girls?" Katsu asked in a sarcastic tone.

"Well if you mean who I think you mean then no, they went on vacation, and let's hope they stay there" Aiyaary said as our bus pulled up.

On our ride to school my friends chatted a little while I kept stressing about my classes. It was only the first day and my dad was already on my back, and don't even get me started on new teachers and people, I mean we may be going back to the same school but it's still nerve-racking.

We got off at our stop and luckily we were 15 minutes early before classes started. We all went to the back of the school and sat outside. As we were talking the people around us started whispering and looking toward a certain direction.

"What's going on?" Katsu said. "Oh no not again" I said while rolling my eyes, it was our worst enemies...

Hikari POV
     "The sirens," I said, already annoyed.

We called them that because they were the prettiest girls in school and loved to steal people's boyfriends, just like actual sirens.

The sirens were Akubane Sato who was a decent 5,6, dark skin and long hair, Nakamura Misaki who was about two or three inches taller than Akubane light skin in her hair in a ponytail, and Hamira Yamamoto the shortest of the 3 nice tone skins with a braided hairstyle.

They have been trying to start shit with me and my friends since the fourth grade. At some point we were all friends but obviously that changed. They were just mad because Katsu liked Naomi and not Hamira, and she made her friends hate us too.

Their leader , Hamira, came over to us and started talking. "Look you guys it's the sluts," she said laughing with her minions. "Look y'all, it's the homewreckers," Naomi snapped back.

I wasn't  expecting that from Nai. I was about to say something when Nai walked right up to Hamira and started talking.

"Look here girly I don't want too much of my day to be taken up by you, so I'll keep it short, leave me and my friends alone and there won't be any problems, or do I need to put my hands on you like I did last school year?" she said, raising an eyebrow.

We all giggled a little bit at Naomi's words, bringing us back to the memory of last year, Nai had walked Hamira like a dog last year for talking shit about her mom. Hamira turned a bright red, also remembering. Bet that wasn't one of her proudest moments.

"Watch your back" she said and turned, doing a cliche hair flip and walked away. Akubane was right behind her while Nakarmura stood there smiling for a moment before she also turned away and left. I'm not sure she understood what was going on half the time.

Naomi POV
     After the Sirens buzzed off we all started walking to our first class, homeroom. Maelyn and Hikari sat at one table, Aiyaary sat by herself, and Me and Katsu sat next to each other. We all sat there for a while before the teacher came in and started talking about all the boring shit we would be doing this year. I was already over it so I zoned out and started writing in my notebook. I looked out the window for a quick second while writing about what happened this morning when all of a sudden I felt my notebook slip out of my hands. I looked up to see Katsu holding it. I was so pissed. I noticed his eyes start to scan the page and I felt my cheeks get hot.

Katsu POV
     "Katsu give it back!" Naomi yelled, I didn't listen. I started to read a bit of what she had written. "September 1st," was all I could read before Naomi socked me in the arm.

I looked down to see an angry blushing Naomi staring up at me. I dropped the notebook on the floor and inspected my arm, it was turning red.

"Why would you do that?" I asked a bit shocked. Nai always let me read her stuff, or at least she used to. "Haven't you ever heard of privacy?" She said,

"Man, even when she's mad she's still so cute".

A few minutes later homeroom ended and I had to head off to my next class, which was unfortunately not with any of my friends. As I was saying goodbye to the girls I went up to give Nai a hug but she pushed right past me. I made a mental note to properly apologize to her at lunch as I started walking to A.P. Geometry.

As I walked into the room and spotted a familiar face sitting over in the corner.

"Hey Kyama, long time no see" I sarcastically said as she looked up "Oh my god, I didn't know you lived around here, or went to this school!" she said blushing.

Kiyama was this super smart and cool girl I met at camp. She stood at about 5'5, with ear and nose piercings, her hair was locked up like mine but her hair was longer, she had this earthy girl type vibe that was really cool.
We ended up talking the whole class and just like I remembered, she had amazing conversation skills. Once class ended I gave Kiyama my number and told her I would meet her at lunch and introduce her to my friends.

Hikari POV
   After leaving homeroom I was walking to my math class when I saw Aiyaary talking with some dude. They looked like they were flirting so I didn't want to interrupt them. So I just kept walking, but I made a mental note to tell the others about Aiyaary.

I walked into the classroom and everyone was talking and there was no teacher so I found myself a place in the corner and sat down. I looked over and saw a familiar face from middle school, it was my old boy best friend Kiyoshi. He moved away in the sixth grade and we haven't seen each other since.That's why Katsu is the only boy in the group. I walked over to him and tapped on his shoulder. He turned around and immediately hugged me.

"Kari I didn't know you went to this school." He said. "Same but why didn't you text and say you were moving back!" I said excitedly.

God he looked so different now. He stood at a whopping 6'4, he had twist that looked like they had been worn out for a while, he had on a white t-shirt, basketball shorts, a nike tech hoodie, and some all white air forces.

"So when did you get back in town?"  I asked while I sat down. "At the start of the summer, if I knew you still lived in the same place I would have come to see you," he said.

"God, I just can't get over how different you look now," I said while looking him over again. "I could say the same for you" he said back.

"I know someone who's gonna be super excited to see you" I said with a sly smile. "Oh yeah, who?" he asked, smiling back "Aiyaary, duh" I replied. "I doubt she even remembers me, all we used to do was fight," he said with a sad face.

"He's definitely in love with her"  I thought as I started hacking my plan to get the two of them together.

Class came and went and I told Kiyoshi I would find him at lunch and reunite him with all our friends, and hopefully get him and Aiyaary to feel the same vibe.

Maelyn POV
      After homeroom ended I had social studies next so I started walking down the hallway. After 15 minutes of walking around, I realized I was lost, and I was going to be late on my first day. My dad was gonna be so pissed when he got the call that I was late to my first class on the first day. I walked around a little more, I bumped into someone.

"Oh sorry, I didn't even see you," I said. I looked up and there was the cute boy from the beach yesterday and his friend.

"Hey, weren't you at the beach yesterday?" the cute one said "Uh yea, I showed you to the bathroom and we talked a little" I said while he reached out to help me up

"Sorry for bumping into you, by the way I never got your names" I said looking down at the floor. "It's all good, I'm Ky and this is my best friend Ash,'' the tall one said.

"So his name is Ash" I thought to myself.

They were really nice, and it turns out they were in my class so we walked together. As soon as we got to class everyone started looking at us. We took our seats and all started talking and introducing ourselves. I learned alot about Ash and the things he liked and did, he was honestly one of the funniest and nicest guys I've ever met.

Once class ended Ash said he and Ky would meet up with me to have lunch and talk. As they walked away I started to blush at the thought of eating lunch with Ash.

Aiyaary POV
     Homeroom ended and I was walking down the hall when someone came from behind me and picked me up and swung me around.

"Elijah put me down" I laughed as he sat me down.

Me and Elijah started walking to class together and I saw Hikari while walking. I noticed her looking at me weirdly but I didn't say anything. Elijah has been my boyfriend since the end of last school year, the only thing is none of my friends knew about him, not even Naomi. We walked into class and saw no teacher. So we just sat next to each other.

As we were talking I saw this girl walk in and right behind her was some creepy dude trying to talk to her. The girl was wearing a white tank top with a pink butterfly design, a pink and tan skirt, a heart belt, white fila's, and a large white and pink sweater.

"She dresses very cute" I thought.

I could see by the look on her face that she was becoming more uncomfortable by the second, so I got up and walked towards her and said

"Girl we were waiting for you where have you been!?" I pretended like I knew her.

"Oh yeah sorry I didn't know where you went," she said, catching on to what I was trying to do.

I told her to come sit with me and Elijah. "Thank you so much for saving me" she said, still clearly shaken by what happened. "No problem girl, I'm Aiyaary and this is my boyfriend Elijah" I introduced while motioning to him.

"Hi I'm Aimi" she said in a quiet voice. We talked a little more and I invited her to eat with me and my friends at lunch. Class ended and I told Aimi I would meet her in the cafeteria.

Kiyama POV
I walked into the high school already on edge. It didn't help that it was my first day of school and I was in a whole new school in a whole new city. But I was determined to make it through. I just wish I had friends.

The school was very big and the walls made me feel small. There were kids everywhere. All different sizes. They were like ants the way they huddled up. In my first class I sat in the back of the class. I sat my green bookbag down on the floor and sat on the stool.

The way the room looked it seemed to be a science class. There were black tables not sure what they were made of. There were beakers everywhere which was a dead give away. The teacher walked in and started talking. Within 10 seconds of hearing her voice I knew I wasn't going to like this class or her.

She kept talking so I zoned her out and took the time to observe the people in this class with me. Most of the boys were wearing graphic Tees with jeans and the girls either tank tops and shorts or crop tops and skirts. As I'm scanning the room my eyes land on three girls. One with long brown braids, the second with long black hair that has flat iron and curled at the end, and the third with a ponytail. The girl with the ponytail is smiling but her eyes give a blank expression like she is not really there, the other two girls are having a conversation and seem like they are really good friends. The short one looked over at me and I looked away fast, feeling kinda embarrassed.

"Of course they see me looking at them, why do you go and make things weird" in my head.

Lucky for me the class ended soon after that and I rushed to my next class. It was A.P geometry class. Once I found the class I walked to the back of it and found a seat. Not even halfway through the day and I wanted to go home. I had no friends and I already felt like a creep.

I was sitting there getting my notebook out to draw when I heard a familiar voice and my heart skipped a beat.

"Hey Kiyama, long time no see" He said in a sarcastic voice.

I became overcome with joy when I saw him standing there. For many reasons, the main reason is because I knew someone here and didn't have to make new friends.

"Oh my god, I didn't know you lived around here or went to this school" I say smiling and blushing like I was in lala land.

The whole time we talked he only talked about this one girl in particular, Naomi. He said she was a friend of his but the way he talked about her, she sounded like more.

He said she had bright slivery-white hair, gray eyes, and a "smile that could light up a room". She seemed... different, but I was willing to give her a chance for Katsu's sake.

Class ended and Katsu told me to meet him at lunch, he gave me a hug before walking away. That part almost made me die inside. I guess I'll meet his "best girl" at lunch and see what's so great about her.

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