Chapter 3:Lunchtime

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Reader POV

After the first three periods it was finally time for lunch so Naomi walked into the cafeteria and started looking around for her friend's but she couldn't find them, so she found an empty table and just sat down when she saw Katsu looking around for someone. Naomi thought he was looking for her so she stood up and started walking over to him but when she got to him she saw him, he was doing THEIR secret handshake with some random girl. She was pissed. Then he came over to her and said

"Hey Nai, this is my friend from camp Kiyama, Kiyama this is one of my best friends in the whole world Naomi the one i was telling you about"

The girl waved at her. Kiyama had to fake a smile so it looked like she liked her but in actuality she kinda already hated her.

Katsu POV

I could tell by the look on Kiyama's face that she was unsure of Naomi. The look was one that said she didn't know if she could trust her, but I didn't know why. I mean how could you not love her. Naomi was super cool and had this energy that you could feed off of and vibe with.

"Nai where are the others?" I asked "I thought you knew, that's why I ran over here," she said looking down at the floor.

Just then me and Naomi got a text from our group chat "Kids on drugs" It was from Aiyaary it said,

"Meet us outside at the fifth picnic table".

I replied "ok" and started walking with Naomi and Kiyama.

When we got outside we saw our friends sitting with a bunch of other people that we didn't know. It was Aiyaary, Hikari, Mae and then 3 other people.

All of a sudden Kiyama ran over to one of the girls and gave her a hug. It was

"I guess they know each other," I thought to myself.

Me and Nai continued walking over to the table. When we got there, Kiyama got up and introduced us to everyone she knew and Aiyaary introduced us to the ones she didn't know. Their names were Ky, Ash, and Aimi. I remembered Ky and Ash from the beach yesterday. I was saying hi to everyone when out of the corner of my eye I saw Naomi run over and give someone a huge hug. I looked closer at the person and saw that it was my old best friend Kiyoshi.

"Kiyoshi, is that you?" I asked curiously, with a smile

"Yeah, I'm back!" he said. We dabbed each other up and everyone else sat down. We all started talking and everyone seemed to get along well. I liked this group. We went from a group of 5 to a group of ten within a day.

Hikari POV

After meeting all those new people my social battery was running low, so I decided to let Mae do the talking for me for the rest of lunch. I was sitting there with my head down when I felt eyes just staring me down. I turned around quickly and saw Akubane, Nakamura, and Hamira sitting at their table in the middle of everyone just watching me like the creeps they are.

 "Bro why do they keep staring at me" I asked as my friends turned the same discretion I was looking. "I don't know, let's just hope they don't try any shit" Katsu said as we all went back to talking. A few minutes later the sirens came over to us and started talking to the girl Aimi I just met. 

"Hey Aimi, you look...nice" Hamira said in a back-headed way. "Well thanks, I guess" Aimi whispered while looking at her shoes. "But like seriously did you get your clothes from the child section, I mean my god your what 15 and you dress like your fucking 6, grow the hell up" Nakamura said while Akubane just laughed. "What the hell is your problem!" Naomi yelled.

Naomi POV

"What the hell is your problem!" I yelled at the sirens. "Oh look girls, Hatagori's grown some balls" Hamira said while stepping up to me. "No, I've just grown sick of your attitude." I said while also stepping up. "You want beef?" Hamira asked "No bitch do you?" Naomi shot back. 

"Ladies, is there a problem here?" one of the security guards asked. "No sir" we replied at the same time. "Better not be" he said as he walked away. "Watch yourself Hatagori" "And you do the same Yamamoto" I said as they walked back to their table. "Aimi are you ok?" I asked "Yea I'm fine, she's been like that for as long as I can remember." Aimi said while looking down. "Girl you gotta stand up for yourself!" Mae said while slamming her hands on the table. "It's complicated," Aimi said while rubbing her neck. 

Suddenly the bell rang and we got up to start walking to class. I said bye to everyone and put my headphones on so I could blast my music. As I headed towards the stairs I felt a tap on my shoulder, and it was Katsu. "Did you need something?" I asked with my hands on my hips. "Look Nai, I wanted to apologize for earlier, it was a total invasion of your privacy and I should have asked first, I'm really sorry" he said with the most sincere expression. "Fine, just don't do it again" I replied while smiling and rolling my eyes. We got to talking as Katsu walked me to class.

Time skip

Katsu POV

It was finally the last period of the day and I was so ready to head home and just chill out for the rest of the day. "Welcome to your final class of the first day of your sophomore year, I'm your biology teacher for this year, Mr.E" the tall bald man said. "We're going to be doing some ice breakers" he said as I zoned out, I didn't feel like listening to him yap on. 

"Young man, are you paying attention?" Mr.E asked as he got all up in my face. "Yes sir" I lied. "Alright then, what's your answer?" he asked "My answer to what?" "The question" "Uhm, black people?" I stuttered as everyone started laughing. "Mr. Katsu, feel free to see me after class" he said as he walked away from my desk. "Damn, in trouble on the first day" I thought as he went back to talking about nonsense. 

Class came to an end and I tried to hurry out with everyone else when I felt a hand on my shoulder. "Going somewhere?" Mr.E asked and I returned to my seat. "I was going to just give you a quick talk about paying attention in class but since you tried to leave I want you to write an essay on your childhood," I was confused "Why about my childhood?" I asked, "Because that's what I asked you about earlier, but you were off in lala land." He said. "You may leave, I'll email you the details of your paper later" he said as I walked out the door. 

I basically ran outside to catch up with my friends only to see they were all outside waiting for me. "Dude what took you so long, I'm hungary" Hikari said "Nothing, just Mr.E making me do some dumb ass paper, just because I wasn't paying attention in class." I said while rolling my eyes "That sucks," Nai said as we started walking. "Hey I invited everyone from lunch over to my place, that cool?" Hikari asked "Yea no problem" I replied as we made our way to her house. And now I just have to think about what part of my childhood I was gonna write about.

Hi everyone! We hope you all had an amazing thanksgiving and that you got to be with those you care about, and if not that's ok too. Be ready for next week. BYEEEEEEEEE!

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