Chapter 1: The night before

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Readers POV
     Falling. You never realize you're doing it until it's almost too late. It's almost a reliving sensation, like all the pain and suffering you've been through in your life just melts right off. But in this case the fall was probably the worst thing to possibly ever happen to a group of people. And now on with the story.

Aiyaary POV
     I was skating down the sidewalk while heading to the beach to meet up with my friends for our last day of summer celebration. It was a nice day out. I felt the wind blowing through my brown curls. I felt free zooming down the street on my red and purple skates. Once I got there I was in aw of the view. the sand was golden brown and the water a beautiful crystal blue. The rays of the sun made it shimmer. I then saw Mae and Hikari sitting on one of the lifeguard towers with all the picnic supplies. Mae was wearing a blue long sleeve crop top with white hearts on the side and black and white cargo shorts. Hikari was wearing a purple shirt with black shorts and a silver necklace, she hasn't been a day without all summer. The necklace had a sword on it. I took off my rollerblades and ran over to my friends 

"Hey girls what's up!" I exclaimed, while running over to them 

"Hey did you bring the popsicles?" Mae asked while hugging me "Yes and is that literally the first thing you were waiting to ask me?" I questioned, "Yea kind of" she responded honestly. 

"Has anyone seen Nai, she isn't answering her phone?" Hikari asked looking at me and Mae "No I thought she was riding with Aiyaary" Mae said "Wait I thought she was already here" I added 

"Oh shit, Katsu usually wakes her up but sin-" I cut Mae off mid sentence "You know she doesn't like us talking about him, even though she's not here" I spoke looking at the ground "Yea I know" Mae replied looking down as well 

"Ladies focus, so you're telling me that we all completely forgot about waking up Naomi, even though we all knew we would need to" Hikari stated with her arms crossed "This is bad" Mae whispered to herself 

"Fine I'll skate over and pick her up, she'll have the cake and we'll be back in no time" I sighed while lacing up my skates "Ok just hurry back, we don't want you to miss it" Mae remined "Yea we're already down one person" Hikari added 

"Yea I know" I spoke as I raced off half way across town to pick up my best friend.

     Me and all my friends grew up in a small town. It wasn't so small that we knew everyone but we all lived on the same street. It was convenient when we wanted to have sleepovers or just get away from our parents 

Katsu POV
     I was on the bus heading home from the longest summer of my life. I couldn't wait to see Naomi and the other girls, I missed them so much. The bus pulled up in front of my house. It was a three story house. Made of bricks. Most of them were brown but I believed they started off red. The grass was overgrown. I said goodbye to my camp friends, and told them I will see them next summer. I hopped off the bus and dropped my bags on the sidewalk. The second they left my hand I darted straight across the street to Naomi's house. I know I should have probably stopped by and let my mom and sister know that I was home but I just couldn't wait to see Naomi. I missed her so much with her long white hair and her smooth dark skin, her mesmerizing gray eyes.I don't like her i just missed her a lot. 

     I knocked on the door. I waited for a few minutes before I saw a familiar face opening the door. "Katsu! What's up kid?!" Naomi's older sister Hina Sorta shouted as she hugged me tightly. Hina was tall with black hair that faded white at the ends. She had caramel skin and brown eyes. She was wearing a hoodie with the name of the college she went to on it, with sleeping shorts. 

"Oh hey Hina, I didn't know you were home" I said while hugging her back. "Damn kid, you must have grown at least 7 inches since the last time I saw you," Hina said while letting me inside. "I've only been gone a few weeks" I responded, confused on how that's possible. 

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