The power of ten

By naijah_leylani2209

306 26 3

Naomi is a sophomore in high school and is trying to figure out life as a teenager. What will happen when her... More

Character Descriptions
Chapter 1: The night before
Chapter 2: The big day
Chapter 3:Lunchtime
Chapter 4:The Field Trip
Chapter 5:The Day that changed our lives
Chapter 6: More Than Weird
Chapter 7: We Got Powers

Chapter 8: When in need

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By naijah_leylani2209

Reader's POV

It was the end of the day and all the high schoolers were leaving the building.Katsu had gone straight home so he could talk to Naomi and make sure she was ok. When the rest of the group were outside Aiyaary had one thing on her mind. Finding the Sirens and Kiyama and finding out what happened to her best friend. The moment she saw them she walked right up to them with Mae and Hikari behind her.

"Yoo I have a few questions for yall" Aiyaary said "We'll ask away then" Hamira said with a 'can we get this over with' face and tone.

"I was wondering if you guys knew anything about what happened to Naomi because she had to go home early? She had an accident" Aiyaary asked, looking them right in the eyes, they seemed to think she was joking.

"Oh really she had to go home early, what a shame" Hamira said while holding in her laugh.

"Do you know something or not?" Mae asked while balling up her hands.

"No need to get so angry Maelyn," Akubane laughed. "Don't call her that!" Ash yelled.

"Everyone, let's just calm down" Kiyoshi said

"No Kiyo, they clearly know something we don't, what did you do to Naomimi?" Aiyaary said, becoming more angry by the minute.

"We don't know anything about why your friend went home, happy?" Nakamura said while rolling her eyes.

"God, you're such a liar!" Aiyaary yelled.

"Aimi literally told us that you were planning something in the locker room, you know something about that dont you?" Aiyaay accused.

"Ohh Aimi said that she did, i'm surprised she spoke loud enough for you all to hear" Hamira said giving Aimi a death stare that sent chills down the shy girls back. Ky stepped in front of Aimi staring the bitch down. Hamira took note of this as she continued.

"Also did she tell you who we were with in the locker room, thats who you should be questioning not us" Hamira finished bringing her attention back to Aiyaary

"Yeah Kiyama we know, we had a little conversation with her already but that's not who we're asking now, we're asking you" Mae spoke up.

The sirens rolled their eyes. "We don't have time for this, '' Akubane said, turning around to leave. But Hamira and Aiyaaary were in a stare down.

"Hamira, we should leave," Nakumura said, reaching for her friend's arm but she slapped it away. "I'll leave in a sec" Hamira said spitting acid at the girl"

"It was nice chatting with yall but words won't end this feud, these will" she Hamira said, pulling her gem out her pocket and showing it to the rest of the teens in front of her, "And it will end my way" she finished.

She turned to walk away but Aiyaay grabbed her and instantly felt her hand get hot on the girl's skin. She let her go and looked down at her hand.

"Ouch, you bitch" Hamira yelled. " I didn't mean-" she was cut off by being pushed back into Kiyo as the Sirens walked away.

Aiyaary POV

After the altercation I walked off. I went home. But after a while Hikari texted and said we were hanging out at her place. I went over there and we were all just chilling till I took a nap. It would've been a long one if I had woken up.

"Aiyaary... Aiyaary...Aiyaary are you awake" I turned my head towards Elijah soft voice sitting next to me holding my hand. "Yea yea i'm awake i'm awake." I say sitting up moody. "Ok baby, I'm going to go to the kitchen with the rest of your friends. You can come when you're ready, '' he said and placed a kiss on my forehead. I smiled and rubbed my eyes as he walked away.

After getting adjusted to being awake I walked into the kitchen and everyone was sitting at the table talking. I got my water and Katsu came over and gave me a hug. "You good sleepy head. " he asked.

"Yea titan, where did you go after school?" I asked, confused. "I just went home so I could facetime with Naomi," he said. I shook my head then took a seat in between Hikari and Mae. There was an open seat next to Elijah but I felt like sitting next to my friends.

We all talked about anything and I noticed Elijah looked uncomfortable. It was actually pretty cute. But I couldn't focus on that because there was tension in the air and we all knew it.

Mae tapped me and whispered in my ear. "Does Elijah know about the gems?" I shook my head and whispered back. "We barely know about them. She nodded, then said "We need to talk about what happened today" I nodded. Katsu came over and put his arm around me.

I looked over towards the door and Elijah had this pissed off look on his face. 'I wonder what that's about?' I asked myself. I figured I would just ask him what was up later.

After a couple hours Elijah said he had to go home and I figured I would just walk home with him because we haven't hung out a lot lately and why not.

I said bye to my friends and me and Elijah started walking home. He still looked pretty pissed so I took this as an opportunity to ask him what was wrong.

"Hey you ok? You seem kinda pissed off at my friends house" I said. He didn't respond for a good two minutes

Untill eventually he said "I'm fine, I'm just pissed at the fact that you were flirting with that Katsu nigga all damn day."

I was shocked. "What the hell are you talking about?" I asked confused. Where did this even come from

"Oh don't act fucking dumb, you know exactly what you were doing, hugging all on him and shit, you were all over him!" he yelled.

We argued for a while before he did something I would have never expected. He turned to me and violently grabbed my wrist and screamed at me

"I don't want your hoe ass to ever touch him like that ever again."

I tried to pull away from him but he kept pulling me back and saying more crazy shit like if he ever saw me talking to Katsu ever again he would bash my head against the pavement.

I was so fucking scared that all I could do was nod my head and then he let go of my hand. He continued walking but I just stood in place, shocked. He was at home by the time I started walking again. As soon as I stepped foot into my room I started sobbing into my pillow.

"Why would he do that?"and "what did I do?" were the only two things constantly spinning around my head in that moment.

I needed to tell someone when I realized I had no one to turn to, I had to fight this battle on my own, the only problem was, I didn't want to fight.

I sat up in my bed and grabbed my phone. I played some music to calm me down and open my mind up so I can think about all the shit that happened today. First my best friend passed out then as we're talking to the sirens I started to get insanely hot and somehow burn Hamira, then my boyfriend yelled at me, grabbed me and threatened me. What a fucking day.

But why did he go off like that and what's wrong with me. That wasn't like me and it wasn't like him. Then out of nowhere I started crying again. My chest felt heavy and I remembered a dream I had.

Naomi POV

I woke up in my bed. My head hurt so bad I felt like I couldn't move. Everything felt weird and the room seemed to be spinning. When my head stopped pounding I sat up and looked around to see my door open. I wonder if anyone was home.

Then Hina walked in. We just looked at each other for a while. I could tell she was seriously worried about me. I bet everyone was.

"You were out for a long time, feeling any better?" She asked as she walked more into the room.

I wanted to tell her how I got hurt but I couldn't do it partly because I couldn't remember what happened and the other part I just didn't want to say. Not like she would believe me.

I could tell that Hina saw I was holding something in. She sat next to me and asked "Do you know who did this to you, if you do tell me so I can help" her voice was just under a whisper. I wanted to tell her everything that happened in the classroom and everything I have been struggling with lately but I just couldn't bring myself to do it.

"I don't remember," I said looking down at my blanket. "Naomi, you can't lie to me, I know you know who did this." Hina said while putting a hand on my shoulder. There was silence as I thought of what to say.

"I told you I don't remember." I said while getting up and walking over to my window seat. "Fine if you're gonna be that way then i'm going back to school, don't call and ask me for shit cause it's not happening" Hina said while storming out of my room and into her car.

"Whatever!" I screamed down the stairs as I slammed my door behind me. Who cares if she went back to school, she'd be back in a few days anyway.

After slamming my door I just went and sat in my window, and thought. I looked to where Katsu's bedroom window was and that made me wonder what he was up to. I wanted to text him but Hina had taken my phone because I "wasn't well enough to have it back yet" and knowing her pettiness she had probably taken it back to school with her. "Man I miss Katsu, I wonder what he's up to right now"

Katsu POV

I was sitting on Hikari's couch zoned out thinking about today's events when someone asked me a question. "What do y'all think Naomi's doing right now?" Aimi asked

"Honestly, I don't know" I said while looking outside towards her house.

"Man, did I miss that girl?" I thought to myself.

After another hour or so I got up and left. As I walked across the front yard I looked over at Naomi's house and figured I would go over and check on her, just to see how she was doing. I walked to her yard and under her bedroom window where I could see her light on. "Perfect" I thought. I climbed up and opened the window and hopped inside.

"Hey Nai, I came to check on youuuuuu, whoa" I said while looking up and seeing Naomi in only her sports bra and nike pro shorts. I quickly turned around and blushed so hard my cheeks hurt.

"Nai I am so sorry, I didn't know you were changing" I said "Katsu what the fuck! You scared the shit outta me!" Nai screamed.

"Don't you know how to knock!" She yelled again.

"I know how to knock!" I yelled back

"Well why didn't you!"

"I don't know!" All this yelling was getting us nowhere and I was sure someone would be up here soon to see what the hell was going on.

"Katsu I'm not mad anymore, you can turn around now." She said in a calm tone. "No I can't" I said while shutting my eyes. "Oh yea, why's that" by the sound of her voice I could tell she had that cute sexy smirk on her face, I knew that if I turned around and faced her I would do something I end up regretting.

"Because, you look different from the last time I saw you like this" I said, still not facing her. "Like what?" She said in that same seductive voice.

"God why must you do these things to me" I thought.

"In basically nothing" I thought back to the last time she was basically naked in front of me, it was two weeks before I left for camp and the last week of school, the five of us all decided to celebrate the end of the year by having a day at the pool. Naomi wore a floral yellow bikini with a bunch of tied detailing. It perfectly brought out her curves, although they are a little more defined now.

My thoughts were interrupted by Nai putting her hand on my shoulder "Katsu open your eyes" she said and I finally listened.

"Wow, she is so gorgeous" I thought to myself as I glanced down at her, I couldn't help but look at her breast.

"Dude, my eyes are up here" she said with that same grin. "Now what do you mean I look different?" She asked again.

"I mean you've, blossomed" I said while looking at the ground, I didn't dare look her in the eye.

"You could've just said I got boobs" she said while rolling her eyes and walking closer to me. I looked up and met her glance, god she is so stunning. Now we were face to face, just staring at each other.

"God you are so scared" Naomi said while rolling her eyes "Scared of what?" I questioned

"You're scared to say how you feel about people" she snapped "No I'm not" I snapped back

"Yes you are, you've always been" she said while walking towards her window seat "What makes you say that" I questioned again

"Because when people ask you how you feel you only give vague answers, you never say what you really think!" she yelled "Oh really, give me a name right now and I'll say how I feel, I won't hold back" I said with a smug smile

"Fine, me" she said with the most serious expression I've ever seen "Excuse me?" I was shocked. "You said give you a name, and I did" she said standing from her window "I can't do that" I said while looking away

"See, you're scared" she argued "No I'm not."I argued back. We went on like that for a little bit before she yelled "Then why won't you do it"

"Because!" I yelled, I didn't like raising my voice at her, but she was leaving me with no choice

"Because why?!" she yelled back "Fine, you wanna know what I think of you?!" I yelled again "Yes! Yes I do!" she yelled

"Fine she wants it, she'll get exactly what she's asking for" I thought to myself.

"Ok than, I think you're one of the smartest people I know, I think you're an amazing friend and the perfect sibling, I also think you can be a brat at times when you don't get your way, I think that you're literally the only person in this world who truly understands me, I think your the most breathtaking human I've ever seen, I think you're absolutely amazing in everything you do, and I think I'm in love with you" I stopped in my tracks, I couldn't believe I just said all that to my best friend.

"Katsu..." she whispered while cupping my cheek. "Nai this was a bad idea, I gotta go" I said while turning and facing her window, but she grabbed my wrist and spun me back around.

"You didn't give me the chance to speak," she said. My back was still facing her. "I think you're one of the most important people in my life, I think from the day I met you you've been the most amazing friend a girl could ask for, I think you're the smartest person I've met, I think you're an incredible big brother, I think you know me better than anyone, and I think I'm in love with you too"

When she was done talking I spun around to see Naomi looking at the ground, I could tell her cheeks were as red as Aiyaary's gem.

"You mean that?" I questioned. "Every single word" I tilted her head up to meet my eyes and we stood in silence for a minute. "Kiss me" she whispered "Gladly" I said as I picked her up and kissed her.

Her lips tasted like her watermelon lip gloss. We kept kissing and it was the best thing ever. "Do you know how long I've been waiting to do this for like 7 years?" I said in between kisses. "Same, now shut up and kiss me" she said smiling ""Gladly" I smiled back as we made out some more.

I walked us over to her bed and we made out some more until we heard banging on her door.

"Yo who the fuck are you in here talking too?!" Naomi's older twin brother Hajime yelled.

"Oh shit you gotta hide," Nai whisper yelled. I shot up and scrambled to get under her bed.

"Naomi Naijah open this door," her older brother Hayate yelled. "I'm coming!" Nai said as she went to open the door.

"What do you want?" She sassed her brother.

"Who the fuck is in here?" He retorted

"No one," she said, annoyed. "Better not be" he continued

"Whatever, was there anything else?" She asked changing the topic "Yea put some damn clothes on" Hayate said as they walked off to their room.

"Sorry Kats," Nai said while sitting back on the bed. "No worries Naijah"

The next day

Aimi's POV

The next day I woke up to my sister standing over me very creepily. "Ahh what the hell Hamira '' I screamed.

Yea Yamamoto is my sister and all she does is cause problems. I wanted to tell the group I just didn't know how. I thought they would hate me if they knew.

"Hi there sis before you head off with your geek face friends I want to talk to you about something."

I sat up and tilted my head "What do you want, I have to get ready" I said getting up and pushing past her and walking over to my closet so I could get ready.

"You know I know about your little secret" she said in a mischievous voice, which made my blood run cold.

"What the hell are you talking about?" I asked not looking up from what I was doing. "You know about Ky?" she said. I froze.

"What do you mean about Ky?" I asked "Oh come on little sister, you really expect me to believe the fact that you don't Still have feelings for him?" she said walking closer towards me.

"I don't know what you're talking about so just leave me alone!" I said becoming more and more angry.

At this point I could feel her breathing on my neck, then she whispered in my ear

"It's ok but just remember, what goes on in the dark will always come to light."

Then she walked out of my room. I hate to say it but she got in my head, I mean it's not like I don't wanna tell Ky my true feelings, but I feel like if I do it will ruin our relationship and I don't want that to happen. Again.

The rest of the morning and on my way to school I couldn't stop thinking about what she said. 'Will he really find out about my feelings, or will someone tell him what I am thinking'. God for a 15 year old girl, life sure is complicated. My thoughts were interrupted by Ky.

"Sup Aimi'' he said, catching me off guard. "Oh hey Ky wassup" I said headed for the lunchroom.

"Nun much remember a few weeks ago... you .. uh said you had something to tell us. What was it?"

When he said that I had to remember what it was then someone helped me remember. "Hey Ky you look nice today" Hamira said as she kept walking with her friends.

Ky made a disgusted face and turned back to me. "Oh umm it was nothing" I rushed out,

it was actually supposed to be me telling them she was my sister and that I liked Ky but I couldn't not now especially with what happened with Naomi. "Ok" he said

We both walked into the lunchroom and sat with the rest of our friends on the stage. It was a lot of us and Elijah so we had to sit somewhere where it would be enough space. I was sitting there quietly thinking when it hit me.

Yamamoto gave Ky a compliment... Why?

Hikari POV

We were all sitting on the stage. I noticed that it was kinda quiet among us today. Aiyaary was quiet, Naomi was quiet. Aimi was Quiet, Katsu was trying to get Naomi's attention quietly. And everyone else was talking very low. I tapped Mae to see if she knew anything.

"Yo why's everyone so quiet today" she shrugged her shoulders and laid her head on mine.

"You tired baby girlll" I say in a playing voice. She pushes herself off of me and nods. Then out of nowhere we hear Aiyaary yell

"What the fuck Elijah!!" she hops off the stage and out of the lunchroom.

Me, Mae, Nai, and Katsu went after her we noticed Elijah tried following her but me and Katsu stepped in front of him.

"As if we're letting you see her."

He lowers his eyebrows and sits back down. The four of us leave the lunchroom to see where she went. Maelyn went to check the bathroom, Katsu checked around the lunchroom and me and Naomi checked our home room.

We ran all the way there and saw her just sitting on the teacher's desk. She looked up at us then back down at her hand. I saw a purple bruise going around it.

"Sup guys" she said lowly and sounding like she was finna cry.

"What the fuck happened to your hand" I said kinda loud and mean, Naomi hit my arm and walked up to her and sat on the desk beside her.

"What happened back there?" she said nice and calm. Aiyaary just shook her head and kept looking down.

"Did he do that to you..." I start off calm "... I swear to god if he did that I'm gon-"

"Kari chill," Naomi said. Aiyaary let out a small laugh.

She looked up at me and halfway smiled. I've never really seen her down. She took a deep breath and said

"He's not the same anymore, something's off with him and I- I don't know what to do about it" she says weakly

"What do you mean?" I ask, sitting in a chair in front of her. Then Katsu and Mae walked in.

"I mean he's gotten meaner and more aggressive," she spoke softly. As if she was afraid to tell us.

"Is that why y'all left so abruptly yesterday?" Katsu asked. When he said this, she got visibly more uncomfortable.

"Never mind i dont wanna talk about it anymore." Then on cue the teacher and students walked in and took their seats. We did too. 

Hey ya'll. So we know it's been a while and we're super sorry about that. We promise we'll try to get back on some type of a schedule for the rest of the chapters. So yeah we're happy to be back to giving you what you want. BYEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

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