Bella Vita: a Tale of Love (C...

By real__bu

704 38 0

"People don't believe in things like destiny, until destiny hits them one day, just to prove its existence... More

Episode 02: "The Guy from Busan"
Episode 03: "Where Do Broken Hearts Goes?"
Episode 04: "The Star That Guides Me"
Episode 05: "Paris, Memories, and Everything in Between"
Episode 06: "Spain; It takes two to tango..."
Episode 07: "That Night in Greece; I wanted you to have it..."
Episode 08: "Life Is A Bitter Pill To Swallow"
Episode 09: "This is Not a Fairytale, Or is it?"
Episode 10: "The Man Who Broke Her Heart"
Episode 11: "Truths Hurts and So As Lies"
Episode 12: "Only Heart Could Remember"
Episode 13: "The Young Master"
Episode 14: "Michaela of Amalfi Coast"
Episode 15: "Is it Faith, Or just a Coincidence?"
Episode 16/FINALE: "Bella Vita (Beautiful Life)"
Epilogue: "Claudio"
Character Index:
Author's Letter & Dedication

Episode 01: "One-Way Ticket"

142 6 0
By real__bu

At the Pier in Busan;
One afternoon in the vibrant streets of Busan, a bustling pier comes alive with the sights and sounds of the city. The air is filled with the salty tang of the sea and the mouth-watering aroma of Korean street food. Stalls selling tteokbokki, spicy rice cakes, and hotteok, sweet pancakes, line the streets, adding to the lively atmosphere.

Amidst this bustling scene, a man stands out from the crowd. He's name is Lee Yeol, a charismatic and handsome musician in his early thirties. Casually dressed in a white shirt, layered with plaid long-sleeves and denim jeans, with a guitar case slung over his shoulder, he savours a serving of tteokbokki from a nearby street vendor, seemingly at peace with the world.

Suddenly, his tranquillity is shattered. A group of menacing men dressed in black leather jacket were scanning the crowd. Their cold, calculating eyes meet his, and recognition sparks. One of them points towards him, shouting, "There he is! Don't let him get away!".

The crowd stirs, but Lee Yeol remains calm. With a resigned sigh, he murmurs to himself, "오늘은 안돼 제발 oneul-eun andwae~ Not today, guys,.. Not today~". Leaving his half-eaten tteokbokki on the street vendor's counter, he starts to move, his casual saunter quickly turning into a sprint.

As he weaves through the crowd, his heart pounds in his chest. In his haste, he accidentally bumps into a hotteok vendor, causing a few sweet pancakes to tumble from the cart to ground. "여기요! yeogiyo!~ Hey, watch it!" the vendor exclaims. Glancing back only for a moment, Lee Yeol apologizes, "Mian-hamnida~ (bowing as he continuously running) Sorry, no time to chat!" 

He doesn't stop, his eyes focused on the luxurious foreign cruise ship docked at the far end of the pier. "That's my ticket out of here,.." he thinks to himself, seeing the ship as his only ticket to save himself. Approaching the ticket booth, he's panting heavily from the chase.

The ticket seller, a middle-aged woman with a kind face, looks surprised at his dishevelled state. " gwaenchanh-a?? You alright, young man?" she asks, concern evident in her voice. "de~ (yes~),.. One ticket to freedom, please," Lee Yeol replies with a charming grin, handing over the money for the ticket.

With the ticket in hand, he boards the foreign cruise ship that sails from Korea to Europe, leaving the men behind at the pier. As the ship sails away, he takes a moment to catch his breath and appreciate the new chapter of his life that lies ahead. The cruise ship is not just a means of escape, but a new page for this new chapter of his life. As he gazes out at the receding shoreline, he looks forward to the journey, ready to embrace whatever the future holds for him.

At the Cruise Ship heading Europe;
Once on board the foreign cruise ship, and as he takes a moment to catch his breath. He's struck by the grandeur of the ship - the grand staircase, crystal chandeliers, and a dining room that opens to the sea. It's like stepping into another world, a floating palace of luxury and excitement.

As he explores, he comes across the alfresco dining area. It's beautifully lit with fairy lights, and the sight of the sea stretching out to the horizon as the afternoon sun set from a fars is breath-taking. "Never imagined anything amazing like this,.." he murmurs to himself, captivated by the view.

That evening, the dining area is buzzing with passenger-guests enjoying their dinner under the stars. The host of the evening, a jovial man with a booming voice, takes the stage. "Ladies and gentlemen, we have an open mic tonight, anyone willing to conquer the stage and share their talent is very much welcome!"

Lee Yeol, feeling the contagious excitement in the air, decides to join. He raises his hand and walks up to the stage, guitar in hand. The crowd claps encouragingly as he takes the stage. He feels a rush of adrenaline as he looks out at the sea of expectant faces.

Strumming his guitar, he begins to play. His charming voice fills the air with just needed groove, captivating the audience. The crowd enchanted, drawn in by his captivating performance. A foreign passenger sitting in the table near the stage, an elderly woman, turns to her husband and whispers, "This young man's voice is incredible. It's as if he's pouring his heart out through his music."

After his performance, the ship's entertainment manager, a man named Mr. Park, approaches him. "That was quite a performance, young man," he says, impressed. "I am Mr. Park, the manager here, how would you like to perform here every night, until we arrived in Europe?"

Lee Yeol, surprised and delighted, accepts the offer. Offering his hand for a hand-shake he said; "I'm Yeol,.. I'd be honored, Mr. Park. Music is my life, and I can't think of a better stage than this," he replies, his eyes sparkling with excitement.

As the ship sails from Korea to Italy, Lee Yeol's life takes a turn he never expected.

At his Cabin;
After his successful performance, Lee Yeol retreats to his designated cabin. It's a cozy room with a comfortable bed, a small desk, and a porthole window that offers a view of the endless sea. He sets his guitar down and sits on the bed, his heart still racing from the night's events.

Looking around his new space, he thinks to himself, "This is my new home, at least for a while." He can still hear the faint echo of applause in his ears, the memory of the night's performance bringing a smile to his face.

He walks over to the porthole window and looks out at the sea, bathed in the silvery glow of the moon. The sight is calming, the gentle waves whispering tales of adventure and mystery. "Here's to a new chapter," he murmurs to himself, raising an imaginary toast to his reflection in the window.

Settling into bed, he can't help but replay the evening's events in his mind. The excitement of the performance, the applause, the offer from Mr. Park... it all feels surreal. "I did it. I really did it," he whispers to the silence of the room, a sense of pride swelling in his heart.

As he drifts off to sleep, he thinks only about the journey ahead. The ship will be his home, the stage his platform, and the sea his constant companion. He's eager to see what the future holds, ready to face new challenges and experiences.

As he closes his eyes, he makes a silent promise to himself. "I'll make the most of this opportunity, not just for me, but for my music."  With that thought, he falls asleep, the gentle rocking of the ship lulling him into a world of dreams.

The next morning, Lee Yeol wakes up to the gentle rocking of the ship. He stretches, his muscles aching pleasantly from the previous night's performance. The reality of his new life brings a smile to his face as he rises from the bed.

He walks over to the ensuite bathroom, peeling off his shirt as he catches a glimpse of himself in the mirror. His reflection shows a man motivated by his passion, by his dreams, his eyes sparkling with newfound purpose. He steps into the shower, the warm water cascading down his well-toned body, washing away any remnants of his life back in Busan.

The steam fills the room, the droplets on the glass creating an ethereal atmosphere. He runs his fingers through his hair, letting the water wash over him as he mentally prepares for the day. His thoughts drift to the journey ahead - the performances, the applause, and the new cities. He's ready for it all.

Stepping out of the shower, he wraps a towel around his torso, the cool air causing goosebumps to rise on his skin. He takes a moment to appreciate the tranquillity, the calm before the storm of excitement that the day promises.

Feeling refreshed, he gets dressed and makes his way to the deck. The morning air is crisp, the sky a brilliant blue. As he leans on the railing, looking out at the endless sea, he whispers to the wind, "This is for real, I guess,.. I am really headed to a new chapter..." With the sun shining on his charming face and the wind in his hair, he's ready to embrace whatever the future holds for him.

For the nest 45-days, his trip from Korea to Europe would involve crossing the Pacific Ocean, going through the Panama Canal, then across the Atlantic Ocean. It's a long but incredibly scenic route, with stops in places like Japan, the USA, Caribbean, and finally Europe. Though, there might not be a direct cruise line from Korea to Europe initially, the foreign cruise he boarded owns several satellite cruise company that makes it easy for passenger who might need to take a combination of cruises to reached Europe.

After almost a month of performing into the cruise ship, Yeol finally arrived in Europe. Upon setting foot at the Stazione Marittima, the main ferry terminal in Venice (Italy), Yeol was instantly captivated. The terminal, bustling with activity, is a gateway to the city's winding canals, ornate bridges, and colourful buildings. The air is filled with the aroma of Italian cuisine, the lively chatter of locals and tourists, and the soft melodies of Italian music floating from nearby cafes.

"Venice, 예쁘다 (yeppeuda) you're a beauty," he murmurs to himself, taking in the sights and sounds. He feels like he's stepped into a different era, the city's vintage charm creating a sense of nostalgia.

At a wine pub – in Venice;
Later that day, he finds himself in a quaint wine pub. The atmosphere is warm and inviting, with a vintage Italian vibe. Classic Italian songs fill the air, performed by a local band. He enjoys the music as he watch and immerse himself in the authentic Italian experience.

As the evening progresses, he discovers an underground club located beneath the pub. The club is a stark contrast to the warm ambience above. It's darker, the atmosphere heavy. Despite the lively music and flashing lights, there's an underlying sense of desperation. He notices women dressed in provocative attire, their smiles not quite reaching their eyes. It's clear they're not here by choice, but circumstance.

Among them, a woman stands out. She's an entertainer, probably(?), reading tarot cards for the club's patrons. She's beautiful, but there's a sadness in her eyes that tugs at his heart. There's something familiar about her, something that reminds him of home. It's then that he realizes - she's Korean, just like him.

Their paths almost cross when he walks past her table. He's about to approach her when the pub manager, a burly man with a stern expression, calls her over. He speaks in rapid Italian, a language Lee Yeol is not familiar with.

"Michaela!," the manager's voice cuts through the music, his words a blur of foreign syllables to Lee Yeol.

He watches as she rises and walks over to the manager, her posture straight but her steps hesitant. Though he can't understand the words, the tone of the conversation is clear. It's tense, the manager's harsh voice contrasting with her soft replies.

He sees her nodding, a forced smile on her face, but her eyes... her eyes tell a different story. He feels a surge of anger, an urge to intervene, but he checks himself. He doesn't know her, not at all, he doesn't even know her story. But he can't shake off the feeling of unease. He whispers to himself, "Something's not right here," his words lost in the noise of the club.

Eventually, he loses sight of her as the pub manager took her with him inside one of the private room, where patrons are waiting for more entertainment, and whatever happened next, is unknown to Yeol. He just then decided to leave as the night deepens.

Original Fan-Fiction by BU

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