
By fantasygirl230

2.9K 139 110

What if jay? The sweet inocente and funny ninja.... Was a paid assassin? More

Covered in blood
Morning! Tomato~~
Well this is ackward
How can i possibly tell them?
You can run but you can't hide~~
Question but no answers
Control is the one thing you dont have
The sound of bones breaking
Found you
Fear exists in the one place you can never escape..... your mind
The end?

Your stupid face

108 7 9
By fantasygirl230

Jays p.o.v

I tried desperately to wriggle out of Kai's grasp but he held on tightly. "Let me go!" I screamed "Jay... I'm so sorry" Kai said "No! Don't say that!" I cried, tears began to form in my eyes the others watched horrified, Kai rapped his arms around me trying to get me to calm down. "He's not dead... tell me he's not dead" I said tears falling "Jay..."

I couldn't bare it. I was the reason he was gone, he sacrificed himself just for us. If I had never joined the stupid assassin's maybe he would still be alive. I wish it was me I there, being burned for all the sadness I created. Why?

Why is life like this...


Back before me and Cole were friends, we actually didn't like each other. I was always the prankster and class clown and Cole was always the quiet one that would only talk if someone was getting hurt. Before we weren't a good mix, we would constantly argue and fight over stupid stuff. "I just really hate your stupid face" he use to say. That's when we would start our usual disagreement's. "You look like you came from outer space!" I would snap back. We would go on and on every day. We might not have known before but we actually liked the disagreements we had, gave us a chance to talk. Because we were both to stupid to try and strike up a conversation or even be friends, eventually Cole's mom died and he got pulled out of school for a while. That time I truly knew what it felt to be alone, him and his stupid face to tease me or just scoff at me. Man... I missed him a lot, even if I would never admit it. I was stupid.

I always was....

Flashback end...

I sat crying on Kai as he tried unsuccessfully to calm me down. There were so many things I wanted to tell him, that he was right I was stupid. How I should have let them help before things got out of hand but I didn't. I let things escape from my grasp, I sat there and cried nothing matters now. Cole was dead, and it was all my fault.

Coles p.o.v

As I felt the burning hot metal on my skin my vision began to blur I let go of the metal letting it fall with a Thud to the ground. I ran around trying to find a way out, the smoke made it hard to see and breathe. Before I knew what was happening I fell down to the floor.....


I sat next to jay. He was wearing his normal smirk on his stupid face, "so. Did you almost kill your self with one of your dumb machines?" I asked sarcastically jay gasped clearly faking being offended "they are not stupid your stupid!" He said shaking me angrily "yeah right bolt brain" I said rolling my eyes

I just really hate your face. Thought I'm pretty sure that wouldn't surprise you"

We argued back and forth sometimes that would get us both in trouble. He was kind of fun to tease though...

I wish I could have told him more....

End of flashback

The tears started falling, I couldn't stop them. I just wanted to see him again, see his stupid face again him and his dumb grin, and cute eyes...

The smoke became stronger. Well this is the end I thought letting darkness cover me completely

Here I come mom...

It's not your time yet son

I looked up and saw my mom. Her sweet smile glowing over me, "m-mom?" I stammered "hello son, you've grown so much" she smiled sweetly "mom!" I went right into her arms as she petted my head. "Son, it's not your time yet. You should not be here" she said "what? Where actually are we?" "This... is the gateway to the afterlife" she said gently "but... I don't want to leave you" I said blinking back tears. "My dear you will never leave me, I'll always be by your side. Even if you can't see me you'll always have me" she said hugging me "then how do I get back?" I asked after a minute "here take this" she handed me a golden flower. "Uh what's this for?" I asked confused "hold it up and close your eyes. Remember that I love you" she said sadly "what's gonna ha-" I never go to finish. Bright light shimmered everywhere. "Whoa!" I yelled.


When I woke up I was next to the burning building. As I looked up I felt warm arms rap around me, "you stupid idiot! You nearly gave me a heart attack!!!" Screamed Jay as he hugged me tightly "hey bolt brain" I said hugging him back "you... you... jerk!" Jay screamed angrily. "Jay.. your arms" I said "forget about my stupid arms!" He said. The others ran over to me Nya was crying happy tears. Lloyd kept smiling brightly and Zane smiled too. Kai grinned at me and Jay. "We'll look who decided to come back"

"You can't get rid of me that easily" I said. Jay was still hugging me. "How did you make it out?" Nya asked bending down next to me, happy but confused. "I'll tell you when we get back" I said getting up.

Time skip because yesssssssss

I sat down on the couch, Jay next to me sleeping. His arms were covered in bandages, as I explained what had happened I felt a shock suddenly hit me. "Uh guys... you never found the guy right?" I asked. "Oh fu-" Kai started "Kai! We have a child!" Zane said gesturing to Lloyd "im not a child Zane" Lloyd grumbled "I know he was about to say fu-" before he could finish Nya clap a hand over his mouth "shus child" "I'm not a child!" "Dude your mentally like 14? Or was it 15? I can't remember anyway... shut it!" Nya scolded. Lloyd sat down and grumbled something about not fair and.. we'll you get my point.

The real question is where the heck did that guy go?

Finished yet another chapter hope you like itttt

Also random news but where I live there's supposed to be a eclipse or smth? Idk

Welp hope you have a good day! Or afternoon or night!



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