Reverie || Kit Tanthalos

By foxysaucee

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When Princess Verania Hastur of Galladoorn has to go to Tir Asleen to attend to her brother's wedding, she th... More

~01~ The Marriage Announcement
~02~ The Gales
~03~ The Journey Begins
~04~ The Mothers' Gate
~05~ The High Aldwin
~06~ Magic Lessons
~07~ Eckleberries
~08~ The Slaughtered Lamb
~09~ A Storm is Coming
~10~ The Cursed Castle
~11~ The Whispers of Nockmaar
~12~ The Ritual of the Thirteenth Night
~13~ The Wildwood
~15~ Prisoners of Skellin
~16~ Riddle Hour
~17~ A Mad Man in a Hut
~18~ Beyond the Shattered Sea
~19~ Down the Waterfall
~20~ The Immemorial City

~14~ Thruth Plums

363 25 3
By foxysaucee


Kit, Elora and Verania waited nervously while Jade and Scorpia were in her tent, talking about who knows what.

"Jade will be alright, Kit. Scorpia didn't kill her when she had opportunity and reason to, why would she do it now?" Verania tried to calm Kit down.

"Yeah, yeah, I hope you're right," she mumbled, but didn't sound so sure.

A Bone Reaver came back from Scorpia's tent and whispered something to Lori.

"Follow me," Lori said as the other Bone Reaver was gone again.

The three girls sent each other an alarmed look, but didn't really had another choice but to follow.

They were led to a little tent. A blond woman stood inside, smiling at them as they arrived. There was a round table in the middle on which stood a jug of water, cloths and lots of other stuff Verania couldn't really identify.

"Clean yourselves up," Lori instructed and left the tent. He didn't go far but stood in front of the entrance, with the back turned to them.

"I'm Marly," the young woman around their introduced herself. "I'm here to help you."

"With what?" Kit asked her rather rude.

"To get ready, for the party later," she explained. "We're celebrating the return of Kael's daughter, Scorpia's last remaining sister, Jade."

Before Kit could say anything else, Elora spoke up. "Well, thank you." She smiled at Marly.

Verania didn't really know what to think of this situation. Still, she was the first to move. Pouring a bit of the water into a bowl to washe her hands, she looked at Marly.

"Do you have another shirt for me to lend?" She asked. "Mine is soaked with blood."

"Of course." Marly went over to a chest and opened it. She took out two shirts and held both up. "Red or purple?"

"Purple, thanks," Verania said as Marly handed her the shirt.

Elora went over to a basket filled with jewelry, taking a look at different necklaces. Kit still stood there, not moving.

"May I ask what happenedP"

"Uh, I got cut by a possessed guard of Tir Asleen who was serving the Withered Crone," Verania explained to Marly. It was quite funny saying this aloud. Verania would've never guessed that this would be her life.

"I can take a look at it, if you want," she offered. "I haven't completed my medical training yet, but they say I'm one of the best."

Verania hesitated for a moment, before she gave in. "Sure."

Marly smiled brightly as if she had waited for this all her life.

Kit finally came over to them. She confined on washing her face and taking off her jacket.

Elora held up a necklace. "Can I wear this?"

"Of course, you can wear whatever you want," Marly said as she cleaned Verania's wound.

"The stitches aren't good, but it's healing already so I wouldn't want to rip them open again," Marly explained. Then she got some odd smelling paste and applied it to her wound. "It's gonna help the healing process. Try to use it at least twice a day," she told Verania as she put some of the paste into a little box and gave it to her.

"Thank you," Verania said once again and smiled at Marly.

"No need to thank me, do you need help changing?" She asked and pointed at the purple shirt.

"I think she can do that herself just fine," Kit chimed in unfriendly. "And if not, she has me to help her."

Verania frowned. What was that about?

Marly didn't care at all but kept smiling. "Okay, if you need anything else, just say so." Then, she went over to Elora.

"Is everything okay?" Verania asked Kit as she started to take of the green shirt she was currently wearing.

"Yeah, I just don't know why they're suddenly so nice to us."

"Better than trying to kill us," Verania commented, then saw Kit's look. "But I know what you mean, it's definitely weird."

Verania took some water to wash herself the best she could and put on the purple shirt. Who knows when she would get the next opportunity.

Marly had started to brush and braid Elora's hair. "I can do that with yours too," she suggested as she looked over to Verania. "Looks like you need it."

It was true. Although Verania has had her hair in a braid most of the time, her long hair was still extremly messy and dirty.

"I can do it," Kit offered.

Verania nodded and smiled. "That would be great."

Kit tried to brush her hair cautiously, not wanting to hurt Verania. It took a while, but when she was done, Kit asked, "So, what do you want me to do with your hair?"

Kit prayed silently that Verania asked for something simple. She didn't usually braid her hair since it was rather short. A ponytail or a simple braided pigtail was fine, but what Marly did with Elora's hair was beyond Kit's abilities.

"I don't really care. Actually I don't know much about braids at all."

"I recommend a fishtail or halfway up. It's easy, you should be able to do that," Marly said from the other side of the tent as she put a little flower in Elora's hair.

"A what now?" Kit questioned.

Verania chuckled. "It's fine, just do a high ponytail and braid it in the end."

Thankfully, Kit knew what Verania was talking about. Still, it took her three tries until she finally made a decent looking braid. If she was in Verania's place, she probably wouldn't have been so patient.

She knew one thing for sure though, she would never offer to braid someone's hair again. Kit wasn't even sure why she did it in the first place.

At some point Elora and Marly had left. Elora wanted to help making the food and dragged Marly with her, on Kit's silently pleading looks.

Verania had used the time to tell Kit about her latest dream of Airk. Although she couldn't see her face and the fact that Kit was rather silent, Verania thought she had digested it fine. It wasn't really news, except for the fact that Airk was awake now, but it felt wrong not to tell Kit the small information about her brother.

"It's finished," Kit said, looking at her work a little proudly.

"Thank you," Verania smiled as she stood up from the wooden stool, feeling with her hand along the braid. "Do you still need something or can we go to the party? I feel like I haven't eaten for an eternity."

"I'm fine, we can go," Kit said and the two of them left the tent. Lori had gone with Elora and Marly so they went alone.

It wasn't hard to find the party. The Bone Reavers had gathered all at one place, dancing to music, lauging, chatting and eating.

Jade and Scorpia sat together on, talking and laughing about something.

"I'm gonna go get some food, do you want something?" Verania asked Kit.

"Uh, no go ahead, I'll stay here."

Verania nodded and took off in Elora and Marly's direction. Kit cursed herself, she had forgotten Marly was with Elora. It was too late to follow now without it being awkward, so she stayed and watched from afar.

"Slaves of Galladoorn, conscripts of Nockmaar, outlaws if the Wildwood," Scopria started but paused for a second as the crowd cheered. "All we have ever wanted is our freedom. That our children would not have to live in fear. They'd serve no master... Daikini or Troll or Crone. We have no Barrier to hide behind, no army to defend us. All we have is the fear that our masks evoke, the determination to survive... and each other." She turned to Jade and took her hand.
"Today, after two hundred moons, my sister has come home."
As Jade stood up, the crowd cheered once again.

"She grew up in Tir Aslee, was fed lies about us, and about herself."

Verania's eyes wandered over to Kit, who looked down at her hands guiltily.

"But tonight, she was reborn, bathed in the love of her family and the values that we still fight for. Freedom, rebellion, passion, and joy. Till the break of dawn!" Scorpia shouted and held up her and Jade's hand.

Bowls of colourful fruits were handed around.

"What's that?" Verania asked Elora as she passed one to her.

Marly smiled as she took one herself. "You'll find out."

The three of them toasted and ate the fruits together.

After that, Verania stayed in the company of food. She ate almost every other delicious-looking fruit she got a hold of while watching her friends having fun.

A group of Bone Reavers started to dance around Jade as she was being held up.

Kit decided to play a drink game and won eventually.

Boorman drank a few cups together with Lori before he went to dance woth Scorpia.

Graydon joined the mini band and played happily on his flute, before he went with Lori and a few others.

Elora was dancing, well, more stumbling around.

And Willow was laying on a seat, drinking and telling stories.

"Having fun?" Marly came up from behind her.

"The food's good," Verania shrugged.

"It is, isn't it?" Marly laughed. "Do you want to dance?"

"No," Verania blurted out without thinking about it.

"Oh, well, ouch," the other girl chuckled at her plainness.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to be rude," Vernaia apologized immediately.

"It's fine, you were just honest. Perhaps I shouldn't have made you eat that truth plum."

"Truth plum?"

"You know, plums that make you tell the truth..." Marly chuckled again. She did that a lot. "So, being honest and all. You like that brunette, don't you? Kit Thantalos."

"I do, but I don't really want to talk about my feelings with you, I don't even know you," Verania said. Her mouth spoke faster than her brain could think.

"Fine." Marly held up her hands in surrender. "I'm gonna leave you to it. Just know that this would be a great time to talk about your feelings with Kit. She ate the truth plum, too."

Frowning, Verania turned back to her food as Marly walked away.

Meanwhile, Kit had talked to Jade. The truth plums made her spill that she had suspected her being a Bone Reaver before. Of course, Jade was upset that Kit didn't tell her and left.

As Kit looked around for Verania, she saw her talking and laughing with Marly again. She waited for her to walk away, before she went over to Verania.

"Oh, hey," Verania smiled. "Want something, I swear these fruits are awsome," she said and held up a bowl.

"No, thank you. Why was Marly talking to you?"

"I don't know, just being nice, I guess," Verania said nervously, not wanting to tell Kit that she had been the topic.

"She likes you," Kit stated.

"Uh, I don't know..." Verania shrugged uncomfortably.

"Do you like her?"

"She's nice, but I don't think so."

"Oh, okay."

Verania was getting confused by Kit's behaviour. What was wrong?
"Are you all right?"

"Yeah, I just, I should go," Kit stuttered and went a little away from the party. She really needed a break.

What was that? She asked herself. Was she jealous or something?

Apperently, Elora had the same idea Kit had, because she joined her soon.

"I know we're not really friends," Elora started as she leaned at the big tree next to Kit.

"Hmm. Not even a little bit," Kit agreed.

"But I'm pretty sure you're not evil. You know, just sorta mean."

"You're not as useless as I thought you were. As I maybe said you were, although I don't feel like I would've said that," Kit said honestly, because she had no other choice.

"No, you did," Elora uttered.

"Well, I was wrong," the brunette admitted. "Yet again."

It was silent for a while before they both said something at the same time.

"I was cruel..."

"About Verania..."



"We're you gonna ask for my advise?" Elora asked.

"No," Kit denied immediately. "No. Definitely not."

"Okay," Elora nodded, knowing Kit was lying.

"Yes," Kit admitted, not being able to hold the lie up for long. Elora turned back to her victoriously. "What do I do?"

"Talk to Verania," Elora said. "And apologize."

"For what?"

"It doesn't matter. Just say the words, 'I'm sorry'. Tell her the truth about your feelings. Tell her that you love her and that you're sorry it took you so long to realize. Tell her that you want to be better. And that you'll be there, waiting for her when she's ready for you to prove it."
Elora thought about her own words for a second and went to walk back to the party.

"Wait, could you say that all again?" Kit asked.

"I have to go and find Graydon."

"Wait, but I... I need more advice," Kit whispered the end, not wanting everyone to know she was almost begging Elora Danan for advice.

"You'll be fine," Elora promised. "Just be honest. And with this damn truth plums, it's impossible to be anything else," she laughed as she walked away.

Kit sighed deeply and gathered herself before she went to look for Verania.

She found her talking to Jade and remembered that she had to apologize to her, too.

"Hey," she said as she went over to them. Just get it over with. "Jade, I... I wanted to apologize for not telling you that I suspected you being a Bone Reaver earlier. I just really didn't want to hurt you, especially not if I were wrong and-"

"It's fine, Kit," Jade interrupted her. "I understand."


"Yeah. Just let me be mad for a little longer."

Kit sighed in relief and nodded. "Okay."

"I told you so," Verania whisper into Jade's ear.

"Yeah, whatever. I'll leave the two of you alone," Jade chuckled and went over to her newfound sister.

"You gave her advise about me?" Kit asked as they went away from the party.

"We gave each other advise," Verania corrected her.

Eventually, they stopped stopped walking and stood face to face to each other. Silence took over for a few seconds before Kit opened her mouth again.

"I wanted to apologize to you, too," she said. "For being so... rude."

"You weren't rude, it's fine, really," Verania assured her.

"No, it's not. I was jealous for no reason and I shouldn't have reacted that way-"

"Jealous? Of Marly? Kit, I rejected her and she was absolutely fine with it. Then, she told me to finally tell you the truth about my feelings for you and..." Verania stopped herself from saying too much. She knew about her own feelings for Kit, and she knew that everyone thought it was mutual, but how could she be sure? "You were saying?"

"You have feelings for me?" Kit asked with hope floating through her whole body.

Verania chuckled nervously. It was too late for denial and the truth plums didn't allow her to lie anyway, so she just said it. "Obviously, I mean, how could I not? You're gorgeous. Honestly, it would take me hours to list all the reasons why."

"I have feelings for you too," Kit blurted out.
"The very first time I saw you, I knew you were the most beautiful girl I had ever seen. I never thought I'd get to meet the wonderful person behind those pretty looks. But I did, and you're the kindest, most compassionate and patient person I have ever known. I admire you and I care more for you than I ever thought I would. I didn't want to get those feelings for you, because I knew this wouldn't end well, but I can't help myself. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me, Verania. You hold my heart in your hands, and I'm fine with that. Crush it, burn it, I don't care. Because it's yours and I don't ever want it back."

Verania stared at Kit with wide eyes for a few seconds before a sweet smile took over her features.
"An exchange of hearts, huh?" she said. "I have yours, and you have mine... But I would never hurt you, I hope you know that. And from what I've just heard, I'm just gonna be audacious and assume you wouldn't as well."

"Never," Kit assented. "Well, not on purpose."

They both laughed a little.

"Can I kiss you?"

"Please," Kit nodded.

They both took their time to move forward until they stood right infront of each other.

But their lips never got to touch.

Out of nowhere, some thing grabbed Kit from behind and dragged her with him.

"Kit! No, Kit!" Verania screamed over and over again as the beast vanished with Kit in his arms into the trees. The sound of Kit screaming her name still ringing in her ears.

Verania ran back to the camp as fast as she could. Screaming sounded everywhere.

She felt her blood rushing through her ears, making her hear every single beat of her racing heart.

She found Jade, Elora, Boorman and Scorpia standing together, as Boorman stabbed one of those things.

"Kit! They got her!" Veranja yelled anxiously and out of breath as she came to a halt.

Boorman pulled his blade back out of the creature and looked up.



Love confessions, yay! I didn't use the 'L' word on purpose, that's a specialty for another time.

I really hope you are satisfied with it. I'm not. If I come up with a better love confession, I'm probably gonna change this part.

Personally, I've never been in love, so I don't know about all this, but I think I managed to do it acceptably. I read a lot of books.

I've only brought Marly into this because I needed someone to take care of Verania's wounds properly. Then, I used her to make Kit a little jealous, because why not? I needed a little conflict between Kit and Verania and Marly just fit right into that. Perhaps her character was completely unnecessary, but for some reason my mind tends to come up with unnecessary characters.

I have 2 episodes left to write about, which will be about five chapters or more. Yes, I have 2 more chapters already finished (without the double check reading), but I don't want to publish them all at once. Today I'm writing another chapter and on Friday and the weekend I plan on writing at least two more. Next chapter will be published on Thrusday.

This chapter has 3134 words (notes are included), that's new record for myself.

Oh my God, I just had a thought. I could've brought Yan back to life in this episode, saying the Bone Reavers took him but didn't kill him. That would've been so fun. Perhaps I'll do that when I'm editing this. Overall, the editing will cause a lot of small changes, I guess.

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