Into the World of Ninjago

Por Ocean_N_Clouds

10.6K 406 153

In which a girl is Reincarnated into a World of Cartoons as the little sister of the Blue Ninja that does not... Mais

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Author's Note
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Season 1 & 2
Season 1 - Chapter 1
Season 1 - Chapter 2
Happy 4K Views
Season 1 - Chapter 3
Extra [After C11]
Season 1 - Chapter 4
Season 1 - Chapter 5
Season 1 - Chapter 6
Happy 8k views
Season 1 - Chapter 7
Season 1 - Chapter 8

Chapter 4

482 15 4
Por Ocean_N_Clouds

Author ∆: Yeahhh another chapter y'all. Enjoy reading, and please tell me your opinion about this chapter. Also! Imagine above is not mine, bit it's Jay's reaction when he saw Irene

"H" - Talking

E - Thoughts/Thinking

"L" - Shouting

"L" - Whispers

[O] - Telepathy

H - Author speaking

I - Chapter Title/Change point of view

C3 - A brother's concern

Jay POV✷

It's been hours since Irene went for a walk around the junkyard, I'm starting to grow worried. Irene isn't the type to just walk for hours, it took her about 10 minutes or longer

I stared at the blueprint on my hands, it's something I've been wanting to build for Irene for years now. A motorbike. I know it's dangerous for anyone to ride on a motorbike but I want to make my younger sister happy. She was always there when I needed her, she never dislikes anything about me, she doesn't care about my insecurities and my clumsiness, she sees me as who I am. I want to return the favor by building her a motorbike, she has been talking about wanting to ride it since we were kids

"Jay, it's almost night time, can you please look for Irene?" Mom asked as she went towards me while looking at the watch that is on her wrist, her face showing her concern for Irene too

"Sure mom. She might have fallen asleep somewhere" I said jokingly trying to reassure her which worked when I saw her smiling

"Of course, Irene likes to sleep" Mom said as she chuckled lightly, I laughed softly at the thought

I don't know why sleeping is so good for Irene but I am glad she sleeps, I don't know what she is doing in her room but I can see that it is something that made her exhausted, both physically and mentally, and sleeping helps her gained her energy back

When Mom went inside, mumbling about cooking dinner, I put my blueprint on my pocket and went to look for Irene

I called her name everywhere, growing more worried when I didn't receive a response, especially when the sun is setting down. I'm starting to panic

What if something happens to Irene?! What if she got kidnapped?! What if she got into a accident?! What if-

My thoughts were cut short when I saw a silhouette leaning against a broken down car's door. Her brunette hair was glowing slightly with the ginger end glowing bright from the setting sun's light, she wears a creamy white large hoodie, black and white skirt that reaches below her knee and a black slipper

Her head was leaning into the air seemingly exhausted with the shadows from her curtain bangs hiding her face. Its Irene

"Irene!" I called running towards her, feeling a bit relieve

Irene lifted her head, the shadows disappearing showing her face with her glowing grey eyes. I felt my whole body being poured by cold water as I saw her crestfallen expression

"Irene! Irene!" I shouted in panic as I ran faster

The bright glowing eyes I've always admired is gone and is replaced by emptiness. The usual genuine smile she always wore even in tough situation is gone. Her healthy light tan face is pale. The calm air around her is emitting such heartbreaking emotion. She looks so broken as if the world is against her

Then in the most defeated voice I've ever heard her speak

"Big brother Jay..."

As if I was being pulled by an invisible force, I run like my life depends on it, towards her.

I hate it

Don't show me that expression

I don't want to see that on you

Don't be so sad

What happened to you?

What happen that I couldn't protect you from?

When I reached her I looked at her features and noticed her coughing, I panic even more

Without a moment to waste, I carried her and ran back home desperately. I trip at almost anything but I regained balance and continue running, ignoring the slight pain on my feet and legs, it doesn't matter, what important is for Irene to get back home and rest or maybe bring her on a hospital

Am I panicking? Yes. It's obvious how I am talking to myself. Am I overreacting? Yes. Do I want to cry? Yes but not now!

I felt my eyes glossed as I took a glance at the unconscious face of Irene, she looks like she is having a bad dream, her eyebrows are furrowing in distress and her lips are forming into a big frown. As I carried her I noticed how her temperature is starting to warm up, higher than a normal average person has

Shit, she catch a cold

I should bring Irene back home fast. The moment I arrived home, I faced the worried look of my parents

"What happened?!" Mom asked in slight panic

"I-I don't know, I saw her like this, and I think she might got a fever" I stuttered, feeling my eyes gloss from the worry I felt

Mom put her palms on Irene's forehead to feel her temperature then a moment later Mon started panicking with me

"She caught a cold! Quickly, lay her on her bed!" Mom said hurriedly as she rushed towards the kitchen to perhaps find medicine. I eagerly obligated her and went to Irene's room, gently laying her down on her bed, not many seconds later Mom and Dad arrived with a bucket of water, a clean towel, thermometer, glass of water and medicine

I went to stand behind them and watch as mom put a thermometer on Irene's tongue and a wet towel on her forehead

"Oh dear...She has such a bad cold. It'll take days to chase her cold away" Mom said worriedly but slightly relieved after she looked at the thermometer

"Don't worry, Irene may be small but she is a healthy little lady, it won't take long" Dad reassures with a comforting smile on his face as he gently lays his hand on my mom's shoulder. Dad's words calm me down slightly but not enough to stop me from panicking

Irene hasn't got a cold, she hasn't even since we were babies, I'm starting to overthink why would she catch a cold right now

She is healthy like what dad said but why would she catch a cold? Wait- What if it's not a cold?

"B-But what if Irene has an illness we didn't know?" I mutter aloud as Dad and Mom turn to look at my disheveled appearance and panic clearly written on my expression

The air around us turned tense as the only sounds that was heard is our own breathing

Mom smiled and giggled in clear amusement as Dad lay a comforting hand on my shoulder and squeeze, hoping to let out my negative thoughs

"Oh Jay, don't worry too much, Irene is strong, remember that one time when we thought she was kidnapped? Well, turns out we were right, however she returned to us safely and even told us she fought her kidnapper... not really 'safely' since she came back with a few injuries but that's besides the point" Dad said playfully causing me to chuckle subconsciously

I can feel a heavyweight leaving my body causing me to sigh in relief

"Yes, I almost had a heart attack when I saw her holding a skeleton bone in her hand and swinging it around shouting about completely kicking a skeleton's butts" Mom adds as the tense atmosphere disappears into thin air

" was a year ago and she was missing for a few hours" I let out a chuckled as I recall the day where Irene went missing for a whole day, only to come back with a skeleton bone

"I remember how we almost reported a missing child, Jay here fainted a few times from panic" Dad teased causing me to pout

"What did she call the skeleton again?" Mom ask in fake curiosity as she eyed us with a playful smile, we got her message causing us to smile

"Skulkin" Me, Mon and Dad said in sync as we burst out laughing, keeping our voice small to not interrupt the sleeping Irene

I don't know where Irene got the idea from calling a skeleton 'Skulkin' but I absolutely like the name. I don't even know if she indeed fought a skeleton? I mean- isn't a skeleton supposed to be dead? It's not like I don't believe Irene, I just think that it sounds utterly ridiculous

I look at Irene's relaxed expression, a fond smile forming on my face as I recall that one unforgettable day, it was the most troublesome of all


It was yet another normal day with the walker couples fixing and inventing stuffs with Jay helping them

That day, Irene were supposed to keep a lookout outside the junkyard for upcoming visitors

It was in the afternoon when Jay and the walker couple found out that Irene was gone, she was nowhere to be found, the only clue left is a weird unfamiliar tired tracks in a shape of a skull just outside their junkyard

The three panic, almost calling the police to report her missing. Jay fainted countless times from panic when he thought of Irene's situation

However before the sun completely set, Irene came back with scratches on her skin with her hair messy, a skeleton bone being swayed up in the air by her hand

"I'm back! Sorry I'm late!" Irene called, her voice echoing through the tense atmosphere

"Irene! Oh my gosh- WHAT HAPPENED?!" Edna screeches in shock as she stared wide eyes in disbelief at Irene's appearance and the bone on Irene's hand

"Oh! Guess what?! I kick butts! I kick my kidnappers butt and beat them up just like big brother said! See?! This bone is the proof of me defeating them!" Irene said as she puffed her chest in pride at her action, oblivious at the look of horror from her parents and big brother

Whoever the kidnapper is, is deserve to be pitied because instead of worrying about whoever bones it is that Irene's has, the three of them worry about Irene's kidnapping case instead

"SO YOU WERE KIDNAPPED?! WE SHOULD BUILD A GUARD! wait- NO! IT'LL BE BEST IF WE BUILD A WHOLE WALL AROUND THE JUNKYARD! HIGHER THAN A SKYSCRAPER! AND THICKER THAN A DAM!" Jay gritted his teeth, forgetting his panic and instead got replaced by anger, determination and protectiveness to build a protective home where his little sister is always safe

"You are overreacting big brother-" Irene commented playfully but got cut off by her own father

"No! Jay is right! We should build a wall where no one could access! With tons of robots to protect you!" Ed agreed with the same enthusiasm

Thankfully, Edna came to stop the father and son before they could continue their stupid ideas, however just like them, Edna is overprotective of her daughter

"Stop it you two! Can't you see how injured Irene is?! Look at her! She is hurt!" Edna scolded as she pointed at Irene who is blinking innocently

Irene may have messy hair and some scratches on her skin but she is completely okay, her family is overreacting, she didn't even felt pain

"Wut" In cue, Ed and Jay came and picked up Irene then hurriedly brought her home, their stupid ideas were forgotten the moment they landed their sight on Irene's appearance

Jumping into a conclusion that Irene were seriously injured

After Irene is all patched up, with her limbs unnecessary being wrapped in bandages, the family of four have a peaceful family dinner

But is it really peaceful?

"WHO DARES TO HURT YOU?! ILL DESTROY THEM AND NEVER LET THEM SEE THE SUNLIGHT EVER AGAIN!" Jay yelled from besides Irene in frustration as he angrily munched on a meat bun

Irene deadpan but smiled fondly as her older brother's overprotectiveness

"Jay had a point, Irene, who kidnapped you?" Ed asked, calmer than before as he calmly ate a spoonful of a soup

Edna is sitting across from Jay with Ed across from Irene

"Ohhhhh uhhhh so it started earlier. I was fixing the light post beside the entrance when a vehicle came to a stop. I was about to ask if they needed something from us when I saw them, they are a walking skeleton! A Skulkin! I tried running away in fright because they look uh...bad but they kidnap me, I escape by punching and kicking them which works and I beat them up! After I've finished I pick one of their bones as proof then come back here!" Irene said in pride as she pull out the skeleton bone out of nowhere and sway it on the air like a flagpole

The three stared at her in disbelief and was about to comment that it's a ridiculous situation because it's impossible for walking skeletons to exist, however after seeing the large innocent and cute smile Irene has that seems to melt anyone on the spot

They decided to let her be with their worry and anger fading into thin air like it didn't exist, then the family of four continued to eat their dinner with happy content smiles on their faces

Flashback Ends

"I'm gonna continue to cook dinner, Jay, look after Irene and when she wakes up make her drink the medicine on her nightstand" Mom asked as she went out the door with Dad following her

I sighed deeply as I sat down on the chair besides the bed, before I could even move a single limb to make myself comfortable on the stiff chair, I heard Irene mumbling

"Big brother..." I flinched slightly then went to lean towards her to hear her clearly

"...Big brother? What happened?" I saw her eyes fluttering open which caused me to smile

I put a hand on her head and began stroking her soft locks

"I should be asking you that, I saw you earlier so close to losing consciousness, Irene what happened?" I asked in concern as Irene blink at me, losing deep in thought

"I don't know....I must be very tired" She said blinking confused then her face form into a glom

I nodded at her words, not completely convinced but I'll leave it for now, she seems tired to even lift a finger

"I see...then go to rest, after you drink your medicine" I grabbed the medicine and glass of water from her nightstand with one hand then used the other to put it behind her neck to help her drink the medicine better

"Thank you big brother..." I heard her mumbling as I put the remaining glass of water back to the nightstand

"You're welcome, just don't work yourself too hard again. I swear- if you fainted or caught a cold again- I'll bring you to the hospital-" I ramble, whining at Irene causing her to laugh softly

I smiled, letting a warm blanket of relief and calmness wrap itself around us. I don't know where Irene got the ability to calm anyone down but it just exists. Every time she smiles or shows a positive reaction, it feels like the world around us is being shielded by an invisible force that warms anyone who is close to her, she is like a warm light on a bad day

"You don't have to worry, big brother. I'm fine, just tired... thank you for taking care of me" Irene reassures as she sends a thankful smile towards me that manages to warm my heart every time

"Get well soon okay? If your cold won't be gone after 3 days- I'll bring you to the hospital whether you like it or not" I playfully glared at her which caused her to grinned widely

"I will" She chirped cheerfully in which I playfully stroked her head messily

"Okay, go to sleep" I said. She hummed fondly with her eyes close

"Good night" She mumbles

"Good night and have an epic dream, little sister"

I watch silently with a smile forming on my face as Irene slowly falls into a deep slumber. When I'm certain that Irene has fallen asleep, I turn to leave. I was about to leave when I felt something tugging on my sleeves

"Don't go...." I heard Irene whine in her sleep as her hold on my sleeves tightened

I chuckled lightly, then went to sit back in the chair and lean on it to make myself comfortable, deciding to stay instead of going

Suddenly I felt exhausted, must be from my panic and outburst earlier

I slowly closed my eyes letting myself fall into a deep slumber like Irene

(Third person POV)

"Ed? What are you doing?" Edna asked as she stared at her husband who has a hand wrapped around the doorknob of Irene's room, with a camera on the other

Ed chuckled quietly then put a finger on his lips for silence then slowly open the door, letting Edna see the sight of both her daughter and son

Irene was laying deep asleep on her side facing Jay's sleeping form that is slumped on the chair besides the bed, her hands were clutching on Jay's sleeves not letting go with Jay's arm over the bed and his head on his arms. Both of them look so peaceful that Ed just has to take many pictures

"Awww, how many pictures did you take?" Edna asked as she giggled softly at the sight

"Many, I lost count" Ed answered cheekily as he slowly closed the door

"Okay then, hand me one of the best pics you've got, I think I saw a frame in the storage earlier" Edna said as she went to their living room with Ed following behind her

"Oh I will, I'm sure they will love it" Ed said as they sat on the couches, staring at their walls with happy smiles that had many hanging frames of them as a family

One of the frames is Jay and Irene when they are just toddlers playing blocks with them looking at the camera with a wild cute smile

One of them is when it's Jay's birthday and another is Irene's birthday

One of the frames has them four, this pic is absolutely one of a kind. Edna and Ed were seen smiling behind Jay and Irene who are grinning widely making funny faces together as if they were competing, their background is the entrance of their junkyard with a sign on top that says 'Ed & Edna's Scrap N Junk'

The old couple smiles fondly at the images on the walls, especially the ones where Jay and Irene are together as if they are stuck like glue

"I wonder, what would happen when they grew up? Perhaps they might move out and find a job then fall in love and marry" Edna broke the silence by commenting with a sad smile

"They will, it's not like we can keep them here forever. I'm sure in the end they will have to spread their wings and fly free through the air, exploring places they've never been" Ed said as he smiles sadly and wrapped an arm around his wife's shoulder

"I know Ed...I'm just, not ready, they are growing so fast, it felt like yesterday when they were crawling towards us" Edna mumbles in worry and sadness as she thought of the coming time when her children will soon have to face the world themselves without needing their help, it just hurts Edna to think that her once innocent children will have to grow up and experience things that could either be something bad or good

"But soon, we will have to let go of them. Don't worry too much, they can come back here to visit" Ed reassured as he draws circles repeatedly on Edna's back to comfort her, understanding what Edna was worried about

Jay and Irene are also his innocent children in his eyes but he knows that soon enough, the two will be grown ups and will have wings larger than the couple themselves. His heart is telling him to believe that his daughter and son will soar across the sky, free and strong, fast and gentle

"You are right" Edna release a sigh of relief as her worries disappear into think air

"For now, all we can do is guide them and stay by their side until they are ready" Ed pulled Edna into his embrace

"We have time, Jay is 12 and Irene is 11, we still have a few years to spend with those little ones" Ed added causing Edna to smile

At that night, the family of four sleeps with happiness and warm in their heart


"Has her memory been restored?"

"Yes, this marks the commencement of her quest."

"It is well understood. Let's observe how this solitary girl with her unique features can change your world"

"You must be referring to the prospect of altering the future"

"That is correct. Based on my understanding, the impact of the woman's actions will surpass our current predictions"

"It is without question that I am more knowledgeable about her than she is. Would you mind explaining your continued presence?"

"Permit me to express my confusion. Why would I forego such an opportunity to observe intriguing events unfold? Moreover, I am here to ensure her wellbeing, as she is one of my progeny. It is indeed the case that you transferred her soul illegally without my consent and gave her a second life in your realm"


"Would you desire for me to obtain a serving of popcorn for you?"

"That is an acceptable proposition, and I will express gratitude for your gesture"


Author ∆: Earthenia, Elowa, Sysa and Irene belong to me. They have a reason to exist okay?


Extra for the readers:

Extra 1

Earthenia: *awe* She is a lovely sight to behold

Elowa: *smug* It is perfectly understandable, as I fashioned her based on my own likeness

Earthenia: *smug* Are petite girls your preference and favor?

Elowa: *flustered* May I inquire as to your thought process?! How did you arrive at that conclusion?!

Earthenia: Lolicon

Elowa: I am not a person who expresses interest in such things!!!

Earthenia: *unconvinced* Hmm...

Extra 2

Skulkin 1: Where did your arm go?

Skulkin 2: The girl stole it

Skulkin 3: What would she do with it?

Skulkin 2 & 1: How would we know?!

Skulkin 4: Guys look! I found a picture of the girl eating your bone! *Shows a drawing of a girl eating a candy shape like a huge bone*

Skulkin 1 & 3: *Gasp*

Skulkin 2: MY ARM!!! *Faints*

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