The Iron Badger

By Donte-Highwater

386 10 6

A coming of age story of a girl named Tara. She tells her story of when her father named Rye went missed for... More

Prologue: Acknowledgments
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9: An Aunt's Love
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20

Chapter 12

15 0 0
By Donte-Highwater

A Burdensome Gift


"It has been said, when a god gifts you a gift there is usually something attached to it—for there are no free gifts by the gods—"

Tara, daughter of Rye

Up in years Phreebous struggled to remove himself from his throne. And because of this, he knew the best years of his life were now behind him. He clung to his wooden staff for support, shifting his weight upon it. It had been eons since he feasted upon the fears of mortals and now, he grows weak. With feet of clay and a wooden staff, Phreebous slowly made his way down the marble staircase, while his wooden staff made a sharp clank as he made his way to Rye and Morrighan that waited for him at the bottom. Morrighan stood steadfast by my father's side but took pity on the old god. Her eyes shined green like that of emeralds only known by her people from a land unknown to Massa. But still if the old god had any tricks up his sleeve Morrighan would gladly put an end to Phreebous's life.

My father also kept a watchful eye upon the old god—waiting, studying his every move as Phreebous made it to the bottom of the stairs.

The old, faded god coughed then wheezed adding breath to his lungs. Phreebous stood helplessly weak in front of his awaiting guests. He took in a long, sickly breath before he spoke:

"Sometimes a god must make terrible decisions and I had made mine, while humoring the Queen of Hades, Lillian. I have grown sick and feeble. Rye, I had imprisoned you in the spirit in working with Lillian, whom I detest. I have walked in your thoughts and seen your dreams, loves, and fears. You are a simple man that loves his simple life, which I respect immensely. And what I am about to say is a warning to you. Rye. Remember one thing. Darkness loves the light only to corrupt it! Lillian has seen the light of which you possess. She was the one that caused the storm. She was the one that murdered your friend Si. I saw what Lillian did not. I saw a goddess in the form of a bird coming to your aide. I kept you here so she can find you. My youth has run dry, I am afraid. But there will be another to replace me. I am truly sorry that all of this has fallen upon you. I am sorry for the loss of your friend Si."

After Phreebous's speech my father stood still and silence seeing a shell of a god that once was. Phreebous reminded Rye of his father. He remembered seeing his father withered with age, shaking as if he were cold. My father looked upon Phreebous with a mixture of anger and pity. "You remind me of my father before his passing. He was a shell of his formal self. Look at you! You pathetic god, look at you. How do I know this is not one of your many tricks, for it has been written through the pages of Holy texts that gods as yourself are merely tricksters?"

"I see your lack of faith, Master Rye. Aye, your words speak the truth. Mortals have always been ponds for our own amusement—but assure you I have nothing left—nothing! It is not trickery you have to worry about, it is arrogance. All the gods possesses a certain amount of that. Man, or gods, it matters not. Lillian is arrogant, but she is also blinded with hate and revenge. You can hate me, Rye. But what good is it going to serve you?"

My father kept what Phreebous said locked inside his heart. Angry of what happened, but still, Rye understood Phreebous's words. "Aye!" Was all my father said.


Silence filled Phreebous's realm until Rye, my father regained his thoughts then questioned the dying god. My father stepped closer to Phreebous. "I do not understand the meaning behind all this. What does Lillian want from me?"

Phreebous made himself comfortable on the marble staircase. Morrighan helped him seat himself on the one of the lower steps of the staircase. "She wants an heir. An heir that governs the realms. Her heir will possess flesh of a men mixed with a god. The heir will travel among the realms as a god, but dwell with men as a mortal." Phreebous turned his gaze upon Morrighan. "You possess that ability. That is why Lillian cannot see you on the chessboard, but she can smell the magic on you. Use that to your advantage—it will serve you well."

"She chose Rye as the father to her offspring?" Said Morrighan.

Rye showed a look of insult on his face when Morrighan asked her question. A look of why not.

"There is a group of people not far from where Rye's body lays. They are nomads cursed by Lillian. They were forced to live as wereboars, due to them not bending to the will of Lillian. She entered into the dreams of men, seducing them as they slept. The men refused to offer up their seed to her. Unsure of her actions they deemed her as evil. Then other men claimed to have the same dreams as the others. They slept in small amounts. The men that stood watch over the men sleep would awaken a man if there was signs of struggles within their rest. Lillian became enraged and cursed all of the people. Men, women, and children where all cursed. They are called 'Cursed Ones' by the wereboars that were naturally wereboars. Morrighan, you must find them. They will be a great help to the fight."

Morrighan sat next to Phreebous on the shared step of the staircase. "I came to kill my half-sister, Lillian. And your right... I am a half goddess. Lillian killed everyone that I loved. Morrighan looked at Rye. I loved Si with all my heart, but I had a life elsewhere. I am sorry that I never told you. I did not even tell Si, my husband, that I am a goddess. I had to leave my realm. Everyone that I love is now dead. I came to Masa to find Lillian. I also came to hide from her. I had to start a new life. Rye, I know you do not believe in the gods, well, here I am. Forgive me for lying to you and Si. Si came to me in spirit and told me where to find you. He had found his peace, Rye. And he loved me, and I loved him."

My father's face turned to a look of surprise. It took him awhile to notice—she looked different to him. And besides... Why would he think Ada could turn into a bird in the first place. Or crazier to think that Ada was a goddess. Considering all things that happened to him, it was understandable.

Despite learning Ada is a goddess and her real name is Morrighan. It was good to hear his friend Si found peace in death.

Phreebous gently laid himself down on the marble staircase then opened his robe showing his bare chest. "There is much that needs to be done. Time is not on our side. A god can only kill a god." Phreebous's eyes rested upon Morrighan. A golden dagger appeared from nowhere in Phreebous's hand. "I need you to thrust this inside my heart. Master Rye, you must make your way out of here. It will take some time to awaken, but then you will notice that time had moved on without you. I am afraid that more was taken from you. Morrighan, when the deed is done, keep the dagger, it may help."

Carved on the golden handle of the dagger were dragon scales with a dragon's head with ruddy eyes like rubies. The blade was made from silver—sharp to the touch. "For you Master Rye, I give you an amulet. I will transfer all of my abilities on to it. It will be your guide. I pray you do well by the gift that I have given you. All the years I have lived I have seen good hearts corrupted. Guard your heart, Master Rye. I see a maiden warrior with hair as red as fire. The hair of red will restore the balance to a world gone mad. The die has been casted!"

My father was troubled by the prophecy that Phreebous spoke of, but Morrighan's mind was on creating an army. "I will do what you ask of me. But first, where are the ones that my sister cursed? Where can I find them?"

"Where Rye sleeps, turn yourself into a bird then look downward upon the earth. Beneath you, you will see a patch of land. On that patch stands a totem pole. Across from that is an opening to a cave. They lost much at the hands of your sister. They do not take kindly to strangers. Rye, when you awake and reunited with Morrighan, the both of you must head towards the purple mountains. I had placed Owen in the crystal prison of his choosing. Whatever you know of Owen is probably wrong, for there was nothing much written about him. I myself made Lillian believe she had imprisoned him. You two must get to Owen before she does. For women is the greatest weakness of men. She will use him to gain her offspring. Lillian grows stronger. When the amulet is fashioned, Morrighan it is then time to end my exists. The walls and structures of this realm will fall and collapse upon itself. Make sure Rye leaves or he will be trapped limbo forever.

Phreebous removed the amulet from around his neck with the leather cord still attached. He placed it on the palm of his hand, then place the other on top. A light glowed between his hands, endowing the amulet of Phreebous's powers. Signs of pain and stress shone on his face as beads of sweat poured from his brow. The realm convulsed like a mighty earthquake. When the deed was done, the amulet fell from Phreebous's hands, landing at Rye's feet. "This is your gift from me to you. This gift is a burdensome gift. I wish both safe travels. Morrighan, it is now time to end my life. I have done all that I can."

Morrighan picked up the golden dagger with its ruby eyes, then signed to my father to leave. "It is time for you to leave Rye." With a simple wave of Morrighan's hand, a ring of fire appeared beside Rye. "When the deed is done, I will come for you, Master Rye. I will place a mark upon you until we meet again. My mark on you will stay true until the end of time. When the time comes, the mark will transfer itself to your daughter, for I have seen the prophecies of Tara. Where you left off on her training, I promise to finish. It is time to cross over and awake from your dream, Master Rye."

My father stood dumbfounded but did what was told of him. He knew this was not a place for a mortal. My father placed the amulet around his neck, feeling it hit against the breastplate of his armor. He flashed a look of gratitude towards Phreebous, then at Morrighan, thanking them both with a nod, my father left Phreebous realm.

Morrighan, with a dagger in hand, walked towards Phreebous. Phreebous with chest exposed closed his eyes. "I beg you, Morrighan, to be swift with the blade in hand." He held on to the railing of the stairs, tensed, waiting for his fatal blow. Morrighan knelt to her knees, raised the dagger above her head, then quickly thrusted hard upon Phreebous's chest. His eyes bulged, then gasped as life drained from him.

The walls of his realm shook, then crumbled. Morrighan then removed the dagger as proof to Rye that the deed was truly done.

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