A Vampire Life | Book 4

Door Anslee247

66 0 0

With the death of another family member, how will it affect the new path of motherhood that Taylor is on. Fin... Meer

A Trail Of Bodies
Family Friend
Tristan de Martel
Mrs. Ripper
Moms Coming Home To You
Blast From The Past
Prophecy Coming True
Our Boys
Mr. and Mrs. Smith
Ghost Of Taylor's Past
Three Breeds. One Baby
Salvatore Boarding School
Reaper Pole
Death Threat
Almost Out
President Teller
Zane Christopher Orton
We're Here For You

Momma Alpha

3 0 0
Door Anslee247

Jax: Wake up.

Taylor: Hmm?

Jax: Babe, wake up.

Taylor: What's wrong? Where are we going?

Jax: Out. Come on...*Taylor opened her eyes and saw him smiling at her. Taylor smiled and caressed his face. He kissed her hand and smiled more*...Come on.

Taylor: Where are we going?...*Jax looked at her*...Okay, okay...*They both got up and got dressed*...Okay, tell me now.

Jax: I am taking my beautiful wife on a night ride...*Taylor smiled*...Eric is here with the kids...*Taylor hugged Jax*

Eric: Be careful...*Jax gave Taylor a helmet and she laughed as they drove off. Something about the night has been so beautiful to her since she had gotten turned. They talked and laughed when he drove fast, feeling the bike at that speed felt incredible. Jax lost his smile when he saw Opie pacing*

Taylor: Babe?

Jax: Yeah, I see him. Hold on...*Jax pulled over and Taylor slowly took her helmet off as she saw the look in Opie's eyes*...Ope, you okay brother?

Taylor: Opie, what's the matter?...*He whipped out his gun and Taylor gasped. Jax looked in shock as Opie pointed the gun at Taylor and she put her hands up. Letting Opie know she meant no harm, her first thought was that Clay glamoured him to think she did something*

Opie: Wooden bullets only right!...*Taylor looked at Jax in fear. One bullet, at the right aim and Taylor was gone. Jax slowly stepped in front of the gun, now blocking his wife*

Jax: Put the gun down Ope...*Opie looked at Taylor*...PUT THE GUN DOWN!


Jax: Calm down. Just talk to me brother...Know what?


Jax: Opie, what are you talking about?

Opie: DID YOU KNOW!...*Opie pointed the gun back at Taylor*

Jax: HEY! You don't point that at her. You point that at me...*Taylor then smelled a body burning inside*

Taylor: Ope, who is that burning inside?...*Jax smelled the air and smelled a body*

Jax: Wha?

Opie: Clay killed my old man...*Taylor covered her mouth in shock*

Jax: Opie...No!

Opie: YES! He killed my wife and now my father. DID YOU KNOW!?

Jax: NO OPE! OF COURSE NOT! If Clay did really do this. Then this is a club issue and we take it to the table.

Opie: What table? You're out remember?...*Opie shot Jax's tire, got on his bike and rode off*

Taylor: Clay at the clubhouse?

Jax: Probably.

Taylor: Come on. We can follow him...*They ran off together, following the sound of Opie's bike and they ran in as he held the gun to Clay*

Opie: Sit down! You are going to die at the gavel!

Clay: Can I say something?

Opie: Did you give my old man a chance before you shot him in the chest!?


and Taylor gasped as Jax shot Opie*

Taylor: He missed.

Opie: No, I didn't...*Jax shook his head at Taylor*

Taylor: We have to get him to the hospital. He'll bleed out...*Ratboy ran in*

Jax: Call an ambulance!

Unser: Cops already heard it.

Clay: Garage...It...Happened...There.

Taylor: Come on.

Jax: I got Opie.

Taylor: Unser, Ratboy get under his arms and I got his feet...And we move...*Clay groaned as they carried him to the garage. Taylor could hear that he was already healing*

Jax: Ratboy, get out of here.

Ratboy: Yeah, okay...*He ran to his bike and took off*

Jax: You think he'll make it?

Unser: I hope so but you should go. Both of you.

Jax: Yeah, come on baby...*Taylor walked to the truck with Jax*

Opie: You know I am going to kill him.

Jax: No, you are going to let me find out what happened.

Opie: Ask your mother...*Taylor looked at Opie*...Unser and her found my old man at the cabin. Tried to make it look like a cartel hit because they knew it was Clay...*Taylor shook her head at the shock*

Jax: How do you know this?

Opie: Unser followed me up there.

Jax: I'll drop you off at the emergency entrance.

Taylor: I'll text Val. She will take care of you.

Jax: Have Lyla pick you up?

Opie: Yeah.

Jax: Just lay low. I will tell the guys that you are at the cabin. Opie, I will find out the truth...I promise.

Opie: Another promise is what I need...*Jax sighed as Opie got out of truck and he pulled off*

Taylor: You okay baby?...*Jax sighed and held her hand*...Babe, how did you know that we should have gone out tonight?

Jax: I didn't...I...*Taylor smiled*...What?

Taylor: It was your wolf bones telling you there was danger...*They were quiet the whole way home. What started out as a joy ride, ended in disaster. Jax's head was spinning with what was happening next. Taylor's head was spinning as she realized Jax wouldn't be leaving anytime soon after tonight*

Eric: What happened? That your blood?

Taylor: I'm fine. Clay got shot...*Eric looked at Jax and Jax nodded as he lit his cigarette. Eric saw the look in her eyes, kissed her head and walked off*...Now what?

Jax: Babe, I'm still getting out.

Taylor: How!? The president of your club just got shot!

Jax: The deal with the Irish is happening today. Then I'm free. I'm out.

Taylor: Just like that? It can't be that easy?

Jax: Yes, it is that easy. Babe...*He held her hips and she wrapped her arms around his neck*...I know for a fact that it's not going to be that easy. This move, this change...It won't be easy. I'm not crazy but I also can see that you aren't seeing clearly right now...*Taylor looked away*

Taylor: I'm fine babe.

Jax: Really? I can see it in your eyes. Mashing down your rage. I know it because I feel the same way...*He wiped her tears*...Have Eric help you pack. I will be back by tonight.

Taylor: Okay, I love you Jackson.

Jax: I love you too Taylor...*They kissed and Jax drank a blood bag as he walked up to shower. Taylor hugged him tightly before he left*

Taylor: You be careful. We have three kids that need you. I-I need you.

Jax: I will baby. I will...*He ran his fingers through her hair as they kissed*

Eric: Love?

Taylor: I'm okay. I just...

Eric: You pack. Take the quiet while the kids are sleeping and you wake me if you change your mind...*Taylor nodded*

Taylor: Thank you...*He looked back at her*...For everything. Staying by my side through this. Just...Everything. Thank you.

Eric: No thanks needed love...*Eric went to sleep and Taylor sat as she smoked. She heard the door and smelled Gemma*

Taylor: Knock much?

Gemma: Clay was shot last night.

Taylor: Yeah, I heard.

Gemma: By Opie...*Taylor had to play the part*

Taylor: What!? Why?

Gemma: Because he killed his father. Piney is dead. Shotgun to the chest. Clay killed him because he thought Piney had the letters...*Taylor looked confused*

Taylor: What? Piney didn't have them. Gemma, he never saw them.

Gemma: I know but Clay will do anything to stop those letters from making an appearance. He is the one who tried to take you out...*Taylor felt her eyes glow out of anger and Eric ran up after hearing Gemma's words*

Eric: He went after my progeny...*Taylor looked at Eric*...I knew it.

Gemma: He hired those men to take you out and have you die slowly.

Taylor: Gemma, how do you know this?

Gemma: I confronted him when I saw him taking the money out of the safe. Which is why...

Taylor: Why he did that?...*Gemma nodded and Taylor sighed*

Gemma: Clay will take out anything and anyone that gets in his way until he gets those letters.

Taylor: He threatened me. Told me...Jax and I wouldn't ever make it out of charming unless I give them the letters.

Gemma: Because he's already read them. The copies, he knows how dangerous they are. Where are the letters Taylor? We have to put this to bed. I don't have any other options. This may be the only way we all get out alive.

Eric: I won't allow that thing of a human to kill her.

Taylor: If we do...Make it out alive.

Eric: You will.

Taylor: Then you know Jax and I are leaving.

Gemma: I know baby.

Taylor: Wait here...*Taylor vamp sped off and vamp sped back down with the papers in hand*

Gemma: Okay...*Taylor sighed as Gemma left*

Eric: I told you this was Clay. I told you Taylor.

Taylor: I know, I know...*She ran her fingers through her hair*

Eric: You need to be careful. Clay is not thinking straight.

Taylor: Maybe he'll back off a little. I-what if he goes after the kids?

Eric: You and I know that he won't. Now that this has happened...Taylor, he'll be on guard more. Be careful and you know...We won't let anything to the kids. I won't let him near them. You still have the copies?

Taylor: Of course. I'm not stupid. You raised me better...*Eric smiled*...I put copies in your coffin. Just like we talked about...My insurance.

Eric: Stop thinking like that. I won't let it happen while I am here.

Taylor: Hello?

Stefan: Taylor...*Taylor teared up*

Taylor: Stefan, your back...*Eric nodded at her...Jax looked up as Gemma walked in*

Jax: Been looking for you. Shut the door...*Gemma shut the door and sat across from Jax*...What happened to Piney?

Gemma: Clay killed him...*Jax lit a cigarette*

Jax: I know Clay and Piney were beefing over the cartel but...

Gemma: It wasn't because of that. It was because of these...*She handed the letters to him*...Maureen Ashby put them in your bag before we left Belfast. Taylor found them before you did.

Jax: Wa-wait? Taylor...Taylor had these? Why didn't she tell me about these?

Gemma: Because she knew they would break your heart like they did mine. When your brother got sick...H-

Jax: Mom, what does this have to do with Clay?

Gemma: JT and Kellan decided to get the MC out of guns, away from the IRA. Clay thought it was a mistake. He was afraid John would destroy the club. So he decided to kill him. The first time he sent John into Mayan ambush, unprotected. Your dad made it out but he knew it was Clay that set him up. John knew Clay would try again. He predicted that it would be mechanical and he was right.

Jax: The accident?

Gemma: The only person that JT ever let work on his bike was Lowell Sr. Clay must have...Paid him off or threatened him. Clay had to be the one to sabotage the panhead...*Jax raised an eyebrow*

Jax: But Lowell Sr was killed by the Mayans a week later.

Gemma: Yeah because he needed to bury the secret...*Jax sighs*

Jax: How do you know all of this?

Gemma: The letters. Speculation...The Mayan ambush. John knew Clay would kill him and Clay knew John's letters would prove it. Enough to get him voted out, undo everything he'd work for.

Jax: And Piney got a hold of these?

Gemma: He must have threatened Clay. That's not all...I found the cover letter that Maureen wrote telling you to read them. It was in your house. I-I knew Taylor was the one who'd found them. I panicked and I told Clay...*Jax felt his eyes turn red and glow with anger*

Jax: Clay knew that Taylor had these?

Gemma: He was the one who tried to kill Taylor. The park...It wasn't the cartel. Clay hired those men to take out your wife.

Jax: How did you get this?

Gemma: Taylor gave them to me. Jackson, do not be upset with her. She didn't want you to read them. She didn't know what you might do if you had read them.

Jax: Why you telling me this mom? Why now?

Gemma: Because I know how dangerous secrets can be and it's time we all know the truth. Clay Morrow killed your father. Stole that seat from this family. Gunned down your fathers best friend and he tried to kill your wife. He is a murderous traitor and there is only one thing to do now Jackson. For your father, your family and your club. It's in you. It's who you are and Clay has to die...*Jax felt his eyes go red again*...Read them. See him in your fathers own hand and you kill him Jax. You kill Clay before he is back on his feet and strikes again. When it's done, you take your place at the head of this table...Where a Teller belongs...*Gemma slowly walked out and Jax read over the letters while he smoked another cigarette.

Gemma and Unser looked over as Taylor pulled in*

Taylor: Gemma, can I have a second?...*Unser nodded and walked off. She sat across from Gemma*...Where are the letters? Did you give them to Clay?

Gemma: No...*Taylor sighed as she ran her fingers through her hair and lit a cigarette*

Taylor: How many did you take out before you gave them to Jax?...*Gemma looked in shock*

Gemma: If you knew then why give them to me?...*Taylor finished her cigarette and chuckled as she looked at Gemma*

Taylor: I love how you biker bitches think I am so stupid. How I couldn't pick up on the ins and outs of this life. My maker has taught me all I know, about myself and most certainly about humans. Gemma, I am smarter than you...*Her eyes glow*...I also know Jax better than you...*Jax walked out and glared at them*

Jax: You should have told me...*Taylor stood up*

Taylor: I was going to but when you got out. You were so eager to leave and I-I was afraid that it would push you back in. I'm sorry.

Jax: I have to kill him.

Taylor: I know...*She pulled out a syringe of her wolf venom*...And this is how you do it. Most humans don't know about the wolf venom. It won't take long. He doesn't have anyone around to cure him. I will tell Val to keep watch. She'll make sure that nobody goes in and everyone will know that he is vampire...*Gemma looked at Taylor in shock*

Gemma: What!?

Taylor: He has been compelling you for months. Compelling you not to watch his hands and not to go in the freezer because it's where he has been keeping his blood. He has been feeding you his blood for weeks. It's how he's been hiding him from feeding on you...*Gemma slowly rubbed her neck*

Chibs: JACKIE!...*Taylor looked at Jax as she made her eyes glow*

Taylor: You kill him for everything and you will kill him for what he has done to those boys and our family...*She growls*...Then you come get me and the kids...And we are leaving this poisonous place of a town...*Jax kissed her deeply and they made their eyes glow as they looked at each other. Taylor watched Jax walk over to the guys and she turned around to look at Gemma as they rode off*

Gemma: What are you doing?...*Taylor flipped her hair*

Taylor: Everything you taught me...*Taylor made her eyes glow again and growled loudly. She not only felt the alpha in her kicking but she felt her maker side kicking in*...Jax...Is...Mine.

*You're almost to the end of book four! There are only three more chapters left. I used to always think that book three was my favorite but I am starting to think that four is winning. Enjoy the next few chapters! Xoxo~Anslee*

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