Commander of Wolves

By AhsokaTano521

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Abandoned in the snow on Krownest and adopted by Mandalorian warrior Bo-Katan Kryze, then brought the the Jed... More

Chapter One: Foundling
Chapter Two: War Beginning
Chapter Two: Trapped
Chapter Three: Council's Decision
Chapter Four: The Malevolence
Chapter Five: Worry
Chapter Six: Journey
Chapter Seven: Solus Tuur Ca'nara
Chapter Eight: Parents
Chapter Nine: Across the Years
Chapter Ten: Mandalore in Peril
Chapter Eleven: Maul
Chapter Twelve: Mandalore Solus
Chapter Thirteen: Ahsoka
Chapter Fifteen: Siege of Mandalore
Chapter Sixteen: End of an Era
Chapter Seventeen: Aruetiise
Chapter Eighteen: Hope
Chapter Nineteen: Threats of the Empire
Chapter Twenty: Battle for Mandalore
Chapter Twenty-One: Freedom of Mandalore
Chapter Twenty-Two: Rescue
Chapter Twenty-Three: Alliance Begins
Chapter Twenty-Four: Aliit be Akaan
Epilogue: Life of a Mand'alor

Chapter Fourteen: Help

112 3 0
By AhsokaTano521

A/N: I know I've already used the song, but I can't think of a better song to go along with this chapter. The next chapter will also reuse a song. And sorry I haven't updated in forever. Writer's block is brutal!

It has been a few months since Ahsoka Tano joined Bo-Katan and the other Mandalorians that form the group known as the Nite Owls. In those months, she and Nya have worked to locate Maul, which has been mostly unsuccessful. But they finally have a lead. The intel team has gathered evidence that Maul is inside the capital city of Sundari. Now, they just need to break the news.

Nya and Ahsoka run from the tent where the intel team spends most of their time out into the rain and toward the tent where the clan leaders spend most of their time. The two former Jedi burst into the tent barely even wet. The clan leaders turn to face the two young women and Bo says,

"What is it?"

Nya's determined grin tells them that it is good news, but the next words out of her mouth surprise everyone.

"We found Maul. He's in Sundari right now."

Dola Fett steps forward. "You found him? How?"

Nya and Ahsoka look at each other. And Ahsoka takes up the explanation.

"We knew he was on Mandalore because Nya and I could both sense him. But we finally got some footage of him in Sundari. And it's dated to today."

The faces of all of the clan leaders break out into determined smiles. Before Fenn Rau points something out.

"We do not have the numbers for a siege. And that is, I believe, the only thing that will ensure we are victorious. The only other option is a direct assault. Which we also do not have the numbers for."

"Fenn Rau is right," Ursa says, a grim expression taking over her face. "We do not have the numbers to take back Mandalore."

Nya nods, and tilts her head down. Trying to think of something. And then the conversation she had with Obi-Wan, as he was fleeing the planet, comes to mind.

"Go back to the Republic and tell them what has happened."

"Are you not coming?"

"My people are not free. And until they are, I cannot return. Now go!"

"That would likely lead to a Republic invasion of Mandalore."

"Yes, and Maul will die. But Mandalore will survive. We always survive."

Nya looks up and into her mother's eyes. The blue meet green and are full of determined fire. Nya then meets the eyes of all of the other clan leaders. Her expression is grave, but it is full of determination. And when she speaks, her voice holds the same weight as her expression.

"The Republic. They have the numbers for a siege. And if we contact the right people, they'll do it too."

"What?" nearly all of the clan leaders ask.

Jaro Skirata says, "The Republic Senate has never helped us. What makes you think they would now?"

"Oh, I never said that the Senate would help us. I just said that the Republic would help us. Especially if it's Ahsoka or I who asks. There are a few people who serve in the GAR that would help us. Even against the Senate's and the Chancellor's wishes."

"Who?" Ahsoka asks, turning to face Nya.

The Mandalorian woman's lips turn up in a smirk as she says, "Who else? Anakin Skywalker and, perhaps, Master Plo-Koon."

"You want to ask Jetiise?" Fenn asks.

Nya looks him right in the eye. "Elek, I do. Anakin... he isn't a regular Jedi. Before I left the Order, he was like my ori'vod. And he thought of Ahsoka as his sister too. He also cares, a lot, for the galaxy as a whole. He... he..."

"He is unlike any other Jedi," Ahsoka finishes for Nya.

Nya nods her agreement to Ahsoka's words. While the thoughts of someone else begin to fill her mind. Thoughts of the clone commander she still holds in her heart. As happy as it makes Nya to be with her mother and her family, she misses Wolffe perhaps more than anyone else she had to leave behind.

"And you think Plo and Anakin would help us?" Bo asks her daughter, snapping the young woman out of her thoughts.

Nya nods. "Elek. I think they would."

"Then find out where one of them is, and contact him," Bo tells her daughter. "You two will make contact if you can and ask for help. Go to them if you need too. I have to stay here to start coordinating our troops in case they won't help. We cannot let this opportunity pass us by."

Ahsoka and Nya both look at each other. Ahsoka gives Nya a small nod. Telling the Mandalorian woman that she'll help. Then she verbalizes what she said to Nya in silence.

"I'll help either way. But Nya's right, one of them, at least, will help us."

Now that permission has been granted to Ahsoka and Nya, they run back to the intel team's tent. Where they place a holocall to the bridge of The Resolute, Anakin's flagship. Although, they don't use the frequency that is used by the Nite Owls to contact other people, they use a frequency that Ahsoka was given. The subspace frequency named Fulcrum, previously used by the rebel leader on Onderon, Saw Gerrera.

The holocall loads for a while, but soon, it is answered. And who answers it, is none other than the Admirals of the 501st Legion, as well as the 104th Battalion. Admiral Wullf Yularen and Admiral Barton Coburn.

Despite the Admirals' heavy military training, even the two of them cannot stop the slight expressions of shock that slides over their faces when the two men see Ahsoka and Nya. Both Admiral Yularen and Admiral Coburn, like many in the 104th, 501st, and 212th, believed that the two young women would never be seen again by the Republic after they left the Jedi.

The Admirals do manage to regain their composure, and Admiral Coburn asks,

"General, what can we do for you?"

Nya and Ahsoka look at each other. In the end, Nya is the one who speaks.

"We need your help, Admiral. Are Anakin and Master Plo there?"

Admiral Yularen speaks up. "They are down on the planet Yerbana currently, along with General Kenobi."

The two former Jedi nod, and Ahsoka speaks up this time.

"Could you have them brought up to the ship? Nya and I need to speak to them, it's urgent."

The two Admirals nod, and walk over to another comm station. Where they inform the three Jedi Generals that there is a message for them, and it is being transmitted using the Fulcrum frequency. When Anakin and Obi-Wan assume that it is Saw Gerrera, Admiral Yularen only tells them that they need to get up to the ship since it would be better if they took the message themselves.

It isn't long before the doors to the room that contains the holotable are opened, and Anakin Skywalker's voice is heard, saying,

"All right, Admiral. What's so important you brought us all the way back here?"

Anakin's voice fades out at the end, as he takes in what he sees. The blue, holographic forms of his former padawan, and his sister. When the two women hear the voice of their brother, they turn to face him. Ahsoka speaks first, saying,

"Hello, Master. It's been a while."

Anakin, Obi-Wan, and Plo-Koon are all equally shocked to see both Nya and Ahsoka. In fact, Anakin cannot even speak for a few moments. Surprise overwhelming his mind.

"Ah... Ahsoka. Nya. Wha... I don't believe it! How are you? Where are you? Are... Are you okay?"

"We're all right," Nya says. "Thank you." She pauses a moment before saying, "I wish we had more time to talk, but Ahsoka and I have urgent information for both of you."

"What is it, Ahsoka, Nya?" Obi-Wan asks.

The two women look at each other, and Ahsoka says, "Nya and I have located the renegade Sith Lord, Maul. And if we move swiftly, we believe we can capture him."

The three Jedi look at each other, and finally, Plo speaks up.

"And where is he?"

Nya takes a breath. "We believe he is currently on Mandalore. But that is all that can be said over comms. It's too dangerous here to disclose details. You never know who could be listening."

"Then perhaps you should meet us here," Obi-Wan says. "We could discuss what we need to discuss then."

Nya nods silently, then the comm disconnects. Ahsoka and Nya find Sabine, Tristan, Gabriel, and Videk Beroya, then the group of young warriors, along with Ahsoka, make their way to Nya's shuttle and board it. Nya sends a message to the other Nite Owls, telling them what the group is doing, and then begins takeoff. The shuttle takes to the air, and as soon as they have exited the atmosphere of Mandalore, Nya programs the hyperspace coordinates to the planet Yerbana. Then they are away.

It feels as though the trip lasts forever to the two, but it really only lasts about two hours. As they exit hyperspace, Nya turns to Ahsoka and asks her,

"Are you nervous?"

Ahsoka tilts her head slightly. "A little. You?"

Nya only gives a minuscule nod. If you weren't looking for her nod, you were not going to see it. But Ahsoka knew the other woman well enough to know to look.

Their shuttle approaches The Resolute and is granted entry to one of its hangars. Nya and Ahsoka land the ship easily, before making their way to the back of the shuttle, where the boarding ramp is located. Nya keeps her helmet tucked underneath her arm as she presses the button that lowers the boarding ramp.

Once it's been fully lowered, Ahsoka and Nya walk down the ramp toward their former masters. Followed by the other young, Mandalorian warriors that came with them. Ahsoka pats R2's dome, and he escorts the two former Jedi to their former masters, as well as Obi-Wan.

"Ahsoka, Nya, I'm so glad..."

His own former padawan cuts him off, saying, "We'll have to catch up another time. Things are moving quickly."

Nya speaks up, "Every minute we waste here gives Maul an opportunity to slip away. We can't allow that to happen again."

Plo nods to his former padawan, and says, "We understand. Please, follow me."

Plo begins to walk toward the briefing room, and Ahsoka and Nya follow him. Both giving apologetic looks to Anakin, he nods to them, though his expression is a bit hurt. But Anakin understands, Nya and Ahsoka are both concerned for Mandalore and its people. Neither can allow personal feelings to cloud their objective, no matter how much they wish they could speak to old friends.

Once they reach the briefing room, Nya sets her helmet down in front of her, and the Mandalorian, as well as Ahsoka, begin their explanation.

"Nya and Bo-Katan had been tracking Maul's movements for several months. I was able to obtain some transmission codes from the Pykes on Oba Diah, which helped Nya pinpoint some of his previous locations."

"What were you doing on Oba Diah?" Anakin asks.

"That's a long story and not really relevant right now," Ahsoka says, looking down at the table.

"But what is relevant," Nya interjects, "is that we know Maul is on Mandalore in our aloriya. Sundari."

"You're certain of this?" Obi-Wan asks her.

Nya nods to the Jedi Master. "He arrived two days ago."

"So why not take him yourself?" Plo asks.

"Or, to be more specific," Obi-Wan adds, "what do you want from the Republic?"

Nya bites her lip, crosses her arms over her chest, and looks down at the table for a moment. Then she looks back up at Plo, Anakin, and Obi-Wan. After looking them in the eyes for a few moments, with silence filling the air, she finds her voice and tells of the true problem for the Mandalorian rebels.

"Even though we have the allegiance of all but two of the Mandalorian aliitise, the Nite Owls don't have enough numbers to carry out a siege. And without a complete lockdown of the city, Maul will escape again." Nya takes a breath, readying herself for the only idea that will bring Mandalore back to the Mandalorians. "That's why I'm proposing a joint operation. If we are successful, you'll have Maul and buir will have Mandalore."

Anakin, Plo, and Obi-Wan all look at each other, before Obi-Wan speaks up.

"If Republic forces aid you in your assault, it will break treaties that are 100 years old. We will effectively be drawn into yet another war."

Videk steps forward, and practically snarls, "What's one more?"

"Well," Anakin says, "we're not finished with our first one yet."

"Never seemed to stop you before," Videk continues.

Nya turns around, and she hisses, "Luubid, Videk. Ogir naasad jorbe akaa'naryc. Mhi olar aru'e naasad dayn burc'ya!"

Videk grits his teeth, having always been taught to not trust Jedi, but he says, "N'eparavu takisit."

Nya nods to him, before Obi-Wan speaks again.

"Plo and I will advise the Jedi Council of this development."

As the two masters turn to leave, Nya's eyes widen, and she slams her hands down onto the edge of the holotable. The noise and sudden action, from the usually calm woman, startles most in the room. And it makes the two Jedi Masters turn around to face her once again.

"There's no time! Maul's influence on Mandalore is destroying my people! He murdered their ruler, my aunt!" The Mandalorian woman looks right at Obi-Wan, almost to the point of staring into his very soul. And what she says next is quiet, but it rings out clearly in the small room. "I thought she meant something to you."

Obi-Wan's face shows his shock, and the others in the room are shocked as well. Because, for Nya, losing someone you loved was a... rather touchy subject. One that the woman tended to avoid. So her bringing it up herself was out of character for Nya. But Obi-Wan still answers her.

"She did. And still does. But I cannot allow my feelings to cloud my judgment. The council will decide what our course of action will be."

Plo and Obi-Wan turn around once again, but this time, Plo gives his former padawan an apologetic look. She nods to him, and picks up her helmet, tucking it under her arm and curling her fingers underneath the rim. Once the two Jedi Masters are gone, Ahsoka and Nya turn around in order to face the other Mandalorians. Tristan, Sabine, and Gabriel all look disappointed, the same emotion felt, but not displayed, by Ahsoka and Nya, but Videk looks angry. He walks up to Nya and says,

"I told you on the way here that this was a waste of time."

Nya glares at him. "Hold your tongue, Beroya. It may work in our favor yet."

Videk and the other Mandalorians, barring Nya, leave the room to wait in the ship. And to pray to the Ka'ra that the Republic and the Jedi really will help them.

Ahsoka and Nya watch them go, but when Anakin says, "So, that went well, all things considered," the two turn around to face their brother.

"You three certainly haven't changed," Nya remarks.

"Is that a bad thing?" he asks with a breath of laughter. "Come on. I have a surprise for both of you."

The three leave the room with the holotable and begin walking through the ship. Past troopers of the 501st, 104th, and 212th alike. All of whom address Ahsoka as Commander, and Nya as General. Or they simply salute the two, making it clear that they are whom the the trooper is saluting, by looking directly at them. After it happens a few times, Ahsoka says,

"They shouldn't salute either of us anymore."

"Not since we left the Order."

Anakin looks down at his former padawan and his sister, then says, "It doesn't matter to them. It's a sign of respect. They know what you both went through for them, day after day, battle after battle." The trio stops in front of the door to the hangar, and Anakin finishes what he was saying. "Loyalty means everything to the clones."

Then the doors open. On one side, there are troopers in blue painted armor, with orange helmets adorned with the symbols that were first only Ahsoka's facial markings. On the other side, there are troopers in grey painted armor, their helmets adorned with the symbol of the Wolfpack. A wolf's head.

And at the very front, in the center, stand Captain Rex and Commander Wolffe. The latter of whom can only stare at the woman he loves. Not that Nya is any better, her eyes immediately find, and lock onto, Wolffe. Her kar'ta. For only a moment, silence fills the air. But then Rex and Wolffe both call out, "Company, attention!" and all the troopers snap to attention, facing each other, creating a path down the middle.

"Go ahead," Anakin tells his sisters. "They've been waiting to see you."

Ahsoka walks forward, on the side of the 501st, and Nya walks forward on the side of the Wolfpack. They both stop somewhere around the halfway point. Then, Anakin speaks up.

"As soon as Wolffe, Rexl and the guys knew you two were back, they got to work."

Then the two women make their wya back towards Anakin, Rex, and Wolffe. Stopping in front of Wolffe and Rex. Both of the clones bring their painted helmets in front of them.

Rex says, "The paint job is a little crude, but we think it gets the idea across. Glad to have you back, Commander."

Wolffe nods to Nya, and the expression on his face tells her everything that she needs to know. In return, she gives him a grateful smile.

"Rex, thank you. But you don't have to call me commander anymore."

"Sure thing... Commander," Rex teases the former Jedi padawan.

Then Anakin speaks up, and Rex hands him two wooden boxes. "Oh. I have one more surprise for you two." He holds them out to the women, but before they can be opened, the alarm begins blaring and Obi-Wan and Plo run in.

"Anakin, Rex, Wolffe, prepare all forces. We're jumping to hyperspace immediately."

"Yes, sir," the two clones say in unison. "Men, with me."

Obi-Wan and Plo come up to Anakin to discuss what is going on.

"So, the attack on Mandalore was approved?" Anakin asks them.

"No, it's Coruscant," Obi-Wan says. "Grievous has attacked the capitol."

Nya and Ahsoka frown in unison.

"What about the Chancellor?"

"Shaak Ti has been sent to protect him, but Master Windu has lost contact with her," Plo says. At Anakin's concerned look, he says, "Not to worry. Our fleet can be there within the hour."

Nya steps forward and says, "So that's it? You're going to abandon Mandalore and its people? You're going to abandon me?"

"Nya, surely you understand this is a pivotal moment in the Clone Wars," Obi-Wan says. "The heart of the Republic is under attack."

Nya nearly yells this time, but her voice is clear and strong. "I understand that, as usual, you're playing politics. This is why the people have lost faith in the Jedi. It's why my people hate you, because you won't stick to your true purpose. I had lost faith too, until I was reminded of what the Order means to people who truly need us."

"Right now, people on Coruscant need us," Obi-Wan says, in argument with the young Mandalorian.

"No. The Chancellor needs you," Nya retorts, the flame of anger that was ignited within her, showing itself in her eyes. The deep blue pools turned nearly black with anger.

"That's not fair."

"I'm not trying to be," Nya spits out, the fiery retort directed at even Anakin and Plo.

Anakin then steps in, trying to do what he knows is right, and adhere to the orders of the Council. "I'll divide the 501st, make a new division under Ahsoka's command."

"Unfortunately," Plo rumbles, "Little 'Soka is no longer a part of the Grand Army of the Republic."

Getting desperate, Anakin attempts something else, but not entirely different. "We'll promote Rex to Commander and have him lead the new division. Ahsoka and Nya can go with him as an adviser. What do you say?"

Plo nods, and adds his voice to the mix. "The 104th is not needed on Coruscant, though I am. Commander Wolffe can take them to Mandalore to assist this division of the 501st." He turns to Nya. "If you accept."

Nya and Ahsoka look at each other. Ahsoka nods to the Mandalorian, telling her that whatever she decides, Ahsoka will be there. So Nya voices her mind.

"Elek, ni vorer. That is, if Obi-Wan agrees."

Obi-Wan is silent for a moment as he considers it. "Very well." Nya and Ahsoka nod to him. "May the Force be with you." The Jedi Masters turn to leave, but at the doorway, Obi-Wan turns back. "Oh, one other thing: I killed Maul once. Best to capture him. He doesn't seem to stay dead."

Then the two leave, and Ahsoka, Nya, and Anakin are left alone once again.

"Thanks for the support. As always," Nya says, dipping her head slightly to Anakin.

"That's what friends are for." Anakin brings the boxes he held out to them only a few minutes ago back up, and holds them out to Nya and Ahsoka once again. "If you two are going to face Maul, you'll need these."

At Anakin's nod, Ahsoka and Nya lift the lids to the wooden boxes. Revealing silver lightsaber hilts. Each woman picks up her own two, and Anakin says, as he lowers the boxes,

"I took care of them. They're good as new." The two women ignite their lightsabers, and while the same orange blades erupt out of Nya's hilts, blue blades, not green, erupt out of Ahsoka's. "Maybe a little better."

Ahsoka and Nya both give their brother a fond, yet slightly irritated, look as they begin to move their lightsabers in a spinning motion. Getting re-accustomed to the feeling of the hilts in their hands.

"You two capture Maul. I'll take care of Grievous. With any luck, this will all be over soon."

"Master Kenobi always said there's no such thing as luck," Ahsoka says.

"Good thing I taught you both otherwise," Anakin says with a grin, one that is returned by Nya.

Then, Anakin turns and walks toward the door, but at the last moment, Ahsoka and Nya both yell out, "Anakin!" He stops, and turns to face them. In unison, both young women say, "Good luck."

Their older brother nods to them, before leaving the hangar.

From there, it is a hive of activity. The Mandalorians, as well as the new division of the 501st, the 332nd, are transferred from The Resolute over to The Tribunal. Well, most of the Mandalorians. Nya accompanies Wolffe and the 104th on board their fleet, and their flagship. Still The Cuyan.

On the journey to Mandalore, Nya and Wolffe manage to steal away for a few moments of privacy. Just to be with each other, a luxury neither has had for a year now.

The first thing Wolffe comments on is something that Bo-Katan gave her daughter only a few weeks ago. A headband, with the sigil of the Wolfpack etched onto it in beskar. But it isn't long before Wolffe and Nya are no longer speaking and are instead embracing each other. Showing each other that while they may have been apart, their love was still there.

Unfortunately, their moment cannot last for long, now, the Republic fleet is approaching Mandalore, and it is time for battle. Before they leave for the hangar, however, Nya whispers one last thing to Wolffe.

"Thank you, for helping me to save my people."

Wolffe retakes his place in front of Nya, his hands on her waist. "The Mandalorians are your people, and I love you. There's no place in the galaxy that I would rather be. Even if there is a Sith down there," he finishes with a small smile.

"Ni kar'taylir gar darasuum."

"Bal ni kar'taylir gar darasuum. Now let's go save your people."

A wide and determined grin spreads across Nya's face. "Vercopa ibic akaan'ar ja'hailir Ka'ra."


"Sometimes it takes reconnecting with old friends to realize how much your dreams have changed your path." -Unknown


Jetiise - Jedi (plural)

Elek - Yes

Ori'vod - Big Brother

Aloriya - [lit. Head City] Capital

Aliitise - Clans, Families

Buir - Mom

Luubid, Videk. Ogir naasad jorbe akaa'naryc. Mhi olar aru'e naasad dayn burc'ya! - That's enough, Videk. There's not any reason to be rude. We are not here to make enemies out of friends

N'eparavu takisit - [lit. I eat my insult] Sorry

Ka'ra - Mandalorian gods (Ka'ra are actually a ruling council of kings in Mandalorian culture, but in this they are referred to, generally, as the gods of Mandalorian culture.)

Kar'ta - Heart

Elek, ni vorer - Yes, I am to accept.

Cuyan - Survivor

Ni kar'taylir gar darasuum - I love you

Bal ni kar'taylir gar darassum - And I love you

Vercopa ibic akaan'ar ja'hailir Ka'ar - May this act of war be watched over by the gods (Ka'ra are actually a ruling council of kings in Mandalorian culture, but in this they are referred to, generally, as the gods of Mandalorian culture.)

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