The Spider of Rubicon (Reader...

By corkykong

19.2K 835 923

As an underground coral energy deposite was disturbed and invaded by the neumerous greed stained hands of cor... More

Chapter 1: The Coral Response...
Chapter 2: Cords and Cords
Chapter 3: A Name For Yourself
Chapter 4: A War For Me?
Chapter 5: A Birds Nest...
Choice Time!
Chapter 6: The Eyes of A Raven
Chapter 7: The Spider's Bite
Chapter 8: A Broken Toy...
Choice time!!!
Chapter 10: Buckets of Rust and Bolts
Chapter 11: A Snail's Temper...
Chapter 12: Host Verified...
Chapter 13: The Compass
Chapter 14: 963Hz
Its too late...
Chapter 15: Before The Fall
Chapter 16: Heart of The Core
Chapter 17: A Shell's View
The polar express worm?
Chapter 18: The Raven...
Chapter 19: ..-. .-. . . / ..-. .-. --- -- / -.-. .... .- .. -. ...
Chapter 20: Wonders Down Below
Chalter 21: Code 23...Attending Scene
Chapter 22: The Liberation Front of What?
Chapter 23: The Beast of Rubicon (part 1)
Chapter 23 (part 2): .. / .- / -- / - / .- / -. / -.-
Chapter 24: The Coral Choral
Chapter 25: The Red Road
Chapter 26: The Dancing Spider...and Singing AI
Chapter 27: Spiders Have Claws Too (choices)
Chapter 27: Spiders Have Claws Too!
Chapter 28: A Path's Sacrifice
Chapter 29 (part one): Machines Dont Cry...Right?
Chapter 29 (part 2): Machines Dont Cry...Right?(+ choice)
Chapter 30: Run Like a Worm
Chapter 31: The Funnel Web
Chapter 32: Irregular, Outdated, And *ERROR*
Chapter 33: Pull The Plug

Chapter 9: The Fixer Tinker Wizard

540 24 24
By corkykong

621 pov

3 days...3 days, and now I can finally move around with out my back causing me any pain...

Ayre: your up! are you feeling?

But Ayre...the voice in my head would be so easily cured...

Without speaking, I only nodded as I stood up from my bed. I began to get dressed with the usual...

A full-body, G-force dampening AC pilot suit. With a custom built coral supplement receiver...that's it...

Ayre: u-uh...raven?...are yoy not going to put on any undergarments?
Well...Walter did just cycle the laundry yesterday...guess I'll start over...

Quickly and efficiently, I took off Mt gear before putting on a compression bra, and a pair of boxers...

Ayre: I-...I see...

What could I say?...I liked how they felt...

In any case, upon getting ready for whatever job that may need done, I walked out of my room and into the hallway...

I quickly made my way to where Y/N's room was before peeking inside...

No one there...

Ayre: guess Walter hasn't finished fixing him up yet...

I let out a sigh before making my way through the facility. My next target would be the hangar...

As of now, since our return from watch's been quite different...especially with Scuttles...

On the first day, I was pretty banged up myself...but while in bed, I was able to order a few blue prints and parts to repair my for Scuttles on the other hand...

It didn't really come to a surprise that I couldn't find any blueprints, or fragments for Y/N's machine...

The second day was really just me getting up and doing whatever I could to fix my AC...atleast until Walter came by and forced-..."ordered" go back and rest...

Walter spares any time he can to fixing Y/N, but...I haven't seen him or Y/N during this process...

But for the thrusters day, I was up and working again...a few sore pains, but nothing non mandible...but what caught my attention was when I over heard Walter speaking to a "friend"...about Y/N...?


Maybe that's why I decided to immediately put on all of this gear...

To be prepared for somthing that may take the person that I owed a favor to...

Slowly, I processed the memories and reasons for my little compassion towards the boy before noticing something out side...

Ayre: Raven, I'm reading 2 AC's incoming!- it might be a-

Before aayre could finish, the inter coms came up online.

Walter: 621...we have on your best behavior...

Ayre: fault...

I let out a huff that was supposed to be a laugh before continuing onto the hangar...upon entering, the bay doors were already slid open to welcome our visitors as I looked to the icy wastelands...

From where I stood uptop a metal balcony, I looked through the kicked up snow before seeing two AC's...

A heavy footed AC with several visible modifications and protruding missiles...

That thing wouldn't be fun to fight against...

And the other...

A short half track tank AC with several variations of explosives and once again...extensive modifications...

They both began to slow down as they aimed their frames to dock at our base...

Walter: they're here early...

I turned around to see Walter walking down to the balcony level I stood upon.

Walter: the person coming here will help us you get across the Alean ocean and towards the more recent Coral activity going on there...and hopefully...rebuild Y/N...

I said nothing as I watched the first AC begin to didn't take a keen eye to see the thousands of modifications and different flairs of mechanical decor on the machine as it was set I place by the docking arms...

The AC was then lifted up before having it's chest placed near the balcony.

With a huff of pressurized air getting released, the chest opened up to reveal...

???: Handler Walter~...howv'ya been?

A very...Eccentric...Woman...

Walter: Cinder Carla...nice to see you again...sorry that it isn't under better circumstances...

Carla: it's fine Walter...

The woman stepped out and onto the metal balcony...her...chest...moving like a soft wave before settling...all before looking at me...looking down at me to be exact...

Carla: and you must be the new hound...621, right?...a shame...617 was fun~...

She leaned a bit to my level as...her chest hung low...

"How the hell can she even carry that?"...

Admittedly, I have a decently large chest for my size,

In any case, I could tell she was attempting to make me crack, but-

Walter: that's enough Carla...

She reset her position before standing tall...her and Walter were matching in hight...

Carla folded her arms whole looking at Walter

Carla: *sigh* fine...but just a reminder. You owe me..."Big" you know how much I going in with me just coming here?- I have Coyotes and rogue Dosers swarming my toys are holding up, but...

Walter: I know...and thank you...

Carla: *sigh* problem...

A strange moment came between them...not of affection, but...shared experiences?...not love though...

Carla: well?- show me your broken toy~- oh, and before I forget...Chatty!

Carla called out a name as a voice came through the intercoms.

Chatty: yes, cheif?

Confused at the voice, I quickly realized that the voice was...robotic? AI controlled AC...that's rare...

Carla: get a few of my work toys and drones to bring me my wanna dock up and rest?!

Chatty: I'll stay here and monitor the perimeter...

Carla chuckled before speaking

Carla: just be sure to send me the scenic pictures you take!

No response, but I looked outside to see a few small drones entering the hangar.

Carla: Thanks Chatty!- your the best!

She looked at Walter again with a small chuckle and a tinker's smile.

Carla: alright, and last thing...

She looked back at me...

Carla: let's see...what would be an appropriate amount...330,000?...yeah...alright tourist...330,000 for ya if you clear out my place...sound good?

3-...330,000...I looked at Walter for instructions as I did my best to keep my money ambitions tamed.

Walter: I'll place a marker on the location...leave whenever you are ready...

I nodded before heading to the mess hall...Can't go on a mission with an empty belly, right?

But...even with my mind drawn on what I would like to purchase with the extra scratch...I still wondered how Carla would repair Y/N...

Walter pov...

Leading Carla around base, I guided her towards the room I was attempting to repair Y/N in...

I may not be tech-savvy like our other friends, but I can manage my own when building a bot...but Carla?...

If anyone can fix would be her...

As of now, I managed to fix his outer shell and synthetic skin nerve system...took me a while, but it should be fine now...but the damages to the inner framing of his body was the main issue...

Damages like his right leg; the mangled arm, and the crack along the spine skeletal structure

and unfortunately...most of the files pertaining to the G-1 line, and their designated automated pilots were burned long before the fires...

Walter: right this way...

I opened the door for her as she let herself in...

Over on a steel work table...laid Y/N's body...

I stayed silent as I watched Carla walk around the table...eyeing the damages in question before putting on her work goggles every now and then to get a better look...then...I began to hear her chuckle...

Carla: *whistle* you did pretty good on the patch work Walter. I should hire yoy next time~...

I felt the right side of my lip curl as I let out a single huff for my little award of pride in work well done...a chuckle if you will...but-

Walter: how bad is i-

Carla: very...

I shut my mouth before listening...

Carla: well, for starters. Remaining left arm is FUBAR...

She walked up close to the bench before placing her hand on the mangled right leg.

Carla: right leg servos are made out of titanium, which is pretty impressive...anyways, they are completely cracked and bent out of place...

Very carefully, she lifted his side to see his exposed and damaged spine.

Carla: and the spine foundation is shot...don't suppose you have the original blue prints to it's product line?

I shook my head...

Walter: I tried, but came up empty. I thought you might've found something...

Carla sighed with a smiling chuckle before laying Y/N back down.

Carla: nope...nothin here Walts...hmm...

Once again, she observed the parts...gently picking them up before placing them around the area which they might be linked to...

Carla: well...first off, it's gonna cost ya...gotta make some new parts....and I don't think I have the hardware on me to repair him here...might have to take your toy home with me...

Walter: that's fine...just say how mu-

Carla: 660,000 creds...oh, and before you ask, yes. Half of it will be going to your hound~

She looked back at me with her goggles still over her eyes...but that damn joking smile was still was her strained poker face over the laughing fit probably exploding under her facade...

I felt my shoulders sag as I let out a sigh...

Walter: I'll...take care of it...

Her smile only grew as she continued to observe each damaged portion of Y/N's body

Carla: Thanks Walter! me get him ready for transfer. Call your hound...tell her she has a job...

I looked back at her and responded with a nod

Carla: oh, if possible, I want a bit of time with you hound...a bit of girl to girl talk if you will~...

I looked at her with a raised eye brow...

Carla: she has a lot of beauty under those scars...and I wanna teach her while I know I work better when I'm distracted~

Once again I sighed...but I managed to hold it in

Walter: I'll see if I can arrange somthing...

Carla: Thanks again...and one las-

I began to get frustrated by the add on's-

Walter: for the love of- What now!!!

I shouted as I was mere moments away from walking out of the room to begin working...

Carla: it's...*chuckle* it's good to see you again...atleast until "you-know-what"...

I paused for a whole attitude changed as I looked back at Carla one last time...she wasn't looking at me, but...I could tell that what she said was genuine...

Walter: could I ever go on without a few laughs before the end?

I smiled under the irony...and she laughed with me...

Carla: get'em in while you can...Now then!- Let me work...start arranging things behind the scenes like yoy always do!...

She called me out as I chuckled with a smile while leaving the room...

Walter: always...

Y/N pov

Where...where were you?

After you had blacked wasn't like before...Drifting in a black abyss with a giant ball of Coral looming over you...instead, you found yourself on...


You looked down to were standing on it...

You instinctively raised your right arm to scratch your head out of confusion before had both arms too...!

Y/N: w-what? But...

But only your coral form had both arms...not your body...but...this water...this...what was the word?...a beach? was different from the red coral flow you had grown accustomed to for so long...

Observing your surroundings once more, you looked down at the water you were walking on before seeing...


Her AC was...under you?
What the heck was going on?

???: you...

You heard a voice ring in your ears...

Immediately looking up, you saw...


(Corky: what you look like)

Out in the distance...a strange yet superior image of yourself stood ontop of the water...

Y/N: who-...who are you?

You looked at the imposter with a nervous glare before watching him point at you...

???: you aren't supposed to be here...

The water underneath you began to vibrate as...


You machine...Mr.Scuttles...climbed out of the water, and stood behind the strange clone of you...but not just Scuttles...

Hundreds, if not thousands of different variations of you machine began to raise out of the water...

And all of them aimed their gaze towards you...their eyes glowing and peircing into you as fear and anxiety began to overtake your mind.

Y/N: What do you want from me!

You shouted out in fear...perhaps you could bargain.
If your mirror image responded...

???: soon...

Without warning or time to react, you began to feel water going up your leg...was the water rising?

You were sinking down...

And with a heavy metal body, and...well...the lack of knowledge to swim...

All the other surface standing robots, and your other clone watched you failed to keep your head above water...

It quickly became dark once you felt your self drowning under water... or wherever the heck you were...

Corky: heh heh...coral mommy...hound momma...and now the RaD dom-ma-momma

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