Hit Like A Girl โ”โ” CALLAHAN

By -pastelmic-

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"you got it girl. this is your world. i'll be right there supporting." OR WHERE Calliope Reyes joins an all... More



927 50 28
By -pastelmic-

Chapter Eight:
"fall of a meathead"
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BREAKFAST at the Reyes house goes surprisingly well that morning, and by that she means her mom actually managed to not embarrass her or even hint to Hazel that Calliope had feelings for her while they talked.

Hazel really liked Thalia and her mom seemed to really adore her, but she got real confirmation after she and Hazel washed their dishes and the brunette left to use the bathroom before they headed off to school. As Calliope went to her room to grab her bag, her mom pulled her back for a second and told her that she loved Hazel and really hoped that she gave some thought to what she said to her the night prior.

Her mom's confession quite literally made her day, she had no doubt that her mom would love Hazel, but she was really happy to hear that she did. Hazel was one of the most important people in her life right now, and it meant the world that her mom approved.

She had given some thought to what her mom said, but it wasn't that simple. Did she want to take the leap with Hazel and possibly be happy with her? Of course she did. But just because that's what she wanted, doesn't mean that's what Hazel wants too. And that's what scared her, the unknown and it's consequences.

She didn't want to risk the chance of losing Hazel, and she had a better chance of not doing that by just being her best friend.

They say their goodbyes to her mom and grab their belongings, then they make their leave from her apartment and head down the steps toward the parking lot. The blonde girl unlocks her car doors and she and Hazel climb inside, then they buckle their seatbelts, she puts her key into the ignition, and soon they're pulling off and headed to school.

It's a fairly short drive from her apartment to the school, and when she arrived she pulls into her typical parking spot and she  and Hazel climb out out of her yellow a Volkswagen and make their across the campus to to the entrance of the school. As they make their way around the corner and down the corridor, they go their separate ways and head to their lockers.

Calliope spins the dial on the metal compartment, then she lifts up the lever and her locker opens. After taking out all the items she needs for her first three periods, she set her backpack inside and closed the locker shut. She makes her way through the bustling hallway, narrowly avoiding bumping into her fellow classmates, and she arrives at Mr. G's classroom and makes her way inside the room to her desk beside Hazel.

Ever since her first day of school in Mr. G's class she's always sat next to her, and not just because she wants to, but because Hazel leaves her backpack in the seat of the desk and will not under any circumstances let anyone but Calliope sit there.

There was one day maybe a week ago when she was almost late to class because she was in the bathroom, and she walked in the room and Mr. G was trying his best to solve a disagreement PJ and Hazel were having about the desk.

Apparently, PJ's desk was taken and she wanted to sit in the desk next to Hazel, but the dark brunette refused and insisted that the seat belonged to Calliope and that only she could sit there. Ultimately, the disagreement was solved the second the bottle blonde walked in the room, Mr. G told PJ to find another seat and Calliope sat down beside Hazel.

She remembers her skin being flushed and her heart fluttering for the remainder of the period, it was quite literally the cutest thing anyone's ever done for her. Even to this day, just the sight of her backpack in her seat makes her heart melt.

As Calliope sits down at her now empty desk chair after Hazel removed her backpack, she placed her books on the surface, folds her arms on top of them, and props her chin on her arms as she waits for class to be in session. She sighs softly as her eyes wander the room in boredom, then they widen in recollection as Isabel and Brittany walk in the room.

Shit, she had almost forgotten about the huge bomb that Hazel dropped on her, PJ, and Josie the other day about Jeff sleeping with her mom. She couldn't help but wonder if Isabel found out about what Jeff did.

According to PJ and Josie, this wouldn't be the first time that Jeff has cheated on Isabel. And while she does feel really empathetic for her, and she understands why she doesn't want to leave Jeff, Calliope really hopes that this time she decides that enough is enough.

Isabel is intelligent, she's kickass, she's funny and adorable as hell, she's independent, and a literal goddess, and she deserves so much better than Jeff.

It's time she kicked his cheating ass to the curb.

The school day goes by, and her first three periods were behind her. It was now time for lunch and she's made a quick stop at her locker to grab her lunch. After she spins the dial she lifts the lever and the locker opened up, then she grabs her lunch and puts her third period items in her bag. As she went to close her locker and head towards the cafeteria, she noticed Hazel making her way down the corridor to her.

She promptly closed the locker shut and turns to face her with a small smile, "Hi, Haze." As she grew closer she got a better view of her, she quickly noticed that there was a nervous look on her pale features, and she's fiddling anxiously with the rings adorning her fingers. Calliope frowns at her in concern, "What's wrong? You look freaked out."

"That's probably because I am." Hazel replied nervously, "Uhm, okay so Isabel just like pulled me aside after third period and told me she wants to confront Jeff at lunch. And she wants me to be with her for like, proof. And I'm super freaked out about it and I was wondering if—"

"If I would come with you when she confronts him?" The bottle blonde questions, Hazel nods her head and Calliope's eyes soften. "Haze, of course I'll come with you. You honestly didn't even have to ask, I would love to see Jeff's face up close when Isabel finally dumps his crybaby ass."

A look of uncertainty crossed the dark brunette's face as they walk down the hall to the cafeteria, "I don't know if she'll dump him. She didn't the last four times that he cheated on her, which is shocking since it was her sister."

Calliope's jaw drops, "He cheated on Isabel with her sister?"

"Yeah, Jeff has a knack for cheating on Isabel with older women." Hazel answered as her face twists in discomfort, "I just never thought my mom would be one of those women."

Calliope's nose wrinkled in disgust as she shook her head, "God, you and Isabel don't deserve this. He can't just get away with this shit. I swear to god if Isabel doesn't dump him, i'll do it myself."

Hazel snorts, "I'm not sure she'll be too happy about that."

Calliope shrugged, "She'll be fine, I'm sure I can talk some sense into her if I need to."

As they approached the cafeteria doors they found Isabel standing around with her hand propped on her hip as her wavy chestnut hair poured down her shoulders, she looked like a girl on a mission.

"Oh, hey Calliope." Isabel greeted in slight surprise.

"Hey, Isabel. So, Hazel asked me if I would accompany her while you confront Jeff about him cheating." Calliope informs, in attempts to clear up any confusion.

"Oh, okay, sure." Isabel nods as she flips a strand of hair over her shoulder, "That's fine, I'm sure us three storming over will make him feel very intimidated."

Calliope grinned, "There's always safety in numbers."

Isabel smiles thinly and nods sharply, then she turns to the cafeteria doors as she inhaled deeply. "Okay, let's do this." She pushed the double doors open and made her way into the room, Calliope and Hazel share a brief look before they quickly follow after the wavy haired girl.

Isabel's entrance in the cafeteria doesn't go unnoticed by the student body as she walks in, in fact she made certain everyone's eyes were on her as she walked past two of their classmates. She knocks their flyers of Jeff out of their hands, causing them to go flying into the air as she struts toward Jeff and the football team's table.

The entirety of the team are all sitting at a long table together, as if re-enacting the last supper or some shit like that. And as if things couldn't anymore ridiculous, they happened to be sitting in front of the giant mural of Jeff which was made to resemble Michelangelo's famous art piece of the Creation of Adam.

How did she manage to go to this school for three weeks and never realize that mural was painted on the wall? She really needs to pay more attention.

Calliope an Hazel locked gazes as they walk close behind Isabel on either side of her, as they approach the table and the wavy haired girl came to stop, Jeff flashed his signature bright and charming smile as he leant forward in his seat, clasping his hands. "Hi."

"Are you having sex with Mrs. Callahan?" Isabel demanded, cutting the bullshit and getting straight to her point.

Jeff appears to be caught off guard as his hazel eyes widen, his lips are parted in shock and speechlessness as he fumbles to come up with a reply. "Baby, you look so beautiful. Like, so fucking hot... H-How are you?"

"Bad." Isabel emphasized with an expectant glare, "Are you having sex with her?"

"I-I'm helping her with her taxes." Jeff stammered out.

Hazel's brows furrowed as she steps forward beside Isabel, "Aren't you in 8th grade algebra?"

Jeff chuckles nervously as he points at her, his finger trembles frantically. "I can't answer that question because I... I don't know how to read."

"She's asking you to your face!" Isabel exclaims in frustration.

"Fuck, that usually works." Jeff muttered to himself as his gaze trails off elsewhere.

Calliope takes a step towards Isabel and sets a hand on her shoulder, Isabel peers back at her and meets her eyes. The blonde smiles encouragingly, "You've got this, don't let him get in your head. Remember what I told you that night at the fair, you deserve better, Isabel. Get your fucking answers, babe."

Isabel nods her head sharply, then Calliope removes her hand and take a step back. The wavy haired girl sighed heavily as she faced Jeff, "Are you cheating on me again?"

"Baby, no! No!" Jeff cried out frantically, clearly lying right through his teeth. "No, why would... why would I do-- that was one time with your sister, just once-- two-- four times. No, I would never cheat on you, again, okay? I promise you I am not sleeping with her."

"I literally saw you yesterday." Hazel reveals, which is news to Calliope considering she didn't mention him when they stopped at her house to pick up her clothes. Looks like she wasn't the only one who recognized his car, Hazel did too.

"Shut up, nerd! I fucked your mom!" Jeff snapped at Hazel, not realizing that he just exposed himself in the process. The realization is all over his face in mere moments, his eyes are wide with panic and his teammates are groaning alongside him. "Wait." He muttered lowly as he glanced down, most likely replaying the words back in his head.

Calliope can't help the snort that escapes from her, she shook her head as her arms fold across her chest. "Wow, you really are a fucking idiot aren't you, Jeff? I mean, I think that's the first time in history that saying 'I fucked your mom' has ever gotten someone dumped."

Jeff's head shoots up instantly, his eyes wide as he trains his gaze on Isabel, who's absolutely fucking fuming at the moment. "Dumped?"

Isabel chuckles darkly, anger burning in her jade green gaze. "Yeah, we're done."

Jeff reached out a hand to her, there's a desperate look written on his face. "Isabel..."

The jade green eyed girl turns on her heel and struts away, leaving Calliope and Hazel stood at the football team's table. The bottle blonde is turning to leave, but then she noticed the dark brunette is staring hesitantly at Jeff.

The blonde boy sneers as he glared at her, "Why are you still standing here, freak?"

Irritation crossed Calliope's face as she stepped forward, but Hazel holds out her arm and stops her. She gives the bottle blonde a knowing look, and she nods her head and stands down, letting Hazel defend herself.

Hazel shoves her hands into her pockets as she turned to face Jeff, "I just wanted to say that you should probably stop sleeping with my mom. It's like, really fucking gross and uncomfortable for you to just be in my house all the time. So uh, yeah." She nods shortly and awkwardly, then she turned on her heel and walks off with Calliope at her side.

The deep brown eyed girl turns to Hazel, there's a wide smile pulling at the corners of her lips. "I'm so fucking proud of you, dude." She nudged Hazel gently, "You just stood up to that meathead."

Hazel's blue-green eyes are wide with disbelief, she shakes her head with a breathless smile. "I honestly can't believe I just did that. I've never stood up to him before, that was fucking crazy." Her brows raised as she turns to meet the blonde's gaze, "Do you think he'll listen to me?"

"He better, or else I'll fuck him up so bad that he won't be able to play for the big game." Calliope grins smugly as Hazel rolls her eyes, she throws her arm around her as they caught up to Isabel and the fight club girls.

"I'm getting revenge." Calliope hears Isabel declare, "I'm gonna fuck up some football players. And I'm buyin' a gun."

"Hell yeah." Sylvie agreed, a little too enthusiastically. "I'll get my stepdad's."

"What about, like, egging?" Annie suggested.

"Yeah, so we can make em' not refrigerated and smelly?" Sylvie advised eagerly, jumping on board with her idea immediately.

Annie nods in excitement, "Ooh, we could cook em' and be like... 'you're cooked.'"

"Or what about, like, a bomb?" Hazel put froward, the majority of the fight club girls whip their heads to her with looks of bewilderment on their faces. Well, everyone except Calliope who had a tiny grin tugging on the corners of her lips. The chance to see Hazel's bomb making skills in action? Uh, yeah. Sign her up. "Like a.... like a super small bomb. I mean, they're super easy to make, and I can just put it under his car, and it can be a distraction."

"Yeah, Hazel, let's do terrorism." PJ remarks sarcastically.

Hazel gives a tiny nod, and Calliope knows immediately that she thought PJ was being serious since she's not the best at picking up social cues and sarcasm. Now, she could very well make it clear to Hazel that PJ was not saying to actually do it, or... she could let Hazel think that PJ was saying she should do it.

Sue her, okay? Jeff is a massive douchebag who can't keep getting away with all the shit that he does, and Calliope is a weak woman who just wants to see the girl she's helplessly in love with make a fucking bomb.

That's not too much to ask, is it?

Was it illegal? Yes, very. But it's just his car, Jeff is rich and his parents can easily get him a new one. It's not like they'll get caught, as long as they time everything correctly and get out of there before the bomb goes off, nobody would ever know that it was them.

It'll be a piece of cake, and the sweetest revenge.

—micaela speaks

Yo !

I told you guys some of these chapters might get a little bit shorter, that may be the case from time to time. My ultimate goal is to make this book as long as I possibly can, so yeah.

I don't know if you guys noticed but after Isabel walks away from Jeff and the team Hazel stays back and it kind of looks like she may have had some words for Jeff. So, I gave her a little moment to stand up for herself because she fucking deserves that.

I can't imagine how it felt to have the asshole who taunts you and pushes you around at school just walking around your house like he owns the place. I would be sick to my STOMACH knowing he was having sex with my mom.

Like, that shit is FUCKED.

I would never come back home, I'm moving out and I'm disowning my mother for that predatory fucking behavior.

So yeah, Hazel got to stand up for herself and tell Jeff to stop sleeping with her mom.

Next chapter will more than likely be split in two parts, the night they get revenge on Jeff and the next day when they're in the gym and Hazel calls PJ a liar.

We're getting close to the end of this book guys!!! I'm sorry not sorry for the slowburn, if you've read my books before then you would know that I loveeeeee a good slowburn.

If you haven't read my books, then well, let me introduce myself.

Hi, my name is Mic and I absolutely loveeee slowburns. Honestly, slower the better.

But don't worry, Hazel and Calliope will reveal their feelings to each other soon enough. You might even get a small pov from Hazel too, hehehe.

I have sooo many plans, I cannot wait to implement them. I hope you y'all are ready !

ANYWHOOSIEEE, I hope that you guys enjoyed this chapter ! Please feel free to leave your thoughts in the comments, I really do love hearing from you guys. Thank you so much for reading, and I will see you all in the next chapter !

Byeeee <333

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