What if Goku Black trained De...

By Jesus7766

1.9K 17 13

(I don't own these characters) This is a separated story from What if Goku trained Deku. This will tell the... More

Chapter 1 Villain Deku's Origin
Chapter 2 Deku's mastered ability's, A new quirk ?
Chapter 3 A new villain arrives, Goku Black vs All Might
Chapter 4 The sports festival begins,Deku vs Tordorki
Chapter 5 The Sports festival round 2, Deku vs Bakugo
Chapter 6 Deku's training with All Might, Izuku's feelings
Chapter 7 Deku vs Stain, Ochaco falls in love with Izuku
Chapter 8 Time for training camp, a dark secret exposed
Chapter 9 The battle begins. Goku Black vs Endeavor
Chapter 10 All for One vs All Might, The society falls
Chapter 11 New visitors in a dark world, Deku vs Bakugo
Chapter 12 Deku's ultimate battle, Goku vs Goku Black
Akira Toriyama
Update on the author
A drawing I made a few months ago

Chapter 13 The final battle begins, The ultimate power

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By Jesus7766

Previously on What if Goku Black trained Deku. Deku's plan was an all out assault on the liberation army, hopefully the plan succeeded in saving the Izuku Midoriya from this world. During the fight they stumble into Goku Black. The battle was hard but at the end Goku and Deku unlocked a greater power and defeated Goku Black. Now the battle with All for One begins...Now!

All for One charged at Deku with incredible speed, then he grabbed his neck and slammed it to the ground.

All for One-I never thought that, there would be a universe where I became a hero. How pathetic.

Deku's neck was starting to a glowing pinkish veins. As soon as that happened Deku was screaming in agony.

Uraraka-Deku !

Goku-Get away from him!

Goku tried to kick All for One, but he caught Goku's kick. Then he flicked Goku away.


Piccolo fired the special beam cannon. This time All for One got up while also deflected the special beam cannon. Piccolo charged at All for One, and the two battled it out. Uraraka ran to Deku to see what's wrong.

Uraraka-Deku, Deku ! Just hang on.

Uraraka looked at Deku's neck to see where it's heading. So she ripped parts of Deku's suit to see the pink veins heading towards his heart. Goku got up and ran to help Piccolo to stall All for One. Goku transformed into a Super Saiyan 2. Fut Todoroki looked to see the battle.

Fut Dabi-Come on Shoto, pay attention !

Fut Todoroki-Why are you still doing this ? You killed our father, isn't that enough to satisfy you.

Fut Dabi-Of course not, as long as there are remains of Endeavor, I will never be satisfied.

Fut Todoroki-Even if you have to kill your own family !?

Fut Dabi-Yes.

Fut Bakugo-Out of the way icy-hot.

Fut Bakugo came out of nowhere and did a close range explosion on Fut Dabi's face, sending him back.

Fut Todoroki-Took you long enough.

Fut Bakugo-Shut up.

Fut Dabi-Just another pest.

Fut Bakugo and Fut Todoroki, charged at Fut Dabi. Fut Todoroki used his ice to create a defense against Fut Dabi's flames, while Fut Bakugo goes offense and attacks Fut Dabi. Dabi was starting to get frustrated with Fut Bakugo and Fut Todoroki's coordinated attack. Fut Todoroki and Fut Dabi punched each other's face with their flames.

When Dabi was going off balance, Bakugo jumped in the air combing his ki and howitzer impact.

Fut Bakugo-Howitzer ki impact!

It was the same move but the ki doubles the damage. After the attack Fut Dabi looked roasted.

Fut Bakugo-You ok ?

Fut Todoroki-Yeah, it's fine. Come on let's go help the others.

Fut Bakugo-Don't tell me what to do.

Back to the battle between Fut Uraraka and Fut Toga...

Fut Toga-So... how long do we have to play along ?

Fut Uraraka-Till Deku defeats All for One.

Fut Toga turned to see Uraraka viewing the pink vein on Deku. Then Fut Uraraka turned to it too. They immediately stop the battle and ran to where Deku is.

Fut Uraraka-What's going on with Deku ?

Fut Toga-Looks like All for One used his poison.

Uraraka-How do we get it out ?

Fut Toga pulled out a tube with syringe. She then stab Deku's chest and slowly sucking the poison out. The tube got full, but some of the poison was gone. Then Fut Toga poked a hole on Deku's neck.

Fut Toga-I took some of the poison out but my canister are already full. So someone has to suck the rest of the poison out.

Uraraka didn't waste any time, she sucked and spit out the poison. Fut Toga turned to Fut Uraraka.

Fut Toga-So do you think that they are ?

Fut Uraraka-Not yet, but they are starting to.

Deku was starting to gain consciousness. He slowly got up. Fut Toga handed small bandages to Uraraka, then Uraraka placed them on Deku's chest and neck.

Deku-What happened ?

Fut Toga-You got affected by All for One's poison.

Deku-I completely forgot about that.

Uraraka-It's all right, Goku and Piccolo are fighting All for One.

Deku slowly got up.

Uraraka-Deku wait, slow down you barely recovered.

Deku-I'll just pull through it, as I usually do.

Uraraka-Here take this.

Deku thought-I knew Master Korin only gives a few senzu beans but somehow I get a senzu bean when I really need it.

Deku-Wait I think you should keep it. Just incase you get hurt.

Uraraka-Just take it, you used all your energy fighting Goku Black, not only that Goku and Piccolo are gonna need some help. They may have the advantage now, but they are starting to lose.


Deku was cut off when Uraraka shoved the senzu bean in his mouth.

Uraraka-Just take the bean.

Deku's body was repaired and his energy was restored.

Deku-(cough) Didn't see that coming.

Deku went to his second quirk awakening and flew off. All for One went to his quirk awakening and send Goku and Piccolo back. All for One used some sharp vines with a villainous black color and red like veins.
So he can trap or kill Goku and Piccolo. They dodge them all, but piccolo lost an arm. Goku and Piccolo got on the ground.

All for One-Is that really the best you can do ? I almost feel sorry for you, that I have to hold back.

Goku-What !?

All for One starts to charge his ki the went to his 4th quirk awakening. He got mist like hands, sparks of black lightning with a pink aura, and his eyes are like a glowing pink color. He charged at Goku but Deku got in the way and kicked All for One in the face.

Deku-Sorry, I was late.

Goku-You made it on time.

Then piccolo regrew his arm.


Piccolo-Calm down, you already knew about this.

Deku-I know, I know. I still haven't gotten used to seeing that.

All for One-You'll pay for that.

Deku-Please we don't have to do this.

All for One-If the Bakugo from your earth is anything like mine, he has every right to call you useless Deku.

Deku-Too bad it's not view that way. I hated that name too, but someone doesn't view it like that. Now to me Deku is a name of a hero.

All for One-Oh brother.

The four got into a fighting stance. Then the fight started.

Most of blows on All for One keep going through him. There were a lot of ki blast. All for One was handling them on his own.

Even with the power of kaioken x20 and super saiyan blue, Deku's 2nd quirk awakening, and piccolo's coordinated attacks.

In the speed of light All for One punched Piccolo, Goku and Deku so fast it's like he has multiple arms.

While even was about to fall back. All for One did knee kick on piccolo's back, smashing him to the ground.

Goku tried to use a Kamehameha, but it went through All for one.
Then All for One head butted Goku on the forehead and kicked him sending him to the ground.

After that All for One lunched a ki blast, Goku didn't get enough time to get out, so he was caught in the blast.

Deku got up and charged at All for One. He dodged and grabbed Deku.

He flew so fast he traveled through dimensions.
  (Back at the what if Goku trained Deku universe)

Kirishima-Hey Vegeta, can we stop now it's really hard to fight you like this.

Vegeta-You'll get used to the training weights. In crazy situations you need to be able to handle it.

Iida-The training is really intense. We really need to take a break.

Bakugo-Shut up, you damn extras.

Vegeta-How about this if something crazy happens behind me, you can take a break.

Then came a Deku screaming as All for One crashing through dimensions and using Deku as a sheild. Then they came back to their universe.

Vegeta-Fine take a break.
(Back at the what if Goku Black trained Deku universe)

All for One slammed Deku on the ground slides him on the ground.

Deku was laying there brutally injured. All for One used a ki blade.

All for One-Goodbye, you miserable failure.

Just as All for One was about to kill Deku, someone launched a ki blast at All for One.

Uraraka-I'm not gonna let you hurt Deku.

Deku-Uraraka ?

All for One-It's a good thing Goku Black manipulated my personality's and emotions. Because I wouldn't even hurt you. But you know what's gonna happen.

Uraraka ran towards All for One, using the skill set she learned from Piccolo.

All for One was dodging left and right, until he grabbed her by the throat.

All for One-I should kill Deku but I wonder what would happen if I kill you instead.

Before All for One stabbed Uraraka with a ki blade, Deku interrupted.

Deku NO !!! DONT!!!

All for One-Huh ?

Deku-I'm the one who was fighting you first, you still haven't finished your match with me!

All for One-Fine.

All for One threw Uraraka in the until Fut Toga caught her. Deku slowly got up.

Deku-It's not over yet. Everyone you met including me are still gonna save you.

All for One-Stop being delusional and die already.

All for One shot multiple ki blast Deku until the music starts playing.

Deku flicked each and everyone away.

All for One-What, that was a fluke just blind stupid luck. I just need to drill these right on your skull!

Deku dodged them too.

Then he opened his eyes with a silver glare. All for One almost looked like he saw a ghost.

All for One-Those eyes.

Everyone looked to see Deku in a silver aura. Immediately Uraraka recognized that look.

Everyone in the world who was watching was amazed. All for One used a black Kamehameha but Deku appeared behind him.

All for One used the all the quirks he had on Deku, but non were able to hit him.

All for One-Are you trying to make a fool out of me!?

When All for One was about to punched Deku. Deku screamed sending All for One crashing into the ground.

Deku then charged his ki.

Deku-It's over All for One, you can't stop me now. Behold the power of Autonomous Ultra Instinct.

Piccolo looked and was at shocked.

Piccolo-Goku, is that kid actually using ultra instinct ? And did he learned that from you ?

Goku-It looks like it.

Piccolo-Are you stupid, that power is too dangerous to use.

Goku-Ok I get it. You not the first person to tell me that.

Piccolo-Not that I'm ungrateful, it's is he ready to handle that kind of power ?

All for One-It doesn't matter what power you unlocked, it will never compete with me. All for One and One for all 100%

All for One was burst into a pink glow.

All for One-Get ready to die.

Deku then appeared in front of All for One and started to punch him multiple times.

As soon as Deku stoped punching, All for One coughed up blood.

Then All for One was send flying when he crashed Deku was about to punch him.

But All for One caught it.

Deku-What's the matter All for One ? Is that really all you got ?

All for One-Why you!!!

All for One tried to use a ki blast but Deku dodged and kicked All for One into a building.

All for One got out of the rubble with even more anger than before.

He went into his 5th quirk awakening. A black mist covering part of his face with pink glowing eyes, Black claw hands with pink lighting around it, sharp teeth, and Black aura around him.

All for One that it I refuse to believe I'm weaker than you!

All for One starts shooting different ki blast, and used the same laser beams from Kelfa. He was using ki attack he knows.

Deku kept dodging all of them. While that happens Deku was charging a Kamehameha. As Goku did and when he got close enough.

All for One-You won't be able to dodge mid air,  especially from my Kamehameha.

All for One unleashed the black Kamehameha. Deku dodged and was above All for One and blast him with his Kamehameha.

When All for One was the ground the crystal that was All for One's wrist was destroyed. Deku

stoped and landed the ground.

The white aura was gone when purple mist was coming out. Deku was back to normal.

Goku-Hey Deku.

Goku and everyone else came to see what happened.

Deku-Hey guys.

When everyone landed on the ground, Uraraka ran hugged Deku.

Uraraka-Thank goodness you're alive.

Deku-Really, I'm happy that you're alive.

The two let got while blushing.

Piccolo-Anyway what happened to the other Deku ?

Deku-He's over there.

Everyone saw All for One getting up.

Deku-It's all right guys, leave him to me.

Deku went to the crater where Fut Izuku was in. Fut Izuku immediately tried to attack Deku but he was slow. Deku then caught Fut Izuku's fist.

Deku-It's ok. We can stop, it's over.

Deku notice Fut Izuku crying.

Fut Izuku-No, it's not over. You have to kill me.

Deku-Why ?

Fut Izuku-Because of all the horrible things I've done. I hurt so many people. I can't live knowing that I caused this pain.

Deku-I know. But it's ok, cause it's over. That wasn't you who did all this. It was black. You were just manipulated.

Fut Izuku-Even so. I still deserve death.

Deku-No. There has been enough killing. If you want to make amends to everyone. Then help them, be the hero you wanted to be.

Future Izuku looked up at Deku.

Deku-After all Deku is a name of a hero.

Fut Izuku got up. Looking like he was gonna shake hands with Deku.

But this caught Deku off guard when he shot a powerful ki blast.

Deku was sent back flying. Goku caught Deku, but Fut Izuku was glowing green then, unleashed small amounts of energy.

Everyone was curious about what was Fut Izuku was doing.

The energy was then sent into the dead bodies but only a few. Fut Izuku was shaking, he collapsed. But Fut Uraraka caught Izuku before he fell.

Fut Izuku-Uraraka ?

Fut Uraraka-You dummy. What did you do ?

Fut Izuku-I know that I'm probably being selfish but I did it for everyone's good. Combining All for One and One for All can create a quirk. But the quirk I created can bring a small amount of people back to life, but at the cost of my own life. Just in case I lost everyone in the league, I would use it. Even if we collect the dragon balls, and if i pay for my crimes people would still live in fear of me being alive. Sorry.

Tears starting to form on Fut Uraraka's eyes.

Fut Uraraka-Why do you make things so complicated?

Fut Izuku-I'm sorry because I caused you so much pain Uraraka. I love you too much. I can't let you be with a monster like me.

Fut Uraraka-Your no longer a monster to me. I love you too much to let you go.

Fut Izuku-Just promise me that you will be the hero everyone needs. And tell Deku to always be a hero, better than All Might.

Fut Uraraka-I promise.

Fut Izuku took his last breath as his eyes closed, then he finally passes away. Deku walked to Uraraka holding Izuku's dead body.

Deku-I know where we can bury him.

Deku picked up Fut Izuku and flew away with everyone else fallowing him.

He went a small hill next to the creek. Fut Bakugo recognized it.

It is where Deku and Bakugo used to play together when they were kids.

Bakugo showed sadness in his face. Deku blew a hole next to a tree, Then Deku put in it and reapplied the dirt.

Deku-If he's anything like me, he really cherished this place. Ok guys we can leave now.

Fut Bakugo-Where are you guys going ?

Deku-Back to our world. We defeated All for One and saved Izuku, he's free from the darkness.

A portal opened.

Goku-Well guess it's time to go home.

Fut Uraraka-Before you guys go. Thank you guys for helping us in these times of darkness. And Deku be a better hero than All Might.

Deku nodded.

Fut Bakugo-And let me tell you something. When you see the Bakugo from your world, don't lose to him. And continue being yourself.


Deku walked into the portal with Goku, Piccolo, and Uraraka, then it closed.
(Back at the what if Goku trained Deku story)

Goku-Man I'm so hungry.

Piccolo-Your always hungry.

Deku-Oh my gosh !? What happened !?

Everyone looked to class 1-A almost beat up.

Goku-Vegeta, I told you not to kill them.

Vegeta-Calm down, they're alive. They just need some rest from my lesson.

Goku-Ok now I'm definitely gonna tech them.

Deku-But first we need to help them, get to recovery girl.
(Back at the What if Goku black trained Deku universe.)

A few months have passed since the battle of Deku and All for One. Class 1-A collect the rest of the dragon balls. And now they are gonna summon the dragon.

Fut Uraraka-So this is how I'm supposed to summon the dragon ?

Fut Toga-Yes.

Fut Uraraka-All mighty Shenron rise, for I have a wish for you to grant.

The dragon balls started to glow, then the a white dragon was starting to form.

Shenron-I am the mighty Shenron. For I have the power to grant 5 wishes within my power.

Fut Uraraka-Ok, My first wish is to restore the rest of the city damages from our battles with Izuku Midoriya.

The dragons eyes glow with a blue color.

Shenron-Your wish has been granted, name your next wish.

Fut Uraraka-My second wish is to bring back all those who were killed my Izuku Midoriya and his allies, including Hamiko Toga.

The dragons eyes glow with a blue color.

Shenron-Your wish has been granted, name your next wish.

Fut Uraraka-My third wish is everyone except for you, me, my friends, and his love ones to forget Izuku Midoriya and All for One.

Shenron-Your wish has been granted, name your next wish.

Fut Uraraka-Bring Izuku Midoriya back to life.

Shenron-As you wish.

A glowing figure appeared when the glow was gone Fut Izuku Midoriya was back.

Fut Izuku-Where am I ? Uraraka is it you ?

Fut Uraraka-Yes, I'm sorry. I just can't abandon you, I know you were trying to be a hero. And I am too ok. As long as I know that there is a way to help someone, I have to take it.

Fut Izuku-Well it's my fault for falling in love with you. But what about the dragon ?

Fut Uraraka-Well let's see ? Shenron my final wish is...

Someone unexpected stole the wish.

Goku Black-To create a portal where the saiyans called Vegeta and Goku are living in!!!

Fut Izuku/Fut Uraraka/Fut Toga-Black !?

Shenron-As you wish.

A portal was created and immediately Goku Black into the portal.

Goku Black-So long Midoriya, ha ha ha ha.

The portal closed and Goku Black is gone.

Shenron-I shall take my leave farewell.

Shenron disappeared and the dragon balls flew from the sky to different parts of the planet.

Fut Izuku-Black. We need to wait a year for the dragon balls turn back from stone to its original forms.

Fut Uraraka-Let's just hope they are doing alright and defeat Goku Black without us.

Fut Toga-For sure.

Fut Izuku-I'll go, after all a hero helps people. Right ?

Fut Uraraka-Yeah. Guess we'll have to wait. And don't worry people are gonna be at peace with you around.

Fut Izuku-Ok.

Another year has passed since that day. Fut Deku and Fut Uraraka collected the dragon balls and summoned the dragon again.

(I'm using this stealth suit from the MHA movie as Deku's new suit but the hood closes all the way.)

Fut Deku-All mighty Shenron rise, for I have a wish for you to grant.

Shenron-I am the mighty Shenron. For I have the power to grant 5 wishes within my power.

Fut Deku-Shenron create the same portal to where Goku Black was heading too. But for me take me to the Izuku Midoriya from that earth.

The dragons eyes glow with a blue color.

Shenron-Your wish has been granted, what is your next wish ?

Fut Deku-Now set the time difference here to 10 seconds and make the time difference on their world for as long as I want.

The dragons eyes glow with a blue color.

Shenron-Your wish has been granted.

Fut Deku-Ok I'm leaving now. Take care ok.

Fut Uraraka-Ok, but you better come back. I'm still not ok with you being a vigilante.

Fut Deku-Why ? You know why I have to.

Fut Uraraka-Ok, but just to let you know. When I catch you, don't think I'm gonna hold back.

Fut Deku-Since when you ever catch me ?

Fut Uraraka hugged Fut Deku, then grabbed his hand and patted her stomach.

Fut Deku-Ok, you caught me. Don't get little Sachi in trouble too.

Fut Uraraka-Just come back ok.

Fut Deku-Got it.

The two kissed, then Deku flew into the portal.

Fut Deku-All right Goku Black, let's finally end this.

The End...

Wait just a min, hey guys it's me Goku this story maybe over but the What If Goku Trained Deku isn't over yet. Now class is getting better training with me around. The match with Deku and Todoroki was
amazing. Next Time on what if Goku trained Deku. The sports festival begins, Deku vs Todoroki, don't miss ok.

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