His Burden

By Sakshii_s

49.2K 3.9K 165

A little short story on arrange marriage of two individuals, one who was about to get married to someone else... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14


3.9K 280 31
By Sakshii_s

My meeting ran a bit longer than it was supposed to but once I was done, I walked back into the room to find the cutest site ever. Nandini was laying on her stomach, her legs moving side to side as she sketched on a random notepad she found in the room

"Maniii" she giggles as I sat beside her

"What is my little muffin drawing?' I ask

"Look I drew flowers and hearts and some nice plants" she says showing me all her sticky notes

"Very pretty"

"Thank you, how was your meeting?" She asks 

"It was good, did you wanna get out of here and grab some yummy food on our way home. We can eat in our balcony and then we can talk having ice cream on the hammock"

"Yes please, that sounds perfect" she says nodding making me smile

"Very well, lets get going"

She folds the blanekt placing it on the side where I grabbed it from, putting her sandals on she fixes her top and jeans grabbing my hand

"Off we go" she says making me chuckle

"Off we go, wanna tell me what you want eat?"

"Chowmein" she says licking her lips

She is so cute!!!

"Who lives on a pineapple under the sea, SPONGE BOB SQUARE PANTS" I hear her singing in the bathroom making me laugh

She sings horrendous songs like really horrendous ones while she showers or just walking around the house

"Manik say it" she yells

"Yes sponge bob square pants" I repeat

She hums the rest of whatever song that is happily coming out of the bathroom

"Ready to talk?" I ask

"Yes" she says nodding

When we got home we had an early dinner and some desert in the balcony, and now we are going to talk about everything finally

"You said hammock' she says seeing me sit on the bed

"Go pick a side, I will bring blankets"

"You are so silly mani, there are no sides on the hammock it's like a big whoop" she mumbles gesturing how low hammocks really go

I grabbed a blanket following her out to the hammock, I sit down and she looks in my lap, knowing she wants to sit in my arms I look up and nod at her

"Come on" I mumble

She happily gets comfortable in my lap and leans onto my chest slowly

"You won't get upset at all right?" She asks

"No I won't"

"The year and bit of our engagement was very abusive for me" she says

"What?" I hear myself blurting out

"Everything looked good, I mean him as a person looked good until we got engaged then things started getting weird like that first meeting alone at the cafe where he ordered us a coffee and a scone but I don't eat scones nor do I drink coffee so I told him that I don't drink warm coffee and if I could get an iced to which he said yes in front of the server but as soon as the server left he was pissed because I disrespected him. He didn't even let me drink the coffee, then I had to open the door for him and I'm not saying I wouldn't open the door but the way he forced me to open the car door for him was so humiliating" she says

Thats the stupidest fucking thing ever, how is that even fair, not just that, you just do not treat your fiancé or any other girl like that

"There would be little things here and there that made me feel like shit about myself, how I was fat and ow horrible I looked with him so he told me I had to lose about 15 kg"

'The fuck? You are barely even 50 kg Nandini" I blurt out

"I was 47 kg then and I couldn't lose it, there wasn't anything to me that I could lose so I didn't. He would take me to the gym with him and his friends but I couldn't wear gym shorts or leggings because apparently it showed the outline of my fat ass and I was looking like a hoe"


"Oh and one of his friends looked at me a little too long which was apparently my fault because I wasn't wearing a dupata. Some pushes, yelling was constant mhm this one time he grabbed my wrist so tight because I refused to smoke and then mhm he made the most inappropriate comment"

"What did he say?" I ask

"He said my wrist was the size of his dick and that he will have the best time with me once we were married"

"What?" I couldn't believe any of it

"3 months before the marriage date, he came over to my house knowing Mumma is out with his mom shopping. He was drunk and that was the first time he slapped me because I wasn't taking my clothes off for him. The next day he was ballistic because I didn't let him touch me inappropriately so he tried to get his ways that day but his mom called so I was fine"

Holly fucking shit

"A month before the wedding I told him we couldn't meet because the marks on my wrist or if he pushes me or slaps me, the marks will be seen by a lot of people and I didn't wanna put makeup on especially because I was getting a body polish and you know pre bridal stuff so people would see it"

She smiles sadly looking up at me

"He gave me a list"

"A list?"

"Yeah, a list of things that he needed from me after we got married. the list basically said that he wanted to have sex with me every single day and no it didn't matter if I was on my periods, he didn't care and if I said no he would do it anyways. The second thing was I couldn't wear shorts or even jeans, I had to always wear suits or sarees because his friends would be over a lot and he didn't want them staring at me. The third thing was I wasn't allowed to look at any other men, like if someone was passing by I had to lower my eyes. The forth thing was cooking, I had to cook breakfast, lunch and dinner for everyone. The fifth, I couldn't sleep until he was done with me and I had to walk up early. The sixth and final was if I messed up on anything there would be punishments, worse than beatings" she mumbles like no big deal

"You know Manik I wasn't crying that night because he left, I was crying because I didn't want Mumma to feel this burden of me anymore but then you took over than burden and I became your burden" she says with a sad smile

"Nandini, I will only mention this once so keep your ears open and get it in your head okay"

"Ears are always open" she mumbles a fact

"Shh listen carefully" she hums looking in my eyes

"You are not my burden, you are not my headache, you are not someone I am having to deal with and you most certainly are not unwanted. You are my wife, you are my best friend, you are my soulmate, you are my other half, my best half"

Tears brim in her eyes

"Nandini I didn't marry you for any motive of mine, I don't care if you run around in a bikini, not a single person will lift their eyes and look at you in a way to make you uncomfortable and if they do then they might not see the sun the next day. You wear what you want and if anyone makes you feel uncomfortable I can fight, you are not the one who needs to lower your eye, you aren't doing anything wrong"

Her nose moves a little as she sniffles

"These things on the list are bullshit, you are my wife not a prisoner nandini. You do not ever need to cook, we have a chef but if you wish to the kitchen is all yours. You do not need to wear suit and sarees but if you wish to our card is on the dresser like it has been since the very first day. You do not need to wake up early but if you want to you are more than welcome to. And I will never touch you without your permission no matter what"

"but you must have some desires"

"That doesn't mean I will impose them on you nandini, I don't care what aman told you, he is a piece of shit but with you are never going to act as if this isn't your house. This is your house as much as it is mine, do you understand that?" I ask

she nods covering her face with her hand


"Im sorry, I just, I was scared at first because I didn't know but I know now" she mumbles

"Shh shhh don't cry baby, look at me" I mumble grabbing her hands

She moves her hands and looks up at me, tears running down her cheeks

"Never ever think this is a burden, this relationship is one of the most beautiful relationship of my life sweet girl and you are not a burden. You are my life nandini, don't ever keep these things in"

"I understand" she mutter against my chest

"As far as Aman is concerned I will deal with him"

"No, it's okay he did what he thought was right"

"Don't defend the fucking loser, he doens't have any right to hit you or talk back to you"

"It's okay" she whispers

I kiss the top of her head pulling her closer

"I can even watch cartoons?" She asks a while later

"I may watch some with you" I whisper like I was telling her the biggest secret

She giggles wrapping her arms around my neck.

"Cabir and I, we watch bad shows sometimes"

'waht kind of shows?"

"Mhm we watched sex education, it was nice but weird and we made fun of everything" she giggles

"That idiot is spoiling my girl"

"No no we decided together, we did innie Minnie mo" she says making me shake my head

"How come I don't get to watch things like that with you?" I ask

"You no have time for me" she pouts making me kiss her head

"Well from tomorrow we can watch tons of shows and cook together, we can even go on a long drive and play in the background"

"Yes please" she giggles kissing my cheek

I pull her closer to my chest which I don't think was humanely possible but hey who cares, it was worth a try

"Mani" I hum kissing her nose

"You wanna have some brownies?" She asks

"Brownies? You wanna make them or go get some?"

"Make them, will you try one if I make em with yummy healthy things for you?" She asks caressing my cheeks

"I will even have unhealthy ones with you only if you let me plate it"

"Okay done deal, lets go" she says

I nod picking her up carrying her to the kitchen, swaying her a little here and there on the way downstairs which causes her to giggle like the cutest little thing

Every time I kiss her nose, she scrunches her nose like a newborn and then giggles throwing her arms up to me.

"Ohhh we also have white choco chunks Manik, did you refill them for me?" she asks as I place her on her feet

"Yes I did, you and cabir finish them like they are water. About that, young lady you need to start finishing your water, you barely drink any"

She pouts a little throwing her hair over her shoulder turning away from me.

"Are you sassing me little one?" I ask leaning against the counter

"No" she says

"Lair, you just sassed me didn't you"

"Maybe but listen it's okay. You love me" I smile hearing her

"That isn't false, but you little one are getting more comfortable and very very confident which I don't mind at all"

"It's all because of you, can I tell you something very weird but mhm to me it was amazing and something I had never done before you" she says as she was making the batter

"Yeah, go ahead" I say sitting up on the counter

"Do you want healthy?' She asks pouting

"No, your favourite way is good" she nods happily mixing the different chocolates in the batter

once she was done, she places them on the sheet and in the oven turning to me

"You are husband so I can tell you anything right"

"Right" I reply

"From blood things to vomit correct"


"Okay mhm" she was sorta hesitant

"Nandini you can tell me anything, absolutely anything" I assure her

"I had never mhm actually looked at myself because of the many comments I got about my weight, stretch marks, blemishes you know but then after we got married, i had the courage to look at myself" she whispers

"It doesn't matter what anyone says, you are beautiful Nandini" I mumble caressing her hair

"No, not really but you gave me that confidence to look at myself and you know I have started spending more time with myself and I can look at myself naked in a mirror. I used to find it disgusting and I used to think that it was wrong to look at myself like that"

"It isn't nandini"

"I know now, but before you I felt like I wasn't enough and that me like this isn't good" she says

"You know baby, you need to know what you like about yourself, you need to know what you enjoy whether it's physical touch, words of affirmation, quality time stuff like that but also you need to know what you like sexually. When you look at yourself in the mirror, you admire something more than others, for example when I look at myself I like my abs and chest but I am not the biggest fan of my neck or this Addams apple" I tell her

"But it's sexy, I like when it hehe it bobs up and down"

"And when does it bob up and down?" I ask smirking

"Mhm when you are angry, that one time when the files were mixed up int he office and you were on the phone"

So this one day I was home sitting beside nandini and cabir as they watched tv, I got a call from Jen who mentioned something about misplaced files and I got pissed because we had clients on the other line


"Hmm it was nice, I don't know how it moves like that but it's sexy" she mumbles

"You are so fucking adorable" I say pulling her closer

She gasps a bit falling onto my chest a bit since I was sitting on the counter and she was standing in between my legs

"What does my baby like about herself?" I ask kissing her cheeks

"Mhm I would say my eyes because you look at them a lot and you stare sometimes so I like them" I couldn't help but grin

I hopped off the counter standing against her, tiling her chin up to meet her eyes I smile

"I love your smile as well" I whisper

"You do?" She asks grinning

"Mhm a lot and this button nose" I mumble kissing her lips

"It's not a button" she frowns

"It's not but it's very cute. It's adorable"

She giggles smiling at me.

The oven starts making a noise letting us know the brownies were done, Nandini pulls away grabbing them out of the oven, she does this happy dance jumping up and down a little clapping her hands making me chuckle

There was a time where this sweet smell of brownies was something I used to crave, the sight of those yummy brownies. I remember sitting by the door of this amazing bakery and just waiting for people to walk in and come out so I could smell the sweetness. From there to here, it's been a very hard journey but it was worth everything

"Mani here" she says plating it with a dollop of vanilla ice cream on the side

"Thank you" I whisper grabbing it sitting down to eat

She grabs her plate and sits in front of me, after eating she and I cleaned up. I would have helped to turn lights off and everything but my phone started ringing and seeing it was around 10ish at night I knew it was time for one of my international client's meeting

The meeting lasted an hour, I was just finalizing stuff not he phone when I turned around with my back on the railing of our balcony. Nandini's face lit up as she catches my eye, she pouts a little making me nod

I knew she wanted me to come to bed or just stand in my arms while I finish this meeting off. She doesn't say it but I swear she loves when I am physically touching her, not sexually but just having my hand on her hand or holding her in my arms. She gets off the blankets walking to me, she leans onto my chest as I caress her back.

"Sure that sounds great, we will have the contract revised soon and sent over" I say on the phone to the clients

It was just a meeting about things that need to be looked over again and fix a few things on their part and on our part so  I could have had Nandini in my arms the whole time but she was having a great time running around in the room

I slip my phone in my pocket cutting the call, my other arm wraps around her as well. She rested her chin on my chest looking up at me

"All done?' She asks

"Yes, all done. You sleepy?" I ask

"No, mhm do you have work tom?" She asks knowing it is Friday and a lot of the times I will say home Friday, Saturday and Sunday

"No, I am home for the next week especially until cabir gets up. However there may be random meetings that can't be arranged online so I will have to go in but you will come with if that is okay"

"mhm yes I like your cabin it's comfy" I smile hearing her

Her eyes twinkle a little as she looks in my eyes. I have always loved how beautiful and expressive her eyes are.

I tilt her chin up and I don't know what went through my head but I leaned down completely to the point where her nose touched mine, a small gasp leaves her lips, her arms hold my t shirt tighter

My eyes close as I lean even closer to her lips, she doesn't push back nor does she stay still instead she leans in closer too making me smile.

I could simply hear my heart beating out of my chest and not just mine, I could hear hers too, finally I lean closer and place my lips on hers, she wraps her arms around my neck gently as I lean down a little making it easier for her.

Fuck, her lips are so soft!

Her hold on me tightens so I pick her up, our lips still connected, gosh I love how giddy she makes me feel, it's literally a manly way of saying I feel butterflies and goosebumps all over feeling her so close to me. When I pull back she giggles hiding her face in my neck making me smile as I kiss the top of her head carrying her to bed

"Nandini" I whisper

"Yes" she replies curling in my chest as we lay down

"That mhm you aren't"

"No, I wan't uncomfortable" she says making me smile

"I just couldn't stop myself, you looked so fucking cute and I"

"It was about time you kissed me, it's been 6 months" she says

"Were you waiting for me to?" I ask kissing her head

"Yes, god yes. Since a long time" she says

I lay on my back pulling her onto my chest

"Since when" I ask

She opens her eyes resting her chin on my chest

"A couple months after we got married mhm you had asked me to help you fix your tie" she mumbles making me smile

About 4 months ago I couldn't for the life of me get this one tie straight, it was so crooked even though I tried so hard but then Nandini helped and it was the stupid material of the tie I couldn't figure out. I remember looking at her, in her eyes, I had seen her eyes wander to my lips and back up but I wasn't sure I should kiss her even though I wanted to

"Why didn't you just lean in and kiss me?" I ask

"Because it's better to have you lead it since I don't have much experience plus I mhm I wasn't sure if you wanted to kiss me back"

"I always want to kiss you Nandini, you are my wife, of course I wanna kiss you and hug you" she smiles

"Being in your presence makes me more confident"

"I am so happy about that, I am glad that you feel that way" she smiles kissing my chin laying her head down on my chest



"I love you" I mumble

She looks up at me grinning

"I love you too" she whispers kissing my lips

"I love you so much"

"Me more" she mumbled laying her head down

I love how simple that was, love is an emotion and neither Nandini nor I are very big on making things grand, we usually do things very subtle. She doesn't make a big deal of things and I love that.

Caressing her back I listen to her blabbers, something to do with how the tv glitches sometimes and how she fixed it by hitting it which isn't even surprising because this one time Nandini literally threw the remote on the carpeted floor a whole bunch of times because one of the buttons didn't work like what?

You know I didn't think id fall in love with Nandini but I am so happy I did, I am so happy that aman left and got with his ex I think because yes I know he left the marriage because his ex was pregnant with his kid, yeah. All the relatives will have things to chat upon during family dinners ahh haha

Honestly everything happens for a reason and my reason is Nandini, she is my happiness and I can't wait to live a forever with her.

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